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1、大学英语1第四单元电子教案大学英语1 课程教案课次1课时2 课 型理论课 教学内容;、:Unit 4 Section A: How to make a Good Impression教学目标:1. Students know the background information about the text2. Students remember the new words and expressions in the text3. Students learn how to analyze the structure of the whole text and certain paragra

2、phs4. Students grasp new words and phrases in the passage of Section A教学重点:1. Divide the whole text into parts and work out the gist of each part2. Train students oral English during their discussion教学难点: Grasp the writing pattern applied in certain paragraphs of the text教 学 基 本 内 容方法及手段I. Pre-readi

3、ng activities(20mins)1. Listen to a passage about body language.2. Listen to the passage again and answer the following questions according to what you hear. The last question is open-ended and may have different answers.(1) How long does it take us to judge people we meet?(2) What is the way to mak

4、e a good first impression according to the passage?(3) What do you usually do to make a good impression on others when you first meet them?II. Text structure analysis and introduction of the writing pattern: a paragraph of a statement supported by a list of examples.(25mins)III. Explain new words an

5、d phrases in the passage of Section A (40mins)IV. Assignments(5mins)Group discussionOral practiceExplanation作业、讨论题、思考题: Preview language points in Section A and read the text参考资料(含参考书、文献等):新视野大学英语读写教程第二册教师用书教学反思:Students oral English is not good, and they cant express themselves freely. Students ana

6、lysis ability needs more practice.Students language using ability needs more practice.Session 1 (90mins):Section A: Where Principles Come FirstI. Detailed discussion of Text A (20mins) I. Pre-reading activities(20mins)1. Listen to a passage about body language.2. Listen to the passage again and answ

7、er the following questions according to what you hear. The last question is open-ended and may have different answers.(1) How long does it take us to judge people we meet?(2) What is the way to make a good first impression according to the passage?(3) What do you usually do to make a good impression

8、 on others when you first meet them?3. Group Work Read the following statements. What should be done and what should not be done? Discuss in groups and form a common opinion. Work out a report together, and then send your representative to report in front of the class. The first sentence has been gi

9、ven: After discussion, our group comes to the conclusion(1). Stride into the room to impress others. (2). Shake hands powerfully. (3). Fix your eyes on the others. (4).Communicate with ones whole being. (5).Change according to different situations. (7).Take yourselves seriously. No one dares to joke

10、 on you. (8).Often say “I”.II. Text structure analysis and introduction of the writing pattern: a general statement supported by an example. (25mins) Step 1: Text structure analysisDivide the text into parts and work out the general idea of each partThe passage can be divided into two parts.Part one

11、 (para.1-2) : This part tell us what time you make the most important impression on others or others leave the most important impression on you.Part Two (para. 3-15) : This part answers the question of how to make a good impression on others.Step 2: Introduction of the writing pattern: a general sta

12、tement supported by an example For this unit, particular attention has been focused on listing. Listing is one of the common ways to organize ones viewpoints, ideas, reasons, causes, or even possibilities. We have Paragraph 2 as a sample and the students are asked to make an analysis of Paragraph 4,

13、 a paragraph of similar structure.III. Explain new words and phrases in the passage of Section A (40mins)1. conscious adj. aware, realizing sth. e.g. He was badly hurt, but he remained conscious. 他伤得很重,但仍未失去知觉。 self-conscious adj. : shy or nervous unconscious adj. : unaware consciousness n. : state

14、of being conscious be conscious of 意识到,感觉到e.g. If you are conscious of something, you notice it or are aware of it. He was conscious of the faint aroma of aftershave. 他闻到了剃须后所搽润肤水的淡淡香味。2. range vi. to vary between certain limits rang from to/range between ande.g. Her emotions ranged from joy to desp

15、air. Their prices range from $5 to $15. His feelings on the matter have ranged from bitterness to hope.他对这件事的感觉经历了从痛苦万分到满怀希望。 There are 100 students whose ages range from 15to 20 Their costs ranged between $40 to $ 60 a day. 3. encounter vt. meet by chance e.g. If you take up this assignment, you ar

16、e likely to encounter many difficulties. 十年前我与约翰的初次见面的情景仍历历在目。当时我在机场偶遇他。I still clearly remember my first encounter with John ten years ago. I encountered him at an airport. My meeting with my friend in New York was not an expected encounter I encountered many difficulties when I first started the j

