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1、梭罗 山 东 工 商 学 院SHANDONG INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY毕业论文(设计)GRADUATIONTHESIS(DESIGN)论文(设计)题目Title Of Thesis(Design)浅论拉尔夫沃尔多爱默生的自然对生态文学及生态批评的启示 分院(系别)Department 外国语学院 专业Speciality 英语 班级Class 102 论文(设计)作者Author of Thesis(Design) 董博 论文完成日期Date 2014年5月 论文(设计)指导教师Advisor 姜君丽 指导教师职称The Title of Adv

2、isor 副教授 论文题目:An Ecological Analysis in Walden探究瓦尔登湖的生态思想学 生 姓 名:董博学 科 专 业:英语语言文学研 究 方 向:美国文学学 位 级 别:学 士指 导 教 师:姜君丽完 成 时 间:2014年5月An Ecological Analysis in Walden A ThesisPresented toThe College of Foreign StudiesShandong Institute of Business & TechnologyIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementFor

3、 the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBy Under the Supervision of Jiang JunliMay, 2014指导教师对毕业论文(设计)的评语 Advisors Comments on Graduation Thesis (Design)评语: 指导教师(签章)Signature of Advisor 日期 Date 评阅人意见评阅人姓名:职称:选项标准: A很同意 B同意 C基本同意 D不同意分项评价评价项目ABCD选题质量1选题符合专业培养目标,体现综合训练基本要求2题目难易适度3题目工作量适当4有理论意义或实际价值能力水平5查阅文献资料能力

4、强6综合运用知识能力强7研究方案的设计能力强8研究方法和手段的运用能力强9外文应用能力强成果质量10文题相符11写作水平高12写作规范13篇幅适度14成果有理论或实际价值总体评价: 优 良 中 及格 不及格 评阅人评语 评阅人签字: 年 月 日答辩(评审)委员会意见 Appraisal of Defence Commission答辩(评审)成绩Mark of Defence鉴定意见Appraisal & Comments 主任(签章) Signature of Dean 日期 Date 摘 要 瓦尔登湖是美国文学史上最负盛名的经典作品之一,在这本书中,梭罗记录了他在瓦尔登湖边的简单而又自给自足

5、的生活方式以及他对人生和自然的解读。本文将结合梭罗的思想观点,联系其当时所处的时代背景,从生态环境的角度出发,从瓦尔登湖这部作品寻找对当今生态文明建设的启示。 本文主要有三个部分,第一部分简要的介绍梭罗的一些思想观点和他当时所生活的时代背景,并且将梭罗在瓦尔登湖畔的生活呈现出来。在瓦尔登湖畔的两年间,梭罗倡导一种简单、自给自足的生活方式,他将自己视为自然的一部分,与自然的生物和谐共处。第二部分则重点分析瓦尔登湖一书中所蕴含的一些生态哲学的思想。第三个部分则通过分析当今社会日益突出的生态环境问题以及生态环保本身的重要性,解读梭罗及其这本书给我们的影响与启示。最后,本文希望通过从生态角度的分析来强

6、化人与自然关系的正确认识,使人们意识到环境危机的严重性和生态和谐的重要性。此外,结合近些年来国家提出的构建和谐社会、生态文明建设和实现可持续发展的工作布局,我们也可以从中得到启示。 关键词:自然; 生态哲学; 环境危机; 和谐AbstractWalden is one of the most reputed classics in the history of American literature. In this book, Thoreau records his simple as well as self-sufficient lifestyle beside the Walden P

7、ond and his comprehension and attitudes toward the life and the nature. This thesis would combine Thoreaus thoughts and the social backgrounds in which he lived to get some illuminations from the ecological and environmental perspective. This thesis has three parts. The first part mainly introduces

8、Thoreaus life as well as the time his thoughts. Additionally, this part also shows Thoreaus lives nearby the Walden Pond. During his two-year life beside the pond, Thoreau advocates a simple and self-sufficient lifestyle. He regards himself as one part of the nature and he lives harmoniously with th

9、ose creatures. The second part analyzes some thoughts of ecological philosophy contained in Walden. The third part explains influences and illuminations that Thoreau and this masterpiece bring us by analyzing the increasingly emerging environmental problems in the society and the importance of ecolo

10、gy. In the end, this thesis hopes to strengthen the correct cognition of relationship between human beings and nature from ecological perspective, making people aware of the seriousness of environmental crisis and the importance of ecological harmony. In addition, we can also get some illuminations

11、when we link the Construction of Harmonious Society, Construction of Ecological Civilization as well as Sustainable Development put forward by the national leaders in recent years. Key words: nature; ecological philosophy; environmental crisis; harmony ContentsAbstract (Chinese).iAbstract (English).

