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1、必修二unit5能力达标训练.单项填空1_ to understand what he doesnt,he makes a fool of himself.AAlways pretending BAlways pretendedCHaving always pretended DAlways being pretended解析句意:总是假装知道他不明白的事情,所以他总是在自我愚弄。pretend作原因状语,与主语he是主动关系,所以要用现在分词形式作原因状语,C项是现在分词的完成时,表示该动作发生在谓语动词之前。答案A2We take in nutrients in the _of bread

2、,water,meat and so on every day.Aface BplaceCform Dway解析句意:我们每天以面包、水、肉等方式吸收营养。“以方式”用in the form of表示。in the face of“面对”;in the place of“代替某人的位置”;in the way of“挡住的路”。答案C3During the busiest season like National Day,Spring Festival,the traffic company provides _buses for the travelers.Aextra BspareCvar

3、ious Dunusual解析句意:在国庆、春节这样的忙碌季节,交通公司向游客提供加班车。extra在此句中有表示“附加的,额外的”;spare意为“备用的”;various“各种各样的”;unusual不寻常的。答案A4On April 1,the westerners will play _on each other but make sure that no one is hurt.Afun BfoolCjokes Dgames解析句意:在四月一日,西方人会相互之间开玩笑,但确保没有人受到伤害。fun要构成make fun of短语。fool构成make fool of短语,意为“愚弄某

4、人”play games“玩游戏”,后面不接on sb。答案C5To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it_into parts.Adown BupCoff Dout解析句意:要理解这个句子的语法,你必须把这句话分成几部分。break down意为“分析,分解”,正合题义。break up只有“打破;弄碎”之意。答案A6News reports say peace talks between the two countries _ with no agreement reached.Ahave broken down

5、Bhave broken outChave broken in Dhave broken up解析分析语境可知,两国和平谈判失败,没有达成任何协议,因此该空应填have broken down,表“(和平谈判)失败”。答案A7The weather_,wed better get in crops as soon as possible.Astaying to be fine Bstaying fineCappearing fine Dstays fine解析分析句子结构可知,逗号前为独立主格结构做状语,stay为系动词,后面只跟形容词。答案B8The factory produces hal

6、f a million pairs of shoes every year,80%_are sold abroad.Aof which Bwhich ofCof them Dof that解析本题属于“部分of关系代词(指物用which;指人用whom)”引导定语从句。答案A9The song “Mice Love Rice” was a _at once and its recording tape rose to No.1 on the bestseller list.Ashock BstrikeChit Dbeat解析句意:老鼠爱大米这首歌曲立刻风靡一时,它的录音带跃登畅销带榜首。hit

7、此处作名词用,表示“成功”。答案C10The little boy was told by the shop owner to _the apples out by the size.Awork BmakeCfigure Dsort解析句意:店主让这个小孩把这些苹果按大小分开。work out解决;make out弄清;figure out计算出;sort out 分类。答案D11Allan_ red with anger as soon as she heard the news.Awent BstayedCbecame Dremained解析句意:艾伦一听到这个消息,脸愤怒地变红了。wen

8、t作系动词用,指颜色的变化;stayed和remained都表示“保持”;became表示“成为”。答案A12Could you please spare me a few minutes?Not now,_ time,perhaps.Aany other BsomeCother Dsome other解析any other用在疑问句和否定句中;some other用在肯定句中,表示“另外某个时候”。答案D13Im not_my best tonight.Id better not have anything for supper.Err,could you _me some tea?Atry

9、ing;give Bdoing;offerCmaking;bring Dfeeling;make解析feel the best 感觉不是很好;make sb. tea 给某人沏茶。答案D14On Sunday when I was a child,my father and I _ get up early and go fishing.Acould BwouldCmight Dshould解析would在此句中表示过去习惯性的行为,译为“经常”。答案B15Though I like to have _,but I hate those dirty jokes _us.Aa fun;made

10、of Bfun;played onCfuns;made on Dfun;put on解析have fun玩得开心,fun是不可数名词;play jokes on sb.与某人开玩笑。试题中jokes作hate的宾语,played on.是过去分词短语,作后置定语。答案B.完形填空When William,a 10yearold boy planned to learn the piano,the music teacher was unwilling to accept him.She _1_ her students to start their music lessons at a you

11、ng age when their _2_ were able to move quickly and easily.“William,why do you want to learn the piano?” the teacher asked.“I want to play for my mother.” She noticed the _3_ in his eyes as he answered her.She had no heart to _4_ and accepted William as her student.But at each music lesson,William a

12、ppeared to be in a hurry and played _5_.“My mother is waiting outside for me,” he would tell the teacher.She was tempted to advise William not to _6_ his time with lessons anymore as he _7_ hit the right notes._8_ there was something about William she was fascinated with the tender look in his eyes

13、_9_ he mentioned “Mother”Suddenly,William stopped coming for his lessons.At the end of the semester year,the music teacher decided to _10_ a piano recital (独奏会) for her students and she sent flyers to ask them to participate.She was _11_ to find Williams application to contribute a musical piece.She

14、 would place him last in the recital _12_ he made mistakes;she would come forward to help if need be.The day came and William appeared._13_ it was his turn to play,William bowed before the audience and said he was thankful for the music teachers _14_ with him.“Tonight I am dedicating my music to my

