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1、中英文一个记者正在就一位喜剧演员的新剧目对他进行采访.00:14.55J:What do you think is the most important thing in your job?00:17.19你认为工作中最重要的是什么?00:19.83C:I have to make people laugh,00:21.60我必须让人们笑00:23.38but I also want them to think about our life.00:25.60但是我也想让他们想一想我们的生活.00:27.82J:Are your shows for everybody?00:29.74你们的演出

2、面对所有人吗?00:31.66C:Of course,I would like to reach a wide audience,00:34.32当然,我想赢得广泛的观众,00:36.99though I mostly have adults in mind.00:38.87虽然我内心更多的是考虑成年观众.00:40.75Still,I do not think everybody will find my kind of humour funny.00:43.83然而,我认为不是所有的人都觉得我幽默可笑00:46.92J:How do you make your audience laugh

3、?00:48.89你怎么样使你的观众发笑.00:50.86C:There are many ways to make people laugh.00:52.78有很多方式可以使观众笑.00:54.70Jokes about speaking a foreign language,German for example,always work.00:58.12可以讲外语的笑话,譬如德语,就经常起作用01:01.54My next show will have a part in which I act the role of a scientist,01:04.72在我的下一场演出中,我将演一个科

4、学家,01:07.89the way that a scientist walks and talks.01:10.02要模仿科学家走路和说话的样子.01:12.15J:And how do you make people think about life?01:14.33你怎么样让人们思考生活 ?01:16.51C:In the middle of the show,I plan to sing a song.01:18.93在节目的中间,我将唱一首歌.01:21.35Its a bitter sweet song.It makes people think about life.01:24

5、.47那是一支让人含泪也让人笑的歌.它使人们思考生活.01:27.59I think its going to be the greatest moment in the show.01:29.86我认为它将成为演出的高潮.01:32.13Reading Laughing Matter01:36.07阅读 笑的问题01:40.00Comedies are theater plays that make people laugh.01:42.64喜剧是引人发笑的舞台.01:45.27The writers of comedies01:47.05喜剧作家01:48.83often use diff

6、erent techniques to make their audiences laugh.01:51.61常常使用多种手法使观众开怀大笑.01:54.39Cross-dressing men or women often appear on the stage.01:57.26穿着异性服装的男男女女常常出现在舞台上.02:00.14Dustin Hoffman is famous for his role acting as a woman.02:02.96达斯汀.霍夫曼就是以成功地扮演妇女而著名的.02:05.78Funny plays often have characters tha

7、t are stereotypes of nationalities02:09.01滑稽剧中有些模式化的形象02:12.23or people doing certain jobs.02:14.26或从事某种工作的人物形象.02:16.28The actors make us laugh by making fun of somebodys way of dressing02:19.47演员逗我们笑,靠的是拿别人的着装开玩笑02:22.65or telling an amusing story.02:24.68或是讲个逗乐的故事.02:26.70Acting out stereotypes o

8、f people from different countries can be very funny.02:29.89表演老套人们从不同的国家是非常滑稽的02:33.08It often makes people roar with laughter about themselves.02:35.76被取笑的人自己也常常觉得自己可笑.02:38.43It sounds funny to hear foreigners speak with an accent.02:41.01它喜欢带着外国口音有趣的讲话.02:43.58Word play is a way to create fun in

9、comedies.02:46.01喜剧中也会借助于活动来表演,02:48.44Shakespeares plays made people in the sixteenth century laugh loudly.02:51.62莎士比亚的戏剧使得16世纪的人开怀大笑02:54.81But to us his plays are not very funny02:57.18但对我们而言,并无趣味02:59.54because the meaning of words in English has changed.03:01.86因为英语中的词义已经发生了变化03:04.19Today stu

10、dents of English,even if English is their mother tongue,03:07.43如今,学习英语的学生,即使英语是母语,03:10.67often cannot understand his jokes.03:12.80常常也难以理解莎士比亚的笑话.03:14.93Clowns also make people laugh.03:16.81丑角演员也会使人发笑03:18.69They often act alone or as a pair and make a different kind of fun.03:21.97他们常常独自表演,也可结伴

