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1、水利水电工程专业英语教材高等学校水利类统编教材水利专业外语迟道才 振民 主编上传人单位:华北水利水电学院水利系Lesson 1 importance of water 水的重要性Water is best known and most abundant of all chemical compounds occurring in relatively pure form on the earths surface. Oxygen, the most abundant chemical element, is present in combination with hydrogen to the

2、 extent of 89 percent in water. Water covers about three fourths of the earths surface and permeates cracks of much solid land. The Polar Regions (原文polar regions) are overlaid with vast quantities of ice, and the atmosphere of the earth carries water vapor in quantities from 0.1 percent to 2 percen

3、t by weight. It has been estimated that the amount of water in the atmosphere above a square mile of land on a mild summer day is of the order of 50,000 tons.在地球表面以相对纯的形式存在的一切化合物中,水是人们最熟悉的、最丰富的一种化合物。在水中,氧这种最丰富的化学元素与氢结合,其含量多达89%。水覆盖了地球表面的大约3/4的面积,并充满了陆地上的多裂缝。地球的两极被大量的冰所覆盖,同时大气也挟带有占其重量0.1%2%的水蒸气。据估计,在

4、温暖的夏日,每平英里陆地上空大气中的水量约为5万吨。All life on earth depends upon water, the principal ingredient of living cells. The use of water by man, plants, and animals is universal. Without it there can be no life. Every living thing requires water. Man can go nearly two months without food, but can live only three

5、or four days without water.地球上所有的生命都有赖于水而存在,水是活细胞的基本组分(要素)。人类、植物和动物都得用水。没有水就没有生命 。每一种生物都需要水。人可以接近两个月不吃食物而仍能活着,但不喝水则只能活三四天。In our homes, whether in the city or in the country, water is essential for cleanliness and health. The average American family uses from 65,000 to 75,000 gallons of water per ye

6、ar for various household purposes.在我们的家庭中,无论是在城市还是农村,水对于卫生和健康来说都是必不可少的。美庭的年平均用水量达6.57.5万加仑。Water can be considered as the principal raw material and the lowest cost raw material from which most of our farm produces is made. It is essential for the growth of crops and animals and is a very important

7、factor in the production of milk and eggs. Animals and poultry, if constantly supplied with running water, will produce more meat, more milk, and more eggs per pound of food and per hour of labor.水可以被认为是最基本的和最廉价的原料。我们的农产品,大部分都是由它构成的。水是农作物和动物生长的要素,也是奶类和蛋类生产的一个很重要的因素。动物和家禽,如果用流动的水来喂养,那么每磅饲料和每个劳动小时会生产出

8、更多的肉、奶和蛋。For example, apples are 87% water. The trees on which they grow must have watered many times the weight of the fruit. Potatoes are 75% water. To grow an acre of potatoes tons of water is required. Fish are 80% water. They not only consume water but also must have large volumes of water in w

9、hich to live. Milk is 88% water. To produce one quart of milk a cow requires from 3.5 to 5.5 quarts of water. Beef is 77% water. To produce a pound of beef an animal must drink many times that much water. If there is a shortage of water, there will be a decline in farm production, just as a shortage

10、 of steel will cause a decrease in the production of automobiles.例如,苹果含87%的水分,苹果树就必须吸收比苹果多多倍的水分;土豆含75%的水分,那么种植每英亩土豆就需要若干吨水;牛奶含水量为88%,为了生产每夸脱牛奶,母牛需要3.55.5 夸脱的水;牛肉含77%的水,为生产1磅牛肉牛必须饮用多磅水。如果缺水,就会使农产品减产,就像缺乏钢会引起汽车产量下降一样。In addition to the direct use of water in our homes and on the farm, there are many i

11、ndirect ways in which water affects our lives. In manufacturing, generation of electric power, transportation, recreation, and in many other ways, water plays a very important role.水除了直接为我们的家庭和农场利用外,它还以多间接的式对我们的生活产生影响。在制造、发电、运输、娱乐以及其他多行业,水都起着很重要的作用。Our use of water is increasing rapidly with our gro

