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1、全新版大学英语综合教程第二册Unit1语言点全新版大学英语综合教程第二册-Unit1-语言点Language Points of Text A Unit 11. telling lessonsa telling argument 有力的论证a telling smile 流露情感的 a telling remark 表露心迹的2. attach toa middle school attached to the university attach importance to 3. vigorous(ly)a vigorous speecha vigorous youth of 16a vigo

2、rous jump/form of exercisea vigorous debatefull of vigorlack /lose vigor4. tender age5. be botheredHe didnt seem to be bothered about =not careShe was bothered that=was worried 6. notin the least= not at all7. find ones way =enter, exist, occurThe word “bored” never found its way into my vocabulary.

3、Many Western customs have found their way into the life of many young Chinese. 8. perfectly=completelyI was perfectly pleased. 9. initialinitial response/stage/love/investmentHe initially wanted to go to medical school.10. observe a phenomenon (l.20)11. somewhat : a bitShe was somewhat disappointed

4、over the result of the exam.12. on occasion13. frownfrown upon sb/sth: dislike14. neglect duty15. be relevant to 16. throw light on =revealThis finding will throw light on 17. on occasion18. with a few exceptions19. ultimate purpose20. approach =deal with approach a tough problem/situation approach

5、to learning English vocabularytake a positive approach to life21. gainsome gain from our investment =return a gain to knowledge =increase 22. frustrate: very disappointedfeel/ get frustrated frustration23. desirablea desirable result/ grades24. accomplish a task25. proceed proceed to do proceed with

6、 sth26. in due course27. criticalthe critical point/momentForeign trade is of critical importance to the country.Cf. be critical of 28. self-reliance, self-reliant29. rear a childchild-bearing and child-rearing30. make up for a misdeed31. viewas32. think for oneself33. in retrospect: looking back34.

7、 come/go to sbs rescueNo one came to my rescue.rescue sb from the fire/ disaster 35. clumsily, clumsy: unskillful(ly) 36. with (extreme) facility: very skillfully He can draw with facility.37. priority (l.79)give priority to The clubs priority is to win the League.The children are our top priority.

8、38. departure, depart (l.80)a departure from routinedeparting time39. over time (l.83)over the past few yearsover the years to come40. evolve (l.82)41. original, originality (l.83)a daring and original idea/scheme a man with original mind. Cf. original owner original plan original sin read Dickens i

9、n the original the copy / the original42. value (l.85)value this opportunity 43. harbor (l.87)harbor negative feelings towards sth.harbor a fear /love /hatred /passion 44. be fearful that /of (l.87)Im fearful that she wont be persuaded.45. acquire (l.86)acquire knowledge/skills46. promote (l.89)prom

10、ote friendship/understandingget promoted to managerpromote new products47. emerge (l.90)The moon emerged from behind a cloud.emerging countries48. overstate / exaggerateDont exaggerate. exaggerate his own strengths 49. innovationtechnological innovation50. strike a balance between andPhrasal Verbs1.

11、 fit into (l.11)2. hold onto (l.22)3. figure out (l.53)4. apply to (l.71)5. work on (l.76)6. pick up (l.90)Translating the following expressions1 系在一块塑料板上2 用力摇晃3 一点也不在乎4 鼓励探索行为5 观察一个有趣的现象6 最初的失败7 偶尔8 忽视了做父母的职责9 和直接有关10除了少数例外11终极目标12从不同的角度探讨问题13尽快完成任务14在适当时机15理想的结果16主张独立自主17关键在于18生儿育女 19弥补错误行为20独立思考2

12、1把着手教22回想起来23给某人解围24同样适用于艺术教育25娴熟地画画26不间断的精心的引导和塑造27完善技能28从对创造力的态度来说29大胆创新30随着时间的推移31重视创新和自立32两种文化的差异33促进两个民族的理解34学习知识和掌握技艺35科学和技术革新36仔细审视37培养技艺和创造力38夸大其辞39显而易见40在工作和家庭之间找到平衡1. be attached to a plastic block2. shake vigorously3. be not bothered in the least4. encourage exploratory behavior5. observe

13、 an interesting phenomenon6. initial failure7. on occasion8. neglect parental duties9. be directly relevant to10. with a few exceptions11. ultimate goal12. approach a problem from different angles13. accomplish a task as soon as possible14. in due course15. a desirable outcome16. stand for self-reli

14、ance17. the critical point is that 18. child-bearing and child-rearing19. make up for a misdeed20. think for oneself 21. teaching by holding sbs hand22. in retrospect23. come to sbs rescue24. apply equally to arts education25. draw with (extreme) facility26. continual, careful shaping and molding27.

15、 perfect ones craft28. in terms of attitudes towards creativity29. make bold(est) departures (from tradition/routine)30. over time31. valve originality and independence32. the contrasts between the two cultures33. promote the understanding of the two peoples34. acquire knowledge and skills35. scient

16、ific and technological innovations36. closely examine/study37. foster skill and creativity 38. overstate /exaggerate ones case39. all too apparent 40. strike a balance between career and familyKey to passage translation (p.20)To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listen

17、ing and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.

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