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本文(湖南省三湘名校教育联盟五市十校教研教改共同体届高三大联考英语答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、湖南省三湘名校教育联盟五市十校教研教改共同体届高三大联考英语答案解析绝密启用前湖南省三湘名校教育联盟五市十校教研教改共同体2021届高三毕业班上学期10月大联考英语试题参考答案解析(答案解析附后)2020年10月第一部分 听力15 CABBC 610 CABAC 1115BCCBA 1620 BAACC听力录音文本Text 1W: Oh, dear, when shall we have our new house painted ? I cant wait to move into it from here. M: How about July 5? Im free that day.W:

2、Good. It fits us two. But we should call the company for an appointment first.Text 2M: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station?W: Go up the road, turn right, then take the second left - youll see the station building in front of you.M: Many thanks!Text 3W: Are you coming to dinner at 6:3

3、0 tonight?M: I dont know. I have to work late tonight. Ill give you a call around 5:30.Text 4W: Excuse me, may I park here?M: Sorry, but parking is not allowed here. You will need to exit the lot, and drive a couple of blocks. There will be a paid parking area on your right.W: Will do. I appreciate

4、your help.Text 5W: How do you like the music at this dance club? M: Its great. May I have a dance with you?W: Sure, but please remember not to step on my foot again.Text 6W: OK, stop right there you thief! Dont move! M: Dont shoot!W: Put your hands over your head and dont make any sudden move.M: Loo

5、k, officer, Im afraid you have the wrong person. Im the bank manager, not the thief. W: Are you sure? Oh, Im sorry. Im afraid Ive made a terrible mistake.M: Well, you still have a chance to get your man. I saw somebody carrying a bag full of money running that way.Text 7W: How long have you been liv

6、ing in China? M: About three years now.W: Are you used to eating the food here? M: Yes, I like it very much.W: What about chopsticks? Are you used to using them?M: It took me half a year to get used to it but now its a piece of cake.Text 8M: Hello, Tom Wilsons, can I help you?W: Hi there, its Emma L

7、loyd here. Im calling about my motorbike. Is it ready to be collected yet?M: Can you remind me, whats the make of the bike? W: Its a City Zip. Its blue.M: Oh yes. We had to order in some parts, but they still havent arrived yet Im afraid. W: Do you know when the bike will be ready to pick up?M: Sorr

8、y, I dont know. But Ill call our suppliers and find out if theyve sent out the spare parts yet. Once the parts are here we can fix the bike in two or three days.W: Okay, Ill give you a call at the end of the week, then. M: Sure.Text 9M: Lets enjoy the movie and eat the chocolate. W: Well, I wish I c

9、ould eat a lot of chocolate.M: Why not? Dont think too much, its free for you! W: Im afraid of suffering toothache.M: I see. But didnt you tell me for having your teeth fixed just a couple of days ago?W: I did, but I always have problems with sweet and stuff like that. Perhaps my teeth are very sens

10、itive.M: How often do you visit the dentist?W: I go to the dentist regularly every 6 months and also when I have a toothache. M: What did the dentist say about your teeth?W: She suggested that I use special toothpaste to avoid feeling painful while I was brushing my teeth. She also asked me to brush

11、 my teeth at least three times a day.M: So have you done it?W: Yes, I have. But the problem is that I really love drinking sweetened iced tea and coffee. M: Youd better choose the best and the right ones, so next time you will be free of toothache. Text 10When I was a child, I lived in a house in th

12、e country. I had my own bedroom, and I could explore every square metre of land. It was really a pleasant life. Then I left my country at 16, I went to France and I had to face new problems. And I discovered life in flats: inconvenient, a lot of noise, and the rooms were smaller, and even if the roo

13、ms were smaller, the price was really high. However, now I also find there are many advantages live in flats. If it is very cold, its good to have neighbours at your top, bottom and on every side because of the heating. Its a really funny thing. Regardless of your age, and your culture, I think a fl

14、at can be more suitable, especially for the elderly because its more secure and they dont need to maintain the place. On the other hand, when they have their house and a garden, it can be an opportunity to exercise by planting and watering the flowers and vegetables. Anyway, I think both lives can b

