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1、10封回复率高的开发信不同情况挖掘的客户,回复开发信都是不一样的。下面我们把一些开发信模板集合整理了,供大家参考。一、找到具体的联系人,来让开发信的成功率数倍的提高。1.在询问相关业务联系人的时候,如果是已经知道联系人,却还不知道联系方式,可以这么说:Re: Hi Mary, can you tell me the email of Mr. XXXX?Dear Mary,Hope you have a nice day todayCan you tell me the email address of Mr. XXXX?I would very much appreciate your hel

2、p.Best regards, XXX这样mary会有很大概率觉得这封邮件来自一个已有的供应商或者熟人。如果对方问起来,你是谁,你再可以解释一下。这样进一步沟通便不会让客户觉得冒昧了。2.还有一种情况是你不知道联系人也不知道联系方式的情形下,询问相关业务的联系人时,可以是:Re: Hi Mary, may I ask you for a favor?Dear Mary,Hope you have a nice day today JWe are a qualified supplier of XXX Company, we can help you to save at least 15% o

3、f your purchasing cost for product XXXXX.May I ask you for a favor? Who should we contact for evaluating this further?I would very much appreciate your help.Best regards,XXX二、倘若你找到一个客户,客户产品线里还没有本公司产品,对于你来说是个潜在的机会。如果是个大客户,开发的周期会很长,因为大公司做决策流程很长,需要不同部门的审批。Dear John,I just visited your web site, and fou

4、nd that you are not offering XXX products to your customer yet.The sales of XXXX product in your local market grows very fast. The sales are expected to be very hot in 2014.May I give you a little more information regarding XXX products for your study?Target: It targets 30-40 years old man.Features:

5、Price range:Landed cost for you:Estimated sales for you:BTW, we have samples ready, do you need a sample to evaluate it?Best regards,XXX这封开发信的重点在于让客户知道有这么一款产品,市场上销量不错。产品介绍的侧重点在于便于让客户直观地评估该产品带来的收益,所以一些信息如目标市场价,采购成本,销量等都很有帮助。 所以我们初期的目标应该设定为让客户接受这个产品,第二步的目标是让客户接受我的公司。如果客户第一步对产品感兴趣了,此时要及时介绍公司,证明你们有能力提供高

6、品质的产品,保障供应。三、针对你的老客户,好久都没有下单了,通过怎样的开发信来激活呢?1.By Dr. Mel Luthy, Chief Editor,We value all our business relationships with customers. We have especially enjoyed supplying your paper needs for the last five years. You understand, then, why we are concerned that you have not placed an order for the last

7、 six months. If we have offended you in any way, we sincerely apologize and want to regain your good will. We would appreciate knowing how to serve you better.We have enclosed brochures of our new fall products. Since we have served you for such a long time, we can offer you prices that compare favo

8、rably with the prices on your previous contract. We are confident that both our new and standard products can meet your needs in every way. We hope to hear from you.2.By Dr. Mel Luthy, Chief Editor,Last year was a great year for us. Why? Because we had the privilege of filling several large orders f

9、or you. We have not heard from you for several months, so it seems that you have forgotten us. Did we do something to offend you? Or have you been so busy that you inadvertently overlooked your need to reorder?Providing excellent service to our customers is very important to us. Since we would hate

10、to lose you as one of our most outstanding customers, reestablishing our rewarding business relationship is top priority. Is there a time that I might meet with you to discuss your concerns? Please call me at 555-5555, and I will find a time that is convenient for you.Were you aware that last year s

11、everal of our products won awards for quality and affordability? And that we have a new line of cleaning products that is environmentally friendly, yet powerful? Please take a moment to reconsider whether you want to miss out on the quality products we can provide at such a nominal cost.3.By Dr. Mel

12、 Luthy, Chief Editor,Over the years you have been a loyal Doe customer, and we have enjoyed meeting your office-supply needs. However, we have not received an order from you in over three months, and we are concerned. Is there any way we can improve our service to you? We are aware that during the t

13、rucking strike, many of our customers could not get their orders filled quickly. Since then we have taken steps to ensure that every Doe customer receives prompt, reliable service. Will you please let me know if we can do anything to win you back? I have enclosed a copy of our new fall catalog. Call

14、 me personally at 555-5555 if I can help.四、客户已有现有的合作供应商,怎么争取让自己取而代之?1.不断开发适合市场需要的新品,推荐给客户,如果新品被选中,则可以顺利建立关系。以公司新品推荐为由,引起客户对新产品的好奇心。Hi John,Good morning!We are a candidate vendor for XXX company, currently we are serving XXXX,XXXX customers (先给2个大客户的名字,最好是同目标客户时同类的。). We have passed ISO9001, and our

15、products has passed UPC certificate. We are very confident that you can rely on us as a capable vendor.I am writing to introduce a new product to you. This product is targeting 20-29 years lady. The sales in XXX market have proven to be very successful. Within only 2 months, the sales have reached 1

16、00000 units. I noticed from your web site, that 20-29 years lady is one of your major clientele, so introduction of product XXX should be a big sales hit for you.BTW, we have the samples ready. Do you want to evaluate this new product XXXX?Best regards,XXXXX2.想从别人那得到好处,那就先帮助别人吧。考察客户网站,看看客户的用户对于现有产品的

