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湘少版英语四年级上册unit11教学设计 彭超群.docx

1、湘少版英语四年级上册unit11教学设计 彭超群英语湘少版四年级英语上册Unit11教学设计 湖南幼专附属小学 彭超群1、教材依据:Unit11是湘少版英语四年级上册的教学内容,本单元的主要话题是使用方位介词in,on,under来描述物品所在家具和家中的位置。本课时为教学第1课时,依据本单元的PartB&G&D部分设计而成。二、教学目标分析:(1)知识与技能: 1、学生能够听、说、认读单词:window, chair, desk, bed, wall, door,room;学生能灵活运用方位介词:on,in,under方位介词短语描述物品的所在位置 2、学生能够听懂“Is the.on/in

2、/under the.?”句型并能用“Yes,it is.”和“No,it isnt.”做出回答,并能熟练运用句型来对物体的位置进行猜测和回答,培养学生口语交际能力。 3、借助资源中图文、注释和工具的支持,学生能够看懂与方位介词短语相关的小动画片,培养正确的英语语感。 4、能阅读小故事,能正确做出拓展听力材料的测试题。(2)过程与方法: 1、利用学生感兴趣的人物导入本课所学知识,激发学生学习本课知识的积极性和提高兴趣。 2、创设真实情景和语言环境,采用视听法、听说法、观察法、歌曲吟唱法、律动法等多种教学方法,调动学生学习英语的自主性和积极性。(3)情感态度与价值观: 1、培养学生良好的英语语感

3、和学习英语的积极性,并在活动中体验到英语学习的乐趣。 2、教育学生在家里要收拾和整理好自己的房间,帮助父母做自己力所能及的事情。 3、培养学生参与意识和小组合作意识,运用语言进行交际的能力。3、学习者特征分析1、四年级的学生已经学习英语一年了,对英语已经有了初步的语感,之前学习了房间的种类单词:bedroom,kitchen,living room,bathroom,熟悉了“Whats this?”句型,进而引出对room内家具类单词的学习,通过巧妙的导入他们会很感兴趣和具有亲切感,为进一步学习打下基础。2、四年级的学生活泼好动,爱表现,爱唱歌,爱模仿,求知欲强,善于直观形象思维,学习兴趣浓厚

4、,因此节奏明快的chant和好听的英文歌曲会让他们爱不释手,从而确保良好的学习效果。 3、学生对游戏、TPR活动有热情,能最大限度调动学生学英语的兴趣。四、教学重点及难点重点:1.能听懂、会说、认读、会写家具类单词bed、window、wall、chair、desk、door、room2.能听懂、会说、认读、会写三个方位介词on、in、under难点:1.能听懂描述物体所在位置的句子和短文,并能作出正确判断, 2.会用英文描述物体的所在位置并培养学生英语听力及应用能力。五、教学资源及环境1、PPT课件、flash动画及与D部分相关的动画片2、家具类模型或者图片,文具类实物,动物玩具 课文单词卡

5、片、图片3、电子白板交互式教室六、教学过程:Step1. Warm-up (热身活动)1. Greetings(师生问候) . T:In this lesson, Ill divide you into 5groups. If you are active and answer my question, Ill give you a sticker.Lets have a competition to see which group can get the most stickers.(看哪个组贴纸得的最多)Now, Answer my questions.2. Free talk (自由会话

6、) T: How is the weather today? You,please(指一学生) S2:Its sunny/cloudy/rainy. T: Good. Sit down. T: What do you like doing? S3:I like reading and playing basketball. T: Very good. Sports are good for our health. So we should get more exercises everyday, do you remember? Ss: Yes. T: What do you like doi

7、ng?(问一人)You,please. S5:I like singing. T: Good, sit down. She /he likes singing. Do you like singing , too? Ss:Yes,we do. T: OK,now lets sing a song in my home together,OK? Ss:OK. 师生共同唱歌律动.Are you ready?教师点击课件,屏幕播放flash歌曲音乐,老师与学生边做动作边唱歌曲in my home,复习上单元内容,为本节课的学习作出铺垫,导入新课。Step2. Lead-in(导入新知)教师点击课件,

8、出现可爱的Cindy(骑着自行车邀请大家去她的新家参观),T:Oh,Who is coming? Do you know who she is?Ss:She is Cindy. T:Yes,She is Cindy. I like her best.T:Why does she come here? What will she do? (点击课件,Cindy嘴巴动,并弹出对话框,内容是: Hello,friends. Welcome to visit my new house.)T: Oh, She invites us to visit her new house. Lets go with

9、 her, OK?Ss: OK!T: Oh, Its Cindys new house. 点击课件出现一座房子,Cindy 出现在屏幕左边,没骑自行车了。 Wow,Its so big and beautiful.T:Oh,its Cindys new room. Lets go in and have a look.点击课件,出现卧室近距离图片,Cindy站在房间内。T:Wow, Cindys room is very beautiful and clean. Do you think so?Ss:Yes.T:So,I think you should learn from her to t

