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1、译林版英语五年级上册 第610单元教案五年级上册 第五单元第1课时 教案Teaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标知识目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词teacher, teach, write, work, doctor, help, worker;2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词writer, at home, sick, people, factory;3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写What does he/she do? Hes/Shes a ;4. 能掌握动词teach, w

2、rite, work, help, make的第三人称单数形式,并能初步运用句型What does do? Hes/Shes a He/She 来讨论Story time中涉及的职业并进行相关描述。能力目标:1. 学生能够使用重点句型来讨论职业名称和工作内容;2. 学生能阅读并理解故事。情感目标:培养学生对职业的认识以及对各种职业的尊敬。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 在故事情景中阅读和理解句型What does he/she do? 及其回答Hes/Shes a teacher/write

3、r/ factory/worker/ ;2. 能从整体到局部再到整体的理解故事内容;3. 能用正确的语音语调朗读故事;4. 能尝试运用句型What does Mikes/Su Hais father/mother do? Hes/Shes a 来讨论Story time的故事。教学难点:1. 单词sick, factory, writer, people单词的读音2. 在故事情景中正确朗读和理解What does he/she do? 及其回答Hes/Shes a teacher/writer/ factory/worker/ 3. 通过教学活动初步了解主语是第三人称单数动词的变化形式。Tea

4、ching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting & warm up1. A song: My father is a doctor2. Show the learning aims.a. I can read Story time very well.b. I can ask and answer “What does do?”【设计意图:歌曲为职业类单词教学做铺垫,明确本课学习目标,有的放矢。】Step 2 Introduction1. Show the picture in Story time.T: Who are they?S: They are Mikes

5、father and mother. They are Su Hais father and mother.T: I can also say, they are Mikes parents and they are Su Hais parents.(新授 father + mother = parents)2. Look and guess.T: Please look at this picture. What are Su Hai and Mike talking about? A or B? (PPT呈现选项)S: I think theyre talking about their

6、parents jobs.T: Yes, youre right. So, if you want to know their parents jobs, you can ask “What do they do?”. Today well learn Unit 5 What do they do?【设计意图:通过对Story time的图片展示,学习单词parents,并引导学生通过观察对本课学习主题进行合理猜测,自然揭题。】Step 3 New teaching1. Watch and find.T: How to ask questions about their parents job

7、s? Please watch the flash and underline the questions in Story time. (播放卡通)S: What does your father do? What does your mother do? What about your mother?2. Listen and match.T: Listen to the tape and do the match.3. Learn to say.T: What does Mikes father do? S: Hes a teacher. (新授 teacher)T: What does

8、 Mikes mother do? S: Shes a writer. (新授 writer)T: What does Su Hais father do? S: Hes a doctor. (新授doctor)T: What does Su Hais mother do? S: Shes a factory worker. (新授worker)【设计意图:通过观看课文动画,找到对职业提问的问句,通过听录音,捕捉相关信息,结合句型,学习职业类单词及问答。】4. Read and find.Read the dialogue and find the description of their j

9、obs.a. T: What does Mikes father do?S: Mikes father is a teacher. He teaches English. He has a lot of students. (教teach-teaches, teach-teacher)b. T: What does Mikes mother do?S: Shes a writer. She writes stories. She works at home.(教right-write-writes, write-writer, work-works, work-worker)c. T: Wha

10、t does Su Hais father do?S: Hes a doctor. He helps sick people. (教six-duck-sick, people, help-helps)d. T: What does Su Hais mother do? S: Shes a factory worker. She makes sweets.(教 make-makes)【设计意图:从看、听过渡到阅读,并在阅读过程中找出文中对工作的具体描述,学习动词以及第三人称单数形式,并初步建立动词与名词之间的联系。】5. Reading time.a. Read after the comput

11、er.b. Read by themselves.c. Read in pairs. (Choose one of the three reading methods.) d. Read together. 【设计意图:循序渐进地引导学生朗读课文,从跟读到自读,到自主阅读,在读的过程中对整个语篇进一步熟悉和巩固。】Step 4 Consolidation1. Read and judge.T: Now, can you tell whether these sentences are true or false?S: Yes, we can.2. Ask and answer.T: Yang

