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1、电影中的口语The Blind Side (弱点) It tells the story about how a big figure, Michal Oher(Big Mike), grow to be a perfect left tackle in a rugby team from a with the help of Leigh Anne ThohyWengate shcoolIn a football match(橄榄球), the left tackles job is to protect the quarterback from what he cant see coming

2、. To protect his blind side. the blind side(盲侧) the left tackle(左内边锋) the quarterback(四分卫)Now, yall (=you all) would guess that more often than not the highest paid player on an NFL team is the quarterback.The ideal left tackle is big, he is wide in the butt(臀部) and massive in the thighs(大腿). He has

3、 long arms, giant hands and feet as quick as a hiccup(打嗝).Alright= all rightIts a bad deal. (很可怜) His mamas on the crack pipe(有毒瘾). He aint got nobody else. He just wanted to come along for the ride(搭便车).With man this is possible, with god things are possible. (人类能力有限,上帝能力无限)The trash can 垃圾桶 Overpa

4、ss 天桥 the poeder room 盥洗室Smile atem=at them.Put on your seatbelt.Dont you dare lie to me. 别对我撒谎Sleep tight. 好好睡一觉Shall we say a grace? 我们祈祷吧?No way. 不是吧I got your back. 我罩着你呢Dont get your panties in a wad. 着什么急啊Michaels like a flying and milking that place. 学校就迈克一个黑人,有点格格不入Shame on you. 真替你羞耻-Hows h

5、e doing it? -doesnt quite have the hang of if yet. (还没弄明白)Avatar(阿凡达)1.A big hole blow through the middle of my life.Sunshine 帅哥 Nauseous 恶心2.Up ahead is Pandora.3.Since your genome is identical to his, you could step into his shoes. So to speak.4. aww, man, that is just wrong. 这也太扯了吧。5.respect that

6、 fact ,every second of every day. 时刻记住这一点。6. its nothing like an old school safety brief to put your mind at ease. 什么也比不上听到经典的新兵训话更让人舒心的了。Life As We Know It(我们所知道的生活) It tells about two people named Messer and Holly who both know a couple well. At first, they are so uncompetible that they start to q

7、uarrel as soon as they meet. But a sudden accident bring the couple away leaving their several-month baby , Sophie, to Messer and Holly as her godparents(教父教母). So Messer and Holly move to their friends house and take after Sophie together. During the process , they come to find the others merits an

8、d fall in love. Sorority 女生联谊会M: Hold on tight. I promise I wont read into it. 我保证没别的意思。H: Im not really dressed for 40-mile-an-hour winds.Hop in. 上车吧Well, you know me, always in the middle of something. 你知道的,我总是在忙。M: OK. Lets be hnoest. You know the moment you saw me you didnt like me.H: No! but ou

9、r mutual friends set this up(撮合我们), so I think we owe it to them toM: To what, spend a few hours faking small talk? Look, best case, we get drunk and we hook up.闲扯几个小时吗?往好里说,我们酒后乱性。H:what kind of asshole are you? 你什么人啊?You know what? If you wanted to ensure that this wasnt gonna be a lousy night, he

10、res a tip: Dont show up an hour late, and dont make a booty call in front of me.Alison,oh, my God. The only way you can make this up to meis if you promise I never have to see him again.We ended that a few weeks ago. It wasnt working out. I just didnt see us on that long march towards death together

11、.白头偕老I started taking Sophie to this new family pracice社区诊所. Theres a doctor there. Hes so cute. I may have finally replaced my Anderson Cooper crush.都赶上我的偶像库珀了(艾美奖得主)No. we agreed to a moratorium on setups. You have the worst setup track record ever.Unbelievable. Youre still holding that over me.你还

12、记着这些。Hey, babys birthday. Neutral corners. Take a glass.停战一天Oh,my God. Could you step away? You reek of baby puke.Did she have any tearing?oh ,yeah, stem to stern.从头到脚You make food to die for.你做的食物太好吃了。Dont be a smart-ass.别自作聪明Did Peter say anything to you? Or Alison? cause they didnt tell me anythi

13、ng about this. -Nope.You wanna walk me through this plan?你能帮我理解一下这个计划吗?Not a clue.没有头绪Would it kill you to brightern the mood around here?你能不能高兴点?Know what? Im so sick of all your dark little comments.知道吗,我受够了你的抱怨How are you doing, good-looking?-Oh, Right back at you.彼此彼此Sam: So hows this work betwe

14、en you two? You split up most of the work?Holly: yes. We have charts. A very big chart.S: chart?H: yeah! S: that chart gives you any time off?H: yes. Monday, Wednesday and every other Friday.S: Oh, yeah?H:Yeah!S: Will you have Sophie this Friday? H: No.S: Eight oclock Friday?H: Great.S: You dont lik

15、e to be surprises, do you?H: Well, Im a little bit of a control freak, so-Such a pleasure is mine.Wait, so youre gonna pull the plug on the remodel?Beauty & briefcaseIt tells the story about a fashion girl, Lane Daniels, who is trying to find her magic man using her checklist. Lane

16、is a writer who writes fashion articles for magazines. In order to get a job in Cosmo, the greatest magazine of all time , she has to write a great story which requires her to find a job undercover in the business world and find the magic man that has every item on the list. Finally she finds her ch

