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413The One With Rachels Crush.docx

1、413The One With Rachels CrushThe One With Rachels CrushWritten by: Shana Goldberg-MeehanTranscribed by: Eric Aasen413 瑞秋坠入情网 钱德发现凯茜在新戏中和以前合作的男星有一场热辣演出,他害怕会出问题;乔伊劝慰他说,台上两个人有化学作用,但台下就不是那么回事;钱德放宽了心,但过后他看片的时候,才发现表演不对劲。钱德指责凯茜不该和男主角上床;结果发生争吵,不欢而散。 钱德去道歉却发现覆水难收。莫妮卡对乔伊说,既然你们男生占了大房间,就应该负担更多费用;乔伊答应之后,莫妮卡大宴宾客,

2、还重新装修房间。瑞秋工作的部门被精简,所以她被降职,当上了私人采购助理;她本想辞职,但是一位富有的公子哥却请她帮忙采购;她想约会他,但无从下手因为她从来没有主动约过男生。4.13 The One With Rachels CrushWhen Chandler finds out Kathys new play involves a steamy(adj.狂热的;煽情的)scene with her co-star, hes worried where it might lead; Joey tells him not to worry-as long as theres chemistry o

3、n-stage, there isnt anything happening off-stage; This helps. until Chandler sees the play again later and finds the performance isnt as good; Chandler accuses Kathy of sleeping with her leading man(n.饰男主角的演员); they fight and part(v.分开) on unfavorable terms(adv.非常令人不快的关系); by the time Chandler goes

4、to apologize and make up, its too late. Monica tells Joey that the guys have to be the hosts since they have the big apartment; when they comply(vi.顺从 答应 遵守), she tries to win everyone over to her place by doing lots of cooking and re-decorating. Rachels department at work is eliminated, so she gets

5、 demoted(v.降职) to Personal Shopper; she plans to quit until a handsome, well-to-do(adj.小康的 富裕的) young man needs her services; she wants to ask him on a date, but doesnt know how. shes never had to ask anyone out before.Scene: A Theatre, Chandler and Ross are there to watch the premiere of Kathys pla

6、y.premiere n.首次公演Chandler: Okay, she is the star of the play. And she is my girlfriend! I get to have sex with the star of the play!Ross: People can hear you.Chandler: I know!(The play starts.)Chandler: Wow! She looks great. Doesnt she?Ross: Yeah.(Onstage theres a knock on the door and Kathy opens i

7、t. We dont see whats going on, only hear it.) onstage adj.舞台表演区的 台上的 台上演出的Kathys Co-Star: Hi!Kathy: Hi!Ross: That is one good looking man!good-looking adj.漂亮的 帅气的Chandler: Is it just me, or can you actually see his abs through his overcoat?!abs n.(常pl.) 腹部肌肉 /overcoat n.外套大衣Kathys Co-Star: Sooo, you

8、ve been doing this long?co-star n.联合主演 联合主演的明星Kathy: No, youre my first. Put the money on the table.(Ross and Chandler have stunned looks on their faces as Kathy and her co-star start making out.)Kathys Co-Star: Oh, yeah! Ooh, thats nice. (They start making out harder.)Ross: Dude!Kathys Co-Star: Is

9、that an expensive blouse?blouse n.似衬衫的上衣Kathy: If you want it to be. (Kathys co-star rips her blouse off and buttons go flying into the audience, and one hits Ross. Chandlers mouth is on the floor.)rip off v.撕掉/be on the floor正在发言中 (影片)正在拍摄中Ross: Heres your girlfriends button. (Holding the button.)O

10、PENING CREDITSScene: Chandler and Joeys, erm, Monica and Rachels, Monica is still unpacking after the move, and Phoebe is in theirs also.Phoebe: Oh, hey, Mon, do you still have your like old blouses and dresses from high school?blouse n.宽松的上衣/dress n.女服Monica: Yeah, I think I have some around here s

11、omewhere. Why? Phoebe: Well, its just that maternity clothes are so expensive.maternity adj.孕妇的 产妇的maternity cloth(Rachel enters)Monica: Hey, Rach! I made a pile of your stuff over on this side of the room. If you could just(Rachel grunts and throws her purse at it)throw your purses at it.grunt v.(表

