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1、外研版八年级上册M3Unit2教案“自学互帮导学法”课堂教学设计课 题Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.课时2课型Reading and writing修改意见教学目标1. 语言知识目标:Key vocabulary:Canada,Canadian, sick, soldier, treat, die for, die of, wounded, realise, dying, care, take care of, on ones own, war, invention, tool, at

2、 that time, operation, useful, manage, manage to do, himself, in the end, continue Key structures:在语境中感知so, so that和because引导的状语从句的用法。.2. 语言技能目标:说:能谈论自己喜爱的英雄人物的基本简介和理由。读:通过阅读My hero-Dr Norman Bethune,让学生掌握并运用略、精读的技巧,即略读找大意,精读搜索相关信息。3. 情感态度目标:通过了解英雄人物,培养学生爱英雄、学英雄、争做英雄的好品质,以此发奋学习,热爱生活,做国家有用人才。教学重点 1)词

3、汇including attend whatever give up amazing will 2)短语1. choose to do sth 2. play table tennis 3. gold medal 4. stop doing sth 5. good enough 6. once again7. give up 8. a strong will9. as well as 10. true hero教学难点 能正确理解和运用because, so that, so 引导原因、目的、结果状语从句。学情分析本木块围绕英雄这一话题,开展听、说、读、写活动。语法重点是操练由 so,so t

4、hat 和 because 引导的状语从句。语言技能和语言知识主要就是围绕英雄人物这一中心话题展开。通过了解英雄人物,培养学生爱英雄,学英雄,争做英雄的好品质。并以此发奋学习,做国家有用人才。 本单元是阅读课,通过了解白求恩这位英雄,学习一些相关词汇,更重要的是通过阅读这个语篇,学习如何描述一位英雄,为写作打基础。学法指导讲授法、自主互助法、分组讨论法 由浅入深,环环相扣的教学理念,指导学生阅读方法,最后达到能与学生交流自己心目中的英雄。教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测及补救措施修改意见一、I. Warming-up二、New wordsIII. ReadingIV. Langu

5、age pointsV. ExercisesVI. Writing1、通过图片和视频对白求恩做简单介绍。2、Finish Activity 1 on page 20. Learn some new words in this unit.3.1. Read the passage and check your answers to Activity 1.2. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.Name: Norman BethuneNationality:_Be born in :_Became a doctor in :_ Came to

6、 China in:_3. Read and number the events about Norman Bethune in the order they happened.a came to Chinab wrote books about ways of treating the sick in Chinac was born in 1890d invented medical tools to use outside hospitalse diedf went to treat the wounded soldiers in Spain4. Read the passage agai

7、n and answer the questions. (so that用法) 1) Why did he go to China during the Anti-Japanese War?2) Why did he invent special medical tools to use outside hospitals?3) Why did he develop training courses for local doctors and nurses, and wrote books?5. Finish Activity 4 on page 21.1).He came to China

8、to help the Chinese people and died for them.die for 意为“为而死”。die of 意为 “因而死”(原因多来自内部如情感、冻饿、生病等), 其后跟hunger, cold, illness, old age, a fever, heat等名词。die from 意为“由于而死”(外因) (原因常来自外部创伤、交通事故), 其后常跟wound, accident, over work, carelessness, drinking 等名词。e.g. He died of lung cancer. 他死于肺癌。 The man died fro

9、m a car accident. 这个男人死于一场交通事故。 He would rather die for his belief. 他宁愿为他的信仰而死。2) He soon realised that many people were dying because they did not get to hospital quickly enough.realise v. 了解; 意识到表示认识到或承认某事物属实。e.g. He doesnt seem to have realised how serious the matter is. realise还有“实现”的意思, 指实现梦想、计

10、划、希望等。e.g. At last Mr. Smith realised his plan to spend a holiday in China. dying是die的-ing形式, 常用做形容词,意思是“垂死的; 即将死亡的”, 常用做表语或定语。e.g. The old man is dying. The doctor tried to save the dying boy.辨析:die是短暂性动词, 意为“死亡”, 指生命的结束, 强调“死”的动作。death是die的名词形式, 意为“死亡”。dead是形容词, 意为“死的”, 通常和be动词连用, 表示状态。3) Dr Bethu

11、ne developed new ways of taking care of the sick. take care of 照顾; 护理 e.g. Dont worry. Ill take care of you. 别担心。我会照顾你的。 the sick的结构是形容词前面加上定冠词,表示复数概念,泛指某一类人。这类结构做主语时谓语动词要用复数形式。如:The young have plenty of opportunities here. 年轻人在这里有大量的机会。 The blind learn skills in special schools. 盲人在特殊学校学习技能。4) Once

