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1、长对话题是英语四扫描长对话题是英语四. 六级听力考试改革后新出现的种题型. 与短对话相比,长对话虽人日常对话的形式,但与短对话有很大区别,不仅字数大幅增多,在200 -300 字左右,而l大大提高. 与听力短文难度接近。总的来说,长对话涉及的内容更深入,人物态度. 语气.杂,一般不能简单依赖某个关键词来判断整篇对话的含义,有时更依赖于推理和判断. 不过是围绕中心而展开话题,因此,对于长对话而言,做出正确选择的关键就是把握住对话的中,I不管长对话的长度有多长,难度有多大,它所考查的内容不外乎题材和题型两个方着,包括社会生活类. 人物故事及人物历史类. 科普知识类. 文化教育类:按照题型,则l推理

2、题和细节题。一 题型特征主要考查考生对谈话的主旨大意或所谈论话题的理解. 在四级长对话听力中,常见的 What are the two speakers talking about7 What election are the speakers discussingr What are the speakers mainly discussing7 Whats the main purpose of the mans trip9二. 试题训练一Exercise 4 ,. Ouestiors 1 to 4 are basecl 1,n the c(,Ilyersati.,11 )1)Ue,ill

3、st Ilcarcl. 1. CA1 A chemistry assignment. ICJ Aclassthatthewomanistaking. CDJ Ajobpossibility. 2. CAI She wants to quit herjob in the chemistrylab. IBJ She wants to get practical experience, C1 Shes interested in becoming a psychology major. D) She wants to earn extra money. 3. CAJ Employ them as l

4、ab assistants. lC1 Help them with their studies. 4. CAI Write theirlab reports, CC1 1nterview some high school students, Ouesticms 5 tl, 8 alt Imsecl Im the 1.1,nvcrsati(,n )1,tlye iust he:Ircl, 5. lA) A vacation the woman took.长对话分类训练第节主旨题训练 Conversation 1 CBJ A study that their chemistry professor

5、 lB1 Teach classes at their high school. D1 Pay them for participating in the study. CBI Find out Professor Smiths schedule. IDJ Finish their chemistry experiment. Conversation 2 B1 French influence in New Orlean:gc (C: Neworleans Mardi Gras Festival, (D) A business trip. 6.lA: By bus, IBJ By car. C

6、C1 By plane. lD) By train. 7,A: Theweather. CB) The food. rCl Thearchitecture. CD) The music. 8. A: He was president when the city was purchased. r8J He led th American forces in a nearby battle. (CJ He designed Jackson Square in the French Quarter. RDJ Be helped found New Orlean: Ouli(ms 9 to 12 ar

7、e based on the c(m 1.,-sation youve ,illt heard. 9,(A) Thetrendsin the commodity market. IBJ The price of goods. : Vegetable oil. 10, (A) A long busines8 1etter. CJ The price off( 11,Al Becau8e it has quality problem, (B) Bccause its price is highel (C) Because there is no need for oil, (D) Because

8、there is demand for other goods, 12,(A)Fromau8tralia. lB)Fromengland. ICJFROMU.S.A. Cdjfromcanada. ODCStil)nS i3 to 16 are based on the ccmyc.1.s:Itil,n .1,11 e jllsl he:Ircl, 13. A1 How to increase ones 3peed in a bicycle race. fB1 Maior Canadian bicycle races. CJ The contributions of cycling to he

9、alth. CD) An annual cycling event. 4. A) The length ofthe course, IBJ The route the cyclists take. SCI The number of the participant. (D) The month in which the tour is held. ;, lA) They are not competing with each other. IBI They have to pay a high fee. rC) They tend to be beginning cyclists. 1D) M

10、ost of them fail to finish the route. lA)45,000. lB)Morethan45,000. CC)Lessthan45,000. Cdjnotmentioned.T根据选项中的关键词 chemistry )t及 study 可以确定这是一篇与化学实验有关的谈话,因此应格l留意录音中与实验相关的内容。-. 听力 Conversation 3 CD1 Ajob offer. CB) The market report. CDJ A long fax. Conversation 4东解析 Conversation 1M: Hi, Mary. Do you

11、want to start writing a lab report after we finish this experimentr W: 1 cant. In fact 1 need to finish early because Im going over to the psychology department to talk to Professor Smith about a job opening.MY W: Yeah. And it sounds pretty interesting. It involves study and learning styles. You kno

12、w, about how some people tearn best by sight while others learn best by hearing or touch. M: Yeah. 1 know thats an area of expertise. W: Right. Anyway. for her study shes taking some high school students who arent doing very well in their classes and testing them to find out what their learning styl

13、es are. Then tutors. E)1.()t)1(. 1:kc 111(,Tn illtllc M: Hey. That is interesting, Now will you mostly do the testing or the tutoring. W: Both 1 hope. 1 want to be inyolved from start to iinish. M: Are you getting paid for thi W: Im sure well get something, though, probably not much. Anyway, it does

14、nt matter to me. 1 11:tllcls ():1 t.XI) M: Yeah. And itll be nice to help those high school students. too. W: Thats what 1 thought when 1 saw the ad. You know you could do it, too. You dont have to be in her classes to work on the study. M: Really7 Do you have any idea what the schedule is like9 W:

15、Late afternoon then evening for tutoring 1 think. After all the kids are in regular classes until three thirty. M: Actually thats perfect for me. W: Then come along. We will save the lab report for later. 1 wc.d 1)ctter nl;lk M: Yeah, First things first. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the c,nversatio