12、示烦恼、反对、疲劳、轻蔑等)发哼声Rachel: Bloomingdales eliminated my department. (Phoebe gasps)eliminate vt.排除 消除 消灭Monica: Oh my God, are you out of a job你失业了吗?Rachel: No, but they stuck me in personal shopping. Which is just a huge step down!Phoebe: Personal shopping? What is that? Like where you walk around with

13、 snooty rich people and tell them what to buy?snooty adj.傲慢的 自大的 鄙视别人的Rachel: Uh-huh.Phoebe: That sounds great!Joey: (entering) Hey! (Goes to the fridge.)Monica: Umm, excuse me, we switched apartments. You cant eat are food anymore, that-that gravy train had ended.gravy n.肉汁 不法利润 肉汤/gravy train n.轻易

14、发大财之工作Joey: (Holding a turkey leg) Theres gravy?Gravy Train:莫尼卡和乔伊换了公寓,乔伊仍然不时跑到莫尼卡的冰箱里来找东西吃。莫尼卡告诉他:“你不能再在这里吃了,因为不劳而获的好运(Gravy Train)再也没有了。”Gravy Train是英语的一个习语,Gravy是肉汁,美国人经常用Gravy Train表达一种“肥缺,美差,轻易获得金钱的工作”。但乔伊并不懂得这层意思,他迷惑地问莫尼卡:“这里有肉汁吗?”turkey leggravy & gravy boatMonica: If you have the big apartme

15、nt you have to deal with people coming over all the time. That fridge has got to be stocked, okay, thats your department now. (She takes back the turkey leg)stock adj.存货的/take back v.拿回(Joey climbs up on the counter and starts looking at the top of the cabinets.)Monica: What are you doing?Joey: I th

16、ink I left a donut up here.donut n.油炸圈饼Scene: Central Perk, Ross and Chandler are entering after the play. Phoebe and Joey are already there.Ross: Hey!Phoebe: Hey!Joey: Hey!Phoebe: Ooh! How was Kathys play?Ross: Well, Kathy gets half-naked and simulates sex with a real good-lookin guy.simulate vt.模拟

17、 模仿 假装Chandler: Yeah, its like someone literally wrote down my worst nightmare and then charged me $32 to see it!literally adv.简直Phoebe: Thats a good idea for a business!Chandler: Im totally screwed. Okay, they are gonna be hot and heavy on stage every night, and then theyre gonna go to their cast p

18、arties and hes gonna try to undermine me. Yknow itll be like, So wheres your boyfriend, whats-his-name, Chester? And shell go, No-no-no, its Chandler. And hell go, Whatever. Ha-ha-ha-ha!screwed the position that is a result of a problem or bad situation that seems impossible to solve(get) out of毁了/h

19、ot and heavy adj.adv.激烈的 猛烈的/cast party n.剧组派对/undermine v.暗中破坏 逐渐损害Joey: (to Ross) That-that is a good trick.trick n.诡计 骗局 花招Chandler: All right, look, look, what am I gonna do?Joey: Chandler, look theyre actors. Theyre there to do a job, just cause they work together, doesnt mean theyre gonna get

20、together. I mean just cause it happened with Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, it doesnt mean its gonna happen with them.Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins:钱德勒觉得女友在台上演戏时已经和男演员擦出火花,乔伊劝慰他:演员总要逢场作戏,但并非每个演员都会弄假成真。乔伊说:“不要因为苏珊萨兰登和蒂姆罗宾斯做了,就意味着你的女友也会和别人做。”苏珊萨兰登和蒂姆罗宾斯都是著名演员,他们在拍摄电影百万金臂(Bull Durham)时一见钟情,并成为生活伴侣。Su

