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1、外报阅读67外报阅读材料(6-7)共11篇Passage 1 : How to Take Advantage of a Weak DollarWhen the dollar goes down, where should your dollars go?By Meg Handley Posted: December 14, 2010Although the dollar has experienced what some experts call a confounding rally lately, if youre still worried about the greenback tak

2、ing a downward dive, youre not alone. At the very least, financial analysts expect the U.S. economy to grow slowly for the foreseeable future. Mix in the long-term impact of large-scale stimulus spending and mounting deficits, and your dollar-centric investments might be less secure than you think.W

3、e are in an environment where there is no such thing anymore as a safe asset, says Axel Merk, founder of Merk Investments and author of Sustainable Wealth. Investors need to think beyond the traditional asset allocation model where you have a safe haven, and diversify their assets in a world thats e

4、ver less stable.The good news is that there are plenty of ways to hedge against a lackluster domestic economy and a declining dollar, whether its simply increasing your exposure to U.S. companies with large global footprints or investing in the local currencies of growing economies. U.S. News talked

5、 with some experts about how to dull the effects of a weak dollar on your portfolio.Beef up your exposure to blue chips. If you have big names like McDonalds, Pepsi, and General Motors in your portfolio, you already have some indirect exposure to non-dollar denominated assets. Most companies in the

6、S&P 500 have significant foreign operations, which means they have stakes in foreign currencies. Since the dollar has weakened and many expect it to continue to weaken, companies with income overseas will see a benefit when they translate that income back into U.S. dollars, Morningstar analyst Mike

7、Rawson said in an E-mail.If you dont already own some large-cap U.S. stocks, Rawson recommends iShares S&P 500 Index (symbol IVV), an exchange-traded fund that offers broad-based exposure to big firms with global reach. Aside from being one of the cheapest ETFs available with a 0.09 percent expense

8、ratio, about 45 percent of the underlying companies asset-weighted revenues come from outside the United States, giving investors substantial secondary exposure to international currencies.Dont ignore emerging markets. For those looking to grow their investments with a five-year or longer time horiz

9、on, it would be dangerous to ignore emerging markets, says Oliver Pursche, president of New York-based Gary Goldberg Financial Services. Thats where the growth is happeningAsia and Latin America. Its not Europe or the United States.Pursche and Rawson recommend WisdomTree Emerging Markets Small Cap D

10、ividend (DGS), an ETF that gives investors concentrated access to a group of rapidly growing economies including China and Brazil. We like to look at small-cap emerging market companies because we think theyre closer to those emerging market consumers, so theyre probably going to experience growth m

11、ore similar to the growth of those underlying economies, Rawson says. And because the revenue and costs of those economies stay local, investors can expect companies in the portfolio to have far less exposure to fluctuations in the U.S. dollar.Because international markets can be more complicated an

12、d less transparent than U.S. markets, Rawson recommends sticking to actively managed funds or fundamentally-weighted ETFs like WisdomTree Emerging Markets Small Cap Dividend. The fund weights companies based on the dividend they pay to investors rather than the traditional method of weighting based

13、on market cap. What youre doing is trying to shift toward quality companies that have the wherewithal to be able to pay a dividend. Its a little bit of a tilt to higher-quality firms and it gets you a little bit closer to some level of safety and comfort.Cash in on foreign currencies. Holding a fore

14、ign currency in an overseas savings account isnt your best option for betting on currencies, Rawson says, because those types of investments wont earn you a competitive return compared with inflation. Instead, he recommends WisdomTree Emerging Markets Local Debt (ELD), an ETF that holds local curren

15、cy bonds in countries such as Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico. What we like about this fund is that it is diversified, and accesses emerging markets currencies, Rawson says. And since it invests in medium-term bonds, it earns more interest than a deposit account. The bottom line: If growth in emerging

16、 markets continues outpacing that of the United States, emerging markets currencies should rise against the dollar, which will be positive for the fund.Commodities are key. Just because the U.S. economy is in a daze doesnt mean other countries have stopped to gape. Even though weve had this tremendo