11、表演,制造也一种别具一格的乐趣.03:25.24Clowns often dont use any words at all.03:27.43丑角演员通常一句话也不说,03:29.61It is their clothes,make-up and the way they walk that makes people laugh03:33.15逗人们笑的是他们的衣着,装扮和步态.03:36.69Some people think clowns are only funny for children.03:39.31有人以为丑角只对儿童而言滑稽.03:41.94Actually they can

12、 help people forget their problems,03:44.67实际上,他们可以帮助人们忘掉烦恼,03:47.40at least for a short moment.03:49.17哪怕一时03:50.95Another type of people whose job is to make people laugh are comedians.03:53.98另有一种类型的人,其工作也是使人发笑,他们便是喜剧演员.03:57.01They often work alone or as a pair.03:59.19他们常常是一个独自表演或联袂演出.04:01.37U

13、nlike clowns,comedians clothes are usually not very strange.04:04.81与丑角不同,喜剧演员的衣服通常并不奇怪.04:08.24Although body language and their face are important in their shows,04:11.12尽管表演中他们体态语和面部表情是很重要04:13.99they do not use the make-up that clowns use.04:16.33但他们不使用丑角演员所用的装扮.04:18.66Comedians may act out a si

14、tuation during their shows.04:21.49喜剧演员在演出中会营造出一种气氛.04:24.31We call that a sketch,but usually,their shows dont look like comedies.04:28.04我们称之为绝活.但是,通常情况下,他们的演出看上去并不像喜剧04:31.78What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy04:34.35喜剧演员和喜剧中的演员的共同点04:36.92is their way of playing with words.

15、04:38.96是使用话语表演.04:41.00Comedians make people laugh,but also think about life.04:43.92喜剧演员使人发笑,同时也使人思索生活04:46.85At one moment in a show,you can hear the audience laughing loudly.04:50.02在演出中,你一会儿会听到观众的哄堂大笑.04:53.20A few minutes later everybody is quiet,04:55.77一会儿大家都鸦雀无言04:58.34listening and thinkin

16、g about the comedians words.05:00.71聆听并思考着喜剧演员的台词05:03.07Typical for China is the crosstalk show,05:05.50在中国,典型的喜剧形式是相声表演.05:07.93where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play.05:10.91两个喜剧演员通过语言游戏使观众愉悦.05:13.89A crosstalk show has two speakers making many jokes and funny conversat

17、ions.05:17.68相声表演有两个喜剧演员参与,他们开很多玩笑,有许多有趣的对话05:21.46They may also dress up a little05:23.38他们还会改变一下装扮05:25.30or act out small sketches in front of the laughing audience.05:28.08或来上一段绝活.在捧腹大笑的观众面前05:30.87Comedians of all times and many countries05:33.20很多国家各个时期的滑稽演员05:35.54have a long tradition of thi

18、s type of comedy.05:37.76都采用了这种具有悠久传统的喜剧形式05:39.98Dating back to the Qin Dynasty(221-207BC),05:42.27追溯到秦朝(公元221-207年)05:44.56the traditional crosstalk shows,or xiangsheng shows,05:47.73传统的相声表演05:50.90have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries.05:54.14已使全中国人笑了千年05:57.38Skilled a

19、rtists make use of all the richness of the spoken language06:00.50技艺娴熟的艺术家们充分挖掘口头语言的丰富内涵06:03.62to create a rapid flow of fun.06:05.75创造出一种快捷的脱口而出的娱乐形式.06:07.88Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words as well as tongue twisters,06:11.27他们的语言形式包括节奏,韵律以及绕口令06:14.65which often make the audience app

20、laud.06:16.69这些使他们经常赢得观众的掌声06:18.72To appreciate the jokes of crosstalk artists,06:21.06为了充分理解和欣赏相声艺术家的玩笑06:23.40listeners have to know very well what the comedians are talking about.06:26.63听众必须熟知喜剧中的谈话内容06:29.85If you are not fluent in Chinese,you will not catch all of it.06:32.83如果你不精汉语,你将不可能领会他所

