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1、版高考英语一轮复习Unit8Adventure课时作业北师大版必修3Unit 8 Adventure 基础训练 .用适当的介词或副词填空1Our school should be equipped _ a bigger and better sports field.2He promised to come,but so far he has not turned _3I differ _ my classmates on that issue.4The doctor said that he was _ risk for AIDS.5.He has run _ of food and his

2、 children are hungry.6If the car should break _ on the way,you would have to walk back.7Armed conflict is likely to break _ between the two countries.8How can I get it _ to you people how important it is?9Then he took the sunglasses _,gave a big smile and said “That is cool”10There is a limit _ ever

3、ything.答案完成句子11The virus caused the computer to _ 病毒使得计算机出故障了。12I must admit I _ romantic movies. 我必须承认我更喜欢浪漫电影。13_ the song of Qu Wanting. 下一首是曲婉婷的歌曲。14Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, she _ the driving test. 卧病在床接近一个月的时间,她在通过驾驶考试方面有些

4、困难。15He is _ attend school by himself. 他太小而无法自己去上学。答案11.break down12.have a preference for 13Then followed14.has some difficulty (in) passing15.too young to.课文浓缩语法填空Adventure 2000 is an organization for adventurers to the Himalayas. _16_ can satisfy all the needs of hikers. All the guides,_17_ are v

5、ery experienced,learn about all the best routes and best places _18_ (camp). _19_ a hiking trip,their cooks can prepare foods _20_ (taste) delicious and porters can carry luggage for hikers. Besides,at adventure 2000,they can make a detailed _21_ (arrange) for travel,_22_ (include) flights,accommoda

6、tion and so on. They also provide special offers for those hikers who have different interests. For those who are interested in history,there is a trip to western China. For hikers preferring to play on the coast,Class A is _23_ (difficult). If you want to join in this adventure,you _24_(pay) 2,500,

7、which includes all flights and accommodation. Keep in mind _25_ maximum group size is 15 people.答案 camp19.On20.tasting 21arrangement22.including23.the most difficult 24will pay25.that.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Obstacles(绊脚石) that lie on the way to success1LazinessEven

8、with a great idea and the courage to pursue it, your efforts will be for naught unless youre willing to take massive action._26_ Write down your goals and the action steps youll take to pursue those goals.Post your vision and plan in your bedroom, bathroom, office.Share it with others, so theyll hol

9、d you accountable for delivering on your plan.2Complacency(自满)Without passion, even the most compelling vision will not be realised._27_ Make your passion into an almost physical characteristic of your personality, an inexorable force that keeps you engaged every moment of every workday, bringing yo

10、u one step closer to the measure of success that you desire.3DistractionThe modern world calls for your attention in everlouder ways._28_ It takes selfdiscipline to persevere amidst the noise and haste, to assert your willpower over casual desires and instincts.Channel your emotions, behaviors, and

11、desires toward obtaining the reward of success.Remember:Living a life of selfdiscipline is less painful in the long run than regretting “what might have been.”4DoubtOnce youve made a decision, doubt is a worm that eats away at your ability to succeed.Life and work can be hard and even cruel.Remember

12、, the race is not for the swift but rather those who persevere._29_ You owe it to yourself to remain confident in your vision and your plan.5DishonestyAs you begin to be successful, youll be tempted to lie, exaggerate(夸大), and cheat in order to move your thing forward.However, taking the easy way of

13、 dishonesty has a tendency to sneak back up on you._30_ True success comes when you are a person of your word, when you have a pure conscience, and when you have not cheated others on your way to the top.AEvery path to success begins with a great idea.BYou should focus on what you are doing.CDont al

14、low doubt to influence your process.DDiligence can make up for lack of intelligence.EIt causes far more problems than telling the truth in the end.FWithout passion, your energy and enthusiasm will disappear.GIf you cant experience gratitude you might have stayed exactly where you started.答案26D本段内容说明

15、的是“懒惰”,选项D意为“勤能补拙”,说明勤奋的重要性,与“懒惰”形成对比。故选D。27F空格处的句子格式与空格前面的句子一致,都是说明没有激情的坏处。故选F。28B本段主要内容为“分心”,而选项B意为“你应该专注于你正在做的事情”。与本段内容形成对比。故选B。29C本段标题为Doubt(怀疑),选项C意为“不要让怀疑影响你的进程”,与标题内容相符。故选C。30E本段标题为“不诚实”,选项E意为“最终,不诚实比说实话造成更多的问题”,符合本段内容。故选E。能力提升.完形填空体裁:夹叙夹议话题:爱与帮助词数:274时间:16As a young girl I remember a very sp

16、ecial doctor name Dr.William RVincent.I had been to several doctors as a child, but I have a_1_ place in my heart for Dr.Vincent.I was eight years old at the time with a_2_ heart problem and I needed heart surgery.We were poor at that time and my Mom did not have the_3_ to have it done, and without

17、the surgery there was a real good_4_ I would not live to be thirteen years old.Dr.Vincent was a handsome man; he was also very gentle and_5_I remember being in the hospital I was_6_, so the medical staff called in Dr.Vincent to_7_ me down, and he was able to_8_ me when no one else could.Then the tim

