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1、英语专业八级考试试题及答案2011年英语专业八级考试试题及答案Ancient man attempted to change the weather by using magic. While experience taught him this was impossible, _1_ he tried to forecast weather conditions. Even earlier in _2_ 1000 B.C.there were weather seers in Babylon-andpriests clever enough to denounce as frauds tho

2、se predicted _3_ the weather a year in the advance. Some forecasters used _4_ methods that seemed to take no connection with the actual _5_ factors controlled the weather. Chickens and other animals _6_ were sacrificed and their intestines poked to find signs indicating rain and drought. Somewhat mo

3、re scientific were _7_ predictions based on vegetation:Onions skin very thin ,mild weather coming in. Onions skin thick and tough, coming weather is cold and rough. Insects and animals were also _8_ favorite weather clues: Before the glowworm lights his _9_ lamp , then the air is always damp . If sp

4、iders their cobwebs forsake , the weather will for certain break . If frogs remained in pools , the weather will be fine . If they were seen on rocks, _10_ rain and cold were due. Its difficult to say whether this rhyme should be taken seriously : Hark , I hear the asses bray . Me thinks well have s

5、ome rain today .一、听力试题SECTION A STATEMENTIn this section you will hear nine statements. At the end of the statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following nine questions.1. Who is the speaker?A. An insurance agent.B. A fireman.C. A safeguard.D. A politician.2. What can we infer

6、 about Susan?A. She dresses fashionably as she spends plenty of money on them.B. She looks fashionable though she doesnt spend much on dresses.C. She doesnt spend much money on her dresses.D. She often spends too much money on her dresses.3. What does the statement mean?A. The room was too dry.B. Th

7、e room was not dry enough.C. The paint was wet.D. The paint was too dry.4. We learn from the statement thatA. Lucy is very interested in video games.B. Lucy shows no interest in video games.C. Lucy often plays video games if she is free.D. Lucy plays better than her friends.5. What can we learn abou

8、t Andrew?A. His petrol is used up.B. He just got his car filled.C. His car had a little petrol left when reaching the garage.D. He had a car accident.6. The speaker suggests thatA. appearances are not important.B. appearances are everything.C. lothes make the men.D. we should never trust appearances

9、.7. What does the speaker say about Thurber?A. He is a great writer.B. His blind eye prevented him from writing good novels.C. His success depended on his childhood experience.D. He worked so hard in writing as to lose one of his eyes.8. What does the speaker imply?A. I knew the time of the concert

10、from him.B. He didnt tell me the time of the concert.C. He told me the time of the concert, but it was unnecessary.D. The concert began before I knew the time.9. The speaker suggests thatA. we should read every two lines carefully.B. we should find hidden and implied meanings.C. we should keep our e

11、yes open for the book.D. we should get the meaning of every word.KEY TO LISTENING COMPREHENSION1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.ASECTION A STATEMENT1. “我认为你们的保险单没有规定对待火灾造成的损失的保障。”本题要求判断说话人的身份。如果只听到只言片语,如policy就会受到D: 政治家 的干扰, 或fire而受到B: 消防队员的干扰;只有听清全文,联系上下文,才可判断出这里policy意思是“保险单,保险契约”,而非“政策”,也才能

12、推测出其职业应为A: 保险代理人。2. “尽管Susan在银行有大笔存款, 但她的衣服却一点儿也不时髦。”由though引导的表示让步功能的分句,暗示Susan尽管有钱却不买时髦的衣服,即在衣服上花费不多,C最切合题意。 anything but: 除之外,恰恰不,决不3. “油漆匠建议等房间墙壁干一些后再粉刷。”换句话说房间的墙壁不够干而不能粉刷,与油漆没关系。因此应选B。4. “Lucy宁可什么也不做, 也不愿整晚打游戏机。” 也就是说Lucy最不愿意玩游戏机了。 B最接近原意。. would rather than = would soonerthan: 宁可而不, 最好而不5. “An

13、drew的车刚开到车库, 汽油就用完了。”A: 他的汽油用完了;B: 他刚给车加满油; C: 到车库时,他的车还剩一点油; D: 他遇到了车祸。了解词组run out of (用完,耗尽)也就能选出A为正确答案。6. “外表可能是靠不住的。”也就是说不能以貌取人,依赖外表作出判断,D: 不要相信外表 与此含义最接近。7. “Thurber在童年时的一次事故中弄瞎了一只眼睛, 但他仍在写作生涯中获得了成功。”despite of = in spite of : 尽管,任凭,是表达转折,让步关系的介词词组。文中说尽管Thurber在失去一只眼睛的不利情况下,仍成为了个成功的作家。 A:他是个伟大的