12、, he even worked for sixty-nine hours without stopping and managed to save over one hundred lives. manage在句子中的意思是“设法完成”,后面跟动词不定式,manage to do sth. 如:He managed to finish his work on time. 他设法按时完成了他的工作。5) but he continued his work without treating it.continue可作不及物动词, 意为“继续; 持续”。e.g. The rain continue

13、d all day.continue可作及物动词, 意为“继续”, 其后可接名词(短语)、动词不定式 / 动词-ing形式等。e.g. We decided to continue our long journey. Are you going to continue to do / doing your homework?Look at the facts about Yuan Longping and write a passage about him.Fact box: Yuan Longping1930 Was born in Beijing 1950-1953 Studied in

14、Southwest Agricultural College1964 Made a special study of rice1974 Developed a new kind of rice1980s Travelled around the world and give advice about growing rice2004 Won World Food PrizeNow Is helping many countries of the world grow more rice than before1、操作方式:让学生说出自己心目中的英雄,做简短介绍Teacher: In our l

15、ife, I think you know many heroes, and I am sure there must be a favourite hero in your heaart.Could you tell me?Students: Teacher: Yes, they are all famous heroes , and all of them try their best to do something for the country, the people, and bring people enjoyment, pleasure【设计意图】: 为引出本单元所要谈论的英雄白

16、求恩做好铺垫。2、2.Teaching new words【 操作方式】:列出本语篇重要单词,与图片相对照,领读这些单词,让学生尽力熟悉并记住他们,然后让学生利用这些生词说出自己知道的白求恩的简单信息,最后让学生用这些生词完成句子(有关白求恩的信息)T: Theres anothere hero, do you know him?S:T: Today, lets learn something about Norman Buthune, before this , we need to know some new words. Please follow meT:Can you use the

17、 new words tell me something about Bethune you know?S: T: Now here are some sentences, can you use the new words to finish the sentences?S:【设计意图】:通过图片与单词对应直观形象,使学生更容易记住单词,然后通过学生用生词简单描述白求恩,用生词完成有关白求恩信息的句子,不但强化生词,而且了解白求恩的信息,为阅读语篇扫除生词障碍。 3.Reading操作方式: 1)让学生听录音,初步了解文章,给出六个句子排序,使学生总结出本语篇按时间顺序为线索 Please

18、put the sentences in the correct ordera. born in 1890b.started hospitals and wrote books about new treatmentc. worked with soldiers in the first World Ward.invented medical tools to use outside hospitalse. came to Chinaf. diedT: In whice order does the article use?S: 2)再读文章并谈论每段的段落大意 First: the intr

19、oduction of Dr Bethune Second: What did he do before coming to China? Third: What did he do after coming to China? Fourth: How did he die? Fifth: What do people think of him? 3)就重点的二、三、四段提出三个问题,让学生回答,进一步了解细节What did he do before coming to China?He went to the front and invented new treatments and me

20、dical tools.What did he do after coming to China?He treated Chinese soldiers, opened the hospitals and wrote books.How did he die?He performed operations without stopping, In spite of cutting his hand, he continued working. Write when and where he was born Write about his studies. Write about the re

21、sult of his work. Write about the things he did and the prize he won. Write about what he is doing now. Written task:Write a passage about Yuan Longping with the information about him. 4.Writing操作方式让学生总结作者如何描述白求恩:分三部分-介绍,主要事迹,评价,让后描述自己心目中的英雄。【设计意图】使学生完成由知识的输入到知识的输出,提高学生的写作能力。5.Homework Write a hero

22、in your heart.1、2、板书设计Unit 2 There are few doctors,so he had to work very harddie for 意为“为而死”。die of 意为 “因而死”(原因多来自内部如情感、冻饿、生病等), 其后跟hunger, cold, illness, old age, a fever, heat等名词。die from 意为“由于而死”(外因) (原因常来自外部创伤、交通事故), 其后常跟wound, accident, over work, carelessness, drinking 等名词e.g. He died of lung

23、 cancer. 他死于肺癌。 The man died from a car accident. 这个男人死于一场交通事故。 He would rather die for his belief. 他宁愿为他的信仰而死。参考书目及推荐资料教学反思本模块围绕英雄这一话题,开展听、说、读、写活动。语法是操练由 so ,so that 和because 引导的状语从句。语言技能和语言知识主要都是围绕英雄人物这一中心话题展开。通过了解英雄人物,培养学生爱英雄,学英雄,争做英雄的好品质,并以此发奋学习,做国家有用人才。本单元是阅读课,通过了解白求恩这位英雄,学习一些相关词汇,更重要的是通过阅读这个语篇,学习描述一位英雄,为写作打基础。

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