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Unit 5 It was here just now教案陕旅版.docx

1、Unit 5 It was here just now教案陕旅版Unit 5 It was here just now教案(陕旅版)单元(组)教学计划单元(组)序号 Unit 5 单元(组)名称 It Was Here Just Now 课时数 4 知 识 目 标 能听、说、读、写以下词汇: scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag,heavy,lost,in front of,just now,yesterday. 能 力 目 标 能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型: 1、It was here

2、 just now .Oh, Its behind the door. 2、It was in front of the house yesterday. But now it isnt there. 3、Last night,they were under your bed. Look,they are still there. 4、WasWere there Yes,there waswere. No,there wasntwerent. 5、I have to go now. 情 感 目 标 1、培养学生的生活条理性。 2、培养学生良好的生活习惯。 教学 重点 “四会”词汇的掌握: sc

3、arf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag,heavy,lost,in front of,just now,yesterday. 教学 难点 “四会”句型的掌握: 1、It was here just now .Oh, Its behind the door. 2、It was in front of the house yesterday. But now it isnt there. 3、Last night,they were under your bed. Look,they are stil

4、l there. 4、WasWere there Yes,there waswere. No,there wasntwerent. 5、I have to go now. 教材 分析 本单元以天气及衣着话题为载体,以一般过去式为主线,通过对话让学生学习和掌握be动词一般过去式的用法以及如何借助句型It was just now .Oh, its .Last night,they were . They are still there.WasWere there ? Yes,there waswere. No,there wasntwerent.对事物进行过去和现在的对比描述。 学情 分析 在本

5、单元的教学中,教师应充分借助天气及学生每日的衣着,学习怎样对事物的过去和现在进行对比描述。教学中教师可借助教学挂图、单词卡片、多媒体和实物,引导学生学习掌握所学知识并能在实际生活中灵活运用。课时教案教学内容 Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now 第几课时 1 共几 课时 4 知 识 目 标 能听说读写词汇:scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag 能 力 目 标 能在实际生活中灵活运用词汇:scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jack

6、et, rain boots, school bag 情 感 目 标 1、培养学生的生活条理性。 2、培养学生良好的生活习惯。教学 重点 能听说读写词汇:scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag 教学 难点 能在实际生活中灵活运用词汇:scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag 学情 分析 本课时以词汇教学为主,教师在这部分教学中要注意将语音融入情景中,从而体现语言的真实性。 教学 准备 单词卡片,

7、雨衣图片及一些表示天气的图片;录音磁带、录音机; 一个书包,书包里面装有lets learn部分所学的词汇对应的实物; 教学流程 二次备课 1.导入 课前热身:Look and choose T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you again. How is the weather? S: Its sunny/cloudy/rainy. T: Great, Now please open your books and look at the exercise 教师让学生观察每幅图片,通过问答引导学生说出图中 并要求学生给图片选出相匹配的单词。 T:

8、Look at the first picture carefully .What can you see? S: Clouds and rain. T: Whats the weather like, then? S: Its rainy. 参考答案:c,b,a,e,d 教师引导学生就天气话题继续讨论: T:What kind of weather do you like? S: I like. T: I like sunny days On sunny days, the weather is fine . its very hot Now ,look! Im wearing my T-s

9、hirt. Do you feel hot. S1? S1 II 授新课: i.新课展示Part A Lets learn 1.学习单词sunglasses (1).教师戴上自己的太阳镜,与学生进行通话: T: Its a sunny day .I am wearing my sunglasses. Look! They are dark. Think I am very cool. But do I need to wear them in the classroom? Ss: No T: I have bad eye sight I should wear glasses. I have

10、a pair of glasses What color are they? Ss: They are blue /red (2).小调查:Who is wearing glasses? 教师请学生就班里戴眼镜的同学进行调查。 T: Who is wearing glasses? S1: is wearing glasses. wearing a pair of green glasses. S3:is wearing a pair of green glasses. T: Yes. They wear glasses. But they are not sunglasses.

11、Sunglasses are usually dark. (3).教师板书、学生分组读单词,教师注意纠正学生的错误读音。 2.学习词组rain boots 教师出示雨天的图片,与学生进行对话: T: We can wear our sunglasses on a sunny day. Look. It is raining . What can we take with us ? S: We can take our umbrellas. T: And we can wear our raincoats. (教师出示雨衣照片) Sometimes. Rain cats and dogs (教师

12、出示倾盆大雨图),and my shoes are wet. I can wear my rain boots. (教师出示雨靴图片) 教师板书、学生分组读词组,并注意Boots中字母组合OO的读音。 Boots 中字母组合OO读长音(u:). 在单词boots ,school中都有OO, 并且都读长音(u:) 3.学习词汇School bag. Wallet .scarf, gloves, warm jacket 教师出示所准备的书包。与学生进行对话; T: Look at this bag . Its my school bag. I have something in my bag. C

13、an you guess whats in it? (教师请一名学生摸包里的物品)What do I have? S1:You have a “钱包 and 手套 T: Well. I have a wallet and a pair of gloves. Where are they? Ss: They are in your school bag. 教师请学生打开钱包,说出钱包中的物品。 T: Open the wallet and tell me what you can see in it? Ss: I can see some money. Yes. Winter is coming

14、. We should wear our warm clothes I will buy new clothes for me with the money. Do you know what I will buy? T/Ss: A scarf , gloves and a warm jacket.(教师引导学生说出) 教师逐一出示围巾、手套和 棉夹克的图卡和词卡、板书并引导学生学习生词。 . 巩固活动 教师播放此部分的录音,让学生听录音跟读词汇、教师可在 后稍作停顿,要求全班同学或随机抽取某个同学读出相应的词汇。 III.教学设计(Practice Activities) 1.Part B

15、Ask and answer 1.教师出示此部分的衣物词汇卡片 ,学生认读单词。 2.教师出示不同天气的图标,让学生说出相应的单词,然后按天气让学生将衣物单词进行分类。 3.学生根据表格内容两人一组进行问答练习。如: S1:What do you wear on a snowy day? S2: I wear a scarf .a warm jacket and a pair of gloves on a snowy day 在单词scarf ,wallet, gloves, jacket中有学过的单词 car, wall, love, jack. 学生可以根据这些已知部分进行联想记忆,快速记住新单词。课 堂 检 测 翻译下面短语 scarf _ wallet _ gloves _ sunglasses _ yesterday _ warm jacket_ just now_ rain boots_ school bag_课 后 练 习 1、抄写新学“四会”词汇各两行。 2、预习下节课内容。Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now scarf(围巾) wallet (钱包) sunglasses(太阳镜) gloves(手套) warm jacket(棉夹克) rain boots(雨靴) school bag(书包)课时教案教

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