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1、五年级英语下册第五单元先锋学区教案首页 学科: 英语年级: 五年级任课教师:备课日期:课题Unit 5 Whose dog is it?教学目标1.掌握新单词: his ,hers, theirs, ours, yours, mine .2.掌握句型: Whose dog is that ? Its my dog. =The dog is mine.教学重点能准确的读出和写出新的单词。教学难点能理解和运用新单词、句子:Whose dog is it ? Its your dog. /The dog is yours.教学用具单词卡片教学方法引导法、讲授法 授课时次共4课时第1课时板书设计Uni

2、t 5 Whose dog is it?Its his dog. = The dog is his. Its her dog. = The dog is hers.Its my dog. = The dog is mine. Its their dog. = The dog is theirs. Its your dog. = The dog is yours. Its our dog. = The dog is ours.教学反思审阅人教学设计(续页)教 学 活 动 设 计补 充 内 容一、预习温故1.Sing a song: When is your birthday? 2.T: Whic

3、h season do you like best? S:Spring.T:When is April Fools Day? S:Its on April 1st.T: When is your birthday, Mike? S1: My birthday is on August 5th. T: Whose birthday is in October? 二、新课内容展示(用时18分钟) Learn words : his, her, their, our, my ,your T: Read after me :his book, her pen, their dog , our cat,

4、 my book. S: his book, her pen, their dog, our cat, my book.T: Do you have a pet? S: Yes. / No.T: Look! That is my book. The book is mine T: Whose book is that? S: Its Amys book. T: The book is hers. (标有下划线的地方可替换其它单词)Listen to the tape and follow reading.3、合作交流,师生共建4、达标检测5、布置当堂作业学生正确的抄写单词:hers , the

5、irs, ours, his, yours, mine.先锋学区教案首页 学科: 英语年级: 五年级任课教师:备课日期:课题Unit 5 Whose dog is it?教学目标1.听录音完成Lets try的练习题.2.熟练掌握对话及重点句型:The yellow picture is mine . Are these all ours? There is picture of Shanghai. Whose is it?教学重点1.能听录音完成相应的练习题。2.能熟读对话和灵活的进行句型替换练习。教学难点能熟读对话和灵活的进行句型替换练习。教学用具单词卡片教学方法引导法、讲授法 授课时次共

6、4课时第2课时板书设计Unit 5 Whose dog is it?The yellow picture is mine. Whose is that picture of Beijing? Whose is that picture of Shanghai? Are these all ours? Yes, they are.教学反思审阅人教学设计(续页)教 学 活 动 设 计补 充 内 容一、预习温故1. T: Is this his cat? S: Yes, it is.T: Is this her bag? S: No, it isnt. T: Whose book / pen /ru

7、ler is that? S1: Its mine/ yours/ his.2. Review sentences: T: Its his dog. S: The dog is his .(用上节课的图片)T: Its her book. S: The book is hers.T: Its their dog. S: The dog is theirs. ()二、新课内容展示1. Listen to the tape of Lets try part and finish exercises. (老师讲解录音中的重点句子)2.Teach keys words and sentences: y

8、ellow picture, picture of , beautiful, There is (板书在黑板上)T: What do you do? S: I eat banana. / I climb mountains.T: Teach and review words: sleep, drink water, climb mountains.3.T: I do , You guess.(我做你猜)Look at me ,What am I doing ?(老师做睡觉状)S1:睡觉(sleep)T: Sleeping. I am sleeping.Use the same way to l

9、earn the other words: climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking.并板书在黑板上同时将每个单词的原形也板书在黑板。4. Read these words together. 3、合作交流,师生共建四、达标检测五、布置当堂作业1.抄写单词:climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping2.记住新单词并五个进行时的句子。先锋学区教案首页 学科: 英语年级: 五年级任课教师:备课日期:课题Unit 5 Whose dog is it?教学目标1.听录音完成Lets try

10、的练习题.2.熟练掌握对话及重点句型:Where is Fido now ? Is he drinking water? Can I play with him now? Of course. Come here.教学重点1. 能听录音完成相应的练习题。2.能熟读对话和灵活的进行句型替换练习。教学难点能熟读对话和灵活的进行句型替换练习。教学用具单词卡片教学方法引导法、讲授法 授课时次共4课时第3课时板书设计Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Where is Fido now?Is he drinking water?Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.Can I p

11、lay with him now?Can you take him to the park?教学反思审阅人教学设计(续页)教 学 活 动 设 计补 充 内 容一、预习温故Read part A and part Bs words and Lets talk part.二、新课内容展示1. Teach letters ng nk pronunciation / / / k/ 2.Spell these words : long sing ring young think ink trunk pink 3. 给下列单词加ing。(老师板书在黑板上) look _ dance _ run _ wal

12、k _ fly _三、合作交流,师生共建1.Students read these words: like, bear, rabbit, tiger, elephant, monkey, bird, want to be.2.Listen to the tape of Read and write three times.3.理解课文中的重点句子4.Answer these questions: Where are Sarah and Robin? They are at _. The bear is _ The rabbits are _四、达标检测五、布置当堂作业1.熟读Read and

13、write 部分。2.完成相应的练习题。先锋学区教案首页 学科: 英语年级: 五年级任课教师:备课日期:课题Unit 5 Whose dog is it?教学目标1.掌握新单词和短语:doing morning exercises, havingclass, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music.2.掌握句型:What is Chen Jie /she /he doing?What are the students /they /you doing?教学重点1.能掌握新的单词和短语。2.能理解并运用新的句型。教学难点1.能掌握新的单词

14、和短语。2.能理解并运用新的句型。教学用具单词卡片教学方法引导法、讲授法 授课时次共4课时第4课时板书设计Unit 6 Work quietly!What is he /she doing?What are they/you doing?doing morning exercisesHe/ She is havingclass eating lunchThey / We are reading a book listening to music教学反思审阅人教学设计(续页)教 学 活 动 设 计补 充 内 容一、预习温故Read part A and part Bs words and Let

15、s talk part.二、新课内容展示1.Teach letters ng nk pronunciation / / / k/ 2.Spell these words : long sing ring young think ink trunk pink 3.给下列单词加ing。(老师板书在黑板上) look _ dance _ run _ walk _ fly _三、合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1.Students read these words: like, bear, rabbit, tiger, elephant, monkey, bird, want to be.2.Lis

16、ten to the tape of Read and write three times.3.理解课文中的重点句子4.Answer these questions: Where are Sarah and Robin? They are at _. The bear is _ The rabbits are _ The tiger is _ The elephant is _Listen to the tape and finish exercises of Lets check part.Learn story time.1.Students draw out keys words and phrases: here come. Be quite! Tail, fast, Thats cute. Copy.2.Teach these keys words and phrases.3.Read this part by self.四、达标检测五、布置当堂作业1.熟读Read and write 部分。2.完成相应的练习题。

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