12、Ling is asking Liu Tao about Mikes and Su Hais parents jobs. Please act them and make a short dialogue in pairs.3. Fill in the blankets.a. Fill and say.b. Think and write. (Page 50)4. Retell the story.Retell the text with the key words.【设计意图:练习设计难度递增,从判断、填空到复述,听说读写兼顾,培养学生的综合语用能力。】Homework 家庭作业1. Cop

13、y the new words.2. Read and recite the story.3. Try to introduce your family.板书设计:Unit 5 What do they do? Mikes father a teacher teaches English Mikes mother a writer writes storiesSu Hais father a doctor helps sick people Su Hais mother a factory worker makes sweets 五年级上册 第五单元第2课时 教案Teaching conten

14、ts 教学内容Story time & Fun timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标知识目标:1. 巩固所学故事中出现的词汇:teacher, teach English, writer, write stories, doctor, help sick people, factory worker, make sweets;2. 基于Story time的故事,复习What does he/she do? He/She ;3. 创设不同情景,让学生能够听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:What does he/she do? He/ She

15、并能描述职业的具体工作内容;4. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:cook, driver, farmer, policeman;5. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:nurse能力目标:1. 学生能够使用职业类单词和句型What does he/ she do? 及其回答He/She ;2. 学生能够用第三人称单数形式来描述不同职业的具体工作内容;3. 学生能有感情地表演故事。情感目标:培养关爱家人的情感。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 滚动复现词汇:teacher, teach, English,

16、 writer, write stories, doctor, help sick people, factory work, make sweets;2. 在故事情景中反复使用、巩固What does he/she do? He/She 句型;3. 在创设的情景中让学生能够听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:What does he/she do? He/She 并能描述职业的具体工作内容;4. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:cook, driver, farmer, policeman;5. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:nurse。教学难点:1. 句型What does he/she do? 及其回答

17、Hes/Shes/He is/She is a 并能描述职业的具体工作内容;2. 在描述职业时能正确运用第三人称单数的形式;3. 学生能够针对不同的情景活用日常用语:What does he/she do?Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warming upChallenge 1: Look and read.【设计意图:通过游戏来复习Story time中出现的单词和短语,并激发学生学习的兴趣。】Challenge 2: Ask and answer.Challenge 3: Think and say.【设计意图:通过三个阶梯式的挑战来复习之前所学的词汇、句型

18、和对话,丰富学生的语言,为之后的操练做好铺垫。】Step 2 Fun time1. Look, think and guess.T: Now the students are talking about the jobs. Whom are they talking about?(出示图片Mrs Su和听诊器) T: What does Mrs Su do?S: Shes a doctor. She helps sick people.(出示图片Miss Green和针筒,引导学生提问) S1: What does she do?S2: Shes a nurse. She helps sick

19、 people, too. (教授a nurse) 2. Look, listen and guess.T: This is Mr Li. If you want to know his job, how do you ask?S: What does Mr Li do? T: Now lets Listen and guess. (教授a farmer) A: What does Mr Li do?B: Hes a farmer. He works on a farm.(同法教授a cook, a driver, a policeman)【设计意图:通过听说读写等多种形式来学习职业类单词和具

20、体工作的动词词组,同时操练了句型,做到词句结合、由浅入深、层层递进、扎实有效。】3. Look, read and say.根据首字母说单词,然后通过朗读来巩固所学内容。Step 3 Consolidation1. Lets talk. S1: What does do?S2: Shes a nurse. She helps sick people. S3: Hes a farmer. He works on a farm.S4: Hes a driver. He drives a car.S5: Hes a cook. He cooks food.S6: Hes a policeman. H

21、e helps people.2. Lets S1: What does Miss Green do? S2: Shes a nurse. She helps sick people. 【设计意图:在多种活动和游戏中操练对话和巩固句型,更具情境性和趣味性。】3. Lets summarize.a. Lets read.b. Look and find. 动词 + er (或r) 名词c. Enjoy the pictures and say more.【设计意图:培养学生自己归纳和总结语法规则的能力,并注重知识的拓展和延伸,增加学生的英语知识面。】4. Lets share.