15、e suitable as long as you are happy with that.第二部分 阅读A【语篇导读】本文是应用文。全文讲述了今天晚上 8 点的四个电视节目。21.【答案】C【命题意图】细节理解题。【解析】根据“Country Music”中的“Hank Williams Jr. and Rosanne Cash emerging from their famous fathers shadows”可知,他们的父亲曾经非常成功。22.【答案】A【命题意图】推理判断题。【解析】根据“Expedition Unknown”中的“Then he travels to Eastern

16、 Europe to investigate the ancient origins and modern legacy of scaring figures”可知,这是一个恐怖节目。23.【答案】D【命题意图】细节理解题。【解析】从最后一个节目的介绍可知,这是关于家庭的节目。B【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。全文讲述了作者和同事,一起在木场帮助一只迷路的小鹿返回森林的故事。24.【答案】C【命题意图】细节理解题。【解析】从第一段中的“It was dangerous, back-breaking work that paid very little.”可知,工作环境恶劣,工资低是这里留不住人的关键

17、。25.【答案】B【命题意图】推理判断题。【解析】从第二段中的“When I looked around every face I saw looked angry and frustrated.” 可知,人们工作得非常辛苦,但是接下来当听到有小鹿的时候,大家停下手中的工作,开始帮助它。26.【答案】A【命题意图】细节理解题。【解析】从最后一段中的“By blocking off all the other routes we were able to guide her panic search back to the open bay doors.”可知,通过堵住其他门口,只留下小鹿可以逃

18、走的门口, 小鹿返回森林。27.【答案】B【命题意图】推理判断题。【解析】这里工作艰苦工资又低,但是他们坚持留下来,并且能帮助小鹿返回森林,说明他们工作努力,且有爱心。C【语篇导读】本文是说明文。全文用开车为例,说明在语言学习中,先把基础性的内容学好,然后再做高层次的事情的重要性。28.【答案】C【命题意图】主旨大意题。【解析】从第一段作者讲述的在上路上先把开车的基本技能掌握好的说法看,作者认为只有精通驾驶技巧,我们才能安全开车。29.【答案】D【命题意图】推理判断题。【解析】从作者讲述开车的技能与语言的技能看,开车与学习语言有一些共性的东西可以借鉴。30.【答案】B【命题意图】代词所指题。【

19、解析】根据第二段中的“will slow me down and limit my ability to think through what I want to say due to cognitive overload”可知,这里讲述的是如果单词的发音、单词顺序等方面有困难,会对语言运用产生影响。31.【答案】D【命题意图】推理判断题。【解析】作者以学习开车为例推理到语言学习,都是在讲述把基础打牢的好处,故选 D。D【语篇导读】本文是一篇新闻报道。全文报道了一家企业给大学研究中心投资,该中心帮助回收再利用污染塑料。32.【答案】A【命题意图】细节理解题。【解析】从 第二段中的“which

20、takes enzymes(酶) from the natural environment”以及 adapts可知,CEI 的实验是从自然环境中提取酶。33.【答案】D【命题意图】细节理解题。【解析】从第二段中的“the expansion of the Universitys Centre for Enzyme Innovation (CEI), which takes enzymes(酶) from the natural environment”可知,这个项目是从自然环境中提取酶,用于污染塑料的回收。34.【答案】C【命题意图】推理判断题。【解析】从第六段中的“The CEI is a

21、unique environment for industry and academia to work together to shape, refine, develop and test the new technologies emerging from this ground-breaking research.”可知,The CEI 为学术与企业建起了桥梁。35.【答案】A【命题意图】主旨大意题。【解析】全文讲述 the University of Portsmouth 的研究中心收到了来自 LEP 的捐赠。七选五【语篇导读】本文是说明文。全文讲述了如何与陌生人交朋友。36.【答案

22、】C【解析】从本空后面的“However, it might take more work to others.If youre stumped(难住) for where and how to meet new people, this list of suggestions is sure to inspire you.”作者提出建议可知,本空前面的内容为交朋友对有些人是很容易的,但是对有些人是很难的。37.【答案】A【解析】从本空后面的“Perhaps the best way to meet new friends is when youre getting outside your

23、comfort zone and doing something new.”可知,这一段的主旨是做新事情。38.【答案】F【解析】从本空前面的“First of all, youll be meeting new people you probably would never have crossed paths with this way.”可知,该段作者主要讲述了我们从平常熟悉的环境中走出来后,发生的变化。39.【答案】G【解析】从本空后面的“Its amazing to me how important the Internet has become in the last few ye