18、e came for me to have heart surgery.I was absolutely_9_, and again Dr.Vincent_10_ me he would see to it.I had a lot of_11_ and trust in Dr.Vincent; he was the most caring man I had_12_ known.He came to see me after the surgery, which was extremely painful but very_13_I gave him a hug.I had no family

19、 or friends to visit me _14_I was in the hospital_15_ my Mom.I knew I had a_16_ doctor who took the time to help a scared little girl who felt_17_This was twentyeight years ago, so wherever you are Dr.Vincent, I want to_18_ you for not only_19_my life, but you helped me_20_ a normal productive(丰富多彩的

20、) life, and for showing me that you truly cared, for that I will be grateful to you.1A.special Busual Ccommon Dordinary 答案A从下文故事叙述来看,作者一直对Dr.William RVincent非常感激,所以尽管看过许多医生,她的心里都存有Dr.William RVincent的特殊位置。2A.slight Bdeserted Cformal Dsevere 答案D根据下文的and I needed heart surgery可知心脏病非常的“严重”。3A.skill Bmo

21、ney Cbravery Dfeeling 答案B从上文的We were poor at that time可知妈妈没有钱为我做手术。4A.chance Bmemory Cadventure Dsituation 答案A如果不做手术,我将没有“机会”活到13岁。5A.cruel Bexcited Ccaring Dfrightened 答案C四个选项中只有caring(充满关心的)能与gentle相一致。下文的he was the most caring man也提示了答案。6A.singing Bcrying Claughing Dfighting 答案B因为害怕做手术,作者应该是一直不停地

22、哭泣。7A.put Bcut Cwrote Dcalm 答案Dcalm down“使安定下来”;put down“控制;制止”;cut down“砍倒”;write down“写下”;四个选项中只有D项符合句子意思。8A.comfort Bshake Cdestroy Drescue 答案A只有Dr.William RVincent能够安慰我。9A.anxious Beager Cterrified Dinterested 答案C根据上面的叙述可知,作者在动手术前非常“害怕”。10A.reassured Bfeared Csuffered Dinterrupted 答案Areassure“使安

23、心;使恢复信心”;符合句子意思。11A.advice Bconfidence Cinformation Dpreparation 答案BDr.William RVincent使我得到安慰,因此我又有了信心。12A.never Bstill Ceven Dever 答案Dever“曾经”,Dr.William RVincent是我曾经认识的最富有爱心的人。13A.joyful Bprofessional Csuccessful Dunexpected 答案C通过下文的I gave him a hug说明手术非常成功。14A.while Bunless Cuntil Dthough 答案Awhil

24、e表示“在期间”。15A.instead of Bin terms of Cin favor of Dexcept for 答案Dexcept for“除此之外”;instead of“代替”;in terms of“至于;关于;从的观点看”;in favor of“支持”。16A.wonderful Bvaluable Ctraditional Duniversal 答案Awonderful“很好的;优秀的”,用于形容Dr.William RVincent。17A.shy Blonely Csatisfied Drespected 答案B因为上文有I had no family or fri

25、ends to visit me所以我感到很孤独。18A.recognize Binvite Cthank Dconduct 答案Cthank sb for sth“因为某事而感谢某人”。19A.charging Bsaving Ccontrolling Dadmiring 答案B医生救了作者的命,因此作者要感激这位医生。20A.settle Bprotect Cprovide Dlive 答案Dlive“过样的生活”。.阅读理解A体裁:记叙文话题:人物与事件词数:306时间:6Dagmar Lieblova was 14 years old when she arrived a

26、t the Auschwitz(奥斯维辛) death camp in December 1943.Everyone in her family was with her.They were from Czechoslovakia(捷克斯洛伐克)All of them but Dagmar died.But she was able to leave the camp after several months because of a mistake.That mistake saved her life.The Auschwitz death camp was a frightening p

27、lace.It was built for mass murder.More than one million people died there.Among them were Dagmar Lieblovas father, mother and sister.Ms.Lieblova believed she would be killed at Auschwitz.Shortly after she and her family arrived, three of her relatives were killed.They died in the camps gas chambers(

28、毒气室)In the camp, Dagmar worked with some women to clean restrooms.They had little to eat.She would soon be saved by a simple mistake.German officials made a list of workers aged 16 to 40.They wanted these workers to help Germany win the war.Dagmar Lieblovas name was on the list, although it should n

29、ot have been.Her name was listed because an official noted her year of birth as 1925 instead of 1929, her true year of birth.Because of this mistake, camp officials believed she was over 16 and that she could work for them in factories.“This mistake saved my life.There was a train standing and when

30、we stepped in, the train moved.We couldnt believe it that we were really leaving Auschwitz,” Dagmar Lieblova recalled.Everyone in Dagmar Lieblovas family died at Auschwitz.She spent the rest of her life working in Germany.Dagmar Lieblova is now 85 years old.She has three children and six grandchildren.She says she has a feeling of victory.21What do you know about Dagmar Lieblova? AShe entered the Auschwitz death camp at the age of 14. BShe died in the Auschwitz death camp wi

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