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1、翻译技巧练习I分项练习参考资料Practice makes perfect. 请一定根据课上所介绍的翻译技巧进行分项练习,文件后附有参考答案。如有问题邮件联系吧!六. :1.知彼知己,百战不殆;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼不知己,每战必殆。 (若)(汝)知彼(而又)知己,(则)(能)百战不殆;(若)不知彼而知己,(则)(将)一胜(及)一负;(若)不知彼(而又)不知己,(则)每战(将)必殆。 2.这年头什么都要送礼,生要送礼,老要送礼,病要送礼,死要送礼。3.He declared that for himself he was still for the Charter, details,

2、name, and all. 4.Astonishment, apprehension, and even horror oppressed her. 5.The Second World War brought him rapid battle promotion. 6.Constant practice will help you to acquire correct pronunciation. 7.Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded

3、this passionate struggle. 七. :1.Cry with one eye and laugh with the other 2.Make eyes at sb. 3.Up to the eyes in work 4.With ones eyes shut 5.Easy as my eye 6.Cast sheeps eyes at sb.7.Never take ones eyes off 8.Up to the eyes in debt 9.Turn a blind eye to 10.The person in the picture is wrinkled and

4、 black, with scare gray hair.八.& 九:Soft music Soft wood Soft voice Soft hat Soft answer Soft heart Soft fire Soft words Soft drink Soft light Soft goods Soft water Soft pillow Soft cushion Soft money Soft breeze She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery.With over 1.2 billion

5、 people, a united prosperous China will dwarf her Asian neighbors.As it sometime happens that a person departs his life, who is really deserving of the praises the stone cutter curves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, a good child, a good wife or a good husband. (Vanity Fair)正式

6、协议:正式声明:正式成员:十:1.Reading is a necessity to keep well informed.2.She had been drawn to Shenzhen by tales of unimaginable wealth. 3.He was near to tears yesterday as he said this. 4.With electricity erratic or even nonexistent, much of the city at night sinks intermittently into a darkness broken by c

7、ooking fires. 5.On, she is all gentleness, kindness, goodness! 6.Our hero received the enemys attack with the most undaunted intrepidity. 7.90年代初,中法关系因法国试图售台武器一度受到严重影响。8.中俄两国山水相连,两国人民的友谊源远流长。9.中国人民选择和平发展道路,是基于中国的传统文化,惨痛的历史和现实的巨大成就作出的明智选择。10.中国人口众多,居民收入不断增加,消费结构逐步升级,为扩大内需提供了有利条件。十一:1.飞机停稳前,请不要离开座位。 2

8、.Visitors Not Admitted. 3.Admission by Invitation Only 4.There is no doubt that she is her husbands professional and intellectual equal. 5.The source of energy will cease to be a reason for war. 6.We must be free from arrogance and rashness and learn from people. 7.It is a good horse that never stum

9、bles.8.There was no half-heartedness about his desire. 9.在处理国际争端时,不应诉诸武力或以武力相威胁.十二:1.Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade.2.The undersigned sellers and buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 3.N

10、either party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason. 4.Day after day he came to his worksweeping, scrubbing, and cleaning. 5.中国坚持走和平发展的道路。6.美经济年初强劲复苏,但进入第二季度后,复苏势头受挫.7.澳门顺利回归,是继香港回归之后,我们在完成祖国统一大业道路上又以重要里程碑.8.1964年1月27日,中法两过建立大使级外交关系。9.改变中国生产力不发达的状态是一项长期而艰巨的历史任务。10.中国将坚持开发节约并重、节

11、约优先的原则,推进节能节水节约用地,积极发展循环经济。11.除旧布新12.十年树木,百年树人13.当局者迷,旁观者清。十三:1.The war unquestionably wrecked the cream of the Iraqi Army.2.The paper said editorially that China has successfully survived a worldwide financial crisis. 3.The ancients tried unsuccessfully to explain how a rainbow is formed.4.Companie