12、iiContents.iii1.0 Introduction. 12.0 Overview of Thoreaus thoughts and his practice.22.1 Brief introduction of Thoreaus era32.2 Thoreaus thoughts and his life in the Walden Pond.3 2.2.1 Simple and self-sufficient lifestyles4 2.2.2 Make friends with forest creatures.43.0 Ecological thoughts in Walden

13、.7 3.1 The Development of the Eco-criticism7 3.2 Criticizing humans dominance over nature.73.3 The value of nature.83.4 Human is a part of the nature.94.0 Thoreaus contribution to modern society .10 4.1 Environmental and ecological problems in China11 4.2 Significance of ecological construction115.0

14、 Conclusion .12Acknowledgements.14References .15Appendix: Thesis Proposal1.0 Introduction Henry David Thoreau is one of the greatest American authors of the nineteenth century and his masterpiece Walden has gained universal popularity for long time. Thoreaus era is in the boom of Industrial Revoluti

15、on happened in the States. During the middle of the 19th century, Americas economy develops with high speed and many industrial circles are in flourish. At that time, a vast number of people are only feverish about material life. However, Thoreau speaks ahead of his time and he tries to move away fr

16、om the rush and bustle of American social life which is, to him, getting more and more sadly materialistic-oriented. He desires a simple and self-sufficient lifestyle and he practices this by building a cabin nearby the Walden Pond when he gets Emersions permission. Walden is a faith record of Thore

17、aus reflections when he is in solitary communion with the nature.This masterpiece can be many things and it can be read on more than one level. The book conveys Thoreaus ideas on man-nature relationship which is considered as one of the greatest classics in the ecological literature field. Ecology h

18、as a long history in Europe and America and it can be deprived in the 19th century put up by a German biologist E. H. Hackel. During 20th century, with the booming of industrial civilization, environmental and ecological crisis was becoming worse and worse. Thus literary development was also influen

19、ced by this issue. Thus, ecological literature and eco-criticism was gradually emphasized by millions of people. Lawrence Buell, an American eco-critic and professor of Harvard, once predicts that the most emergent issue is probably the endurance of globe. In the mid-1980s, scholars began to work co

20、llectively to establish ecocritism as a genre so that The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment was set up. It is an international organization, involved thousands of people around the world. It often holds some seminars to publish some related journals and introduce latest eco-cri

21、ticism works. In 1979, Rachel Carsons Silent Spring was firstly published in China, which marked that ecologism was introduced in China. Nowadays, more and more Chinese people are aware of the importance of ecology along with the social development. Especially in recent years, the frequencies of som

22、e extreme weather, such as haze or torridness make people realize that ecological balance is closely related with their daily life. Eco-criticism is progressing in China increasingly. Many people are interested in ecological literature and they try to obtain some illuminations from these works. Thor

23、eau has been regarded as a pioneer of environmental protection philosopher of ecology. Thoreaus philosophy and his works are widely accepted by modern people. He is now more widely read and researched than any other novelist. 2.0 Overview of Thoreau and his life in the Walden PondThoreau is an activ

24、e Transcendentalist and he is by no means a recluse but is intensely involved in the life of his day. In his own time, America is enjoying the blossom of the Industrial Revolution. Many people are busy making money and they are enthusiastic about the life of bustle. Thus, he is considered as an ecce

25、ntric. On the contrary to others, Thoreau has faith in the inner virtue and inward, spiritual grace of man. He holds the negative opinion to the modern civilization. He moves to a shabby cabin beside the Walden Pond, living there in a very simple manner for a little over two years. As a nature lover

26、, he reckons that man should live harmoniously with and he indulges to be a participant in the nature. 2.1 Brief introduction of Thoreaus eraHenry David Thoreau (18171862) born in Concord, Massachusetts. His era, the 19th century is an important turning point in Americas history. Americans lose no t

27、ime in industrializing their new nation and in building trade with other countries after gaining independence from the Great Britain. And the territory of America expands a lot by means of invasion, wars or purchasing. In 1807, President Jefferson of the U.S. carried out the Embargo Act, which was i

28、ntended as a short-term measure. The Embargo Act forbade all exports from the U.S. to any country and import came to a halt as well. This policy, to some degree, helped encourage its national industrial to develop faster than ever before. All these factors accelerate the economic development of Amer

29、ica. Subsequently great changes take place in the States and modern civilization is full of the country while at the same time, wild nature is decreasing at a fast speed because of human exploitation. A glimpse of the changes occurred in the New England forest cover can well show us the deterioration of the environment. When Concord was settled in 1638, its gently rolling terrain was densely shade by an almost unbroken green canopy. Plants, such as whit

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