17、ob. 4. focus on vt. to concentrate one.g. He suddenly focused his attention on foreign policy. The management are focusing on the project. I tried to focus my mind on my study. focus n. attention e.g. His focus was on earning a living. The new system is the focus of the debate. One of the greatest s

18、trengths of the method is its clear focus on prevention. 5. be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于e.g. She has been absorbed in a horror fiction. Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book. He was completely absorbed in his own thoughts . 他陷入了沉思.6. impress vt. make sb. feel admiration and re

19、spect e.g. The scenery is strongly impressed on my mind. Im very impressed with the scenery. impress sth on/upon ones mind把印在脑海里 impress sb with给某人留下深刻印象8. address vt. make a speeche.g. The president addressed the Congress to view the past year and announced plans for the next. 9. commit v. to do (s

20、th. wrong); to perform; to sende.g. to commit a mistake 犯错误 to commit a crime 犯罪 to commit forces to the Gulf 往海湾派兵be committed to 致力于,投身于e.g. The State is firmly committed to promoting high standards of health, safety, and efficient service. He was committed to his troops; he was a Marines Marine.1

21、0. at ones best: in ones best state or condition e.g. This is an example of his work at its best. He was never at his best early in the morning. In Beijing, you can enjoy Chinese Kung Fu at its best. IV. Assignments (5mins)Preview language points in Section A and read the text. 大学英语1 课程教案课次2课时2 课 型理

22、论课 教学内容:Unit 4 Section A: How to make a Good Impression (Detailed Study of Text A and Reading Skills)教学目标:1. Students remember the meaning of new phrases and expressions .2. Students learn how to structure a paragraph with a general statement supported by a list of examples.3. Students grasp the rea

23、ding skill of reading for the main idea in paragraphs.教学重点:1. Illustrate the meaning of new phrases and expressions2. Train students reading skill of make predictions 教学难点: Grasp the usage of certain expressions used in the text 教 学 基 本 内 容方法及手段I. Detailed study of text A (50mins)Analyze the difficu

24、lt sentences of text A. Paraphrase them one by one, if necessary give several examples.II. Check the exercises of text A (25mins)Check the exercises of vocabulary, sentence structure and translation.III. Explain reading skill: reading for the main idea in paragraphs (12mins)Answer the questions inse

25、rted in the text B. Check answers and explain. IV. Assignments (3mins)Group discussionExplanationPractice 作业、讨论题、思考题: Write a composition on the topic which starts with a general statement supported by an example参考资料(含参考书、文献等):新视野大学英语读写教程第二册教师用书教学反思:Students dont know how to paraphrase a sentence, s

26、o they need to learn how to express the same meaning with different phrases. Students reading skills needs more practice.Some students did not do the exercises in advance. The teacher needs to inspire and motivate them.Session 2 (90mins):Section A : Where Principles Come FirstI. Detailed study of te

27、xt A (50mins)1. Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communications within seven seconds of meeting them. (Para.1)Meaning: Research shows within the first seven seconds when we meet someone, we form out opinion about him or her through unspoken communications. make up on

28、es mind: make a decisionEg. I havent made up my mind where to go yet. At the age of 18 she made up her mind to become a doctor.2. Consciously or unconsciously, we show our feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear. (Para.1)Meanin

29、g: Whether we are aware or unaware of it, we use our eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes to express our feelings. This causes a sequence of various responses such as comfort and fear.Note: V-ing structures are used to express subordinate actions,functioning like subordinate clauses. , we show our tru

30、e feelings with our eyes, faces and attitudes, causing (= we cause ) a chain of reactions, ranging (= the reactions range) from comfort to fear. 3. You are the message. (Para.3) Meaning: Your eyes, faces, body, and attitudes - all the things send information about you to others.4. You were committed

31、 to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment you lost all self-consciousness. (Para.5)Meaning: You were giving all your attention to what you were saying and you were so interested in it that you lost all your worries about what you looked like, how you behave, and what others thought of you. The structure “so+a./adj.+that” is used to express “to such a degree as to produce a particular result, causing a particular situation, etc.” “That” can be omitted. For example:He was so ill (that) we had to send for a doctor.5. Many how-to books advise you to stride

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