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1、酒店服务指南尊敬的宾客!欢迎您下榻上海鄂尔多斯艾力酒店!Dear guests,You are welcome to stay at the Ordos Hotel! 内蒙古鄂尔多斯幅员辽阔、人文历史悠久、拥有丰富的自然资源和独特的旅游资源。历经金戈铁马的历练、沧海桑田的变迁,今天这神奇古老的土地依旧散发着她独有的魅力,成为海内外各方贤达惠士投资兴业、旅游观光的热土。 Ordos has a broad area and long history, natural and travel resources is very rich.After the experience of a symbo

2、l of war in ancient China, this magical area become parties leaders. “艾力”蒙古语意“家”;鄂尔多斯艾力上海最具蒙古族文化特色的优质酒店。高档完善的设备设施、卓越人性的服务,致力于为您提供优质高效服务产品,力求细切需求都达到尽善尽美。Aili means family in Mongolian; Ordos Aili is a high quality hotel full of Mongolian culture, our facilites &equipment is high-grade , we provide ex

3、cellent and humanization service. Our goal is make you satisfied.鄂尔多斯艾力无论您好是政务公干、商务考察、会议渡假、旅游休闲、都是您最佳选择。祝您掌握事业良机,感受成功人生。Whatever Government to business 、business investigation、conference 、vacation or travel ,Ordos Aili hotel is your best choice .Wish you everything smoothly.安全服务防火住店宾客应注意防火,请勿躺卧在床上吸烟

4、和在灯罩上烘烤衣物Fire To prevent the fire, please do not smoke while lying in bed or dry your clothes on the lamp.安全扣为保证您的安全,请您进入房间后及时将房门后的安全锁锁上。Security Lock Please use the security lock when you have entered the room.门窥镜住店客人听到敲门声勿忘使用门上的门窥镜,如发现可疑人员,请拔Mirror The mirror on the door enables you to see the vis

5、itor knocking at your door. If you find some suspicious people, please dial“”安全疏散图进入房间后,请您仔细阅读位于房间的“安全疏散图”,记住您的房间所在位置以及距离您房间最近的安全楼梯通道。Fire Escape Map After you enter your room, please read carefully the fire escape map at the back of the door. please remember the location of you room and the nearest

6、 fire escape.自动烟感报警器与自动消防喷淋楼层走廊及客房内设有自动烟感报警器和自动消防喷淋Smoke Detector and Auto Fire Extinguisher The Smoke Detector and Auto Fire Extinguisher can be found in the corridor and inside your room.电器安全房间内电源插座仅供个人电脑、小型充电器等使用,如需使用其它电器,需先征得酒店同意。严禁淋浴时使用吹风机等电器Safe Use of Electrical Appliances The sockets in the

7、room are only for computer, charger etc. If you want to plug in any other appliances, please first ask for permission from the hotel. The usage of hair-dryer while taking a shower is forbidden. 危险物品严禁将易燃、易爆、剧毒物品和放射性等危险物品带入酒店,出现意外本人承担责任。Dangerous ArticlesPlease do not bring inflammable, explosive, an

8、d extremely poisonous articles into the hotel, Otherwise The Hotel is not responsible for any loss occurred.特殊情况严禁携带各类枪械及武器进入酒店,不准在酒店内卖淫嫖娼,不准在酒店内吸毒贩毒,不准在酒店内聚众赌博,特殊情况需通知酒店保安部,并视情况报公安机关备案。严禁将宠物带入酒店。如接到骚扰电话要回绝。Others Weapons, prostitution, going whoring, drug dealer, drug dealer, drug taking, gambling

9、are not allowed in the hotel. Special cases shall be reported to the security guard and the local police station.Pets are not allowed the hotel.It would be advisable to refuse the molestation call.来客拜访为了住店客人的利益及酒店的安全,来访者需在晚上11时前离开客房。当地有关部门要求非住店客人在进入客人房间之前,请到大堂接待处进行登记。Visitors In the inter of in-hous

10、e guests and hotel safety, visitors are required to leave guest rooms by 11:00pm.We have been advised by the local authorities that visitors must register at our Security Desk in the Lobby before visiting a guest in his/ her room.停车本店仅为客人提供停车场地,不负责车辆的管理。请您将车辆中的贵重物品妥善保管,出现意外,酒店不承担责任。Parking Free park

