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1、ModernFamilyS03E15哇 怎么回事 Whoa. Whats all this?妈妈听到我们抱怨说好无聊 Mom heard us say we were bored.衰了吧 Suckers.她从外面都能听到 She heard us from outside.她简直有顺风耳 就像导盲犬 She has super good hearing, like a seeing eye dog.那些狗有过度发达的听力 以此来弥补 They have overdeveloped hearing to make up for the fact that-等等 导盲犬本身没有瞎 Wait, th

2、e dogs arent blind.等等 好像是瞎的吧 Wait. Are they?不对 这样说不通啊 No, that wouldnt make sense.你说得对 Youre right.只要耐心等待 她自己就能琢磨出答案 If I wait long enough, she can get there by herself.快猜 姑娘们 Quick, girls-月满抱佳人中著名的丹尼 Famous Danny from Moonstruck.艾啰 Aiello?菲尔 幸好找到你了 Hey, Phil. Im glad I caught ya.什么事 Whats up?是关于斯蒂芬

3、和斯特凡的 Uh, its about Steven and Stefan.他们想再看一次布洛尔街上的房子 They wanna see that house on Briar again.真的吗 我都带他们去看过5次了 Really? I showed it to them five times.上次去看时 我以为他们总算看对眼了呢 Last time we were there, I think they got mail.所以我才给你打电话啊 Yeah, well, thats why Im calling.他们不喜欢去烦别人 只喜欢烦我 They hate upsetting peop

4、le, unless, of course, its me.所以他们才不介意清晨7点就把我闹醒 Then they dont mind waking me up at 7:00 A.M.,要我给你打电话 asking me to call you.没问题 反正我也没事 Its no problem. Im just hanging around.正好有点闲得无聊 Kind of bored, really.怎么了 What?我们今天的日行一善完成了 Well, we did our good deed for the day.没错 为了我们的死对头 他们有完没完啊 Yeah, for the

5、enemy. Dont they have enough?我们从一年前就计划领养一个儿子 Its been about a year since we decided to adopt a boy.同时 我们的朋友斯蒂芬和斯特凡 Meanwhile, our friends Steven and Stefan也决定要一个孩子 decided that they wanted a baby, too.好奇他们这念头从哪里偷来的啊 Wonder where they got that idea?我们还在等待之中 他们却已经 Well, were still waiting, but they al

6、ready got their kid通过代孕生下了孩子 because they went through a surrogate.他们对此叽叽喳喳个没完 Which is all they talk about.你要一直这么说话吗 Are you gonna keep doing that?没准哦 I might.我得带人去看房子了 I have to go show a house.不过首先 艾尔顿约翰在70年代时的性向是 But first, what was Elton Johns sexual orientation in the 70s?拜音同Bi 双性恋 Bye.-你已经说过一

7、次了 -经典永流传 - Youve done that one before. - And it never gets old,就像奇异船长本人一样 like the good Captain Fantastic himself.克莱尔 你知道吗 Hey, Claire, guess what?抱歉 亲爱的 我没空说话 Im sorry, honey, I cant talk right now.我答应了送贝瑟妮去机场 I told Bethenny I would take her to the airport.我迟到了 她会赶不上飞机的 钥匙呢 Im late, and shes gonn

8、a miss her flight. Where are my keys?这椅子怎么还在这 我以为你和卢克 Why is that chair still here? I thought you and Luke已经把它搬去路边了呢 were gonna put it out on the sidewalk.你没空说话 却有空要我做家务 So you cant talk unless its about my chores?你何不现在把活干好 也免得你这么无聊 Why dont you just do it now, and you wont be so bored?你刚才听见了 You he

9、ard that?什么都逃不过我耳朵 I hear everything.是找我的 Thats for me.利昂 小平头真清爽 Hey, Leon. Nice buzz cut.对某些人来说 洗发水根本没用 Yeah, for some people, the shampoo doesnt work.只会让头虱越发猖狂 It only makes the lice angry.很高兴见到你 Nice to see you.天呐 怎么会这样 Oh, no. No-oh, God.艾丽克斯 站着别动 Um, Alex, do not move.海莉 立刻打扫干净 听见了吗 Haley, clea

10、n this up, okay?谁会在花瓶里装满弹子球啊 Who fills a vase with marbles?谁会看不见一个装满弹子球的花瓶呢 Who doesnt see a vase filled with marbles?谁想聆听一大叠盘子被打破的乐曲 Who wants to hear a bunch of plates crashing?菲尔 亲爱的 快来厨房帮帮姑娘们 Phil! Honey, the girls need you in the kitchen!谢谢你的帽子 利昂 戴着有点痒呢 Thanks for the hat, Leon. It kind of tic

