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1、航海英语3800带翻译第6章航海英语3800带翻译第6章1745 When the ship causes oil pollution to the port, she will be _.A. Fined. B. Levied. C. Paid. D. Deducted.当船舶在港口导致油污染,她将被罚款。1746 When the _ is large, the ship is stiff稳性大; and when it is small, she is tender. 稳性小A. GM. B. Free surface.C. Longitudinal center of gravity.

2、 D. Transverse center of gravity.当GM值大时,船舶不易倾覆;当其小时,则船舶不稳易翻。1747 When _, the provisions of the bill of lading will be used as a basis for settlement. 解决A. An event is in connection with the marine peril at sea.B. A matter is linked to a person injury.C. A fact is being contacted by charter party.D.

3、A case is related to dispute about cargo.当涉及到货物的争议时,提单的规定将被作为解决的基础。1748 We enclose herewith an application in triplicate三倍 for repairs.A. In one copy. B. In two copies. C. In three copies. C. In four copies.我们同此俯寄修理申请一式三份。1749 VHF radio is one of the very important navigational instruments on board,

4、 _ messages can be sent.A. By which. B. Through which. C. By that. D. Through that.VHF是船上非常重要的无线电航行仪器之一,信息能够通过它来发送。1750 Vessels should be manned _ duly qualified胜任 officers and crew adequate胜任 _ ensure the safety of navigation.A. By/to. B. With/to. C. With/for. D. From/for.船舶应配备适当的有资格驾驶员和足够的船员以确保航行安

5、全。1751 Vessels remaining _ a few hours should moor with anchors.A. Much than. B. More than. C. Many than. D. Lot than.停留时间较长的船舶应用锚(链)来系泊。1752 Vessels are required to illuminate their _ to aid identification.A. Funnels. B. Tunnels. C. Channels. D. Handles.船舶被要求照亮她们的烟囱以帮助识别。1753 Vessel towing with the

6、 current shall _ tow more than two boats and they must be towed alongside.A. At times. B. At any time. C. At no time. D. At moment.从事顺流拖带的船舶,所拖船应决不得超过两只,而且必须采用舷拖。At no time决不1754 Upon underwater _ by divers, there are no apparent _ on the bottom plates of the said vessel.A. Detection, defects. B. De

7、tection, defects.C. Defects, detection. D. Defects, detection.通过潜水水下探测,上述船舶的船底板没有存在明显的缺陷。1755 This notice will _ you of the problem.A. Use to remind. B. Use to tell.C. Serve to remind. D. Be serve to talk.这个通知将帮助提醒你(想到)那个问题。(兹提醒你该问题)1756 This is to bring _ your notice that MV Utopia has anchored too

8、 close to my ship.A. For. B. To. C. In. D. With.这以引起您注意:已抛锚的Utopia轮靠我船太近。1757 This accident was caused by careless maneuvering _ the part of your vessel.A. On. B. For. C. At. D. In.这事故是由于你船操纵方面的过失原因所导致。1758 This accident was caused by careless maneuvering.A. In accordance with. B. Because of.C. On t

9、he part of. D. On account for-由于这事故被导致于(是因为)粗心的操纵。1759 Therefore you are requested to arrange promptly for the above mentioned amount of additional cargo to be loaded on board.A. In due course-及时地, 在适当时 B. On time-准时C. In time-及时 D. Swiftly. 立即地所以请你即时地(很快地)安排上述提到的拟追加装船的货物装船。1760 There was not suffic

10、ient depth of water in this area for my ship to navigate.A. Much. B. High. C. Enough. D. Great.在这个水域没有足够的水深为我船的航行。1761 There is sufficient anchorage for _ at all time around the No.1 buoy and for smaller vessels around the No.4 buoy.A. Deep laded vessels. B. Deeply load vessels.C. Deep loading vesse

11、ls. D. Deeply loaded vessels.深吃水重载船舶在一号浮附近和小船在四号浮附近总有足够的锚地(供她们使用)。1762 There is plenty of _ at this area.A. A room. B. Room. C. Rooms. D. The room.在这区域有丰富的(操纵)水域。1763 There is a drifting mine _ in position 21.31N 124.20E.A. Report. B. Reports. C. Reported. D. Reporting.在21.31N 124.20E位置(被)报告有一漂浮的水雷。

12、1764 There is a _ mine in position 50N 30W.A. Drifting. B. Drifted. C. Drift. D. Draft.在50N 30W位置有一(正在)漂浮的水雷。1765 There is plenty of room at the anchorage.A. A lot of area.B. Enough space.C. Many rooms.D. Plenty of berth. 空档锚地有丰富的水域。1766 There has been a collision in sea area of Fork.A. Stand by to

13、give assistance. B. Stand by to alter course.C. Stand by to stop engine. D. Stand by to go astern.在Fork水域发生一起碰撞事故。准备提供援助1767 There are no other vessels in the vicinity _ those at anchor.A. Besides. B. Including. C. Apart from. D. In addition to.除了那些锚泊船外,附近没有别的船。1768 There are a number of buoy in the

14、 vicinity.A. Nearby. B. In view. C. Visible. D. Far from.附近有大量的浮筒。1769 The windlass is inoperative.A. In good order. B. Operating. C. Operated. D. Out of order.起锚机不起作用(出故障,有毛病)。1770 The urgency signal concerning the illness of persons on board ship is _.A. Mayday. B. Pan. C. Securite. D. Attention.有

15、关船上病人的紧急信息是Pan。1771 The type of extinguisher which should be used for an electricity fire is _.A. Foam or soda acid. B. Dry chemical or foam.C. Carbon dioxide or dry chemical. D. Carbon dioxide or foam.被用于电器火灾的灭火器类型是CO2或干粉灭火器。1772 The time worked beyond超过 regular hours is expressed in term of _.A. T

