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1、中考动词时态教师讲义动词的时态一、Direction考纲:熟练掌握动词一般现在时态的第三人称单数、过去式、过去分词和现在分词的形式;熟练掌握一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时、现在进行时的构成和基本用法;理解过去将来时、过去完成时的构成和基本用法。考点:一般现在时态,一般过去时态,一般将来时态,现在进行时态,现在完成时态,过去进行时态,共六种时态。(1)一般现在时 经常性的或习惯性的动作或存在的状态表示客观事实或普遍真理在时间、条件等状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。(2)一般过去时过去某时间发生的动作或存在的状态 表示过去的习惯或经常发生的动作 用于since引导的从句。主句的位

2、于动词如果用现在完成时,since引导的从句一般要用一般过去时。(3)一般将来时 表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态当主语是I或me时,问句中一般会使用shall表示征求对方意见be going to表示计划、打算做某事,常指已经决定的、很有可能发生的事或有某种迹象表明要发生的事be doing有时表示即将发生或安排好要做的事情。常用这种结构的动词有:go, come, leave, arrive, start, begin.(4)现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作表示现阶段正在进行的动作或存在的状态go, leave, arrive, start等动词用现在进行时表示将来在由while引导的状

3、语从句中,动词通常要用进行时一般不能用该时态的有以下动词: See, hear, like, love, want, would like, be, have, belong, know, think, forget等 (5)现在完成时 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常用的时间状语有:already,yet , ever,never,just等表示动作或状态在过去已经开始,持续到现在,也许还要持续下去。 (6)过去进行时 表示在过去的某个时刻或某个时间内正在进行的动作或存在的状态。 表示一个过去的动作发生时或发生之后,另一个过去的动作正在进行。也可表示过去一段时间内持续发生的动作表

4、示两个过去的动作同时进行,可用连接词while连接。二、Key points1、一般现在时态一般现在时的标志词语: often, always, usually, sometimes, once a week, every day 构成公式: 主语+动词原形(三单加s/es) eg: I am a good student and you are a good student. He works very hard and everyone likes him.考点 主将从现:在以when, after, as soon as等引导的时间状从;if, unless等引导的条件状从主句用将来时,

5、从句用一般现在时.Examples1. - Is your father a doctor? -Yes, he is .He _ in Town Hospital(2006武汉课改区,C) A. has worked B. had worked C. works D. worked 2. - What will you do if it _ tomorrow?(2006苏州,B) - Ill stay at home and watch the match on TV A .rain B .rains C. will rain D. is raining 3. Jerry, with his

6、parents, _ his grandparents on Sundays(2006陕西,A) A. visits B. is visiting C .have visited 4. If he _ harder, he will catcher up with us soon.(2009年武汉,B)A. study B. studies C. will study D. studied 5. - Could you please tell Peter that I want to talk to him? (2010年山东,A)- Sure. Ill let him know as soo

7、n as he _ back. A. comes B. came C. has come D. will comeExercises6. Tom will call me as soon as he _home. (2010北京,A)A. gets B. has got C. got D. will get7. If he _harder next time, he will catch up with us. (2002北京西城,C)A. work B. worked C. works D. will work8. You _ worried. Whats wrong with you? (

8、2002北京通州,C)A. look B. looking C. looks D. will look9. Were in class. Youd better not _(2002北京朝阳,A)A. talk B. talking C. talked D. to talk10. - What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?- Fish, I guess. How nice it _!(2009扬州,D)A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. smells 11. Hell send us a message as soon as he _

9、 in Sichuan. (2008北京,D)A. is arriving B. will arrive C. arrived D. arrives12. If he_harder, he will catch up with us soon. (2004北京,A)A. study B. studies C. will study D. studied13. We wont go to the park if it tomorrow. (2002北京崇文,D)A. is raining B. will rain C. rain D. rains14. Mid-Autumn Day usuall

10、y _ in September or October every year.(2002北京朝阳,B)A. come B. comes C. is coming D. will come2、一般过去时态一般过去时态标志词语:Yesterday, last week, ago, in 1998, just now 构成公式:主语+动词过去式dideg: I could read when I was five.He told me the news yesterday.Examples:1. He turned off the lights and then _ the classroom. (

11、2007吉林,D)A. leaves B. will leave C. is leaving D. left 2. I _ in this small mountain village when I was a child. (2007青岛,C)A. use to live B. used to living C. used to live D. used to life 3. - When _ you _ your old friends? -The day before yesterday (2007盐城,B)A. will; visit B. did; visit C. have; vi

12、sited D. do; visit 4. I _ to bed until my granny came back home. (2008厦门,A)A. didnt go B. went C. had gone D. have gone 5. He has studied at this school since he _ to this city. (2010龙岩,C)A. comes B. come C. came D. has comeExercises:6. They _ her to the party, so she was very happy. (2009北京,B)A. in

13、vite B. invited C. will invite D. are inviting7. We were in Qingdao last week and _ great fun there. (2008北京,C)A. will have B. have had C. had D. have8. -What did you do after school yesterday? (2007北京,B)-I _ basketball with my friends.A. play B. played C. will play D. am playing9. How was your week

14、end? (2006北京,C)-Great! We _ a picnic by the lake.A. have B. are having C. had D. will have10. - How was your trip to the ancient village? (2009湖北宜昌,B)- Fantastic! We _ to a museum of strange stones.A. go B. went C. are going D. will go12. I hit the tree and _ badly hurt. (2009四川成都,C)A. had B. has C.