24、ars when it comes to friendship.”可知,作者建议我们寻找能给我们建议的组织和网站, Internet 与 websites 相呼应。40.【答案】D【解析】从本空前的“One of them is by joining a book group.”可知,这句讲述加入小组的好处。第三部分 语言运用完形填空【语篇导读】本文是叙议结合文。校长每天工作忙得焦头烂额,于是我们在校园组织了 一个车队,走到大街上宣传我们学校,支持校长的工作。41.【答案】B【解析】根据本空后文列举的各种问题可知,此处意为远程教学有难度。42.【答案】B【解析】从后文列举的各种事情,可知校长每

25、天要处理许多的问题(issues)。43.【答案】D【解析】根据本空后的 new platforms 可知,因为是新平台,很多学生还不能上(get on)。move off 离开;look after 照看;turn down 翻转;拒绝。44.【答案】A【解析】依据本空前的 new platforms not doing 可知,新的平台没有做他们应该(supposed) 做的事情。45.【答案】D【解析】结合本空前的“But thats just from the teachers ”可知,那是从老师们的观点(view)去看。46.【答案】C【解析】结合本空前的 help 可知,此处意为帮助

26、家长让孩子进入虚拟课堂。47.【答案】B【解析】从本空后的“daily from the district” 可知, 校长们每天还要接受区里的指示(instructions)。48.【答案】D【解析】结合空后的“helping teachers, parents, and students, while dealing with9 (what) the district is implementing(实施)”.可知,现在她要处理(handling)这些事情。49.【答案】B【解析】根据空后的“what the district is implementing”可知,她也要应对区里实施的一些事

27、情。50.【答案】A【解析】本空与空前的 sleepless nights 构成并列关系,因此是难以置信的压力(stress)。51.【答案】A【解析】联系本空后的 drive through 和 cars 可知,此处是指组织教职工一起驾车参加活动。52.【答案】C【解析】从本空后的“our students in their yards and on their porches”可知,此处指向学生们挥手。53.【答案】B【解析】从冒号后的“paper towels, hand sanitizer, latex gloves, masks”可知,这些是物品(items)。54.【答案】A【解析

28、】 联系空前列举的这些物品可知,这些都是日常(daily)用品。55.【答案】C【解析】结合前文她要做的事情,以及本空后的“.but we could show her that we love and appreciate her”可知,我们无法把日常工作(routines)从她肩上卸下。语法填空【语篇导读】本文是说明文。全文说明了双语在加拿大的使用情况。56.【答案】as【命题意图】考查介词。【解析】联系本空后的 their mother tongue,可知,他们把英语当作母语。57.【答案】slightly【命题意图】考查副词。【解析】此处为程度副词,修饰形容词。58.【答案】speak

29、ers【命题意图】考查名词复数。【解析】从本空前的 The percentage 看,此处应该是复数形式。59.【答案】that【命题意图】考查代词。【解析】代词 that 指代前文的 percentage。60.【答案】largest【命题意图】考察形容词最高级。【解析】从本空后的数字比例以及空前的 the 看,此处用最高级。61.【答案】which【命题意图】考查定语从句。【解析】本句中,which 引导定语从句,修饰 Ontario。本空极易错填 where。因为先行词是地点名词,因此我们很容易填 where,但是引导词在从句中作主语。62.【答案】immigration【命题意图】考查

30、名词。【解析】从空后的 patterns 可知,此处是名词作定语。63.【答案】sees【命题意图】考查主谓一致。【解析】which 指代前面的 immigration,为单数,因此谓语动词用单数。64.【答案】are conducted【命题意图】考查时态与语态。【解析】主语 services 与 conduct 为被动关系,且本句讲述一般情况,因此用一般现在时被动语态。65.【答案】living【命题意图】考查非谓语动词。【解析】those 与 live 之间是主动关系,因此用 v-ing 短语作定语。第四部分 写作Dear classmates,第一节范文December 3, the

31、World Disability Day, is around the corner. To show our great concern about the disabled, we Students Union will organize an activity with the theme “What can we do for the disabled”. Anyone who volunteers is welcome. On that day, we will visit some disabled people near our school, doing some work for them, such as cleaning their houses and washing clothes. To make this kind of activity a rule, every one of us is welcome to get a disabled person as a partner, and will do what we can to help them.The Students English Club第二节范文“Well,” said the

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