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1、M5U3 学案M5U3 Period 1 Word study Procedures:Step1. Word study 1.on the one hand , on the other hand 常引出不同的,尤其对立的观点On the one hand they love to have their own kids, but on the other hand they dont want to giveup their freedom. _我想出去吃,可(另一方面)我又该努力省钱。_2. intention n 1) C, U (of doing sth/that.)意图; 目的; 打

2、算; 意思I _ _ _ _ _ to this terrible place again! 我再不想到这个糟糕的地方来了. 2)U (文)有意; 蓄意:Im sorry I offended you; it wasnt my intention. 对不起, 我冒犯您了, 但决不是有意的. intend v 1) T打算; 意欲: Its not what I intended (it to be). 那并不是我的本意. I hear they _ _ _. 听说他们要结婚了. I _ _ _ _ _. 我打算让你来接管. He intends you no harm._ 2) T sth f

3、or sb为某人准备某事物; 要使某人受某物影响: I think the bomb_ _ _me. 我认为那颗炸弹是要炸我的. 3)T sth by sth意指; 意谓: What did he intend/mean by saying that ? intended adj 1 定计划的; 打算的; 意欲的: the _ meaning, result, effect, purpose 2 for sb/sth 表 为()计划或设计: a book, course, programme intended for children, adults, beginners 为儿童成人初学者而写

4、的书开设的课程编排的节目等 with the intention of 带着(怀着)的意图,为了,例如:He decided to find a host family _ _ _ _ improving his English. 他决定找一家寄养家庭住,以提高自己的英语。be intended for sth/ to do sth3. anxiety n 1)(a) U C 担心; 焦虑: We waited for news _ _. 我们焦急地等待着消息.The doctors report_ _ _ _. 医生的报告消除了他们的一切忧虑. 2)U for sth/to do sth_:

5、 anxiety to please 急於讨好.anxious adj 1) (about sb/sth) 忧虑的; 不安的: an anxious mother 焦虑不安的母亲 be anxious about my sons health2) for sth/(for sb) to do sth/that. 渴望; 急切想要某事物: _ 渴望他们平安无事be anxious_ _ _/ 渴望见到你 anxiously adv.4. adopt vt 1) sb (as sth)收养某人; 过继He is their adopted son. 他是他们的养子2) sb as sth挑选某人作

6、候选人或代表3)采纳; 采取; 采用: adopt a name, an idea 取名采纳一意见adoption n adoptive adj 常作定语有收养关系的; 过继的; 采纳的adopt v.收养;采用It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child._The government decided to_ _ _. 政府决定采纳这个计划。 adapt 改编;适应 adapt oneself to sth/ doing sth adaptation5. consequence n 1)C pl 常作复数 be ready

7、to take/suffer/bear the consequences of ones actions 承担后果2)U importance 重要性: of little/no/any etc consequence to sb/stha man of consequence in his own country_as a consequence (of sth)/in consequence (of sth) (口) as a result (of sth) 由於; 因而: She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence (of

8、it). _She was over the age limit and, _ _, her application was rejected.consequence(常指不利的)影响,后果6. sale n1)U C卖; 出售: the sale of cars 汽车的销售 2)C廉售, 贱卖: hold an end-of-season sale _作定语 sale prices, goods 廉价 廉价货sales pl 销售额; 销售量: Sales are up this month. 本月销售量增加.for sale待售(常由物主或代理人经手)on sale 出售, 上市/ 打折s

9、ales department 营业部.salesman saleswoman saleslady salesperson售货员; 推销员. 7. breakthough1) make/ achieve a significant breakthrough in negotiations _2) break through 作出重大发现/突破The scientists think they are beginning to _ _ in the fight against cancer. 拓展: break up 粉碎, 关系的结束, 放假,散会 break down 出故障,使分解(化),

10、 break into/ in (adv) 强行进入 break out/happen/take place/occur (-red)发生8. judgement n 1)C (of/about sth) 意见; 看法: make an unfair judgement of/about sbs character 对某人的品格做出不公正的评语 My judgement is that/In my judgement we should accept his offer. 2)C, U判决; 裁决: The court has still to pass judgement in this c

11、ase. 法庭对此案仍需做出判决. 3)a) U决断力; 判断力; 见识; 眼力: He _ _ _. 他缺乏准确的判断力. b) U, C判断: errors of judgement 判断的错误. 4)单 a (on sb) 报应; 天谴: This failure is _ _ _ you for being so lazy. 这次失败是你懒惰的报应. judge 1 n 审判官; 法官; 裁判员;评判员:judge 2 v 1) (sb/sth) by/from sth 判断; 断定(某事物的价值 数量等); 认为: _ _ _ _ _ _, they are all toblame.

