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1、同等学力申硕英语真题答案详解2008 年同等学力申硕英语真题答案详解 2008 年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试 A 英语试卷一 ENGLISH QUALIFICATION TEST FOR MASTER-DEGREE APPLICANTS Paper One(90 minutes) Part I Dialogue Communication(10 minutes , 10 points) PartVocabulary(10 minutes , 10 points) PartReading Comprehension (45 minutes , 25 points) PartC

2、loze(15 minutes , 15 points) Part V Error Detection 00 minutes , 5 points) 考生须知 1. 本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分 65 分,考试时间为 90 分钟, 9:00 开始, 10:30 结束;试卷二满分 35 分,考试时间为 60 分钟, 10:30 开始, 11:30 结束。本考试及格标准为总分 60 分,其中试卷二不低于 18 分。 2. 请考生务必将本人准考证号最后两位数字填写在本页右上角方框内。 3. 本试卷一为 A 型试卷,请将答案用 2B 铅笔填涂在 A 型答题卡上,答在其它类型答题卡或试卷上的

3、无效。答题前,请核对答题卡是否为 A 型卡,若不是,请要求监考员予以更换。 4. 在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在答案所代表的字母上划线,如【 A 】【 B 】【 C 】【 D 】。 5. 监考员宣布试卷一考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自己 的桌面上,继续做试卷二。监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。 6. 监考员收卷过程中,考生须配合监考员验收,并请监考员在准考证上签字 ( 作为考生交卷的凭据 ) 。否则,若发生答卷遗失,责任由考生自负。 Paper One 试卷一 Part I Dialogue Communication(10 minutes,10 poin

4、ts) Section A Dialogue Completion Directions : In this section,you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers,each followed by 4 choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar

5、across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 1.A : Bob , would you mind turning down the TV a little? Im talking on the phone , and Im having a hard time hearing. B : _ A.Please forgive me. B.Oh , sure! Im sorry about that. C.You should have told me earlier. D.Im sorry to hear ab

6、out it. 答案: B 讲解: A 说, Bob, 你介意把电视开小点儿声音吗?我在打电话,很费劲儿才能挺清楚对方说什么。 B 表示,当然可以,很不好意思。 2.A : Hi , Im your neighbor in 405 , next door Im Sunny Chan. B : _ A.I moved here about a week ago. B.Hope we could become good neighbors. C.Hi!Evervone here seems very friendly. D.Jill Kingston.Nice to meet you. 答案: D

7、 讲解:这是两个邻居第一次见面,互相自我介绍的场景 3.A : Could you run me over to the office? Im late. My clock must be slow. B : _ A.Yes , never mind.I would rather give you a lift. B.All right.But you should buy a new clock. C.ItS my pleasure.May I help you fix your clock , too? D.Yeah , Ill be glad to drop you off on my

8、way to work. 答案: D 讲解: A 说,您能捎我去办公室吗?我晚点了,我的表肯定慢了。 B 表示,当然,很高兴顺路送您去上班。 drop off transitive to take someone by car to a place and leave them there, especially on your way to another place Just drop me here - I can walk the rest of the way. 4.A : Im sorry.Hes not in his office. B : _ A.Are you Sure he

9、 will be back soon? B.Would you like to leave a message? C.Can you take a message for me? D.Shall I call him sometime later? 答案: C 讲解:这是一个打电话的场景。 A 说,不好意思,他不在办公室。 B 于是说,您能帮我捎话吗? D 看似有道理,但是不如 C 更好。什么时候给他打电话,不是关键,关键是找到他或者把有关信息告诉他。 Im sorry, shes out right now, can I take a message (for you)? 5.A : Do

10、you mind if I take off my jacket? B : _ A.Ofcourse not , make yourself at home. B.Oh , its very kind of you to do so. C.Ill be happy if I can be of any help. D.Yes , its pretty warm in here. 答案: A 讲解: Do you mind 句型,介意是 Yes, 不介意是 No/Not Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions : In this section ,

11、 you will read 5 Short conversations between a man and a woman.At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 chocices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on y

12、our machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 6.Man : Bob and Sue seem never discipline their daughter. Shes real nuts. Woman : They are kept in the dark about their daughterS behavior at school. Question : What can we learn about Bob and SueS daughter? A.She likes to eat nuts. B.She is self-disciplined. C.She

13、behaves badly at school. D.She enjoys leaving her parents in the dark. 答案: C 讲解:男士说, Bob 和 Sue 好像从来都不管教他们的女儿,她简直就是一个小疯丫头。 女士说,他们对于女儿在学校里的所作所为简直一无所知。 1. Nuts: crazy Are you nuts? Im going to go nuts (=become crazy) if I dont find a new job soon. Turn that radio off. Its driving me nuts (=annoying me

14、very much) . 2. in the dark knowing nothing about something important, because you have not been told about it Were in the dark just as much as you are. 7.Woman : Now , Richard , would you care to explain how the answers to the test questions appeared on your desk? Man : I callt , Professor Harley.S

