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1、航海法规英语翻译总结一、英语法律文本的词汇特征:1、具有独特法律含义的常用词:Action: a lawsuit(either civil or criminal) 诉讼Bill:a draft law 法案Cover: to purchase goods to replace those not delivered because of a breach of contract 抵偿Damages: the compensation sought for a loss 赔偿金Distress: the seizure of goods as security for an obligatio

2、n 扣押Draft: an order for payment of money 汇票;付款通知单Instrument: a formal legal document 法律文件Interest: a right or claim to property 权益Note: a written promise to pay for a debt 票据Paper: an instrument evidencing a financial obligation 票据Party: a litigant in a law suit 诉讼当事人Prejudice: a detriment to legal

3、rights 损害(合法权利)Provided: upon condition 只要;但是Said: mentioned above 上述的Security: collateral 抵押品;担保品Serve: to deliver legal papers 送达(传票)Show: to make clear by evidence 证明Waive: to relinquish 放弃(权力、要求)2、古英语和中世纪英语词语:Aforementioned 前面提到过的,前述的Aforesaid 如上所述的,上面提到的Foregoing 前面的,前述的Hereafter 此后Hereby 特此Her

4、ein 于此处Hereinabove 在上文Hereinafter 以下,在下文中Hereof 在本文(件)中;关于这个Hereto 至此Hereunder 在下面,在下文;据此Herewith 与此一道Notwithstanding 尽管Pursuant to 根据Said(adj.) 上述的Thence 从那里;所以;因此;之后Thereafter 因此,据此Therein 在此(文)中Thereof 关于;由是Thereto 又;及Whensoever 无论何时Whereas 然而,尽管Whereby 借此Wheresoever 无论何处3、拉丁语单词和短语Ad hoc: for thi

5、s purpose 特别;临时Inter alia: among others 在其他事物中Nil: nothing (什么都)没有Prima facie: at first appearance 初步的,表面的Pro rata: in proportion 按比例计Versus: against 诉;对4、古法语及法律法语词语:Action: lawsuit 诉讼Lien: an encumbrance on property for the payment of debt 留置权;抵押权Petty: small, minor 小的,次要的Save: except 除.之外Suit: law

6、suit 诉讼Tort: a wrong or injury 侵权5、法律术语(terms of legal art)Consideration 约因Force majeure 不可抗力(指天灾和战争、罢工、暴动、港口封锁等人祸,即人力不能防御或无法避免之事故)Lien 留置权,抵押权Recision (法律等的)消除、废除Tort 侵权Verdict 裁决Will 遗嘱6、法律行话(argot)Alleged 被指控、被指控的Case law 判例法Cause of action 诉由,案由Damages 赔偿金Due care 应有的谨慎Latent defect 隐蔽的缺陷Negotia

7、ble instrument 流通票据Process 传票Rescind 废除Service of process 送达传票Superior court 上级法院Without prejudice 不使合法权利受到损害7、赘言赘语Staff and workers 职工Rules and regulations 规章Damage or injury 损害或损伤Provisions and stipulations 法律条款Terms and conditions 条件二、规约性情态动词:在法律英语中,情态动词的使用与其在普通英语中的使用含义基本相同,仅有两个情态动词在法律英语中有其特殊用法,一

8、个是shall ,另一个是may,其中尤以shall 用得最为广泛。1. shall 在法律文件中通常表示义务,shall not 表示禁止,may表示权利。2. 在法律英语中,如表示当事人在特定的情况下要承担的权利或义务时, “应当”一词为shall, 而在一般的英语中,常用should 或must。我们在翻译法律文件时要十分注意这一用法。3. 汉语法律文本中的 “应”在英语中译为 “shall。 Shall 的否定形式表示“不得”、“禁止”。4. 通过may提出的要求不带强制性。may not 表示“不得”语气较shall not 弱,也没有shall not用得广泛。EX:This Co

9、nvention shall not affect, or be incompatible with, the application of any international convention or national law relating to the regulation and control of transport operations.本公约不得影响任何有关运输业务管理的国基公约或国家法律的适用。A contract may be modified or terminated by the mere agrement of the parties.只要当事人达成协议,合同可

10、以予以更改或终止。三、长句的翻译: 正式的法律条规和文本由于对中心词的限定过多,对某一法律概念成立的条件限定很多,所以法律英语长句多,短句少。完整的长句的使用可以准确界定法律文件所涉及各方的权利和义务关系,排除被曲解或误解的可能性。这些长句往往是含有许多分句或定语、状语等附加成分的简单句或复合句。这些长句中的定语对各种词性的术语的内涵和外延进行精确的界定,而状语界定了履行权利和义务的条件、方式、地点和时间等。 If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the general nature, leading marks, numb

