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1、中一1班备课笔记Lesson 5 Wonderful things 第1-2学时,共8学时审阅人授课课题Lesson 5 Wonderful thingsPart A In the schoolbags&Part B What do they have?课时2 课时授课时间2015 年 3 月 2 日 星期一 第一、二节课型新授课教具多媒体、黑板、教科书教学方法Audio-visual teaching method、situational teaching method教学目标Knowledge objectivesTo master the new words:schoolbag/ hea

2、vy/ light/ pen/ pencil/ ruler/ crayon/ watch/ card/ football/ storybook/ like/ drawTo learntheusageof“have”and“has”Ability objectivesTo tell the difference between “have” and “has” TotraintheabilityofreadingEmotion objectiveTo cultivate students cooperation ability教学重难点The emphasis To tell the diffe

3、rence between “have” and “has” TotraintheabilityofreadingThe difficultyTo tell the difference between “have” and “has” Totraintheabilityofreading教学过程1. Warm up and lead-in1) Take out a schoolbag and ask Ss to say what we have in the school2) Present something, such as a pen, crayon, ruler and so on.

4、 Tell Ss we have an Art lesson once a week, so everyone of us has a crayon.3) Practice the sample conversationT: What do have in your schoolbag?S1: I have a pen.S2: I have a ruler.设计意图:复习旧知识,直接导入新知识,言简意赅,做到“温故而知新”。2. Presentation1) Watch a short video and read after it2) Ask Ss to read the text agai

5、n and answer these questions:Why does Lily bring a box of crayons with her?How is Millies watch?What does Simon like doing?3. Let Ss tell me what I have and what he/she has, write the sentences on the blackboard. I have a . He/She has a .4. Practice and consolidate1) Finish A22) Listen to the tape r

6、ecorder and finish B25. Production1) Let Ss give a summary of the usage of “have” and “has”2) Tell the difference between the usage of “have” and “has”We use “have” after I, you, we and theyWe use “has” after he, she and it 6.Homework1)复习今天上课所讲内容,准备明天默写;2)认真完成今天布置的纸质作业教学(后记)反思Lesson 5 Wonderful thin

7、gs 第3-4学时,共8学时审阅人授课课题Lesson 5 Wonderful thingsPart C My favorite toy& Part D Things at home课时2 课时授课时间2015 年 3 月 5 日 星期四 第七、八节课型新授课教具多媒体、黑板、教科书教学方法Audio-visual teaching method、situational teaching method教学目标Knowledge objectivesTo master the new words:hand/ child(复数children)/sky/ favourite/ panda/ eye

8、/ eye/ nose/ face/ ear/ head/ body/ feel/ sad/ angry/monkey/ mouth/ foot/ arm/ leg/ jump/run/tiredTo learnnegative sentence and yes-no question of “have”Ability objectiveTo tell the difference between “have/has” and “there be” Emotion objectiveTo love their family and school教学重难点The emphasis To tell

9、 the difference between “have/has” and “there be” To learnnegative sentence and yes-no question of “have”The difficultyTo learnnegative sentence and yes-no question of “have”教学过程1. GreetingTeachers activities: greetingsStudents activities: greetings设计意图:Familiar with each other2. Revision Teachers a

10、ctivities: T: What do you have in your schoolbag?Ss: I have.T: So she has. in her schoolbagsStudents activities: free talk设计意图:Improve the students interest3. Lead-inTeachers activities: 1) Present pictures of a watch, an umbrella, a toy plane, a toy ship and a kite.2) Put some pictures in front of

11、Ss1 and Ss2, the others in front of the teacher.3) T: Do I have a watch? Does he/she have a toy car? Do you have.? Ss: Yes/No.? Yes/ No, she/he doesnt have.Students activities: listen and answer设计意图:Improve the students listening ability4. Teachers activities: 1) Watch a short video and read after I

12、2) Answer these questions according to B1 Who has a watch? Does Millie have an umbrella?3) Watch the short video of B34) Ask Ss to give a summary of the difference between “have/has” and “there be” 5) Watch “My favourite toy” and read the passage in groupStudents activities:1) Listen and read after

13、the video2) Answer the questions3) Read Part C设计意图:Improve the students abilities of watching things and reading5. Practice and consolidateTeachers activities:1) Finish B22) Write a passage of your favourite thingStudents activities:1)Finish B22)Write a passage of your favourite thing设计意图:Improve th

14、e students writing ability6. ConclusionTeachers activities:Make a summary7. Homework1)复习今天上课所讲内容,准备明天默写;2)认真完成今天布置的纸质作业教学(后记)反思Lesson 5 Wonderful things 第5-6学时,共8学时审阅人授课课题Lesson 5 Wonderful thingsExercise 1课时2 课时授课时间2015 年 3 月 9日 星期一 第一、二节课型复习课教具黑板、讲义教学方法revision教学目标Knowledge objectivesTo master the

15、 new words:hand/ child(复数children)/sky/ favourite/ panda/ eye/ eye/ nose/ face/ ear/ head/ body/ feel/ sad/ angry/monkey/ mouth/ foot/ arm/ leg/ jump/run/tiredTo learnnegative sentence and yes-no question of “have”Ability objectiveTo tell the difference between “have/has” and “there be” Emotion obje

16、ctiveTo cultivate students communication ability教学重难点The emphasis To tell the difference between “have/has” and “there be” To learnnegative sentence and yes-no question of “have”The difficultyTo learnnegative sentence and yes-no question of “have”教学过程 一、翻译1.带他们的书包上学校 2.喜欢画画 3.一块漂亮的手表 4.在那儿 5.在天空中 6.