11、ing lot is provided for the guests. The hotel is not responsible for any loss occurred in the car. Please keep your valuables properly. 前厅服务大堂经理-分机号大堂经理每天24小时值班,如需帮助,请直接与大堂经理联系。Assistant Manager Extension For assistance please contact the Assistant Manager who is available 24 hours a day.结账-分机号根据当地有

12、关规定,客人结账时,前台只接收以下信用卡:Payment Extension Please note that besides RMB, only the following major credit will be accepted in accordance with the local regulations, i.e. 离店时间-分机号结账离店时间为中午12时,若您需要延迟离店时间,我们将视房间情况安排。Check-out Time ExtensionCheck-out time is noon time. Late check-out can be arranged subject

13、to the availability of rooms.贵重物品-分机号码我们建议您将钱、珠宝、和其它贵重物品存入前台保险箱,对于在酒店内部或附近丢失的贵重物品,酒店概不负责。Valuables ExtensionWe advise you to place your money, jewelry, and other valuables in the deposit safety box which is located at front desk. The hoteel will not be held responsible for the loss of valuable items

14、 lost in or around the hotel.钥匙卡-分机号当您结账离店时,请在前台接待处归还客房钥匙卡。Key Drop ExtensionBefore you check out of the hotel, please drop your room key at the Front Desk.紧急情况报警-分机号如遇紧急情况,请与酒店总机接线生联系。Emergencies- ExtensionIn case of emergency, please call the hotel operator.对方付费或拨打国际长途 分机号请参考电话指南或总机接线生联系进行查询Collec

15、t or International Long Distance Calls - ExtensionPlease refer to the Telephone Directory or call telephone operation directly for more information.叫醒及留言服务-分机号请与总机接线生联系设定叫醒留言服务Wake up Call & Message Service - ExtensionPlease place your wake-up call message with the Telephone Operator.客房预订-分机号预订房间请与预

16、订接待联系Room Reservation- ExtensionPlease contact Reservation service to book a room.礼宾部-分机号前台礼宾部可协助办理邮递服务,行李收集及寄存、汽车租赁服务。Concierge- ExtensionPlease contact the concierge for our mailing service, baggage collection and storage, and car rental service.出租车 分机号如需出租车服务,请与礼宾部联系Taxi- ExtensionPlease contact

17、our Concierge if you require a taxi.雨伞 分机号酒店礼宾部可提供雨伞Umbrella- ExtensionThe umbrella is available at the concierge. 商务中心 分机号位于大堂的商务中心,可为您提供商务设备出租服务及秘书服务包括:中英文打字、邮递服务、影印、打印、扫描、传真、网络服务、电子邮件、国内/国际长途Business Center- ExtensionThe Business Center is located in the lobby and provides such comprehensive busi

18、ness equipment rental service and secretarial services as typewriting, post service, photocopying, printing scanning, fax, internet and IDD/DDD call, E-mail, translation service.机票预订 分机号Airline Reservations- Extension电话服务内容 酒店电话服务、市内电话、国内直拨电话、国际直拨电话、IP国内直拨电话、IP国际直拨电话CONTENTSIN-HOUSE TELEPHONE SERVIC

19、EHOW TO MAE A LOCAL CALLDDD (DOMESTIC DIRECT DIALING)DOMESTIC IP DIALINGINTERNATIONAL IP DIALING酒店电话服务房间到房间 大堂经理/紧急电话前台服务礼宾部/行李员接线生国际/国内直拨、市内电话、对方付费电话商务中心客房中心/洗衣服务餐饮销售IN-HOUSE TELEPHONE SERVICERoom to room:Dial”9+Room No.”Assistant Manager/EmergencyReception DeskConcierge/PorterOperatorIDD, DDD, Loc

20、al Call and Collect CallBusiness CenterHousekeeping Center/LaundryFood and Veverage 市内电话 1、拨“9”,然后等待拨号音 2、拨市内电话号码 3、等待接通HOW TO MAKE A LOCAL CALL1. Dial “9”, and then wait for the dialing tone.2. Dial the city telephone number.3. Than wait for Connecting. 国内直拨电话 1、 拨“9”等待拨号音(如果使用IP电话,请拨“33”)2、 拨地区代码3

21、、 所要拨通的号码 举例说明:如果您想拨一个到北京的电话,电话号码为“12345678” 1、拨“9”等待拨号音(如果使用IP电话,请拨“33”) 2、拨北京的地区代码“010” 3、所要拨通的电话号码 直拨方法:9+010+12345678DDD (DOMESTIC DIRECT DIALING)1. Dial”9” and wait for the dialing tone (Please dial “33” for IP calling service);2. Dial the area code;3. Dial the actual telephone number you would

