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1、海论五分钟快餐英语101 Mall 大型购物中心There are about 200 stores in the mall .这个大型购物中心内大约有200 家商店 . Maybe this is the biggest mall in China , 也许这是中国最大的购物中心Helen: Where is the mall ?请问购物中心在哪里? Tom: The mall is downtown .购物中心在市中心. Tom: Lets go to the mall to find something to eat .我们到购物中心去找点东西吃. Helen: Good idea!好主

2、意! 102 Cash or Credit 付现金还是信用卡Saleswoman: Is that everything ?就这些东西吗? YOU: Yes , thats all 就这么多Saleswoman: Cash or credit ? 你是用现金还是卡付帐? Saleswoman ; Paper or plastic? 是用纸还是塑料付帐? You: What? 什么?Saleswoman : Cash or credit ? 我是问用卡还是现金付帐? 103 On Sale 减价出售 I Wont buy anything thats not on sale , 我从不买非减价的

3、东西 .Lets go to H.K. for some shopping . Right now all clothes are on sale . 我们去香港购物吧, 时下所有的衣服都在打折. Fred; Are these hats on sale ? 这些帽子减价出售吗? Brad; No , they are new arrivals . 不行, 它们是新货. Salesperson ; Have you been helped ? 有人为您服务吗? Helen : No , I havent . Im looking for a coat . 没有, 我正想找一件外套. Sales

4、person ; I think this green coat is a good fit for you . By the way .its on sale . 我觉得这件绿色的外套可能适合你, 顺便说一句, 刚好这些天它打折. 104 Let Me Take Your Measurements. 把你的尺寸给我You: Id like to try this suit 我想试试这一套套装 Sales ; Let me take your measurements first ,先把你的尺寸告诉我 . You: Would this sweater look good on me ?这件毛

5、衣我穿好看吗? Salesman : Sure , Why dont you try it on ? 当然好看, 你为什么不试试? You: Yes , Ill take one . 好, 我要一件. Salesman : Let me take your measurements 我必须要你的尺寸 . 105 Where Is The Dressing Room ? 试衣间在哪里? I need to fix my hair, Where is the dressing room ? 我想整理整理头发, 化妆间在哪儿? This style is what I want . Where is

6、 the dressing room ?这个款式就是我所想要的, 试衣间在哪里? You: Where is the dressing room ? I want to try this skirt . 试衣间在哪儿? 我想试这条裙 Saleswoman : Its right there in the corner . 就在拐角那儿. You: Can I try this on ? 我可以试试这件衣服吗? Saleswoman: Sure . 当然You : Where is the dressing room ?那试衣间在哪里?Saleswoman : Its right over th

7、ere, 就在那儿 106 Instructions 说明书 Herere the instructions for the VCR. 这是这台录影机的说明书. You must receive instructions before using your computer. 在用电脑之前, 先让人指点一下. Tom: Im afraid I lost the instructions for the TV .我恐怕把电视说明书给弄丢了 Jerry : You can call a technician 你可以请技术人员帮忙 . Amy: Where are the instructions

8、for the mobile phone ?手机的使用说明书在哪儿? Sally: Theyre in the box . 在盒子里 107 Fake 假的, 伪造的Its very hard to tell a fake dollar from a real one 要辨别真假钱币可不简单Sales: Do you like these necklaces ?你喜欢这些项链吗? Fred: Yes , they are gorgeous 它们真的很棒 Sales; They are all fake goods , so they are not expensive? 它们都是假项链,所以它

9、们也不贵 . Sales: Im afraid this is a fake RMB .I cant accept it . 恐怕这是一张假人民币, 我不能收. You : Thats impossible , 不可能吧. Sales ; Please check it yourself 你自己看 108 Take It Or Leave It 没有选择, 你要还是不要Judy: I want some rice noodles for my dinner . 晚饭, 我想吃米粉. Waiter ; Therere only sweet dumplings left . Take it or

10、leave it ? . 只剩下汤圆了, 你要还是不要了. ? Tom: That is my final offer, Take it or leave it ? 这是我最后出的价码, 你要还是不要? Ann: Come on , give me a discount 别, 给我点折扣嘛. Judy: This is the only size we have Take it or leave it ? 这是我们仅有的一个尺码, 你要还是不要? Helen: Well , I will take it , 好吧, 拿给我吧. 109 Im only Looking 我只是看看 Clerk ;