10、idy up your room everyday ,OK?(情感态度教育)Ss:OK! T:Good kids!教师看看手表.T:Oh, sorry, Times up. We should go on our new lesson. So Lets say“good-bye” to Cindy. Ss:Bye-bye,Cindy!Step3.学习房间及家具类词汇A.T:Now,lets get on with the lesson. Firstly, please close your eyes.(教师示意)Its magic time. After I say “one,two,thre

11、e” you can open your eyes, are you clear?Ss:Yes.T:One,two,three, Now, you can open your eyes.B.T:Look!(呈现Cindy房间模型)This is Cindys new room.教师朗读标题,Cindys room.并用手指示意整个边框T:Answer my question :Whats this?Who can tell me?(因为之前老师提到过room,看学生是否明白?)教师指模型,yes, its a room. Its Cindys room. T: Read after me, 指

12、着单词R-0-0-M,room.带读两次 C.I can tell you its a magic room because everything in it can talk. Listen!畅言点读笔朗读room, Is it magic?Yes, I think so.T:Whats this? 指模型上的墙壁,Is it a ruler?Ss:No,it isnt. T: Is it a book? Ss: No, it isnt.T: Whats this? Who knows? 点读笔带读Wall wallT:指门,Is it a wall? T:Listen and repeat

13、. 用同样方法教chair,window,desk,bed单词 games(游戏操练) T: Thats all for this.1. Now, please look at the cards and read the words.带读单词两遍,now read the words one by one 学生开火车看卡片读单词2.The next, lets play a game “magic eyes” I show it quickly and you say the word。 OK? . Which word?闪过图片让学生说出单词3.Another game

14、:I show the card”window”,if I say ”window”,you follow me;but if I say”chair” you should do like this.(示意闭嘴)Step4.学习方位介词T: Good job!T: So much for this. A.导入:教师把书包放在小床上Look,what is on Cindys bed?Yes,its a schoolbag. B.呈现学习in:Now,(猜一猜的游戏)Lets guess! Whats in the schoolbag?手势示意in 的含义,导入方位介词in的学习。I can

15、give you a clue. Its an animal. It has two long ears and a short tail and two red eyes. What is it? Wow, so many students know it. S6:Its a rabbit.T: Great!You are so clever. 同时打开书包look!Its a rabbit. Read after me :in the schoolbag(2遍)The rabbit is in the schoolbag.Pay attention.(老师把兔子放进被子里) Is the

16、rabbit in the schoolbag now?S7:No, it isnt. Its in the bed. T: Very good .read after me,跟读in the bed 点击课件呈现in the bed 的图片和英文。The rabbit is in the bed.C.呈现学习方位介词under 、onNow,look,Is the rabbit in the bed?把小兔放在床下Ss:No,it isnt.T:You are right. The rabbit is under the bed. 描述under the bed 跟读under the be

17、d点击课件呈现under the bed 的 图片和 英文。教师又把小兔放在床上Is the rabbit on the bed? on the bed on the bed 点击课件呈现on the bed的图片和英文The rabbit is on the bed.D、操练on in under介词短语接下来老师又把小兔放在椅子下, How should we say? 学生操练under the chair 放在椅子上on the chair 放在在手心里in my hand来反复操练介词短语(prepositional phrases)T:Thats Great! Now please

18、 look at the blackboard and say.出示五幅图片并有短语,要学生说出含有介词短语的句子,并贴在黑板上。呈现本课的中心学习内容。 on the chair in the bed under the desk on the wall under the windowT:Now,Look at the screen, please. A.Lets talk .(说一说图中的物品位置) What else can you see in Cindys room? Please practise in groups. I ll give you two minutes. Sti

19、cker?(示意让学生得到更多的贴纸)(学生以小组为单位看图描述各个物品的所在位置,操练句型,巩固复习所学知识,增强学生小组合作意识) B.Lets talk.(说一说自己物品的位置)Very good. Now, please talk about the positions of your school-things, toys or something else. Step5 巩固操练 T: Very good. Now lets relax. Learn to sing a new songLets read the words at first.边做手势边带读歌词老师弹琴教唱“on、

20、in、under”songStep6:拓展运用T: Good job! Its fun time. Lets watch a cartoon. But you should answer my questionWhat are they doing? 观看动画片T: What are they doing?S1:They are playing “hide- and- seek”.点击呈现句子和中文解释。T:Great! Look, Dino and Tim are playing hide- and- seek too. Lets watch and read.播放D部分视频,Pay att

21、ention to your feeling.分角色朗读请学生带头饰表演T: Thats all for this. Look at the screen and take out your exercise paper, please.Lets do some exercises.Step7: Lets do some exercises.No1. listen and choose the correct picture. Are you ready?T: Which picture? Yes,choose number2. Put up your hands if you are rig

22、ht.No2. Look at the picture below and fill in the blanks with proper words.Step8. HomeworkT:Its almost time to stop now,Look at the blackboard, pleaseWe have learned the prepositions (on、in、under)And some words about a room。 Please go on studying after class,OK?For your homework: 点击出现作业界面Todays homework1. Read and copy the new words2. Play hide -and- seek with your parents or friends.板书设计(Blackboard design): Unit11 Where is the cat? on the chair in the bed under the desk on the wall under the window

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