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英语重难点语法 考研英语二写作.docx

1、英语重难点语法 考研英语二写作英语重难点语法第一讲 句子构成成分分析 tb_n_H,*_ 句子构成 0Ok,oW _ 构成句子的成分共分为九种:主语,谓语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,补语,同位语和插入语。 _F_+zs*S_ 一、主语:句子的核心主体,通常位于谓语动词之前,表明一个句子是谁或何种情况所发出执行或是承受的。常做主语的有名词、代词、主语从句、V-ing 、To do五种。 Ro2d,_ _ 1名词: D_G_ts Success is the result of good judgment. #,+3Y&5-+ Life lights the candle of hope. +_UJ

2、uB_ 2代词: y_I_uPc We live and learn. _RzhWDbB I doubt, therefore I think. I think, therefore I am. _-_FRT_C 3主语从句: Tz2-Bph_ How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is. _r_E_cMIuk What is worth doing is worth doing well. _ p!Eft/A( 4V-ing: _&m+;6_ Losing can be a real beginn

3、ing. jQg0_F_ Believing in yourself is the secret of success. :S$lwrh 5To do: %p&k5:4pkT_1Z& I came I saw I conquered. _A?G IBjs 3表拥有:人或物时用:have has 无生命的东西:there be EL3|u_64GO Every dog has its day. _Z -_%(_ In a full heart, there is room for everything. _gBu1Qv_iU 4情态动词动词原形: tgL$chjx A man may die,

4、nations may fall, but an idea lives on. _2t_ayP_$ hP J4_Oj1O 三、宾语:及物动词或介词所指向的对象。常做宾语的有名词、宾语从句、复合结构、V-ing 、To do五种。 H7i$xW_s_ 1名词: P_LM_#+R Reading enriches our mind. _.PP30 Haste makes waste. Li _2Zndp 2宾语从句: w,? _Bef Goals determine what you are going to be. _FI_ One should learn to forgive. _ _&_O

5、s:_ eTUxhs_- 四、表语:接在系动词后,补充说明主语的情况又称为主语补足语。常做表语的有名词、形容词、V-ing 、To do、从句五种。 O:M$ _$_ 1名词: Bz8 &R| Life is not a bed of roses. _4yMW_:_ Today is our only sure possession. zIQz_mvf 2形容词: (.KJgY6j Time is fleeting and art is long. oJ(J_Jat Change is constant. _ZXd_1! 3V-ing: _tP_ zKU Courage is doing wh

6、at others think you cant do. $%2_m_K:p Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum. LR)&_ Kk 4To do: 2$_4|;_7 To change attitude is to change life. Dr_SlTf= The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. sN( _H4$ 5从句: _Ou_,J_5 The real measure of success is how happy we are. 7u11&(Lz_ Love is

7、what links two souls. _v 4Generationgap M_7&%_ 5Beautycontest _veG 10Serviceindustry _,?=Kg_G1i 11Waterscarcity &_+;uZ_-x_ 12Survivalskills &_c7O#_j 13Pressconference p$O_D*f_b_ 14Safetystandard _ q_6)N*?_ 15Lifeinsurance ,V2#iY.%N 16Weatherforecast _gE=_Wc_b! 17Receptiondesk ABi_C9_Q0 18Coffeebreak

8、 _w|_GIl 19Bodyguard # ITLz!g E 20Heartattack .CmL_7 _5 21Departmentstore d_(_j The starting point of all achievements is desire. AetA_=9 4To do: ;_/_ip_nx There is no time to lose. jD_pR_i Ones greatest power is the power to choose. ?_:JdRnH 5定语从句: _CH#k_vR2 That is a good book which is opened with

9、 expectation and closed with profit. cl_C2: Success is a process that never ends. _.Wh6(LDY( Cu_lFxu 六、状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词或整句的词或句。按照功能分十一种:时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、方式、条件、让步、比较、伴随、评注。常做状语的有副词 、状语从句 、状语从句省略结构 、To do 、V-ing 、V-ed 六种。 X_tO_O_ 1副词 : 8_J(c=4Gk Still water runs deep. iPNd_!_ One should have clearly defin

10、ed goals. kZBJ+ 94_ Excellency is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. _I_BCf Clearly, ones fate is in his/her own hands. Jn_6_0i6_/ 2状语从句 : vB3Xb3_a When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you. ,%.:g65%_ Nothing is ordinary if one knows how to use it. St_kz*w0* 3状语从句省略结构 : S