21、表达的06:35.81Perhaps that is the reason06:37.69或许这就是原因06:39.57why few foreigners know about this Chinese art form.06:42.60只有为数极少的外国人了解这种历史悠久的中国艺术.06:45.63INTEGRATING SKILLS06:50.96综合技能06:56.29Reading and writing06:57.82读,写06:59.34WEVE ALREADY MET,HAVENT WE?07:01.42我们见过,对吗?07:03.50The story of how I go

22、t my new job,07:05.77这故事说的是我怎么样得到这份新工作的.07:08.04and came to be on such good terms with my boss is a funny one.07:14.31It happened like this07:15.98事情是这样发生的07:17.66I was cycling along a street on my way to the interview.07:20.89我骑着自行车在通过面试地点的路上07:24.13A yellow car passed me and suddenly cut in right

23、in front of me,07:27.61一辆黄色轿车从我身边超车,突然又停了下来07:31.08as there was another car coming in the other direction.07:33.72因为对面正好有一辆车开过来了.07:36.36I had to brake hard and I hit another cyclist.07:39.39我只好急刹车,碰着了另一位骑车人.07:42.42We both fell,but fortunately neither of us was hurt.I was extremely angry!07:46.95我们

24、俩都倒下来了,所幸两人都没有受伤.我恼火极了07:51.48I saw that a little further up the road the traffic lights had turned red.07:55.17我看到前不远的路口红灯亮了.07:58.85I cycled as fast as I could08:01.08我以最快的速度骑过去08:03.32and saw that the driver in the yellow car was waiting at the red light.08:07.09我看到黄色轿车里的司机正在红灯的地方等08:10.87I was s

25、till so angry that I went up to tell him what I thought of him.08:14.69我仍然满腔怒火,便决定把我对他的看法告诉他.08:18.52I cycled in front of him,08:20.55我骑到汽车前面,08:22.57got off my bicycle and laid it down on the road in front of his car08:26.40下了车,把车放倒在车头前面的路上08:30.22so that he couldnt drive off.08:32.14这样汽车就开不走了08:34

26、.06Then I told him what a bad driver I thought he was.08:36.88然后我对他说,他这个司机太蹩脚了.08:39.71I told him that he had knocked two people off their bicycles08:43.04我告诉他,他把两个骑自行车的人撞倒了,08:46.37and had nearly caused a bad accident.08:48.64差点儿出了事故08:50.91I told him that he was a danger to other people on the roa

27、d.08:53.99我告诉他,他对路上别人构成了危险08:57.08I went on shouting at him while everyone was looking at him.09:00.00我继续不断冲他嚷嚷,而大家都瞧着他.09:02.93His face became red.09:04.76他的脸变得通红09:06.59When the light turned green,I said to him,Dont be so stupid in the future09:10.77当绿灯亮时,我对他说以后不要做这种蠢事了,09:14.95Drive carefully so

28、that everyone can enjoy a long life.09:18.07开车小心点,让人家多活几年09:21.19Then I picked up my bicycle and rode on.09:23.92说完后我扶起自行车,继续往前骑09:26.65Fortunately,I was on time for the interview.09:29.33幸运的是,我及时赶上了面试.09:32.00It was an important job,and I wanted the job very much.09:35.19这次面试是为了一份很重要的工作,而我又非常想得到它09

29、:38.38I walked into the room where three people were waiting to interview me.09:41.60我走进面试室,三位要对我进行面试的人在那儿等着我09:44.83There was a woman who was the boss of the office in which I wanted to work.09:48.21有一位妇女,是我去工作的那个部门的老板09:51.60There was a man with whom I would have to work together09:54.12还有一位是将来的同事

30、09:56.64and finally the manager of the company-the driver of the yellow car!10:00.27最后一位是公司的经理,就是那位黄色轿车的司机10:03.90We looked at each other for a moment in great surprise and total silence.10:07.58好一会儿,我们面面相觑沉默不语10:11.27What should I do now?10:13.15现在该怎么办呢?10:15.03I decided to look on the whole matter as a great joke!10:17.97我决定把整个事情当作是开了一次玩笑10:20.90I laughed and said,Yes,weve already met,havent w

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