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1、四年级英语一单元教案 北京师范大学先锋英语四年级上册教案 成都市二仙桥学校 尹小红学期教学计划学生情况分析本年级学生多数居住在城郊结合部,每周有两节英语课,班额40多人,课时偏少,在课堂上多数学生对学习英语有较浓兴趣,乐于参与教学活动,敢于开口说英语。但是由于我校生源家庭条件限制,学生在家复习、预习情况不能得到有效的保障,导致学生水平参差不齐。回家后能够坚持学习英语的学生不多,学生在认读能力、指读能力上存在一定差距。教材的知识结构及系统分析本册书共有六个单元,最后一个单元为复习单元1-6单元均为12页,第74页至77页是词汇部分、第78页是关于方位词的练习题,每课时完成2页的内容包括故事、词汇

2、、听说读写活动、歌曲、歌谣、涂色练习及自我评价每单元新增词汇10余个每单元新增句型46个学期教学目的对英语学习有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语 能做简单的角色扮演能唱简单的英语歌曲,说简单的英文歌谣能在图片的帮助下读懂和听懂简单的小故事能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉进一步要求学生能正确模仿写单词和简单的句子。学期教学重难点学生学习习惯的培养各单元相关话题的语句的听、说,词汇的认读和正确书写各单元故事大意的理解和部分表演,重点句型的初步认读童谣、儿歌的演唱和改编主要的教学措施或教改思路正确把握学情,结合“最近发展区”理论、全语言教学的理念和整体教学思想,设定恰当的教学目标,通过创设活动型的

3、课堂,让学生成为课堂的主人。教师成为学生学习的引领者、促进者、激励者。学期教学进度安排2节4周4月 =32课时 (每单元约5-6课时)第一单元教学计划Unit1 Mochky the juggler.单元主题谈论职业。单元目标技能目标学生通过本单元故事的学习,能简单描述和询问别人的职业总结语法现象,运用语法规律。知识目标故事大意的理解和表演。重点句型的认读、书写和运用。童谣儿歌的演唱和改编。能完成相关练习。情感态度目标通过故事中Mocky的遭遇引出职业话题,引导学生养成尊重劳动者的好习惯。学习策略目标通过遵循理解,听、说、读、写的“认知规律”,玩、演、唱的合作学习,让学生提高学习兴趣,更好的掌

4、握知识。文化意识目标让学生了解日常生活中的常见职业和不同职业的区别。单元教学内容分析故事:是生活化的对话,可以提出简单的理解性问题,或者采用T或F问题语法:Uncle Bookys blackboard应该在情景下呈现给学生,让学生理解词汇:Words to Learn应该会听、会认、会说儿歌:能够模仿唱,进行简单的改编。练习:能辨别语音、领会意思,听懂大意和主题。单元教学重点故事大意的理解和表演,例如教师、医生职业的模仿。重点句型的认读和运用,例如What does she do?等。童谣儿歌的演唱和改编。职业单词的正确认读和书写。能完成相关练习。单元教学难点职业单词的正确认读和书写。能完成

5、相关练习。童谣儿歌的改编。学困生教学重难点的突破措施小组合作学习,以优带差。教师重点关注中下学生的学习状况。教学方法运用听说法、视听法、“任务型”教学法、交际教学法以及情景教学法。课时的划分第1课时 Story 第2课时 词汇教学第3课时 语音教学 第4课时 句型教学第5课时 儿歌教学 第6课时 阅读教学第四步,进行分课时教学设计。课时进度(第1课时)课型特点新授课教学目标技能目标能够理解故事大意、知道juggler,juggle,get help,of course,ambulance,etc。重点句型的认读:What does she/he do? Shes a teacher.模仿跟读。

6、知识目标重点句型的认读。教师提出简单的理解性问题,或者采用T或F问题情感、文化、策略目标通过故事中Mocky的遭遇引出职业话题,引导学生养成尊重劳动者的好习惯。教学重点能够理解故事大意。重点句型的认读。模仿跟读。教学难点教师提出简单的理解性问题,或者采用T或F问题教具准备录音机、图片、挂图教 学 过 程活动进程学生活动教师引 导设计意图重点关注 Step1GreetingsStep 2 Setthe sceneStep3Model and talk about the Story Greeting:Goood morning/after-Noon,etc. Set a scene:a teac

7、her and two Ss.They are taling about the professions:a student,a policeman,a doctor,and a Vet.Ss:repeat the Sentence.and the procedure.Elicit the doctor.Listen to the tapeOpen their books and listen to the story againListen to story again, and try to know whats the story talking about? And answer Ts

