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本文(八年级英语下册Unit2Illhelptocleanupthecityparks第1课时教学设计新版人教新目标版.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、八年级英语下册Unit2Illhelptocleanupthecityparks第1课时教学设计新版人教新目标版Ill help to clean up the parksUnit 2Ill help to clean the city parks.Period 1Content Section A 1a, 1b, 1c; 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d教学目标要求1能够用情态动词could表示提建议,如:You could help to clean up the city parks.2能够掌握短语动词,如:clean up, cheer up, give out, come up with

2、, put up, call up, put off, hand out等。3能够掌握动词不定式,如:The girl could visit the sick kids in hospital to cheer them up.4能够正确使用词汇,如:city, notice, volunteer, sign, lonely等。5能够正确使用常用表达,如:clean up, cheer up give out, used to, care for 等。6能根据听到的关键词完成听力任务,如:1b, 2a等。7能模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材上的对话并能模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达(会话)。I

3、 hope to work outside. You could help to clean up the city parks. 等。教学过程 活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用复习时间4 m1复习已学目标语和谈论课余活动T: What do you often do in your free time / after school / during the summer holiday?S: I often . 2仿照上述对话,组织Pair work复习活动Lets do pair work: Talk about volunteer activities. 学生双人活动,教师抽查

4、几对学生。导入时间2 m3导入新课话题December 5th is International Volunteer Day. We all should do something helpful. What helpful things will you do?学生回答,老师板书活动词汇4引入单元标题Ill help to clean up the city parks.教师板书或课件显示:Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. 教师询问几个学生:What will you do?1a时间5 m5读图,了解对话情景 地点和谈论的话题6集思广益,

5、扩展助人的方式Please discuss what you can do to help people at school and what you can do outside school. Then write them down. Now, lets check. (核对答案,教师板书) 7学习并强化刚刚学过的短语Lets learn these phrases. Read them together.1b时间4 m8听前朗读,扫清障碍Please read the sentences.9听辨对话,感受目标语Now open your books and look at 1b. As

6、k Ss to complete activity 1b.Check the answers Read the sentences together.10视听会话的动画,模仿跟读会话Look, listen and repeat.1c时间3 m11组织Pair work,学生针对1b编会话Please practice the conversations in pairs.Ask 2 or 3 pairs to show it. 2a时间5 m12听前活动:词汇引入1Read the phrases.2Match them with the pictures.3Check the answer

7、s.13强化词汇,扫清听力障碍Ask and answer.T: What can we do on City Park Clean-Up Day?S: We could put an ad on TV.14听辨词汇Please listen and check the things they are going to do to tell people about it. 2b时间5 m15听力实践,填写短语动词Listen again and fill in the blanks.Check the answers.16朗读句子,探寻所填词规律Please read the sentenc

8、es.板书短语动词:come up with, put off, put up, give out, call up.总结:1各自均表达一个独立完整的意思,相当于一个动词;2由两个或三个词合作,形成一个像短语一样的结构。这 些内容各自均为一个短语式的动词,因此语法将其称作 “短语动词”(phrasal verbs),而非“动词短语”(verb phrases)。Please read and remember the phrasal verbs.2c时间2 m17组织Pair-workMake a conversation using the information in 2a and 2b.

9、2d时间6 m18齐读,指导并教授新词Read the conversation together. 19讨论并学习生词,为对话做准备Now we know theres an old peoples home. What is an old peoples home in Chinese? What can we do at an old peoples home?师生共同讨论可为老人做的事情,教师逐条板书20互换角色朗读对话并深度理解Please read the conversation.Answer the following questions.21分角色练习对话以提升口语表达水平P

10、lease practice the conversation. First I read as Helen and you as TomThen girls read as Helen and boys read as Tom.OK, practice in pairs.Ask 1 or 2 pairs to show the conversation.小结时间3 m22本活动的检查评价;归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标1抽查两对学生的会话表演2教师在他们会话完成后询问几个学生: What could we do for the City Park Clean-Up Day? 等问 题,掌握本单元的重点短语。3(师生交流)教师在板书上添加: come up with a plan put off making a plan put up signs give out notices call up ten students 作业1 m23Homework(布置作业)1听教材会话录音并进行模仿朗读。2利用2b中的短语动词写出5个句子。3询问你的好朋友去敬老院做了什么,并记录他 / 她的 回答。

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