12、s with a big staff in Beijing find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business. 5.莎士比亚在英国荣获桂冠后,伦敦有少数人处于嫉妒,对他进行诽谤,试图把他拉下“英国文学皇帝”的宝座,但是莎士比亚不朽的杰作却使他誉满天下,举世同钦。6.多极化的进程可能曲折,漫长并充满斗争,但这是不以人的意志为转移的历史趋势,它符合大多数国家的共同意愿与利益,有利于世界和平与安全.7.南南合作有广阔的前景和巨大的潜力,是双边和多边国际合作中重要的,不可缺少的组成部分.8.多年来,

13、我们在与美国朝野和社会各界交往中深深感到,一些美国朋友对中国的实际请卡不仅知之甚少,而且误解很多,这不利与两国关系的健康发展。9.中国是一个有5000年历史的文明古国,有着与外来文化取长补短,兼容并蓄的传统。十四:1.The snake catches the toad that eats the insect that nibbles the green leaves. 2.The third world, where the largest part of the world population live and where abundant natural resources stil

14、l lie hidden must play its due role. 3.They tried to stamp out the revolt, which spread all the more furiously throughout the country.4.Yet it left behind a “lost generation” brought up on a die of weak will, political passiveness and moral degradation.5.目前,中国社会总体上是和谐的,但也存在不少影响社会和谐的突出矛盾和问题。十五:1.Shak

15、espeares principal characters are created in typical real situations: the feudal castle, the medieval city, the kings court with its courtly atmosphere, etc. 2.Heat treatment is used so as to improve the properties. 3.在俄罗斯举办的“中国年”将组织近200项形式多样的活动,涵盖政治,经济,科技,人文等各个方面。4.认识中国发展状况,不能仅看到中国东部沿海地区和城市,更需要了解中国

16、西部地区和广大农村。5.这种快速增长势头在未来15年还将继续保持下去。6.积极开拓农村市场,改善农村消费环境,挖掘农村消费潜力。7.要完善公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度。注意:转换角度8.当前,国际局势正在发生复杂,深刻的变化。9.今年国际金融市场出现较大波动.10.中国人民刚刚解决温饱问题。十六:1.All told, China has roughly 380 million women between the age of 15 and 55, and few of themparticularly in the citieswant to look any less

17、 than the best their budget allow. 2.The UN document calls for the settlement for the Middle East conflicts on the basis of Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and Arab acknowledgement of Israels right to exist. 3.面对新的挑战,各国应超越传统观念,顺应时代潮流,加强交流合作,密切相互协调.4.三言两语要讲清楚中国发展道路问题,决不是一件轻而易举的事。5.应当充分尊重

18、各国文明发展的多样性,各种文明和各种发展道路应和谐共存,在竞争比较中取长补短,在求同存异中共同进步.6.联合国宪章所确定的关于主权平等,互不干涉内政等国际关系基本准则绝对没有过时.7.维护金融稳定,防范金融危机,确保经济安全是各国政府面临的共同挑战。十七:1.The troubles, sharpened by a ruinous economy which has saddled the country with a massive debt and 190% inflation, reawakened the nightmare that perpetually haunts Yugosl

19、avias leadersthat the fragile federation of six republics could come precariously close to disintegration. 2.It has become all to apparent that all the physical and biological systems that make life possible on this planet are being progressively degraded and thrown off balance by the impact of the

20、growing human population and its ever increasing demands.3.Whenever the dreadful thought occurred to me that I had to deliver a speech before all my schoolfellows, my whole head would flush with blood and my cheeks would so painfully that I would go out behind the school building and press them agai

21、nst the cold brick wall to try to reduce their surging blushes.4.我们愿同俄方一道,以办好“国家年”为契机,全面落实中俄睦邻友好合作条约,深化两国互利合作和战略协作,促进两国共同发展繁荣,为建设持久和平,共同繁荣的和谐世界而努力。练习参考答案:六:1.You can fight a hundred battles without defeat if you know the enemy as well as yourself. You will win one battle and lose one if you know you

22、rself but leave yourself in the dark about the enemy. You will lose every battle if you know nothing about the enemy and yourself. 2.Nowadays youll have to send presents on almost every occasionpresents for childbirth or on the birthday of the aged; presents given as a gesture to show your care when