12、 据我判断, 他们都有责任. _ _ previous experience, he will be late. 根据以往的经验来看, 他得迟到. 2)I, Tn (a) 审理; 判处; 审判(b) 批评, 抨击(某人)3) Tn评判, 裁判(竞赛)9. majority n 1)Gp大多数; 大半: A/The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 大部分人似乎喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机. _ _ was/were in favour of the proposal. 多数人赞成这个建议. 2)C (over sb) 超过对方的票数:

13、She was elected by a majority of 3749. 她以超过对方3749票当选. be in the/a majority构成大部分/大多数minority 小团体, 少数: the rights of ethnic minorities 少数民族的权利be in a/the minority是少数派(尤指在投票的两部分人中): Were in the minority. 我们是少数派. 10. favour 1 (US favor) n 1)U 喜爱; 好感; 赞同(尤与下列动词连用): win sbs favour 获得某人的好感 look on a plan w

14、ith favour赞成一项计划2)U 偏爱; 偏袒: He obtained his position more by favour than by merit or ability. 他因得宠而获此地位, 并非有何特长或本事. 3)C善行, 恩惠(尤与下列动词连用): May I ask a favour of you? _ _ _ _ _ _ and turn the radio down, will you? 劳驾, 把收音机的声音调小点好吗? in favour of sb/sth 赞成; 支持: in sbs/sths favour 对有利be in/out of favour (

15、with sb); be in/out of sbs favour 得到/失去某人的尊重 赞同等.favour 2 v T 1)支持; 喜爱: Of the two possible plans I favour the first. 在这两种可行方案中我赞成前者. 2)偏爱; 偏袒: She always favours her youngest child (more than the others). 她总是偏爱她最小的孩子. favour sb with sth为某人做某事; 应某人要求做某事Step2. Homework: recite the new words and previ

16、ew the Reading partPeriod 2 : Reading(1)Procedures:Step1. Fast-reading:1. The passage is mainly about_.A. what cloning is B. the advantage of cloning C. arguments about cloning human embryos D. the disadvantage of cloning2.We can learn from the two letters_. A. both of the writers are pro-cloning. B

17、. both of the writers are anti-cloning.C. neither of the writers are against cloning D. both of the writers are not for cloning human embryos3.The announcement of successful human embryo cloning has caused much debate because_.A. people still have no clear idea about the results of human cloningB. v

18、aluable tissues and organs can be used to save humans C. mankind is going to produce terrible monstersD. people know that nature will punish mankind or human cloning4.The success of the cloned sheep Dolly has proved that_.A. cloning will create more diseases in animal worldB. cloned animals will die

19、 at a much younger age than normalC. man has been able to produce an exact copy from an adult cellD. man can interfere with nature at his will5. According to the passage, what is the real intention of Ian Wilmuts cloning research?A. To create copies of humans in the end. B. To destroy human embryos

20、in the end.C. To create new tissues or organs for sale. D. To cure deadly diseases eventually.6. How does a woman who cannot give a birth benefit from cloning?A. She can have a baby using another womans egg.B. She can have a baby genetically related to her.C. She can adopt someone elses child by clo

21、ning. D. She can have more children.7. What can we infer from the whole passage?A. Cloning animals is illegal in Italy.B. Chinese scientists are trying to benefit mankind by using cloning technology.C. Chinese scientists want to be the first to clone a human baby.D. Colin Jake agrees with the scient

22、ists who want to clone a human baby.Step 2: Task-based reading:Attitudes towards the first cloned human embryoPro-cloningIt can produce tissues and organs that are of great(1)_.Anti-cloningWe are (2) _ to produce a real-life Frankensteins monster.Attitudes towards the birth of Dolly the sheepPro-clo

23、ningCloning is a wonderful (3) _ breakthrough.Anti-cloningCloning would (4) _ more disease in the animal world.RepresentativesIan WilmutHe never (5) _ to create copies of humans. Instead, he thinks research efforts should concentrate on (6) _ diseases.Faye Wilson(7) _ to have a baby,she is (8) _ to

24、have a child that is genetically related to her.Severino AntinoriHe wants to be the first to clone a human being.Chinese scientistsThey have focused their efforts on cloning animals and stem cells.China has achieved great (9) _ in producing clones of cows and goats,and continues to research ways clo

25、ning can be (10) _ to mankind.Step 3: Discussion: What uses does cloning have?Step4: Practice: A debatePeriod 3 : Reading(1I)Procedures:Step1. pre-reading: some useful phrases:cause much debate round the world_ point out _on the one hand, on the other hand_ toy with nature_on ones way to doing _ the

26、 first mammal to be cloned_die at a much younger age_ with the intention of _show no respect for _ push ahead with_渴望有个自己的孩子_ 用光自然资源_对.评价_ 完全一致_就个人而言_ 改变生活_遇到难的科学术语_ 总体而言_make sense _ work out_Step2. Difficult sentences:1. Although he researches cloning, his intention has never been to create copies

27、 of humans. 尽管他研究克隆,但从没打算克隆人。 Some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life. 有些人认为,为了最终摧毁的目的而克隆人体胚胎是对生命的不尊重。1) 上两句都用到名词intention,Intention(intend的名词形式)后面常用动词不定式做表语或定语。类似用法的词还有:aim, ambition, duty, hope, idea, intention, mistake, plan, purpose, suggestion等。例如:His aim is to create new tissues and organs. 他的目的是造出新的(人体)组织和器官。Your mistake was not to write that letter. 你的错是没有写那封信。2) with the intention of 带着(怀着)的意图,为了,例如: 他决定找一家寄养家庭住,以提高自己的英语。 He decided to find a host family _ _ _ _ _ his English.注意:不可以说with the intent

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