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1、Linguistics语言学归纳Lin guisticsI. The scope of linguistics: (a branch of linguistics that .)phonetics (语音学):the study of linguistic speech sounds, how they are produced, how they are perceived, and their physical properties.(study of the phonic medium of Ian guage)phono logy :(音位学)the study of how spee

2、ch sounds in a Ian guage form patter ns and how these sounds are used to con vey meaning in lin guistics com muni catio n.morphology :(形态学)the study of the word structure and word formation.syntax:(句法学)is the branch of linguistics that studies the rules that govern the formati on of senten ces.seman

3、tics:(语义学)the study of linguistic meaning.pragmatics :(语用学)a branch of lin guistics that studies the con text of language use to effect successful com muni cati on.Some distinctions in linguistics:1) Prescriptive & descriptivePrescriptive: aims to describe and an alyze the Ian guage people actually

4、use Descriptive: aims to lay down rules for correct & standard” behavior in using Ian guage.(doctor)2) Synchronic & diachronic 共时的 &历时的Synchronic: the description of a Ianguage at some point of time in history.Diachronic: the description of a Ianguage as it changes through time.3) Langue & parole 语言

5、 & 言语Lan gue: refers to the abstract lin guistic system shared by all the members of a speech com mun ity.Parole: refers to the realization of Ian guage in actual use.4) Compete nee & performa nee 语言能力 & 语言运用Compete nee: the ideal users kno wledge of the rules of his Ian guagePerformanee: the actual

6、 realization of this knowledge in linguistic com muni cati on.Desig n features of Ian guage:1) arbitrariness:(任意性) means there is no logical connection between meanings and soun ds.2) Productivity: it makes possible the construction and interpretation of newsig nals by its users.3) Duality:(双重性) dua

7、lity of structure or double articulation of Ianguage en ables users to talk about anything within their kno wledge.4) Displaceme nt: Ian guage can be used to refer to con texts removed from the immediate situati ons of the speaker.不受时空限制5) Cultural transmission 文化传播(eg:狼孩)2. F un cti ons of Ian guag

8、e:1) Descriptive function: it is the function to convey factual information, which can be asserted or denied, and in some cases even verified.2) Expressive function: supplies information about the userfeelings, prefere nces, prejudices and values.3) Social function: serves to establish and maintain

9、social relations betweenpeople.英世舘音分类LdbiaE呗居科LAbiO-dcnUil 1AiSlWDental因奇AlveoJarPalate!Velar- 软釋荷Stops 爆破音VLEtkTObdftFricstiv? 廊擦音VLsTOUEALlr icahe那撫音vr16灯)订TOVVDmnn厦音VT*Oh轴VDwJPhone:(音素)is a phonetic unit or segment.Phon eme:(音位)is a phono logical un it. It is a unit that is of disti nctive value.

10、 It is an abstract un it.3. Morphemes 词素一the minimal units of meaningThe smallest unit of Ianguage that carries information about meaning or functionFree morpheme: a morpheme which can be a word by itself.Bound morpheme a morpheme must be attached to another one.Derivational morphemes :(彳衍生词素)the mo

11、rphemes which change the category or grammatical class of words. They are conj oined to other morphemes /words, new words are derived or formed. (-e n,-ate,-ic,-ous,-ly,-ti on,-sive,-er) 标出Inflectional morphemes :(曲折词素)they are attached to words or morphemes, but they never change their syntactic ca

12、tegory.(-s,-er,-est,-ed,-ing) O标出4. Category : refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar fun cti ons in a particular Ian guage such as a senten ce, a noun phase or a verb. Non-traditi onal categories: determ in er(Det)限定词,degree(Deg),qualifier(Qua) Phrase eleme nts : sp

13、ecifiers, compleme nts(XP Rule), modifiers.Deep structure: formed by the XP rule in accordanee with the heads subcategorization properties.没变形陈述句Surface structure5. Lexical meaning:Sense is concerned with the in here nt meaning of a lin guistic form, the collect on of all its features; it is abstrac

14、t and de-c on textualized.Eg: dog-ge neral meaning of dog, featuresReferenee: means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world.Eg; One particular/certain dog existent in the situation, known to each other6.Con text: it is gen erally con sidered as con stituted by the kno wledge sha