8、 questionsDiscuss in groups and give some questions about the story.Ask and answer other questionsListen and read after the tape.Try to retell the story in groups.Show-offT:What do you say when you meet your teacher in the morning?Elicit them say rightly.Listen and give some assessment.T:He is a doc

9、tor.Ask the Ss:Who will You go to see when you are sick?Then present vet,Policeman.Giving some questions.e.g,What does she do?Is she a doctor?Giving some more questions.e.gPicture1: What does she/he do?She/He is a(an).Elicit Ss to know the main idea of the story.Listen to Ss ideas, and give them som

10、e suggestions.Listen and give some assessment.Play the tape and pause after each sentence.Listen and help.Assessment让学生从问候中回忆出教师这个词汇学生学会听懂怎样问别人的职业让学生依靠图片了解一些常用职业引导学认真听职业和相关问句了解故事大意。熟悉教材,带着问题听 帮助理解特别是重难点。给学生发挥空间。合作学习让学生充分展示学习效果,复习旧知。培养学生的模仿能力。落实发展目标。展示与评价。学生是否知道怎样问候老师和参与了问候学生能否根据已知答句反过来理解问句学生是否参与练习说这

11、些职业学生是否听懂职业的问句听与理解学生的指读全体学生的参与。学生之间的互助互学。个体展示。听和读的培养知识的反馈和扩展全体学生的参与度。作业设计1 Listen to the story with their parents.2 try to retell the story to their parents.3 Preview P4-P5.板书设计Unit1 Mochky the juggler Lesson1 The storyNew words Questions Assessmenta teacher What does she/he do? T1 T2 T3a doctor She

12、s/Hes a vet/.a vet Are you a teacher?a juggler Yes,I am.Juggle No,Im not.ambulance alrightget help第四步,进行分课时教学设计课时进度(第2课时)课型特点新授课教学目标技能目标能通过学习语音的方法,正确划分单词的音节和认读单词。在情景下,相关句子的初步认读。模仿跟读。听的准确性的培养。知识目标与话题相关的句子的初步认读。What does she/he do?单词的准确认读:a farmer,a policeman,a nurse,a vet, a doctor,a polit,a dancer,a

13、 student,call,help,and Teach.相关练习的完成:P4的听音标号。儿歌的唱、表演、改:P5的职业儿歌情感、文化、策略目标通过本课学习,培养学生热爱劳动的好习惯。了解怎样用英语询问他人的职业。教学重点在情景下,与话题相关的句子的初步认读。单词的积累。模仿跟读和儿歌的唱与表演。教学难点情景下,与话题相关的句子的初步认读。相关练习的完成。教具准备录音机、卡片教 学 过 程活动进程学生活动教师引 导设计意图重点关注Step 1Greetings:Step 2Warm-upStep3Flashcard activityStep4Group workStep 5 Lets sing

14、学生热情的与教师打招呼并问候S:Fine, thank you. Im fineNice to meet you too。Ss play the gameS1:Hes a/an .S2:Shes a/an . Ss-SsAsk and answer4Ss workDiscussing the 7 pictures first, then try to talking in pairs. Ss do it.Ss listen and try to understand the answerSs read loudlytogether.Ss:try to read the song by them

15、selvesSs Listen and look carefullyListen and sing the song togetherMake new songs教师热情的与学生打招呼并问候T:Hello! Everyone! How are you? Nice to meet you。T: Lets play the game“Simon says”T: show the cards of a farmer/a vet/Ask: What does she/he do?Give some help and ask some questions, e,g:What does she/he do

16、?Give Ss five minutes to practice by themselves.Elicit Ss to do “Listen to this”.on P4.T: Play the record.T:Check SsElicit them read thepictures.T:Tell Ss they will learn the song.T:Read the song for Ss with pictures.Then once againPlay the record and modeling singing通过教师和学生的问候拉近教师和学生的距离运用游戏引出核心句型:W

17、hat does she/he do?创设情景,为引入新知。培养学生的听的能力,理解思考能力和合作学习的能力。培养4人小组的学习习惯熟悉图片,为进一步做题做好准备。训练学生的听力能力。思维训练和方法指导。巩固核心句型和词汇,引导学生记忆培养和巩固学生学习英语的兴趣爱好示范认读培养学生的听唱演玩的能力训练学生的创新能力学生的学习状态学生的学习热情和英语思维对已学知识的复现和对新知的听、说、写。学生是否积极参与练习。是否每一位学生都有提高。学生谈论图片的情况。学生听的习惯。学生的思维习惯学生读音、语音和句型运用的准确性。学生的情感态度学生对歌词的注意力享受英语儿歌中、差学生作业设计1 Listen