12、wing population. Already there are acute shortages of both surface and underground waters in many locations. Careless pollution and contamination of our streams, lakes, and underground sources has greatly impaired the quality of the water which we do have available. It is therefore of utmost importa

13、nce for our future that good conservation and sanitary measures be practiced by everyone.我们对水的利用随人口的增长而迅速增加。在多地,无论地面水或地下水都已经重短缺了。由于任意污染河流、湖泊和地下水源,已经大损害了人们能够利用的水的水质。因此,人人有责对水采取保护措施和卫生措施,这对于我们人类的未来是极端重要的。Lesson 2 the Hydrologic Cycle 水循环In nature, water is constantly changing from one state to another

14、. The heat of the sun evaporates water from land and water surfaces, this water vapor (a gas), being lighter than air, rises until it reaches the cold upper air where it condenses into clouds. Clouds drift around according to the direction of the wind until they strike a colder atmosphere. At this p

15、oint the water further condenses and falls to the earth as rain, sleet, or snow, thus completing the hydrologic cycle.在自然界中,水总是不断地从一种状态改变成另一种状态。太阳热使陆地和水面上的水蒸气。这些水蒸气(一种气体)由于比空气轻,会上升直至达到高空冷气层,并在那里凝结成云。云层随风飘荡,直至遇到更冷的大气层为止。此时水便进一步冷凝,并以雨、雹或雪的形式落到地面。这样便完成了水的循环。The complete hydrologic cycle, however, is mu

16、ch more complex. The atmosphere gains water vapor by evaporation not only from the oceans but also from lakes, rivers, and other water bodies, and from moist ground surfaces. Water vapor is also gained by sublimation from snowfields and by transpiration from vegetation and trees.然而,完整的水循环要复杂得多。由于蒸发作

17、用,大气不仅从海洋而且从湖泊、河流和其他水体,以及从潮湿的地表面获得水蒸气。也可从雪地中雪的升华和从植物与树木的蒸腾获得水蒸气。Water precipitation may follow various routes. Much of the precipitation from the atmosphere falls directly on the oceans. Of the water that does fall over land areas, some is caught by vegetation or evaporates before reaching the groun

18、d, some is locked up in snowfields or ice-fields for periods ranging from a season to many thousands of years, and some is retarded by storage in reservoirs, in the ground, in chemical compounds, and in vegetation and animal life.降水可以有各种不同的途径。大部分降水都直接落到海洋。落在陆地区域的水,有些被植物所摄取,或降至地面之前就蒸发了;有些被封冻在雪原或冰川中达一

19、个季度乃至成千上万年;有些则因储存在水库、土壤、化合物以及动植物体而滞留下来。The water that falls on land areas may return immediately to the sea as runoff in streams and rivers or when snow melts in warmer seasons. When the water does not run off immediately it percolates into the soil. Some of this groundwater is taken up by the roots

20、 of vegetation and some of it flows through the subsoil into rivers, lakes, and oceans.降到陆地区域的水可能作为溪流与江河的径流,或在温暖季节融化的雪水直接回到海洋。当降水不立即流走时,它会渗入土壤。这些地下水中有一些被植物的根吸收,有一些则通过下层土壤流入河流、湖泊和海洋。Because water is absolutely necessary for sustaining life and is of great importance in industry men have tried in many

21、 ways to control the hydrologic cycle to their own advantage. An obvious example is the storage of water behind dams in reservoirs, in climates where there are excesses and deficits of precipitation (with respect to water needs) at different times in the year. Another method is the attempt to increa

22、se or decrease natural precipitation by injecting particles of dry ice or silver iodide into clouds. This kind of weather modification has had limited success thus far, but many meteorologists believe that a significant control of precipitation can be achieved in the future.因为水对于维持生命来说绝对必要,在工业上也很重要,