15、omeone must have left them on my desk. Question : What is the mans problem? A.He is suspected of cheating B.He left the answers on his desk. C.He doesnt know how to explain. D.He didnt know the answers to the questions. 答案: A 讲解:学生考试场景,怀疑作弊 8. Woman : Dont forget to drop me a line when you settle do

16、wn. Man : I wont.Ill keep you posted. Question : What does the man mean? A.Hell write to the woman. B.Hell tell the woman his new address. C.Hell visit the woman once in a while. D.Hell chat with the woman on the phone. 答案: A 讲解:搬家写信场景 1. drop somebody a line/note to write a short letter to someone

17、Drop us a line to let us know how youre getting on. 2. keep somebody posted (on sth.) spoken to regularly tell someone the most recent news about something Ill keep you posted on his progress. 9.Man : Betty, how was your trip to the museum with Tom this afternoon? Woman : Dont ask me. Question : Wha

18、t does the woman mean? A.Something about the museum interested her. B.Something was wrong with the trip. C.She doesnt know anything about the museum. D.She doesnt want to answer the mans question. 答案: B 讲解:女士的回答 Dont ask me. 表示有难言之隐, trip, museum 都是表面信息, Betty 应该下午和 Tom 不太愉快,这才是关键。 10.Man : Hey,Mary

19、.I WaS invited to be a judge for the Miss America Beauty Contest. Woman : Oh , really? Come on , youre pulling my leg. Question : What does the woman mean? A.She has no chance to win. B.The man is encouraging her. C.Shell attend the contest. D.The man is trying to fool her. 答案: D 讲解:男士说,玛丽,我被邀请去做美国小

20、姐选美大赛的评委了。 女士说,真的?得了吧,你和我开玩笑呢吧。 pull somebodys leg to tell someone something that is not true, as a joke I havent won, have I? Youre pulling my leg. PartVocabulary(10 minutes , 10 points) Section A Directions : In this section there are 10 sentences,each with one word or phrase underlined.Choose he

21、one from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 11.The survey does not allow for the fact that some students are attending part-time. A.explain

22、B.deny C.consider D.recognize 答案: C 讲解: allow for 估计到 , 考虑到 ; 对 . 留有余地 12.British scientists have found how to diagnose the disease , which causes loss of memory and personality change. A.control B.determine C.prevent D.treat( 治疗 cure) 答案: B 讲解: diagnose: to find out what illness someone has, or wha

23、t the cause of a fault is, after doing tests, examinations etc determine de- 下来 + termine 边界;约束 v. 决定 , 确定 , 测定 , 使下定决心 , 律 使终止 13.Witnesses were allegedly tortured or subjected to pressure to fabricate evidence against him. A.fix up 安排,修补 B.take up 从事 C.pack up 打包,整理 D.make up 编造 答案: D 讲解: fabricat

24、e vt. 制作 , 构成 , 捏造 , 伪造 , 虚构 to invent a story, piece of information etc in order to deceive someone The police were accused of fabricating evidence . 14.So instead we spent the whole afternoon hanging around in the gorgeous autumn sun. A.golden B.beautiful C.warm D.shining 答案: B (the whole afternoo

25、n) 讲解: gorgeous good weather beautiful/gorgeous/glorious 1 extremely beautiful or attractive What do you think of my new flatmate? Hes absolutely gorgeous ! You look gorgeous, Maria. see usage note beautiful 2 extremely pleasant or enjoyable synonym lovelya gorgeous cakeThe hotel room had a gorgeous

26、 view. 15.I couldnt work out why anyone would invent something so boring. A.draw up B.bring about C.put forward D.figure out 答案: D 讲解: work something out UNDERSTAND to think about something and manage to understand it The plot is very complicated - itll take you a while to work it out. Figure out: t

27、o understand why someone behaves in the way they do Women. I just cant figure them out. 16.You can easily find out the benefits of flexible working for both you and your employer. A.loose 松的 B.effective 有效的 C.elastic 弹性的 D.resourceful 资源丰富,足智多谋 答案: C 讲解: flexible a person, plan etc that is flexible

28、can change or be changed easily to suit any new situation opposite inflexible We can be flexible about your starting date. The government needs a more flexible approach to education. elastic a system or plan that is elastic can change or be changed easily Demand for this type of holiday will probabl

29、y be fairly elastic. 17.The State Department has issued a regulation abolishing the special privileges for government officials. A.grants B.rights C.advantages D.interests 答案: B 讲解: Privilege countable a special advantage that is given only to one person or group of people He had no special privileg

30、es and was treated just like every other prisoner. privilege of the privilege of a good education right something that you are morally, legally, or officially allowed to do or have basic/equal/human/civil rights 18.Will Americans go for AT&Ts plan of pushing the wireless services in the U.S. ? A.sup

31、port B.adopt 采取,选择 C.hinder 阻碍 D.attack 攻击,批评 attacked the idea 答案: D (push) 讲解: Go for to attack or criticize someone The dog suddenly went for me. CHOOSE to choose something I think Ill go for the chocolate cake. 19.What lies in pieces around them represents , in effect , a unique private exhibition open to a lucky few. short 简而言之 part

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