17、它不快也不慢 7.在他手里 8.有一把雨伞 9.告诉你一个故事 10.两只大脚 _11.一个大嘴巴_ 12.一个小鼻子_ 13.和她一起回家_二、填空1.She has a box of crayons in her bag(对划线提问) 2.He has some football cards in his bag (否定句) 3.Simon likes playing football(一般疑问句并否定回答) 4. Many people love _(swim) in summer.5. Bob_(not be) late for school again.6.They stay at

18、home and study on Saturday.(用he作主语改写句子) He _ at home and _ on Saturday.三、单选( )1.-Do you like shopping? -Yes, I _. B. do C. like it D. A&C( )2.-What does Sandy enjoy?-She enjoys music. A .listening B .listening to C. listen D listen to( )3.-You look today. Why?-My mum is ill(生病) in hospital. A

19、happy B. well C .good D. sad( )4 .Miss Li often brings her presents(礼物) here. A . to B. on C. at D./四、Homework1)认真订正今天讲过的练习2)复习Lesson 5单词,准备明天默写教学(后记)反思Lesson 5 Wonderful things 第7-8学时,共8学时审阅人授课课题Lesson 5 Wonderful thingsExercise 2课时2 课时授课时间2015 年 3 月 12日 星期四 第七、八节课型复习课教具黑板、讲义教学方法revision教学目标Knowled

20、ge objectivesTo master the new words:hand/ child(复数children)/sky/ favourite/ panda/ eye/ eye/ nose/ face/ ear/ head/ body/ feel/ sad/ angry/monkey/ mouth/ foot/ arm/ leg/ jump/run/tiredTo learnnegative sentence and yes-no question of “have”Ability objectiveTo tell the difference between “have/has” a

21、nd “there be” Emotion objectiveTo cultivate students communication ability教学重难点The emphasis To tell the difference between “have/has” and “there be” To learnnegative sentence and yes-no question of “have”The difficultyTo learnnegative sentence and yes-no question of “have”教学过程 一、翻译1.在它的脸上/头上 2.我最喜爱的

22、玩具 3.一个圆圆的白白的身体 4.感觉悲伤或劳累 5.告诉正确的时间 6.它是新的还是旧的?是新的 7.几点了?七点钟。(两种表达) 8.我没有手表,但Andy有一块。 9.让我们去和他们玩。 10.它从不感到悲伤或生气 二、填空1.My_(最喜爱的) colour is red.=I _ red _.2.谢谢你帮助我学习英语。Thank you for helping me _ _.3.Andy doesnt have a book. = Andy _ _ book.4.Her mother sometimes(有时) (感觉劳累).5. She_ (not like)apples6. “

23、Stop _(talk) ,class begins now,” The teacher says.三、单选( )1.-What about shopping this evening?-Good idea!A. go B. to go C. going D. goes( )2.- your mother often watch TV?-Well, sometimes.A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are( )3.Excuse meAre you Peter? _ A. Yes, Im. B. No, Im not. C. Yes, I do D. No, I dont.( )

24、4. Look, the little dog _ a cat. A. looks like B. is likes C. look like D. just like 四、Homework1)认真订正今天讲过的练习2)复习Lesson 5单词,准备明天默写教学(后记)反思Lesson 6 Have nice food 第1-2学时,共8学时审阅人授课课题Lesson 6 Have nice foodPart A Getting ready for a party& Part B A birthday party课时2 课时授课时间2015 年 3 月 16 日 星期一 第一、二节课型新授课教

25、具PPT、多媒体、黑板、教科书教学方法Audio-visual teaching method、situational teaching method教学目标Knowledge objectivesTo master the new words:birthday/ party/ tomorrow/ buy/ food/ drink/ supermarket/ cake/ sure/ think/ need/ cook/ want/ try/ fruit/ apple/ banana/ orange/ juice/ tea/ milk/ why/ ice cream.To master some

26、 useful expressions:Lets buy some food and drinks in the supermarket.Can I cook noodles with you? I want to have a try.We need some fruit like apples and bananas.What drinks do you want?Why not get some ice cream? Im sure you all like very command the rules of countable nouns and uncountable

27、 nounsAbility objectiveTo know the countable nouns and uncountable nounsEmotion objectiveTo cultivate students to love their life教学重难点The emphasis To master new words and useful expressions The difficultyTo learn to use plural nouns pronouns教学过程1. GreetingsTeachers activities: greetingsStudents acti

28、vities: greetings设计意图:Be familiar with each other2. Lead-in and presentationTeachers activities:1) Show Ss a picture of a birthday cake.T: What is it? Yes, a birthday cake. Im sure you often have a birthday. What else do you do to celebrate your birthday? Let Ss talk about hoe to prepare the party.

29、Present: buy some food and drinks in the supermarket/ cook nice food for the party/ have a big meal/ get some presents/ sing the song “Happy birthday”/ play games/ tell interesting stories2) Give some food pictures. Let Ss learn these food names.Students activities:1) Free talk2) Learn some new words设计意图:1) To improve the students interest2) To master the new words3. Practice Teachers activities:Ask Ss to practice the dialogue to use “food names”Model:T: What do you like to eat?S: Some rice, some tomatoes

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