11、54gqc_1S If possible, go after your dream forever! o*l_ 1形容词: d&X/tT Histories make men wise. H_TR m_Q_ Love makes the world more colorful for all. _|G_|*_ 2To do: V:_nMo2hb Difficulties train one to be great. rC*_ sNy_2 Motive urges one to make progress. Ue_uF_ Z%,_+tRe 八、同位语:句子中的两种成份表达同一种概念,即A=B 称

12、之为同位语。常做同位语的有名词和从句两种。 34/m/2NZK 1名词: aY_v_H_ We should make full use of today, the hope of tomorrow. 3I(_d_C|d Never give up your dream, the source of happiness. _RT8_8 2从句: BaK _d Failure is a sign that one should explore other opportunities. 7ea_A_yH The fact that you have tried your best is in it

13、self a big victory. jy_o_AH ! 0_!_tW 九、插入语 _/ _1% 插入语是说话者对所表达意思的补充、强调、解释或者说话的态度,其位置灵活,常常用逗号或破折号与其它成分隔开,并且在语法上不影响其他成分。 J_k_P_ 1Indeed的确, )V9Mcr*Ce6 2Surely无疑, q!k_$B 3However然而, N+C%_Zgt 4Obviously显然, =:_C_G_l 5Frankly坦率地说, _Xa _o_L 6Naturally自然, Y1yv_I_ 7Luckily (或happily)for somebody算某人幸运, A_|Jox_r

14、 8Fortunately/Luckily幸好, OTNZ!U_/)j 9Roughly 大体上来说, _k vue_ 10Briefly简单地说, t9$AvE#a!= 11Strange to say说也奇怪, #_LrCx_& 12Needless to say不用说, w_9H_Q 13Most important of all最为重要是, U:pLnN_p_ 14Worse still更糟糕的是, #Tg|aW$(_* 15In a few words(或in sum,in short)简而言之, i$ fjr$B 16In other words换句话说, xR_Tg_ _ 17I

15、n a sense在某种意义上, _w|n_?_m 18In general一般说来, _Nd_%_M 19In my view在我看来, +n_8I(l= 20In conclusion总之, _D_o_CQFSL 21In summary概括地说, !_w;A=_ 22To be true诚然, 00_.iM_mJ 23In the first place首先, $V-_ = 24In addition此外, ru6HnLhL 25Of course当然, c_BM!_ 26To my knowledge据我所知, |+4_E 8;4_ 27For instance(或example)例如

16、, _Z+_E*_ 28As a matter of fact事实上, a_D_2_CDu_ 29Strictly speaking严格地说, _ETH#IM8J_ 30Generally speaking一般地说, P_. _qL 5 31Judging from根据判断, p_S|J_D_Mo 32To be sure无疑, _Dsl7 s=_ 33To sum up概括地说, A%F_L9 37I wonder我不知道, bM3_m$34 38That is也就是说, B&_ f.UH_ 39It seems看来是, 8_12V8_hP_Hx 48Morally speaking 从道德

17、的层面上来说, ka!lI:_ 49In comparison相比之下, n_v|y! ( 50In theory从理论上来说,第二讲名词性从句讲解 k5 zGsol A主语从句: L7_X7WYf& 主从可由以下这些引导词引导:that whether whoever which what whatever where how when why if 6B_ P_%&RL That 引导主从,在主从中不做成份。句型一That + 完整句=名词可做主语 _7n8 OR4 That everyone may receive at least a moderate education is sig

18、nificant. _IZ ha* 7 That we should act in the right spirit is necessary. ep1Aj_z.l Whether引导主从,在主从中做状语。句型二 Whether+完整句=名词可做主语 _E*Lv_R_ Whether you can succeed in making your dream come true depends on hard work more than luck. X_7!A(_q+h Whether it rains or shines makes no difference to proactive pe

19、ople. $_waX0dK& Whoever引导主从,在主从中做主语。句型三 Whoever +不完整句=名词可做主语 w0OK. f_j Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take many small steps. _lt3_/ Whoever dares wins. eh=_b_Cl_k Which 引导主从,在主从中做定语。句型四 Which+不完整句=名词可做主语 M4_|_(_A Which way you turn is up to you. U5KAi 9Z What 引导主从,在主从中做主语、宾语。句型五What+不完整句

20、=名词可做主语 gU_$3Y#R_ Whats done cant be undone. D=O6pK_ What we do willingly is easy. C!A_P_Q2_y Whatever 引导主从,在主从中做主语、宾语。句型六 Whatever+不完整句=名词可做主语 X_X+_rf Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our wisdom and power. 6H9Un_ju Whatever you love and trust in this world loves you in return. _0M_Un#7 Where 引导主从,在主从中做状语。 句型七Where+完整句=名词可做主语 D_7qe Where we enj

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