23、 someone is in sickness or to express your condolence to those whose relative has just passed away. 3.他声称他本人仍然拥护宪章,拥护它的细则,拥护它的名称,拥护它的一切。 4.她感到心情郁闷、惊恐不安。5.他在第二次世界大战中屡建奇功,晋升很快。6.你坚持不懈地练习,就能学会正确的发音。7.几周以来我又气又恨,被痛苦折磨着。感情上的激烈斗争之后我感到浑身疲乏无力。七.:1.口是心非2.频送秋波3.埋头苦干4.视而不见5.易如反掌6.眉目传情7.目不转睛8.债台高筑9.熟视无睹10.图片中的那人

24、,满脸皱纹,皮肤黝黑,头发灰白稀疏。八.& 九:轻柔的音乐软木低声呢帽委婉的回答易感动之心文火和蔼的话不含酒精的饮料柔光毛织品软水软枕靠垫纸币和风她尽力为丈夫被控抢劫申冤。一个拥有12亿多人口,统一繁荣的中国雄居亚洲,将令其临国相形见拙。偶尔也会有几个死人当得起石匠刻在他们朽骨上的好话。真的是虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的儿女,贤良的妻子,尽职的丈夫。(杨宓)Formal agreementOfficial statementFull member/membership十:1.阅读对信息灵通是必要的2.她听说深圳遍地是黄金,就来了3.昨天他说这番话时几乎都要哭出来了. 4.电力供应不正常,有的

25、地方甚至根本没有电,这个城市的大部分地区夜里间歇性的陷入漆黑一片,唯有几点炊火偶尔闪现。5.她是最温柔,最体贴,最善良的!6.我们的主人公面对敌人的攻势,一往无前,毫无畏惧。7.The relationship between China and France experienced server setbacks in the early 1990s owing to the French arms sales to Taiwan. 8.China and Russia are linked by common mountains and waters and the two peoples

26、 enjoy a long history of friendship.9.The choice by the Chinese people to follow a peaceful path to development is a wise decision based on Chinas traditional culture, painful history and her tremendous achievements at the current stage. 10.The large population, ever-increasing residents income and

27、gradual upgrading of the consumption structure in China have provided favorable conditions for the expansion of domestic demand.十一:1.Please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a complete stop. 2.游客止步3.非请勿入/凭柬入场4.毫无疑问,在专业和知识方面她毫不逊色于她丈夫/ 毫无疑问,在专业和知识方面她与丈夫并驾齐驱。5.能源再也不会时挑起战争的祸根了。6.我们必须不骄不躁,虚心向人民学习

28、。7.即使良驹也有失足之时。8.他非常有诚意。9.In handling international disputes, the use or threat of force should be opposed. 十二:1.失业人数总是减不下来,已经十多个年头了。2.兹买卖双方同意成交下列商品,特签定条款如下。3.双方均不得无故解除合同。4.他每天来干活扫地,擦地板,整理房间。5.China will stick/adhere to the path of peaceful development. 6.Early this year, the United States economy wi

29、tnessed a strong recovery, but suffered a setback in the second quarter. 7.Macao was successful returned, another important milestone since the return of Hong Kong on our road to the great cause of the reunification of our motherland. 8.On January 27 1964, China and France established diplomatic rel

30、ations at ambassadorial level.9.It remains a long-term and arduous historic task for China to change its underdeveloped productivity. (这里生产力抽象不用productive forces)10.By laying equal emphasis on energy development and conservation while giving priority to the latter, China will promote the saving of e

31、nergy, water and land, and energetically develop recycling economy.11.Get rid of the old to make way for the new; do away with the old and set up the new; bid farewell to the old and usher in the new 12.It takes three generations to make a gentleman。13.Lookers-on see more than/have a clearer mind than players; the one directly concerned with the matter lacks objectivity in contrast to the onlooker 14.十三:1.这场战争摧毁了伊拉克的精锐部队,这一点不容置疑. (词的引申含义/分句)毫无疑问,这场战争摧毁了伊拉克的精锐部队. 2.该报的社论说,中国成功地度过了一场世界范围内的金融危机。3.古人试图解释彩虹的产生,但都没有成功。4.在北京,员工队伍庞大地公司面临运行成本高,业务不断萎缩地局面,夹在其中,举步为艰。

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