11、 May I help you ? 需要我帮忙吗? You : No , thanks , Im only looking , 不必了,谢谢你, 我只是想看看Clerk : May I help you ? 需要我帮忙吗? You: Im only looking 我只是看看 Clerk: If you need something ,please let me know . 如果有什么需要,请告诉我. 110 Charge 费用, 记帐I will pay the bus charge , You pay the service charge 我来支付车费, 你来付服务费 . The foo

12、d is free of charge in our university . 我们大学的伙食是免费的 Is there a charge for this service? 这项服务要付费吗? You: How can I pay this service charge ? 服务费该怎么付? Clerk : You can pay with cash or travellers checks . 现金或旅行支票都可以. Friend ; What is the charge for the letter? 这封信邮资是多少? You: Wait a moment , It needs to

13、be weighed 请稍等, 这信需要称一下. 111 Due 到期的You need to repay your loan . Its due today , 你必须把你借的贷款还了, 今天到期了. Her baby is due next week , 她的孩子下周该生了. Mary: Here s your unpaid water bill 这是你未付的水单 Jack: Forget it ! 先别提这茬 . Mary : But its due today . 但今天到期了. Friend: Your rent is due today . 你的房租今天到期了. You: But

14、I have no money right now 可是我现在没钱. 112 Check 检查, 支票Cash or check ? 您是付现金还是付支票 You should check your exam paper before you hand it in 在你交考卷之前, 应该好好检查一下. Judy: Where can I cash my check ? 在哪儿可以兑现支票 ? Sally: At the peoples Bank . 可以在人民银行办理. Friend : Ive lost the travellers checks 我的旅行支票丢了, You: Did you

15、 check your pocket ?你检查过你的口袋吗? 113 Whats your best offer ? 你最多能出多少钱? If you think it is too much . then what s your best offer ?如果你觉得离谱, 那最多你能出多少钱? Customer ; Can you give me a discount on the VCD player ? 这台VCD 机你可以给我一个折扣吗? Shop- owner : So whats your best offer ? 你最多能出多少钱? Shop - owner ; If 200 yu

16、an is too much for you , then whats your best offer ? 如果两百块对你来说太多, 那你最多能出多少钱? Customer ; 150 yuan , 一百五十元. 114 Change 改变, 零钱 Id like to change some money into U.S currency . please 我想把这些钱换成美国货币. We can change money here 我们可以在这儿换钱. I have no small change . 我没有零钱 . Please change at the next station .请

17、在下一站换车. Judy: Do you have change for a twenty ? 你有二十块的散钱吗? Jane ; Let me check .让我找找看. Tom: Well , have you changed your mind ? 你改变主意了吗? Jerry: Absolutely not ! 绝对不可能. 115 I want to cash this check, please.我想把支票兑现Clerk : Gook morning , What can I do for you ? 早上好, 能为您做点什么 ?You : I want to cash this

18、check , please . 请把这支票兑现Clerk; Just a moment . please . Show me your ID . 请稍等等,让我看看你的身份证Clerk: Here is your ID, What else can I do for you ? 这是你的身份证,您还需要我为您做点什么?You: I want to cash this check . 我想把这支票兑现116 Amount 总数; 总额There is large amount of work for us to do . 有大量的工作等着我们去做. Your words amount to a

19、nger . 你说话带气. Friend: I would imagine that travelling abroad takes a large amount of money . 我能想像出国旅行需要大把花钱. You: You are right . so I have invested all my money in the stock market . 你说得对, 所以我把钱都投进了股市 Jack: Gas prices are going up and up 汽油价在不停地上 涨. Tom: What do you expect noadays ? 现在这世道你希望它怎样? Ja

20、ck: I just keep spending more money on gas every month . 我每月要不断地在汽油上花更多的钱. Tom: So you must spend a large amount of money .所以你一定花了不少钱. 117 Whats In It For Me ? 我能从中得到什么好处 Micheal: We signed a contract with a big client . 昨天我们和一个大客户签约了. Helen ; Thats great! Whats in it for me ? 太好了! 有我什么好处? Tom: Our

21、company is listed as the top five in this circle 我们公司被评为这个领域的前五名. Jack: Thats great ! Whats in it for me ? 太好了! 对我有什么好处.? Tracy : We made big profit this month 这个月我们赚大钱了. Helen ; Whats in it for me ? 我能从中得到什么好处? 118 Bill 帐单, 硬币, 钞票 I have many bills to pay . 我有许多帐单要付. Do you have any twenty dollar b

