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1、汉译英56455在我进大学的第二周里,我得出去找一家书店,在那里买几本英语词典。:During the second week I was at college,I had to go out and look for a bookshop where I could buy some English dictionaries.那些参加会议的人都是我的同学。:Those who attended the meeting were all my classmates.她昨天早上起得迟,没有赶上火车。:Yesterday morning she slept in and didnt catch u

2、p the train.我很快就适应了大学生活。:I soon adjusted to the college life.他们已查清了这个人是谁。:They have found out who the man was.船应该在什么时候开?:When is the ship supposed to leave?他的观点和我的差不多。:His views are similar to mine.这位教师对学生有很大的影响。:The teacher has a great influence on his students.她没锁门就出去了。:She went out without lockin

3、g the door.这些照片使我回想起了我的学生时代。:These photos remind me of my school days.到2050年我们将把我国建成世界上中等发达国家。:By the year of 2050 we shall have made our country one of the medium-developed countries in the world.了解中国的历史和文化有助于了解中国人民。:Knowing Chinas history and culture can help you understand Chinese people.我直到昨天才知道

4、你已决定自己要去面见网友的消息。:I didnt to learn the news until yesterday that you have decided to meet up with your online friend in person.说到互联网,你不应该公开自己的个人信息。:When it comes to the Internet,you should keep your personal information private.在任何时候你都不应该把他的手机号码公布在网上。:At no times should you give out his mobile phone

5、number online.在网上与别人交易前,你得确保你能够退掉自己不喜欢的商品或者受损的商品。:Before you do business with people online,you should make sure you are able to return items if you dont like them or if they are broken.你用自己的用户名和密码就能登陆这个网站,进入你自己的账户。:With your user name and password,you can enter the site and get access to your accou

6、nt.有些人很善于在网上伪装自己的身份。:Some people are good at disguising their identities online.安全行车的规则对每个人都适用。:The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.祖宁博士建议我们多交些新朋友。:Dr.Zunin suggests we should make some more new friends.英国人习惯于靠左边开车。:English people are accustomed to driving on the left.她盯着那姑娘看,好像是第一次见到她似的。:Sh

7、e stared at the girl as if seeing her for the first time.这两兄弟看上去一模一样。:The two brothers look the same as each other.那场雨使得我们不能去打网球了。:The rain prevented us from playing tennis.我要打电话问清楚会议是否晚上7点钟开始。:Ill phone to make sure that the meeting begins at seven this evening.请帮我搬一下这只重箱子。:Please lend me a hand wi

8、th this heavy box.很抱歉,我不能帮你的忙。:Sorry,I am not in a position to help you.我们正在为解决空气污染问题而努力。:We are trying to solve the problem of air pollution.由于城市太拥挤,许多人准备搬到乡下去了。:As cities are too crowded,many people are ready to move to the country.我的秘书去休假时,格林小姐替了她一星期。:When my secretary went on holiday,Miss Green

9、took her place for a week.似乎没有人知道发生过什么。:It seems that no one knows what has happened.别花那么多时间来打扮自己。:Dont spend such a lot of time in dressing yourself.为了不迟到,我想现在就走。:I want to leave now so that I wont be late.除了几张桌子和椅子外,整个房间空荡荡的。:The room is empty except for a few chairs and desks.整整一下午,他都在因特网上寻找一些有趣的

10、网址。:For the whole afternoon,he had been searching the Internet for some interesting sites.他常常去跳蚤市场买一些家庭用品,然后再出售,赚一点额外的小钱。:He often goes to the flea market to buy some household items and then resell them to make a little extra money.听到他打破了一项世界游泳纪录的消息,我们都感到非常高兴。:We were all delighted at the news that he broke the world swimming record.他的医疗账单堆积如山,而在目前情况下他没钱支付。:His medical bills have been stacked to the sky,and in the present circumstance,he has no money to pay. p9jVR69NFACp

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