15、 was D. is18. - Whats her name? (2008河南,A)- I _. A. forget B. forgot C. had forgotten D. am forgetting3、一般将来时态一般将来时态标志词语:tomorrow, this (afternoon),next (year),one day, now, soon, someday, sometime, in the future, when引导的从句等 构成公式:)主语+am/is/are going to )主语+will + doExamples1. Frank _ to see his gran

16、dma if he _ free tomorrow. (2008山东,C)A. will come; will be B. comes; is C. will come; is D. comes; will be 2. There _ an English film here tomorrow. (2009湖北,B)A. has B. is going to be C. will have D. have 3. We wont go sightseeing if _ tomorrow. (2009天津,A)A. it rains B. it will rain C. it would rain

17、 D. it rained4. If I find his phone number, I _ you. (2009北京,C)A. tell B. told C. will tell D. have told5. I _ the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow. (2007北京,A)A. will return B. returned C. have returned D. returnExercises四、现在进行时态现在进行时态标志词语:Look, listen, now, at the moment 构成公式:主语+ is /am/are +ing难

18、点汇总: 1. 表示位置移动的动词如:come, go ,arrive, leave等的进行时表示将来 2. 用look, listen等动词开头,常用于进行时;用while引导的时间状语从句、 动词通常要用进行时,指在某段时间内持续发生的动作. 3. 由while引导的时间状语从句,动词用进行时 4. 表示频繁发生或反复进行的动作,常与always等频度副词连用,以表示赞扬、不满或讨厌等感情色彩Examples1. -What are Mr. and Mr. Black doing? (2008年泰安,A)-They _ tea in the garden. A. are drinking

19、B. drank C. have drunk D. drink 2. Im _ Helen. Have you seen her? (2009年盐城,D)A. looking up B. looking after C. looking at D. looking for 3. - Is this your coat, sir? (2009年湖北黄冈,B)- No, Mine _ over there near the window. A. hangs B. is hanging C. hang D. has hang 4. Never trouble me while I _ in my r

20、oom. (2009年山东,C)A. will sleep B. asleep C. am sleeping D. slept 5. - Do you have any plans for your summer vacation? (2009年河北,B)- I am _ for London next Sunday. A. going to B. leaving C. will goExercises1. They _ supper when we _ into the room. (C)A. are havingwent B. were havinggo C. were havingwen

21、t D. are havinggo 2. Well go climbing if it _ tomorrow. (D)A. wont rain B. did rain C. isnt rain D. doesnt rain 3. Father _ his cap and went out. (A)A. put on B. puts on C. had put D. will put on 4. Peter _ the work in a week. (D)A. have finished B. finishes C. is finishing D. will finish 5. _ she _

22、 her lessons at seven yesterday evening? (A)A. Wasgoing over B. Isgo over C. Hasgone over D. Willgo over 6. Nobody _ the answer. (B)A. have known B. knew C. didnt know D. are knowing 7. Both of the two dictionaries _ very useful. (A)A. are B. is C. was D. am 8. One day while I _ along the street, I

23、_ someone calling. (D)A. walkedwas hearing B. was walkinghas heard C. was walkinghad heard D. was walkingheard 9. Betty _ morning exercises yesterday. (C)A. not did B. dont do C. didnt do D. wont do 10. Another railway bridge _ there now. (B)A. is building B. is being built C. is built D. has been b

24、uilt 11. _ the play _ again next week? (D)A. Will; put on B. Is; put on C. Will be; put on D. Will; be put on 13. Long long ago, there _ a farmer in a small village. (D)A. are B. were C. is D. lived 14. We _ a meeting these days. (C)A. have B. had C. are having D. were having 15. Ill tell him all ab

25、out it as soon as he _. (B)A. come back B. comes back C. will come back D. is going come back 16. My little sister _ six next month. (A)A. will be B. shall be C. can be D. is going to 17. His sister _ cakes. Thats why her hands are all covered with flour (面粉). (D)A. makes B. made C. will make D. is

26、making 18. When I got there, the Browns _ at the lunch table. (D)A. is sitting B. are sitting C. was sitting D. were sitting 19. The workers said that they would all leave if John _. (C)A. stay B. stayed C. stays D. was going to stay五、过去进行时态标志词语:at this time yesterday, just then, at 6:00 last Sunday

27、, when +一般过去时 构成公式:主语+ was/were+ ingExamples1. -Did you notice him come in? (2009天津,D)-No, I _ a football game. A. have watched B. had watchedC. am watching D. was watching 2. I _ a horse when the teacher came in. (2009河北,D)A. draw B. drew C. am drawing D. was drawing 3. When I came in, they _ games

28、 in the room. (2009武汉,A)A. were playing B. are playing C. played D. plays 4. Yesterday morning, while I was doing my homework, my brother _ to his radio. (2009山东,C)A. listened B. listens C. was listening D. is listening 六、现在完成时态现在完成时态标志性词:already, yet, ever, never, just, for+一段时间,since+过去时间点或状语从句, s

29、o far 构成公式:主语+have/has doneEg:Examples1. The world without thieves is a very moving film. I _ it twice already. (2009年湖南,D)A. will see B. see C. saw D. have seen 2. The Smiths moved to China ten years ago and _ there since then. (2009年河北,D)A. has lived B. was living C. live D. have lived 3. I _ a letter from him since he left. (2009年天津,B)A. havent got B. didnt receive C. didnt have D. havent feel 4. Premier Zhou _

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