22、ills ? 你有二十块钱面值的钞票吗? Tom: These unpaid bills must be paid . 这些单子该付款了. Helen: Im really busy . I promise I will pay them tomorrow . 我实在太忙了, 我保证明天一定付钱给你. Bank teller; How would you like your money ? In twenties fifties or hundred dollar bills ? 你要怎么换些钱? 是要二十美金面值的. 五十的, 还是一百元一张的? You: A hundred dollars

23、 in twenties and the rest in hundred dollar bills . 要一百元二十美金面值的, 其余的都要一百美金面值的. 119 Wow 哇Wow! so much money ! 哇, 这么多钱! Wow! A real snake ! 哇, 一条真蛇! Friend: Wow ! What a big fish ! 哇, 好大一条鱼! You: Oh , Ive never seen such a big fish .before . 我以前从来没见过这么大的鱼. You: Wow! I won the lottery ! What do I get ?

24、 哇,! 我中了彩票, 我要买什么呢? Friend: A house , 买房子吧. Tom: Wow! There are so many bags here ! 哇! 这里这么多包.! Helen ; Make a choice . 选一个吧. 120 Actually 事实上. Actually , Im driving my car on the highway right now . Can I call you back later? 其实我现在正在高速公路上开车呢. 我待会儿再打给你, 好吗? Tom: To get to the Seige building . which

25、way should I go ? 我怎么走才能到赛格大厦? Jerry: I am sorry . I dont know 对不起, 我不清楚. Tom: Actually , Ive been there before . . But I forget the way . 实际上, 我以前曾经去过. 但是忘了路线. From desk clerk ; Are you on a business trip or just a vacation ? 你这次是商务考察还是渡假 ? Tom: Both , actually . 事实上, 两者都包括. 121 Really 真的吗? Friend:

26、 These sun glasses cost over two hundred yuan . 这个太阳镜, 我花了200块。 You: Really ? I paid half that last time . 真的吗? 我上次只花了一半的价钱. Friend : Im going to go to Hongkong to work 我要去香港工作了. You: Really ? What will you do / 真的吗.? 你去做什么?Friend: Ill work for a software company . 我会为一家软件公司工作Tom: Im going to get in

27、to business .我准备下海做生意Helen: Really ? So what kind of business will you do ? 真的吗?你要做什么样的生意?122 No Need 不必了Micheal: Shall I clean the floor ? 要我来打扫地板?Helen ; No need . The house - worker , will do it later ? 不必了,家里的工人待会儿会打扫的Jack: Would you like me to help you make the dumplings ? 要我帮你包饺子吗?Tom: No need

28、 . We can make them more quickly without your help . 不必了,没有你的协助我们会包得更快Secretary: Do you need me to help you send your Christmas cards ? 你需要我帮你发圣诞卡吗? You : No need . I sent them one week ago . 不必了, 我一周前就发出去了. 123 Hope Not 希望别这样 Mary: The boss said we might have a telephone meeting this evening . 老板说今

29、天晚上我们有可能开一个电话会议. Helen: Hope not . I have a lot of work to do . 希望别开会了, 我有很多事情要做. Micheal : The weather report says its going to be warmer these days . 天气预报说这些天天气会转暖. Helen : Hope not . My new fur coat will be to no use . 希望别, 我新买的皮大衣就没有用了. 124 You Too 你也一样 Friend: I hope you can make big money this

30、 year. 希望你今年财源广进.Helen; You too . 你也一样. Chris ; Have a nice weekend ! 祝你周末愉快 ! Ted; You too 你也一样 Tracy : You seem to have gained too much weigh recently . 你最近似乎长胖了. Micheal : You too . 你也一样 . Chris: I hope you lose all your hair . 你的头发全部掉光才好! Helen: You too. 你也一样. 125 Youre Got To Be Kidding 你在开玩笑吧. Chris: Jack got a new girlfriend . Did you hear? Jack 交了一位新的女朋友 , 你听到了吗? Helen: Yorre got to be kidding . 你一定在开玩笑吧. Tom: I think I swallowed the fish bone .我觉得我把鱼刺吞下去了. Helen: Youre got to the kidding .你一定在开玩笑. Helen: I think I

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