23、所以人们为了自身的利益试图以各种式来控制水的循环。一个明显的例子就是在一年中不同的时间根据当地降水的多寡(按对水的需要来说)将水储存在水库中。另一种法是试图将干冰或碘化银微粒射入云层来增多或减少天然降雨量。虽然这种改造气候(人工影响天气)的法迄今只取得了有限的成功,但多气象学家都认为,有效地控制降水在将来是可以做到的。Other attempts to influence the hydrologic cycle include the contour plowing of sloping farmlands to slow down runoff and permit more water

24、to percolate into the ground, the construction of dikes to prevent floods and so on. The reuse of water before it returns to the sea is another common practice. Various water supply systems that obtain their water from rivers may recycle it several times (with purification) before it finally reaches

25、 the rivers mouth.其他一些影响水循环的努力包括沿等高线耕作梯田,以使径流减速,让更多的水渗入地下;建筑堤坝以防洪水等。在水回归大海之前将它重复使用,也是一种常用的法。自河道取水的各种供水系统可将水在最终到达河口之前,经过净化,可重复使用多次。Men also attempt to predict the effects of events in the course of the hydrologic cycle. Thus, the meteorologist forecasts the amount and intensity of precipitation in a

26、watershed, and the hydrologist forecasts the volume of runoff.人们还试图预测水循环过程中一些事件的结果。例如,气象学家预报一个流域的降雨量和降雨强度;水文学家预报径流量等。Lesson 3 hydrology 水文学1 historyThe first hydraulic project has been lost in the mists of prehistory. Perhaps some prehistoric man found that pile of rocks across a stream would raise

27、the water level sufficiently to overflow the land that was the source of his wild food plants and water them during a drought. Whatever the early history of hydraulics, abundant evidence exists to show that the builders understood little hydrology. Early Greek and Roman writings indicated that these

28、 people could accept the oceans as the ultimate source of all water but could not visualize precipitation equaling or exceeding stream-flow. Typical of the ideas of the time was a view that seawater moved underground to the base of the mountains. There a natural still desalted water, and the vapor r

29、ose through conduits to the mountain tops, where it condensed and escaped at the source springs of the streams. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (ca. 100 B. C.) seems to have been one of the first to recognize the role of precipitation as we accept it today.最早的水利工程在有史以前就已经销声匿迹了。也史前的人曾发现横贯河流的一堆头就能提高水位,足以淹没作为生

30、长野生食用植物源泉的土地,而这样在干旱季节就能给植物浇水。不论水力学的早期如,充分的的迹象表明,建造者们还不懂多少水文学知识。早期的希腊和罗马文献说明这些人承认海洋是一切水的主要源泉,但是不能想象降雨量会等于或超过河道径流量。当时典型的想法是海水从地下流到山脉底部,那儿有一个天然蒸馏器除去水中的盐分,水汽通过管道上升到山顶,在那里凝结,并从河流的源头流走。M.V.波利欧(大约公元前100年)看来就是像我们今天这样认识降水作用最早的人。Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was the next to suggest a modern view of the hydrol

31、ogic cycle, but it remained for Pierre Perrault (1608-1680) to compare measured rainfall with the estimated flow of the Seine River to show that the stream-flow was about one-sixth of the precipitation. The English astronomer Halley (1656-1742) measured evaporation from a small pan and estimated eva

32、poration from the Mediterranean Sea from these data. As late as 1921, however, some people still questioned the concept of the hydrologic cycle.达芬奇(1452-1519)是提出水文循环现代观点的第二个人,但一直到P.贝罗特(1608-1680)才把观测的雨量与估算的塞纳河的径流量进行比较,说明河川径流量约为降雨量的1/6.英国天文家哈罗(哈雷)从一个小盘子中测得的蒸发量,并且用这一资料估算地中海的蒸发量。然而直到1921年,有一些人仍然对水文循环的概念表示怀疑。Precipitation was measured in India as early as the fourth century B.C., but satisfactory methods for measuring stream-flow were a much later development. Frontinus, water commissioner of Rome in A.D. 97, based estimates of flow on cross-sectional area alone without regard to velocity. In the

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