17、us recession in the U.S. and a slow recovery, foreign economiesparticularly developing marketsare going to grow faster, Rawson says. It affects U.S. investors because as those economies grow, their demand for internationally traded commodities such as wheat, oil, and precious metals, is going to gro

18、w also.With its exposure to globally-priced commodities and other non-U.S.-dollar assets, Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock (VWO) can help investors capitalize on the commodities markets and commodity-producing foreign countries. The fund has large stakes in natural resources companies in the oil, nat

19、ural gas, and steel industriesall of which are expected to see major growth in coming years. When you look at the currencies of Australia, Canada, and Brazil, they have one thing in commontheyre all commodity producing places, says Mike Savage, founder of Savage Financial Group. If commodity prices

20、go up, those commodity currencies go up.Passage 2 : How to Use the Holidays to Boost Your CareerBy Karen Burns Posted: December 15, 2010It may sound calculating to leverage the holiday season to your professional advantage, but its smart, too.The holidays are primo networking time. Most people are i

21、n a more jovial, giving mood. Many workplaces slow down a little this time of year, so you may have more mental space to think about ways to polish your resume and even set up informational interviews. And the end of the year is a natural time to reevaluate, refocus, and think strategically about yo

22、ur future.If you decide to take advantage of this golden opportunity, whether to advance in the job you already have or find a new one, here are a few guidelines:Go to your annual workplace party. Where else do worker bees and upper-ups mingle so freely? The powers-that-be will be at their most kind

23、ly and their most accessible, so dont miss this opportunity to get your name and face out there. Introduce yourself; make small talk. And dont forget to say thank you. Your company dropped a wad of cash on this event, so convey your gratitude.Have a master plan. Think strategically about who youd li

24、ke to meet or get to know better this season. Are you interested in transferring to the sales department? Go to that workplace party ready to introduce yourself to the sales staff and, ideally, the sales manager. Do you dream of switching careers entirely? Mention it at your neighborhood get-togethe

25、r, your church social, or your kids school play. You never know who youll meet.Remember that competition for jobs is at its lowest during the holidays. In December, many job hunters call it quits, at least until January 2nd. This is your cue to ramp up your own search. Its not true that companies do

26、nt hire during the holidays. They do. You might even try reaching out between Christmas and New Years, when hiring managers are more likely to be answering their own phones.Send cards. This is the time of year when its natural to remind the world of your existence. Whether you opt for Christmas card

27、s, New Years cards, printed holiday letters, or an e-newsletter, now is the perfect time to reconnect with friends, colleagues, former bosses, former professorseveryone you know or used to know. Keep it tasteful and sincere, and add a personal note to each message.Volunteer. Volunteeringto serve at

28、the food bank, hang decorations downtown, or participate in any activity where people gather and work togetheris another stellar way to expand your network. Give it a try. You really can do well for yourself by doing good for others. You might also learn a new skill, or discover a new field, or simp

29、ly meet new friends.Always remain professional. Keep in mind that too much holiday cheer can work against you, too. Whatever events you attend, be pleasant and businesslike. You are trying to impress! If eggnog and rum balls turn you woozy, avoid them. Remember that a workplace holiday party is not

30、really a “party.” Its a business event. Comport yourself accordingly.Recharge your batteries. Sure, use those extra days off for family events and parties with friends, but dont forget to carve out some you-time. Get the sleep you need. Look for healthy ways to deal with holiday stress. Exercise. Ta

31、ke long walks, talk with your mentors, or read inspirational books. That way youll be relaxed, refreshed, and ready to hit the ground running come January.Putting a little energy into your careerwhile everyone else is figuring out how to leave work early to get to the mallmay just be the best presen

32、t you can give yourself.Passage 3 : Why a Double-Dip Recession Hasnt HappenedBy Rick Newman Posted: December 15, 2010Step back to last summer for a moment. Home sales had plungedagainafter a big federal subsidy for buyers expired. Stocks were in a swoon, as investors worried that Europes debt crisis would contaminate the worlds financial system. Growth was slowing as stimulus spending from 2009 hit its peak and began to wind down. Ruinous deflation seemed possible, prompting comparisons to Japans lost decade. And for all the jawbon

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