15、red by the speaker and the hearer. (Joh n Firth)Speech act theory: (Joh n Aust in)Locutionary act :(言内行为)is the act of uttering words, phrases and clauses.Illocutionary act :(言外之意)is the act of expressing the speakersintention; it is the act of performed in saying something.Perlocutionary act :(言后行为

16、)is the act of performed by or resulting from say ing someth in g; it is the con seque nee of, or the cha nge brought about by the uttera nee.Cooperative principle -CP (Paul Grice)The maxim of qua ntity:Say no less tha n the con versati on requires.Say no more tha n the con versati on requires.The m

17、axim of quality:Dont say what you believe to be false.Dont say things for which you lack evide nee.The maxim of manner:Dont be obscure. Dont be ambiguous.Be brief. Be orderly.The maxim of releva nee Be releva nt.7. Lan guage cha ngeAdditi on of new words:1) Coinage:创新词Spyware digital camera cyber ci

18、tize n mouse potato2) Clipped words:缩略词Lab-laboratory gym-gy mn asium fridge-refrigerator burger-hamburger3) Blending:紧缩法Smog-smoke+fog br un ch-breakfast+l unch camcorder-camera+recorder4) Acronyms:首字母缩略词CEO-chief executive officer IT- in formatio n tech no logyEU VIP B2B CPI5) Back-formation:逆构词法T

19、o edit/beg/baby-sit/d on ate/orie nt/hawk/aviate/appreciate6) Function shiftadj.-v. to cool/narrow/dim/slow7) BorrowingBonus tragedy skirt education cycle prince guitar balconyBalloon opera pump tea tofu kowtow sampan zeroKungfu mahjong spaghetti bizarre garage8) Derivation 派生词Fixable refusal excit

20、ing impressive dislike restatean ti-pollutio nun fairrealizehapp in ess9) Compounds 复合词Bittersweetrain bowspo on feedsleepwalk inborn off-lice nseUn dertakewithoutIan dladyhandover whitewash8. Register 语域Field of discourse 话语范围:refers to what is going on: on the area of operation of the Ian guage ac

21、tivity.Tenor of discourse 话语基调:refers to the role of relati on ship in the situati on in questi on: who the participa nts in the com muni cati on groups are and what relati on ship they sta nd to each other.Mode of discourse 话语方式:refers to the mea ns of com muni cati on. It is concerned with how ” c

22、om muni cati on is carried out.9.Sapir-whorf hypothesis (SWH)萨丕尔沃尔夫假说Lan guage filters peopleperceptio n ang the way they categorize their experie nces.10. Lan guage Acquisiti onTheories of child Ian guage acquisiti on:1) The behavioristImitati on and practice are prelim in ary, and discrim in ati o

23、n and gen eralizati on are crucial to Ian guage developme nt.(habit-form ing)But it fails to explain how children acquire more complex grammatical structures of the Ian guage.2) The innatistLan guage Acquisiti on device(LAD) ChomskyIt proposed that huma n beings are born with an inn ate ability.It s

24、aid that the the black box” contain principles that are universal to all huma n Ian guage.Un iversal Grammar (UG)3) The interactionistIt holds that Ian guage develops as a result of the complex in terplay betwee n the human characteristics of the child and the environment in which he grows. motheres

25、e child directed speech (CDS) caretaker talkCritical Period Hypothesis (CPH) Eric Lenn ebergLAD works successfully only when it is stimulated at the right time a specific and limited time period for Ianguage acquisition.Two vers ionsStrong one suggests that childre n must acquire their first Ian gua

26、ge by puberty or they will n ever be able to lear n from subseque nt exposure.The weak holds that Ian guage lear ning will be more difficult and in complete after puberty.11. Second Lan guage Acquisiti onPositive transfer 正迁移 facilitateNegative transfer 负迁移 interfere or hinderIn terla nguage 中介语It w

27、as established as lear ners in depe ndent system of the sec ond Ian guage, which is of n either the n ative Ian guage nor the sec ond Ian guage, but a con ti nuum or approximati on from one extreme of his n ative Ian guage to the other of the sec ond Ian guage.Fossilization 石化现象It is a process occur

28、ri ng from time to time in which in correct lin guistic features become a perma nent part of the way a pers on speaks or writes a Ian guage.Acquisiti on 习得It is a subconscious process without minute learning of grammatical rules.Lear ning 学习It refers to conscious efforts to learn the second Ianguage knowledge by learning the rules and talking about the rules.

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