15、mother.” he said.Everyone later asked why William did not bring his mother as she would _15_ be proud.William replied,“My mother was _16_ and she could never _17_ me play during her life time._18_ she sacrificed her time and money to let me learn the piano.This morning Mother passed away.I am sure s

16、he is now _19_ as she can hear my piano recital.I chose a piece of piano music by Beethoven.As you all know,Beethoven was deaf by the end of his career.But music always symbolized his _20_ for freedom and I would like to dedicate it to Mother.”1A.hoped BpersuadedCallowed Dpreferred2A.fingers Bbrains

17、Ceyes Darms3A.surprise BjoysCtears Ddisappointment4A.put him down Bturn him downCput him off Dturn him off5A.badly BnicelyCcarefully Dpatiently6A.pass BtakeCkill Dwaste7A.ever BneverCeven Dalways8A.Instead BThereforeCThen one time Bfrom time to timeCeach time Dthe first Bta

18、keCintend Dorganize11A.delighted BsurprisedCcurious far as Bif onlyCin case Dnow that13A.Until BSinceCWhile DWhen14A.patience BadviceCguide Dconcern15A.surely BgraduallyCfinally Dquickly16A.blind BdeafCseriously ill Dseriously BappreciateCteach Dhear18A.Besides BThenCYe

19、t DOtherwise19A.happy BrelaxedCfree Dsad20A.effort BstruggleCbelief Dchallenge1D词汇运用题。题干中的“her students to start”属于 do 搭配。hope不能跟这种搭配。其他选项都可跟 do 搭配,但在这种语境中,只能是preferred符合意义上的要求,指宁愿她的学生们在很小年龄的时候开始学音乐。2A生活常识题。与“弹钢琴”有联系的当然是fingers。3C行文逻辑题。根据故事的结局可知,Williams的妈妈患病,危在旦夕,所以他一说起妈妈就会难过。4B词汇运用题。根据语境

20、可知,此处要用turn him down表示“拒绝”。put him down“奚落某人”;put him off“拖延”;turn sb off“打发某人走”,此句意为“她无心拒绝他”。5A语境判断题。与前面的“in a hurry(急急忙忙)”相一致,此处要用played badly意指“弹钢琴也是处处是错”。6D语境判断题。此处表示出了音乐老师对William的失望。所以她很想告诉他别再把时间浪费在音乐方面了。7B行文逻辑题。此处是指老师想劝William别浪费时间学音乐了,是因为他从来没有弹出一个准确的音符。8D行文逻辑题。此处表达了老师的矛盾心理,一是劝他别把时间浪费在学音乐上了,另

21、一方面William每当提到妈妈时候,眼中就流露出温柔的眼神,这位老师被深深地吸引住了。9C语法判断题。each time在此处引导时间状语从句,意为“每当时候”。10D词汇运用题。学期末,音乐老师想组织一音乐演奏会。support“支持”;intend“打算;企图”;organize“组织”。11B行文逻辑题。因为William后来都没来学了,所以看到他申请参加独奏会,老师应该惊讶。12C语法题。“以防他会出错”是“所他放在最后一位表演”的目的。as far as“就而言”;if only“要是就好了”;now that“既然”。13D语法题。此处意指“当该轮到他表演的时候”。14A行文逻辑


23、到了我的钢琴演奏,所以她一定高兴的。20B行文逻辑题。此处的意思是提“对已失聪的贝多芬来说,音乐象征着追求自由的奋斗”。此处要用struggle表示此义。effort“努力”;belief“信念”;challenge“挑战”。.阅读理解When Johnny Cash sings,people listen.His big,deep voice rumbles out of radios and jukeboxes across North America.His records sell by the million.Countrymusic fans everywhere know his

24、 big hits.They love songs like“Hey Porter”,“Ring of Fire”,and“Folsom Prison Blue”Johnny Cash sings about a hundred concerts a year.People like what they hearand what they see,too.Rugged and bigshouldered,the singer stands sixtwo without his black boots on.Hes a twohundredpound package of muscle and

25、talent.And that scar(疤痕)on his cheek?Its a bullet(子弹)hole,of course!In the minds of most people,Johnny Cash is“Mr.Tough(violent)Guy”Hes an exdrug addict(上瘾者)who was once put in prison.His grandmother was an Indian.To keep from starving,he once had to live on wild rabbits killed from forty feet away

26、with a knife.Some people say he even killed a man.In fact,most of the Johnny Cash story is just thata story.True,years ago he had a “drug habit”for a short time.He“popped”pills.But he never used heroin or other“hard”drugs.Sometimes hed go wild and get locked up for a few hours.But he never served a

27、prison sentence.Theres no Indian blood in his veins.Hes been a killer only in song.As for the“bullet hole”,its an old scar left by a doctor who opened a cyst(囊肿)People who know Johnny Cash well say hes a “gentle guy”,a “generous guy” anything but a “tough guy”How did the stories get started?Some of

28、them,like the story about the“Indian grandmother”,he made up long ago to add excitement to his career.Others,like the“bullet hole”,simply got started.Now theres little the singer can do to change peoples minds.“They just want to believe it,”he says.1Johnny Cash is a favourite of many_.Aopera lovers Bcountry music fansChardrock fans Djazz music lovers2In truth,Johnny Cash_.Ainvented the“Indian grandmother”Bused to kill rabbits for a livingChad a bullet hole on his cheekDserved a long prison sentence3In his private life,Johnny Cash is _.Amuch wilder than he looksBmuch smaller than he is on

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