21、san Sarandon Tim RobbinsRoss: Oh-oh, Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger.罗斯紧接着也举了一个假戏真做的影坛情侣的例子:亚历克鲍德温和金贝辛格,这两人在拍摄抱得美人归(The Marrying Man)一片时坠人情网的,但现在已经分手。Alec BaldwinKim BasingerJoey: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. 乔伊也举了著名的汤姆克鲁斯和妮可基德曼的例子,两人是拍摄雷霆壮志(Days of Thunder)时相恋并结婚十年的,可惜现在也已经分手。Ross: Yeah.Phoebe: Hey,

22、 Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood.最后菲比举了一个例子:“梅尔吉布森和克林特伊斯特伍德。”两人都是银幕硬汉,他们怎么会有关系?众人因此大哗,这时好玩的菲比才回味过来他们举出来的例子有什么共同点。Mel GibsonClint EastwoodRoss: Theyre not a couple!couple n.夫妇Phoebe: Oh-okay, I get the game now.get v.明白Joey: All these people were in movies together. Its much different with plays. Chand

23、ler: You were in acting class together, and she slept with you.Joey: Acting class is a lot more like a movie than a play.Joey: Okay look, look, let me ask you a question, when they were doing it on stage, was it like really hot?Ross: Oh yeah!Joey: Well okay, so then youre fine. The rule is when two

24、actors are actually doing it off-stage all the sexual tension between them is gone. Okay? So as long as its hot onstage you got nothing to worry about. Its when the heat goes away, thats when youre in adj.adv. 舞台下的(地)私人生活中的(地)/tension n.张力 不安 紧张 电压Chandler: Really?Joey: Look, you g

25、uys have been to every play Ive ever been in, have I ever had chemistry on stage?chemistry n.化学效应 男女间的来电Ross: No.Joey: Noooo!Scene: Monica and Rachels, erm, Chandler and Joeys, the gang minus Monica and Rachel are eating breakfast. Ross and Chandler are sitting at the foosball table and eating.Chand

26、ler: So uh, man, are you gonna go to the play with me tonight?Ross: Yknow what, I dont know how comfortable I am going to see how hot the sex is between some guy and your girlfriend.Chandler: Yeah, I know butRoss: Oh no-no-no, Im there.Monica: (entering) Hey!Joey: Hey Mon! Want some pancakes?pancake

27、 n.薄烤饼Monica: You made pancakes?Joey: Yep! Grab a plate.Monica: Okay. (She does so and starts to walk towards Joey to receive her pancakes.)Joey: No-no, stay right there. (Monica stops and Joey flips her a pancake, which flies over her head and lands in the living room.) Gettin closer.flip v. 掷Chand

28、ler: Okay, okay, but dont worry, because we also have cereals, muffins, waffles, and, jams, jellies, and marmalades. Which Im fairly certain are the same thing. Please eat, because Joey opened everything.waffle n.华夫饼干jelly n.果子冻 果酱marmalade n.橘子或柠檬等水果制成的果酱 Joey: Listen also were uh, were watching th

29、e game here Saturday night, if people want to come over.Ross: Oh yeah!Monica: Oh, I was thinking about having people over for the game.Joey: Oh yeah, whos playing?Monica: The players.Ross: Somebody seems to be missing being the hostess.Monica: (laughs) Please, its a relief is what it is, is what it

30、is.what it is n.事实真相 原因 理由Joey: All right Pheebs, stick out your plate!stick out v.伸出Phoebe: Oh. (Joey flips the pancake and Phoebe catches it and throws it on her plate.)Scene: Bloomingdales, Rachels new job.Rachel: (on the phone) Monica, Im quitting! I just helped an 81 year old woman put on a tho

31、ng and she didnt even buy it! (Pause) Im telling you Im quitting! Thats it! Im talking to my boss right now! (Pause) Yes I am! (Pause) Yes I am! Yes I am! Yes I am! Yes I am! Yes I am! Okay bye, call me when you get this message. (Hangs up as her boss, Mr. Waltham, walks in.) Oh! Mr. Waltham, I ah really need to talk to you.thong n.丁字裤 皮带 平底人字拖鞋Mr. Waltham: In a moment, please, Im in the middle of a task. And you have a customer. in a moment adv.呆会儿/in the middle of a task 忙得不可开交(I

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