22、a. People work to make life better. 人们工作让生活更美好。b. Respect every job! 请尊重每一份职业!Homework 家庭作业1. Copy the new words. 2. Try to introduce your familys jobs.3. Surf the Internet and find more jobs in our life.板书设计: Unit 5 What do they do? (Story time & Fun time)A: What does Miss Green do?B: Shes a nurse.

23、 She helps sick people.A: What does Mr Green do?B: Hes a doctor. He helps sick people, too.a cook a doctor a driver a farmera nurse a policeman a teacher a worker五年级上册 第五单元第3课时 教案Teaching contents 教学内容Grammar time & Checkout time (Do a survey)Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能够用表示职业类的词汇来

24、描述他人的职业;2. 能够正确地使用句型What do/does do? Im/Hes/Shes a I/He/She 来询问他人的职业并做回答;3. 能够理解并掌握Grammar time中一般现在时的基本概念,知道当主语是第三人称单数时助动词和行为动词的变化;4. 能够独立完成Checkout time对同学父母的职业的调查问卷,并且能做正确的汇报;5. 培养学生对职业的认识,以及对各种职业的尊敬,同时鼓励和激发学生之间主动表达的欲望和积极交流的热情。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能够

25、使用所学职业类的词汇并掌握动词加r或er构成职业类名词的规则;2. 在特定的情景中熟练使用本单元句型来询问职业并进行描述;3. 能够理解并掌握Grammar time中一般现在时的基本概念,知道当主语是第三人称单数时助动词和行为动词的变化;4. 能够初步掌握动词的第三人数单数形式的变化规则和读音规律。教学难点:1. 一般现在时中当主语是第三人称单数时助动词和行为动词的变化规则;2. 动词第三人数单数形式的变化规则和读音规律。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting and warm-up1. Learning aims. (PPT呈现)2. Sing a

26、song: They sing happily.【设计意图:歌曲复习了4个职业类单词,活跃课堂气氛,为下面的复习环节做铺垫。】Step 2 Revision男女生之间竞赛1. Round 1: Brainstorming.a. Name some jobs.b. Brief summary: verb + r/er noun(writewriter, drivedriver, workworker, farmfarmer, teachteacher)2. Round 2: Quick respond.a. T: I say a verb, and you make phrases with i

27、t. For example, I say “help”, and you say “help sick people”. OK?b. T: This time, I say the original form of the verb and you say the third person singular verb. For example, I say “help”, you say “helps”.3. Round 3: Choose and say.T: Choose a letter apple and a number apple to practice with your pa

28、rtner. For example, I choose Apple A. Its Miss Green. And I choose Apple 3, its a stethoscope. My partner and I can practice like this:What does Miss Green do? Shes a doctor. 【设计意图:以男女生之间的对抗赛为依托,设计与职业、句型相关的活动,既激发了学生积极参与的兴趣,也是对所学内容的巩固和复习,为下面的语法归纳环节做准备。】Step 3 Presentation1. Do a survey.a. T: Now, her

29、es a task for you. Please do a survey in groups of four and write down others family members jobs.b. T: Youve finished the survey already. Its time to report. 【设计意图:调查活动是对句型的加深巩固和实际运用,通过对话形式的调查和陈述句形式的汇报,突破本课教学难点动词第三人称单数形式。】2. Brief summary.T: Lets think about how to know others jobs? What questions

30、can we ask?S1: What do you do?S2: What does your father do?T: Yes. And we can answer: Im/Hes/Shes a .3. Grammar time 1 (do & does)Whatdoyoudo?doesyour fatherhis motherher motherT: Now, please think about a question: When do we use “do” and “does”?(帮助学生归纳“do”和“does”用法)T: In the questions of simple pr

31、esent tense, we use “do” with the first, the second and plural personal pronouns, and we only use “does” with the third person singular.4. Round 4: Find the house.T: Heres Round 4. Please help the personal pronouns find their right house by saying “What do/does ?”【设计意图:从复习句型到实际运用,再引导学生根据句型总结助动词do和does 的用法,最后进行“找房子”的比赛游戏,在“感知运用总结反馈”的过程中习得语言知识。】

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