11、kles.菲尔 Phil!把它救活需要多少电啊 How much electricity do we need to bring this back?用不着那么高深的知识 Its not rocket science.我们只是要让只死松鼠复活而已 Were only reanimating a squirrel.菲尔 事态紧急 Phil! Now!摩登家庭 第三季 第十五集听起来不错嘛 不 等一下 Sounds great. No, hang on.歌洛莉亚 曼尼呢 Gloria, wheres Manny?几个邻居小孩邀请他一起去踢橄榄球 Some neighborhood kids hav

12、e invited him to play football.他说他去进行晨间散步保健了 He said he was taking his morning constitutional.他在摆弄他的卡丁车 不过他会去的 Hes working on his go-cart, but hell be there.好 到时候见 Okay. See you then.曼尼没法去和他们踢球了 No, Manny cannot go and play with those boys.玛戈正在帮我们搞下午去剧院的票 Margo is trying to get us theater tickets fo

13、r this afternoon.歌洛莉亚 你和曼尼黏得够紧了 Gloria, you and Manny do enough together.我们让他自己决定吧 他去哪里散步了 Lets let him decide. Wheres he walking?不知道 不过就他哼的歌来看 I dont know. But according to the song he was singing,大概是在街道的向阳处散步呢 he was going to the sunny side of the street.再多的话也不足以说明 那孩子多么需要踢橄榄球 I cannot express to

14、you enough how bad this kid needs football.妈 快看我找到了什么 Mom! Look what I found!第99个硬币 Number 99!在曼尼5岁时 我们家境贫穷 When Manny was 5, we didnt have much.无依无靠 We were on our own.所以我们总是幻想能中个彩票 So we always dreamed of winning the lottery.我们想如果收集起100个人像朝上的幸运分币 We figured if we collected 100 lucky heads-up penni

15、es再用它买张彩票 铁定能中 and bought a ticket with them, we couldnt lose.但现在我找到了好老公 But now I have a wonderful husband,有了好归宿 a beautiful home.我觉得自己已经中大奖了 I feel like I already won the lottery.所以万一中奖 能全部归我吗 So I can keep whatever we win?想得美 大部分硬币都是我捡的 I think no. I found most of them.能把这个放到存钱罐里吗 Can you put thi

16、s in the jar with the others?没问题 Si.啊 我忘了 Ay. I forgot.你保险箱的密码是什么来着 What is the combination to your safe?我还是跟你一起去吧 Ill just come with you.噢 真有意思 难道我们家的情况是 Oh, yes, cause thats how this arrangement works-靠你们俩来养活我吗 I take money from you!你好 Hello?玛戈啊 不 她刚上楼去了 Oh, hi, Margo. No, she just ran upstairs.听着

17、 那些剧院的票啊 Listen, about these theater tickets-你不用费那么大劲去 Dont knock yourself out trying to.已经搞到了 Oh, you did?那个 抱歉现在才通知你 Well, sorry to do this last minute,可他们去不了了 but they cant go.不 曼尼有个橄榄球比赛 所以 No, Manny has a football game, so.杰 能帮我把茶泡上吗 Jay, could you steep my tea?再多的话也不足以说明 那孩子多么需要踢橄榄球 I cannot e

18、xpress to you enough how much this kid needs football.整幢房子的参观结束 And that is the whole house.再一次的 Again.我喜欢这房子 可不是那种喜欢 I love it, but I just dont love it.你喜欢吗 Do you love it?当然 我当然喜欢 I love it. I absolutely love it.我就是不太确定是不是爱上它了 Im just not sure if Im in love with it.我懂的 Oh, yeah.我们公司有个说法 We have an

19、 expression around the office把那些做不成的买卖叫做 for when a sale just isnt happening-佣金无望 Commission: Impossible.那是对他们来说 Maybe for some people.我忘了之前有没有提过 Not sure if I mentioned it before,这房子可是附带有 but the house does come with a hookup一台欧式洗衣机的 for a European washing machine.这个我喜欢 Oh, I love that.真抱歉 Oh, so s

20、orry.老大来电 Its the boss.嗨 我在回家路上呢 Hi. Im on my way home.刚给海莉打电话 一直没人接 Ive been calling Haley, but nobodys answering.都还好吧 Is everything okay there?一切都好 Everything here is great.那太好了 你把椅子搬出去了没 Oh, thank god. Did you put the chair out front?还没呢 Not yet.亲爱的 一会赶不上垃圾车收垃圾了 Honey, youre gonna miss the trash

21、pickup.别担心 就算他们不要 别人也会要的 Dont worry. If they dont take it, someone else will.谁没事会从我们草坪上 Who is gonna pick up把那破椅子搬走啊 that ratty chair off our lawn?开什么玩笑 它好着呢 Are you kidding? Its in great shape.超级舒服 人见人爱花见花开 Super cozy. People are always commenting on it.相信我 今晚前就会有人要的 Trust me, itll be gone by the e