17、ecklist is ridiculous . But she finds her true love after she changes her attitude. I blurted at her.我对着她脱口而出。Pitch meeting 面试Undercover 卧底I dont want you saying yes unless you can really pull this off.Gotta loveem.= I have gotten to love them.A: For a second, I thought you were serious. Girl ,you h

18、ad me going.L: Well, you know they say, “Humor plus bisiness makes for funny business.”A: Girl., you funny.L: Thanks for hooking me up.谢谢你帮我说话。If youre going to play the part, you need to look the part.想要演得好,就得穿得像。Ill check back in with you.我过会儿再回复您。Here you go.给你You catch on quick.学得真快Lane: Tom? Wh

19、at are you doing here?Tom: I was just shooting hoops down the street.- just buying some snacks.Lane:Take a walk on the wild side?S: Oh,no,no,no.i dont L: I know. I know,theres no protein and neurotransmitters. But this stuff is utterly delicious.S: See, its the delicious part that makes me uncomfort

20、able.L: Right.S: And what army are you about to poison?L: Well, I just have a couple of - I actually have a lot of friends over.S: Well, Ill not stand in your way.我就不耽误你了L: Its not a problem.A boss like that, now I am green with envy.有这样的老板,我嫉妒的脸都绿了Shut up.Cover stories are full-time gigs.封面故事要跌宕起伏N

21、othing like deceiving Cosmo to work up an appetite.没有什么比欺骗cosmo更能提起食欲的了Visuals 展板L: I just had the most horrible day ever.Liam: Are you OK, love?Lane: No. I just got fired from my job and ruined everything. I want you to juat come over and hold me and hand me tissues.Liam: Id love to, Lane,I would.b

22、ut Im actually out of town.Lane: you are?Liam: I had to hop over to London. One of my acts had a little meltdown.我不得不跑一趟伦敦,那边出了些小岔子I screwed up.我搞砸了Well-played 很爽I lied to everyone at work and Liam lied to me. Its karma, and it strikes quickly. And because everything has to fall apart at once.Lots o

23、f traffic. 路上堵车This isnt seventh grade, Tom. Tom, 别再小孩了Im allergic to chocolate.T: Amazing work today.L: You, too.T: Good luck on the article. Ill be looking for it.L: Yeah,well, dont believe everything you read.T: What? So, youre not gonna write the true story?L: Cosmo doesnt want the true story. T

24、hey want story that I pitched. And Ive been wanting to work there for as long as I can remember.T: Hm. Yeah. Well, I get that. But I think you owe it to yourself to write what actually happened. It could be a great story.L: Thanks, Tom. I didnt deserver to work for a guy like you. And Im sorry.T: It

25、s okay. Working in investing banking, I dont meet many women like you. It was ,un, an adventure. A great adventure.L: Goodbye, Tom.Ive been walking around with the ghost of my magic man. Hes been haunting me, keeping me from recognizing a world of opportunities that were right in front of me. 我整天被我所

26、谓的魔力先生搞得浑浑噩噩,使得我无法看到世界的种种机缘,哪怕就在眼前。But theres no such thing as perfection. Love is for people who are realistic and smart enough to open their hearts and minds and who realize that a real relationship is the ultimate fantasy. I havent found that relationship, yet. But Ive shaken off the shadow of my

27、 magic man and Im finding myself. I think this is a good start.I should have written the article Kate asked for. Shes gonna be so pissed.Oh, I hate this crosswalk(人行道). Its taking me to my doom, my destruction, the crushing of my dream.It is no small feat.这不是件轻松的事Star Struck (爱上大明星)This movie tells

28、about the love story between a star, Christopher Wild, and an ordinary girl, Jessica. It is another Cinderella story.Why are you both so hung up on this guy?对他这么痴迷?Look, all Im saying, kid, is that a chance like this comes along once in a lifetime. And I want to give you a shot, but you have to prov

29、e that youre a serious and committed actor.Looks like we pulled it off.看来我们成功了Christipher: Ow. Did I just hit you?Jessica: No, the door hit me by itself.C: This is not good.J: For you or for me? cause right now it feels a lot worse for me.C: This is really not good.Stubby: Whoa whoa whoa, what happe

30、ned?C: Help now, questions later.Okay, just stall them. I will be right there.拖住他们Paparazzi 狗仔队J:Ow! Are you sure this is safe?C:Pretty sure.J: Im pretty sure its not.C: Just calm down, okay?J: I dont want to calm down. I want to go home, okay?C: Ow! What is wrong with you?J: What is wrong with me ?

31、 Nothing. Nothing. Im looking forward to being grounded(禁足) until Im 30.C: Is that why youre so crabby?J: Im not crabby.C: Oh, not crabby, defensice.J: I am not defensive.C: See? You disagree with everything I say.J: Do not.C: Do too.J: Just take me home.C: I will. First we need to make one teeny tiny little stop.C: Look, Jessica, I just want to say sorry.J: Noted. Are we done now?C: Uh, yeah.yeah, I guess were done.J: Good.J: So, is all this really necessary?C: Yes. Clearly you dont understand. Theyretheyre everywhere.J: Paranoid.

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