14、作家与此最接近。8. “他其实不必告诉我音乐会的时间, 我已经知道了。”作为情态助动词,need一般只用于否定句和疑问句。 “neednt + 不定式完成体”表示过去本来不必做某事却做了。因此原句可理解为“其实他不必告诉我, 但他告诉了。” 所以C为最佳选择。另外:“neednt do / dont need to”表示没有必要而不去做。9. “在阅读过程中, 我们必须从字里行间领会隐含之意。”in the course of : 在过程中理解词组read between the lines: (从字里行间言词行动中) 领会言外之意体会隐含之意就不难理解本题的真实含义,从而选出正确答案B。二、

15、改错部分Ancient man attempted to change the weather by using magic. While experience taught him this was impossible, _1_ he tried to forecast weather conditions. Even earlier in _2_ 1000 B.C.there were weather seers in Babylon-andpriests clever enough to denounce as frauds those predicted _3_ the weathe

16、r a year in the advance. Some forecasters used _4_ methods that seemed to take no connection with the actual _5_ factors controlled the weather. Chickens and other animals _6_ were sacrificed and their intestines poked to find signs indicating rain and drought. Somewhat more scientific were _7_ pred

17、ictions based on vegetation:Onions skin very thin ,mild weather coming in. Onions skin thick and tough, coming weather is cold and rough. Insects and animals were also _8_ favorite weather clues: Before the glowworm lights his _9_ lamp , then the air is always damp . If spiders their cobwebs forsake

18、 , the weather will for certain break . If frogs remained in pools , the weather will be fine . If they were seen on rocks, _10_ rain and cold were due. Its difficult to say whether this rhyme should be taken seriously : Hark , I hear the asses bray . Me thinks well have some rain today .答案详解:1.Whil

19、eWhen或After.本句的this指代的是to change the weather by using magic. when/after 引导时间状语2.inthan.earlier是early的比较级,其后应有than3.those之后加who.who引导定语从句4. 删除advance前的 advance为习语5. takehave.have connection with 为习语6. controlledcontrolling或在controlled前加that/which.controlling the weather 或that/which controlled t

20、he weather做定语修饰the actual factors7. andor.rain和draught只能是二者之一8. 删除is.与上文平衡,均为省略句9. beforewhen/if.条件句10. willwould.if引导的是条件句用的是remained一般过去时三、阅读部分四、写作 2011年专八真题参考答案:汉译英部分 现代社会无论价值观的持有还是生活方式的选择都充满了矛盾。而最让现代人感到尴尬的是,面对重重矛盾,许多时候你别无选择。匆忙与休闲是截然不同的两种生活方式。但在现实生活中,人们却在这两种生活方式间频繁穿梭,有时也说不清自己到底是“休闲着”还是“忙碌着”。譬如说,当

21、我们正在旅游胜地享受假期,却忽然接到老板的电话,搞恶我们客户或工作方面出了麻烦现代便捷先进工具在此刻显示出了它狰狞、阴郁的面容搞得人一下子兴趣全无。接下来的休闲只能徒有其表,因为心里已是火烧火燎了。2011年专八真题参考答案:汉译英部分Being hasty and at leisure are two quite distinct lifestyles. But in the real world, people have to frequently shuttle between these two lifestyles, sometimes not sure whether they a

22、re “at ease” or “in a rush”.For example, we are enjoying our holidays in the resort while suenly we receive phone calls from the boss who tells us there are some troubles with our customers and work-so at this moment the modern, convenient and advanced device shows its vicious and gloomy features-an

23、d we lose all our interest. The subsequent leisure is the mere showy for we are in a restless and anxious state of mind.2011年专八真题英译汉参考答案:当飞机飞越尼泊尔的上空,你的想象力很容易开始翱翔,你很小,就像一只小蝴蝶,飞在一幅三维的建筑地形图上,那些环绕着每个高脊的梯田就像图中环形的等高线。尼泊尔是一个小国,我们的飞机东向平稳飞行,从一万两千英尺的高空向下看,透过左侧的窗户,可以清楚看见下方三十英里处笼罩着雄伟喜马拉雅山的那白色的神奇海市蜃楼。转向右侧的窗口,看到的是三、四级高的层层梯田,可不一会它们就被印度境内的广阔平原所代替了。下方清晰可见极少的几条路。在尼泊尔最主要的出行方式是步行,尼泊尔人在纵横连接国家的条条古道上留下了足印。除此以外,这个国家还有空中网络,虽然机场简易且灰多,但对我来说,确是非常地幸运,因为我没花上两个个半星期的时间,通过陆路,艰苦跋涉到达目的地。我当时在去当地机场的飞机上。

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