18、 to the tape with their parents.2 Read the P4-P5 to their parents.3 Preview P6-P7板书设计Unit1 Mochky the juggler Lesson2 Words to learnNew WordsSentences: Assessment T1 T2 T3What does she/he do?Hes/Shes a farmer,a policeman,a nurse,a vet, a doctor,a polit,a dancer,a student,call,help, teach.Please call

19、 a doctor/第四步,进行分课时教学设计。课时进度(第3课时)课型特点巩固课教学目标技能目标了解家庭人物,完成话轮练习。听的准确性和理解力的培养。阅读能力的培养知识目标能说出家庭成员的职业能完成听音连线情感、文化、策略目标喜欢谈论职业话题,尊重劳动者和热爱劳动者。教学重点能读懂短文,完成习题。教学难点对短文大意的理解。在实际生活中运用所学职业知识。相关练习的完成。教具准备录音机、卡片教 学 过 程活动进程学生活动教师引 导设计意图重点关注Step 1Greeting and Warm- upStep2Talk togetherStep3Listen and matchStep4Jacks

20、 familySet the HW学生热情的与教师打招呼并问候S:Fine, thank you. Im fineNice to meet you too。Ss:Sing the songRead their diary they wrote last time.Ss: listen and point.Group workPair workStudentsshowLook and think.And try to say sth,Do it Try to understand and read the answer togetherSs:Look and try to know these

21、personsrelationSs try to answer according to the picture and the short passage Ss do it Finish “Listen and match”Ss:try to Understand the answerRead it again 教师热情的与学生打招呼并问候T:Hello! Everyone! How are you? Nice to meet you。T: Lets sing the job song .OK!Point the picture and ask Ss to look talk about i

22、t TS1:Model the dialog.Elicit the Ss to talk4 Little teachers to help SsAsk Ss to look and thinkPlay the recordCheck the answerT:Please look at the pictures firstT:ask some questions.Eg:Whos the old man ?What does he do?etc.Give Ss 8ms to Read and finish the prcticeT:check the answer and ask Ss to a

23、sk and answer each other通过教师和学生的问候拉近教师和学生的距离用歌曲热身,引出核心句型和词汇 让学生先自己谈论图片培养学生倾听习惯和指读习惯。小组合作学习知识点的过手培养学生自信听力训练巩固知识点训练学生阅读的方法和好习惯扩展练习了解故事大意,培养学生阅读能力。合作学习和检测学生读的情况学生的学习状态学生对旧知的掌握程度学困生掌握情况。学生是否认真听对话题的掌握情况。中、差生的掌握情况。个层次学生的水平听的方法和习惯学生是否消化和吸收知识学生在认真看图和思考吗学生的发散思维能力学生阅读能力。学生是否参与学生互动理解作业设计1.Read the passage agai

24、n2.Write their own short passage3.Preview p8-p9板书设计Unit1 Mochky the jugglerLesson3 Talk,listen and readWhat does your father do? AssessmentHes a doctor. T1 T2 T3Is your mother also a doctor?No,she is a teacher. 第四步,进行分课时教学设计。课时进度(第4课时)课型特点复习课教学目标技能目标了解字母及组合的发音:a,i,e,oa能够通过找语音的规律,正确认读单词。在情景下,重点句型的进一步

25、认读和巩固拓模仿跟读。听的准确性的培养。知识目标重点句型的巩固拓展(职业的问答)。语音单词的准确认读。相关练习的完成。情感、文化、策略目标通过本课学习,培养学生对语音规律的总结和运用。在实际生活中运用有关职业话题的知识。教学重点情景下,重点句型(职业)的进一步认读 和运用。模仿跟读。教学难点在实际生活中运用所学知识。相关练习的完成。教具准备录音机、卡片教 学 过 程活动进程学生活动教师引 导设计意图重点关注Step 1Greeting and Warm- upStep2ReviewStep3Uncle Bookys BlackboardStep4Sounds and lettersStep4

26、Write the sentences学生热情的与教师打招呼并问候S:Fine, thank you. Im fineNice to meet you too。Read P4 P5 togetherPointing the words and repeat.Answer the T s questions.Do it in pairs. Answer the T s questions.Read after the T,Group1 ask ,Group2 answer .Then exchange.Try to read the words.Open their books and read

27、 after the tape then finish “listen for soundListen to the tape , and read the words.教师热情的与学生打招呼并问候T:Hello! Everyone! How are you? Nice to meet you。Listen and check their sound. Say some words, Elicit Ss to point on their booksAsk some questions. e.g: What does he /she do?About the blackboard. Give them some help.Ask some questions about the daily jobs.Read the sentences on theblackboard.Set the scene: Kens dream.In it ,he had many jobsT: Play the tape and help the Ss read in right way. Then check the exercises answers.Play the tape.通过教师和学生的问候拉近教师和学生的距离通

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