16、n you3)e jusl he&rd _呻吾前硕i91根据选项中的 vacation, business trip 及plane 等词可看出该篇对话的内容应与出行相关,应留意与出行地点及方式相关的内容。 t) Otl Canll Conversation 2 WWW. slnoexam. oa 1. hat re the spker:, m3in discussing9t i.二J.项均为名词,所以当听到与其相关Iw:的关键词时应做笔记,当听到题目l后就可以确认答案为CD)。 2. Why is the woman interested inlm: working with Professo

17、r Smith7 IW:1解析) 选lLtl. 推理题。根据选孰 & get practical experience, Le-t coming a psychology major a earnl M:extra money, 可推断出这里考查的内容应与她从事实验的目的枷w:I关,因此当听到相关话语 ljust want to have some hands-on experi-ence”时,就可以确认答案c Bl,二者为同义转述。 3. What will the college students dol W for the high school students71解析) 选c(儿推理

18、题。由选项lM中的关键词 their high sch001 以及wtheir studies 可判断出这里涉及高中学生的学习情况,应对录音中谈及高中生的内容做记录,题目问的是他们要为高中生做些什么,选择 CC)O 4. What will the speakers probably- do next71解析1 选ll)1. 推理题电四个选项都是由动词开头,因此所考查内容应与谈话人的活动相关,应注意与其活动有关的内容,如记录下 But we d better make sure we do a good job On our experiment firsttt,听到题目时就可以正确选择.主旨

19、题。四个阂M M :1 M W M1 wl hej一g。缎 .-.-.,: M: Hi, Shelly: tl()w was yollr vacatiotl, W. Great: 1 went to New Orleans. M: Really9 Why did you decide to go there W: Well, 1 have a cousin who lives there. Shes been trying to get me to take a vacation down there for a long time, and so final. 1y, she talked

20、me into it. M: How did you get there9 W: Weli, at first 1 was going to drive, but my cousin said parking is a big problem there, so 1 flew. Once 1 was there, 1 took bu- ses and taxis. M: Ive seen some pictures of New Orleans - the architecture there is really interesting, isnt it9 W: Yeah, its incre

21、dible, especially in the French Quar;er and in the Garden District where my cousin lives. And 1 10ve the spicy food there, and the music, of course. My cousin took me to some great little restaurants and jazz clubs. Mt How wiis the weiither wheh vou were thc W: Tbelts the only thing 1 didht enjoy. I

22、t was really hot and sticky. M: Wasnt New Orleans originally a French city9 W: Yes, the French founded it. And then the king of France gave it to the king of Spain, and later the French took it over again And then the French sold it to the United States along with the rest of the Louisiana Purchase.

23、 M: 1 remember reading in a history book about the battle of New Orleans. That was during the War of 1812 , wasnt it. W: Right. 11 tll 111C French Quarter is named after him. M: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time. W: Oh, 1 sure did, And 1 plan to go back there next spring for my birthday

24、. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conl)ersation youl)e iust heard .叶吾前硕狈1根据选项中的关键词如 commodity market , business letter 以及 price 可推断出该对话的内容应与商业相关. (ler Anclrev Itl(:kson f()lilll: a t)titlt hcre In fact, Jackson Square in the Conversation S.,u_.,i,.s.:_;:.,:.二 旨题。选项中 a vae:,t.:.,:,:n,:.:,):.+T

25、.,:,:,Irip i B 里的考查点应与茎旅有关,题目贞 rii:,.,i,:1,.):.,.,.,: 6, How did the woman get to New Orleans9解析) 选c1:细节题。四个选项为不同的交通工具,因此可推断出这里考查的应是出行方式. 听到。so 1 flew”后,即可确定选项D 7. What was the aspect of New Or- leans that the woman didnt enjoy9解析l 选LA)r_ 细节题。选项涉及到天气,食物,音乐等不同方面,应对有关内容做笔记,题目问的是谈话的女子对New Orleans 哪方面不满

26、意,如果记录下了. How was the weather when you were there9 Thats the only thing 1didnt enjoy. ”,即可确认答案。 8. According to the woman, what role did Andrew Jackson play in the history of New Orleans7解析) 选ltil,推理题. 通过选项 cp president, led 1( designed可推断出这里的He 应是个重要的人物. 当听到”The Americans under Andrew Jackson fough

27、t a battle with the British near there. ,后,与选项cBl 符合,听到题目后即可确定选项.55 W: Any Good news9 M: Well, 1 can hardly say that. However, Im still hope-fU卜 W: Have you got a reply from your head officer M: Yes, Ive received a 1c)ng fx. Actually, theres nothing new in the offer. W: Do you mean the price remains

28、 the same as mentioned yesterday9 M: Yes, it is the same. 1 believe that you have followed up the supply position, and that youre as well informed as1 am. W: Could you tell us about the supply position at your end7 M: As you know, situations are apt to change in the rkct. There are many pressing dem

29、ands from clients in other parts of the world. The upward trend is quite strong. 1 hope you will appreciate our position. W: 1 gather from what you say that the outlook is not very promising. Its rather disappointing that you slmulc: come all thc wity from 1u8tretli:1 to tell us of such a dim prospe

30、ct. M: Things are not all that bad. You may recall that we once drew your attention to vegetable oil. With regard to this item, the situation is slightly better. lot intercsted in vegetable oil for the siml)Lc son that ils priye is highej M: 1 appreciate that. Queslions 9 to 12 are based on the conl

31、lersation youlle just hedrdr.:. 前硕卜 1 i&iP a bicycle race, cycling event )3( competing with each other, )Ltb( 这是一篇关于自行车竟家的对话,由此在听录音时应多留意与自行车比容相关的内容. M: Montreals amol coming up in June. Good morning, Jane. What is the bike tour all about9 W: Well. Peter, its an event thats open to anybody whod like to ride a bicyc

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