16、imeover. B. Timeout. C. Overtime. D. Outtime.工作时间超过规定的小时数用术语加班表示。1773 The telegraph amended ETA 1900/4th owing strong wind says that _.A. ETA is received. B. ETA is changed.C. ETA is earlier. D. ETA remains unchanged.由于大风电报修改ETA为1900/4th说为ETA改变。1774 The telegram after unloading proceed manila in bal

17、last空船 indicates that the ship will proceed to Manila _.A. With dangerous cargo. B. For discharging.C. With no cargo on board. D. For taking ballast.电报:卸货后压在开往马尼拉说明船将空船开往马尼拉。1775 The tally fees will be settled _ my ship-owner _ the agents.A. To/for. B. For/to. C. By/through. D. Through/for.理货费将由我船东通

18、过代理结算。1776 The strong wind will be make us _ here for some days. See 1273A. To stay. B. Staying. C. Stay. D. Stayed.大风(强风)将使我船在这停留一些日子。1777 The shipper has given me a _ headlight.A. More. B. Spare. 备用 C. Other. D. Remaining.托运人已经给我一个备用前桅灯。1778 The ship will be _ demurrage soon.A. At. B. For. C. In.

19、D. On.船舶将马上进入(在)滞期中。demurrage滞期1779 The ship is rolling and pitching纵摇 violently, and shipping a large quantity of seawater on deck at times.A. From time to time. 不时 B. At this time.C. At one time. D. Infrequently.船舶横摇纵摇激烈并不时(有时)甲板大量上浪。1780 The ship is now too much listing to portside. Which is the

20、best way to keep the vessel upright?A. Put all the remaining cargo on starboard side.B. Put light cargo on starboard side and heavy cargo on port side.C. Put light cargo on port side and heavy cargo on starboard side.D. A, B, C are all correct.船舶现在左倾太多。哪个是让船舶恢复正浮的最好方法?将轻货放在左舷,重货放在右舷1781 The ship gro

21、unded in the channel while _ the Second Bar.A. Cross. B. Crosses. C. Crossing. D. Crossed.船在穿越第二浅滩时搁浅在航道中。1782 The ship _ on a low rock was broken in two by the waves.A. That had been driven. 被迫使到 B. Had been driven.C. Have been driven. D. Which to have been driven.搁浅在浅处岩石上的船在风浪中断成了两段。1783 The radio

22、 technician will come aboard _ the repairs.A. On. B. In. C. With. D. For.无线电技师将上船(为了)修理。1784 The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8000 tons of cargo on board and ended after discharging the cargo at the port of Hong Kong, which is _.A. The port of destination. B.

23、 The next port of call.C. The port of arrival. D. The last port of call.本航次自上海装货8000吨后开始并在目的港香港卸货后结束。1785 The premium保险金 is usually included in _.A. The indemnity. B. The franchise-免赔额C. The freight rate. D. The cargo cost.保险金通常包含在运费率中。1786 The port gangway caught on a _ on the wharf and was severel

24、y damaged.A. Bollard. B. Bitt. C. Stem. D. Keel.左舷梯被挂在码头的系缆桩上并严重损坏。1787 The port clearance for a ship should be granted _ the completion of loading or discharging in the port.A. Before. B. When. C. After. D. During.(船舶)出港许可证在完成在港的装货或卸货后应被批准。1788 The navigational term set of current means _.A. Veloci

25、ty of current in knots.B. Direction from which the current flows.水流C. Estimated current.D. Direction toward去向 which the current flows.航海中术语流向的意思是流水流去的方向。1789 The master of Utopia, _ owners, hereby declare general average and require all benefited interests to provide general average security.A. On b

26、ehalf of. B. In behalf of. C. In behalf with. D. On behalf with.Utopia船长代表船东据此声明共同海损并要求所有利益方提供共同海损担保。On behalf of代表1790 The master got permission to pump out 500 tons of clean seawater for _.A. The purpose of trimming. B. The approval for ballast.C. The purpose of voyage. D. The approval for operati

27、on.船长得到许可排放500吨清洁压载水为调整吃水差需要。1791 The injured stevedore paid _ attention to the loading instructions from the chief officer.A. Small. B. Little. C. Few. D. A few.受伤的工人没有注意大副的装货指示。1792 The harbor master ordered that foreign ship to _ a safe area.A. Drift to. B. Shift to. C. Draft to. D. Lift to.港务长命令

28、外轮移泊到安全水域。1793 The Greek ship drifted and struck the portside of a Chinese ship, which _ the bulwark and stanchions.A. Caused damage to. B. Had collision with.C. Was damaging. D. Was causing damage to.希腊船漂流并撞击中国船左舷,导致舷墙和支柱损坏。1794 The expenses for such work done by stevedores are _ ship-owners _.A. F

29、or, account. B. To, payment. C. On, account. D. With, payment.由工人完成这个工作的费用由船东支付。1795 The equipment is very old. Its not worth _.A. Repairing. B. To repair. C. Repair. D. To be repaired.设备非常老旧。没有修理价值。(Worth, 后接动名词)1796 The disinfection of various compartments in a vessel by filling with a gaseous agent to destroy消灭 rats and all insects pests which act as germ carriers means _.A. Displacement. B. Fumigation. C. Discharging. D. Compensation.通过加注气体药剂消灭老鼠和所有昆虫对各种舱室进行消毒,这种针对微生物的动作叫做熏舱。1797 The damage arose _ the accident.A. Against. B. Of. C.

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