22、nd of the day.拜托 现在就扔掉 Please, just do it now.我没办法 I cant.太抱歉了 Im so sorry.等我这儿客户走了 when Im done with these clients,我会给卢克和利昂打电话 Ill call Luke and Leon.我肯定会说服他们的 I know I can talk them into it.我们可不能把这房子让给卢克和利昂 We are not losing this house to Luke and Leon.你说给他俩打电话是什么意思 What do you mean, Call luke and

23、 leon?你不在家的吗 Arent you at home?不在 你走之前我就走了 No, I left right before you did.菲尔 我们家 那些娃 Phil, the house. The-the kids.天呐 那松鼠 Oh, god, the squirrel.喂 Hello?我们要了 Well take it.佣金 Commission.碟中谍中任务完成的固定用语-Mission Accomplished到手 Accomplished.你现在的生活多美好啊 So how great is your life right now, huh?新房子 新宝宝 A new

24、 house, a new baby,斯特凡的止秃药也开始起效了 Stefans propecias kicking in.是他的短信 他在路上了 Thats him. Hes on his way.他短信里写的路上 He texted O.M.W.我们带着孩子开车的时候 We try to keep our texts short总是尽量保持短信简洁 when were driving with the baby.哇噻 你俩真是好家长 Oh, well, what wonderful parents you are.你们一定有点嫉恨我们吧 You guys hate us a little

25、bit, dont you?-没 哪会啊 -有那么点 - No. God, no. - Just a little.你们考虑过代孕吗 Have you thought about surrogacy?自己造个婴儿 At least youd be making a baby至少要比等着哪个孕妇 instead of waiting around for some pregnant mom来选你们要好些 to maybe pick you.我们倒是考虑过 Well, we considered it,可是我们不知道怎么决定谁来. 莉莉呢 But how do you decide which o

26、ne will-wheres Lily?-睡觉呢 -给蛋糕上糖霜受孕 - Sleeping. - Ice the cupcake.这有什么不能在莉莉面前说的 That you couldnt say in front of Lily?听到这话她就会想要吃蛋糕 Well, then, shed want a cupcake. Yeah, well.混捐的好处就在这 But thats the beauty of the swirl.混捐 The swirl?夫夫二人同时捐精 然后混在一起 You both donate, they mix it up,让卵细胞受精 Fertilize the e

27、gg.谁都不知道亲爹是谁 You never know who the father is.斯特凡来了 Ooh. Thats Stefan.我们是不是该考虑下混捐 Yeah, maybe we should think about this swirl.那个 我觉得代孕不适合我俩 Well, I-I didnt think surrogacy was for us.总有一个人 会有种被排挤在外的感觉 But, you know, cause one of us would feel left out.可是如果不知道谁是亲爹的话 Yeah, but if you dont know whose

28、it is.抱歉我们迟到了 Sorry were late.同志们 来认识一下罗可 Guys, meet Roco.罗可还是可可啊茶色 Roco or Cocoa?看他在球场上 Look at him out there.太刺激了 Oh, ay. This is so exciting.加油冲啊 漂亮 Go ahead! Attaboy!-冲啊 往前冲 -跑啊曼尼 跑啊 - Go! Go ahead! Attaboy! - Go, Manny! Run!我知道歌洛莉亚会发现我向她撒谎了 I knew Gloria would find out I lied about those ticket

29、s.可是我觉得 等她看见曼尼在球场上 But I figured when she saw Manny out there,跟其他孩子开开心心地玩 playing with all those other kids,她会感谢我的 shed thank me.那是我想象中的美事 Thats what I figured.快跑 快跑 Go! Go!他干嘛呢这是 What the hells he doing?跑啊曼尼 跑啊 Run, Manny! Run!妈妈 第100个硬币 Mom! Number 100!我们现在运气足够了 Now we have the lucky-oh!谢天谢地 Oh, t

30、hank god.没人死掉 Nobodys dead.也可能 我们都死了 Or. Were all dead.损失了多少盘子 How many plates did we lose?一个都没坏 卢克和海莉用饼干烤盘 None. Luke and Haley used cookie sheets在一地玻璃弹中给我清理了一条路出来 to clear a path through the marbles for me.玻璃弹呢 Where are the marbles?在这呢 Right here.海莉 Oh, Haley!我在里面灌了胶水 以后不会再倒出来了 I put glue on them

31、 so it doesnt happen again.椅子呢 What about the chair?利昂和我用滑板把它推到外边去了 Leon and I rolled it outside on some skateboards.松鼠呢 The squirrel?你觉得我会允许那种荒唐事发生吗 You think I was going to let that happen?那些孩子离开父母也会活得好好的 These kids are going to survive.他们集我和菲尔的优点于一身 They are the best of me and Phil.卢克利用了滑板 海莉把弹珠全粘起来 Luke using the skateboards, Haley gluing the marbles-完全遗传了菲尔 That is pure Phil.艾丽克斯让一切保持井然有序 A

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