22、 like to call.FOR EXAMPLE:If you want to call a number in Beijing whose telephone number is “12345678”,please:1. Dial”9” and wait for the dialing tone (Please dial “33” for IP calling service);2. Dial “010”the area code for Beijing;3. Dial the actual telephone number “12345678”.i.e. 9+010+12345678国际

23、直拨电话1、 拨“9”等待拨号音2、 拨国际长途代码“00”3、 国家代码4、 地区代码(不拨前面的“0”)5、 所需要拨通的号码 举例说明:如果您想拨一个到英国利物浦的电话,电话号码为“12345678”1、 拨“9”等待拨号音2、 拨国际长途代码“00”3、 拨英国的国家代码“44”4、 拨利物浦的地区代码“51”5、 所要拨通的号码 直拨方法:9+00+44+51+12345678IDD (INTERNATIONAL DIRECT DIALING):1. To obtain an IDD code “00”2. Dial the IDD code “00”3. Dial the coun

24、try code;4. Dial the area code(without the first “0”);5. Dial the telephone number you would like to call.FOR EXAMPLE:If you want to call a number in Liverpool of UK whose telephone number is “12345678”, please.1. Dial “9” the IDD line and wait for the dialing tone;2. Dial”00” the IDD code;3. Dial”4

25、4” the country code for UK;4. Dial”51” the area code for Liverpool;5. Dial the actual telephone number you would like to call”12345678”.i.e. 9+00+44+51+12345678IP国内直拨电话1、 拨“33”(无拨号音)2、 拨地区代码3、 所要拨通的号码举例说明如果您想拨一个北京的电话,电话号码为“12345678”1、 拨“33”(无拨号音)2、 拨北京地区代码“010”3、 所要拨的电话号码为“12345678”4、 所要拨通的号码直拨方法:33

26、+010+12345678IP DOMESTIC DIRECT DIALING1. To obtain an IP line, dial “33”;2. Dial the area code;3. Dial the actual telephone number you would like to callFOR EXAMPLE:If you want to call a number in Beijing whose telephone number is “12345678”, please :1. Dial”33”(no dialing tone);2. Dial”010”the are

27、a code for Beijing;3. Dial the actual telephone number”12345678”i.e. 33+010+12345678IP国际直拨电话1、 拨“33”(无拨号音)2、 连续拨国际长途代码“00”3、 拨国家代码4、 拨地区代码5、 所要拨通的号码举例说明:如果您想拨一个到英国利物浦的电话,电话号码为“12345678”1、 拨“33”(无拨号音)2、 连续拨国际长途代码“00”3、 拨英国的国家代码“44”4、 拨利物浦的地区代码“51”5、 所要拨通的号码直拨方法:33+00+44+51+12345678IP INTERNATIONAL DI

28、ALING:1. To obtain an IP line dial “33”2. Dial the IDD code“00”3. Dial the country code;4. Dial the area code;5. Dial the actual telephone number you would like to call.FOR EXAMPLE:If you want to call a number in Liverpool of UK whose telephone number is “12345678” , please:1. Dial “33” (no the dial

29、ing tone);2. Dial “00” the IDD code;3. Dial “44” the country code for UK;4. Dial “51” the area code for Liverpool;5. Dial the actual telephone number “12345678”i.e. 33+00+44+51+12345678电话收费CHARGES FOR TELEPHONE如何使用房间内的因特网接口房间内已经配备可以随时上网的电脑,如果您需要使用自己携带的电脑上网请您按照以下程序进行操作1、 首先保证您使用的电脑安装有相应的网络适配器2、 正确开启您

30、的电脑3、 连接好网线(笔记本电脑插入网线后可自动接通网络)4、 如需要帮助请拨“”HOW TO USE THE INTERNET ACCESS IN THE ROOM:The room has been equipped with computers with internet access can at any time,if you need to use to carry their own computer please according to the following procedures.1. Please make sure that have installed netc

31、ard on your computer.2. Start your computer.3. Connect the cable.4. First enter properties, then choose “obtain an IP address automatically”;5. If you need any help please dial ext “ ”客房服务收视指南In-house enterainment TV channels客房中心 分机号客房中心为您提供24小时服务,如有任何需求,请与客房中心联系。Housekeeping- ExtensionOur Housekeeping Department is at your service 24 hours a day. Please contact Housekeeping Center for any kind of help.外借物品 分机号客房中心

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