17、反馈和投诉,试图解决这些不被现有供应商重视或者解决不了的问题,这些应该是客户很关注的。这种先帮客户克服存在问题,客户会感恩,增进感情,会让客户更感觉到你的专业以及实力等。RE: Hi John,Good morning!I just visited your web site, and studied your customers feedback on your product XXXX. It sounds that your customers (390 customers remarked online) are demanding to: XXXXX 陈述一下客户潜在的问题。We h

18、ave successfully helped 20 customers solved this problem. XXXXX(描述一下细节,给点具体的信息。不要太详细,留个伏笔,下次再联系他)Very briefly about ABC Company, we have abundant experience serving XXXX,XXXX customers (先给2个大客户的名字,最好是同目标客户时同类的。). We have passed ISO9001, and our products has passed UPC certificate. We are very confid

19、ent that you can rely on us as a capable vendor.May you give me a chance to present you more information on this? I will be glad to send you more detailed information upon your consent.Best regards,XXXX3.考察客户销量比较大的款式的产品,研究看是否有方法可以在保证质量的情况下,大幅度降低成本,通过价格吸引客户。当客户有其他的合作供应商时,以降低成本为诱饵,是常用的方式,可谓屡试不爽。Hi Joh

20、n,Good morning!We are a candidate vendor for XXX company, currently we are serving XXXX,XXXX customers (先给2个大客户的名字,最好是同目标客户时同类的。). I am writing to tell you, that we are able to cut your cost for XXXitem by 20%, thanks to the current break-through innovation on the production process.The reduction in

21、 cost will not in any way influence the quality. We have passed ISO9001, and our products has passed UPC certificate.What products are you currently purchasing? May I make an offer to you based on these items for you to compare?Best regards,XXXXX针客户产品线已经有本公司相关产品,供应商是同行时。在初步建立联系的时候,要仔细考察客户的产品,市场定位,市场

22、对于产品的偏好,要求,并考察客户现有供应商的短板。五、Dear xxx,Very glad to know from your web site, that you are the leading wholesaler of plastic products with most prestigious quality.To be even more successful, you might look for a very capable & reliable producing supplier. XXX is a good one for you to rely on. We have p

23、assed ISO9001 since 2005, and our products has CE certificate.Our satisfied customers include Dupont, Demag, Weland, Cas, Aliplast. I am very confident that when you work with us, you will have the same satisfaction.Can you do me a favor? What we should do to apply for & become your new vendor?Best

24、regards,XXXX六、这封开发信对公司进行了一个介绍,写的也比较详细。大家自行修改与自己产品和公司相关的内容。Dear John,Good morning!I just visited your web site, and know that you are the leading wholesaler in Poland for fashionable gloves, with prestigious reputation for the quality.You may be happy to find a new reilaible source of gloves with sup

25、erior quality & Reasonable prices. You can select from an abundant variety of premium quality Jeans with stylish originaldesigns updated every 6 monthes.Our factory has a capacity of XXXX gloves monthly, probably the largest in China. Since 2009, we have passed ISO9001, and all our products has CE c

26、ertificate. I attach the certificate images in the next email,please find them.Our satisfied customers include XXX, XXX & XXX. I am confident that when you work with us, you will have the same satisfaction like them.To enable you to get a good understanding of our quality and service, we would like

27、to extend a very special offer for your first sample order, with 15% (only limited to the first container).In the next email, I will attach you the product catalogs. Please tell me what items are more salable for you.Best regards,SamPS: We are also very capable to custom make for you. Please just te

28、ll me the styles you select.七、给一个日本客户的开发信,我们知道日本人工作一惯是严谨的,所以信中强调了满足质量标准。根据自己的业务情况修改即可。Dear XXX,Good morning!I am very glad to know you from your professional website, you are the leading company in Japan for machine vision system. I also notice that you pay much attention to lower your cost for qual

29、ity machine vision system. That is where I can be of help.May I introduce myself to you? I am XXX, from XXXX. We have been in machine vision system industry for more than XXX years. I am confident that we are capable to meet your quality standard, while cutting your cost by at least 10%. Please be s

30、ure, we are also very capable to custom produce with your drawings.To enable you to evaluate our quality, may I invite you to visit our factory?(或者:may I send you a sample?)Best regards,XXXXRe: a reliable veteran Tyre supplier with 20 years professional experience八、开门见山,通过客户的利益着手。Dear XXX,A good sup

31、plier will save you money and be free from trouble. Quality means a lot for a tyre wholesaler like you. To be safe from customer complaints, you may need a very reliable supplier to count on. We are a right one for you.XXX has already 20 years professional experience in XXX tyre, & XXX tyre. Our fac

32、tory passed XXXX. Customers like XXXX & XXXX are very satisfied with our tyres for many years.To let you have more ideas about our tyres, in a separate email, I will send you our testing report by SGS.We would very much welcome your enquiry, surely you will get our best price.Best regards,XXXX九、标题以折扣吸引客户眼球的形式。内容也表示先建立同客户的关联感,以照片证明可信度等,是一封很让人心动的开发信。不过,要是外贸小伙伴要借鉴,别忘了修改产品词。标题 Re: Lower your cost for baskets purchase by 20% mor

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