11、er of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods which the carrier or other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect do not accurately represent the goods actually taken over or, where a shipped bill of lading is, issued, loaded, or if he ha

12、d no reasonable means of checking such particulars, the carrier or such other person must insert in the bill of lading a reservation specifying these inaccuracies, grounds of suspicion or the absence of reasonable means of checking. 原句选自联合国1978年海上货物运输公约中有关提单的条款,有104个英语词汇。该句子结构比较复杂,修饰语很多,给人一种连绵不断和盘根错


14、独特法律含义的句式:1. 含有subject to的句式:句式中的subject to 在法律英语中一般都跟agreement, section, contract 等法律文件或文件中特定条款名配合使用。其含义是:“以为条件”、“根据规定”、“在符合的条件下”、“除另有规定外”以及 “在不抵触下”等。1) The place will, subject to its law, comply with a future request by Hong Kong to the place该地方在不抵触其法律的情况下会顺应将来由香港向该地方提出的请求.2) Subject to subsection

15、 (2), there shall be payable and recoverable by way of rent of premises to which this Part applies such amount as may be agreed between the landlord and tenant在符合第(2)款的规定下,本部分使用的处所的应缴费与可追收的租金,须为业主与租客双方所能议定的款额3) Subject to the provisions of section 25(2), any counsel or solicitor may at any time requ

16、est the Director to remove his name from the panel除第25(2)条另有规定外,任何大律师或者律师均可随时要求署长在名册内将其姓名注销2. 含有provided that/providedthat的句式 在法律文书,尤其是在合约条款中广泛使用该句式,该连词引导一个条件分句,用于限定主句情况出现的条件时,可以译成“在前提下”;但如果该连词引导的条件分句表示的是一个与主句陈述相反的情况,就要译成“但”、“但是”、或“倘若”,法律界通常称这类句子为“但书”(proviso),这种“但书”句更加常见。例如:1)You will be allowed to

17、 make telephone calls provided that no reasonable delay or hindrance is caused to the processes of investigation or the administration of justice. 在不会对调查的进行或执法构成阻碍的前提下,你可以打电话给他人。2)This Convention does not prevail over any international agreement which has already been or may be entered into and whic

18、h contains provisions concerning the matters governed by this Convention, provided that the parties have their business in States parties, to such agreement. 本公约不优于业已缔结或可能缔结并载有与属于本公约范围内事项有关的条款的任何国际协定,但以双方当事人的营业地均在这种协定的缔约国内为限。3)The absence from the multimodal document of one or more of the particular

19、s referred to in paragraph 1 0f this article shall not affect the legal character of the document as a multimodal transport document provide that it nevertheless meets the requirements set out in paragraph 4 of article 1. 多式联运单据缺少本条第1款所指事项中的一项或数项,并不影响该单据作为多式联运单据的法律性质,但该单据必须符合第一条第4款所规定的的要求。4)The Lice

20、nsee shall not be entitled to take any proceedings or call on the Licensor to take any proceedings in any of the foresaid matters, provided, however, that the Licensor may, as its own discretion and coast, prosecute or otherwise stop or prevent such actual or threatened infringement in the name of b

21、oth the Licenser and the Licensee or either of them, and in each case the Licensee shall render all reasonable assistance required by the Licensor.被许可方无权就上述任何行为起诉或要求许可方起诉,但许可方可自行决定并自负费用,以许可方或被许可方双方名义或任何一方名义,对实际发生或拟将发生的商标侵权行为提出诉讼,或以其他方式阻止或防止该等侵权行为。无论哪种情况,被许可方须对许可方之请求,提供一切合理的协助。1. 含有where的句式在普通英语中,用wh

22、ere 引导的从句为地点状语从句,但在英语法律文本中,where引导的是法律条款中的条件转语从句,相当于in the case where。通常可以用中文表达为“凡”或“如果”。1)Where a defendant is fined and the same is not forthwith paid, the magistrate may order the defendant to be searched. 凡被告人被判处罚款,但没有随即交付罚款,裁判官可命令搜查被告人。2)Where the Intending Transferor is either Party B or Party

23、 C, and Party A cannot increase its Equity Ration in the registered capital of the JV Company due to the restriction imposed by Chinese law, Party A shall have the tight to assign its preemptive right of purchase to a third party approved by Party A.如果拟转让方是乙方或丙方,而甲方因受中国法律限制不能增加其在合资公司注册资本中的股份比例,则甲方有权

24、将其优先购买权让与其认可的第三方。2. 含有for the purpose(s) of的句式含有for the purpose(s) of的句式也是法律英语文本中常见的一个句式,其中的purpose可以是复数,也可以是单数。人们一般都会将其理解为“为了目的”,但在法律英语中,其含义并不完全如此。例如:1)For the purpose of any repossession pursuant to Clause 7 Party A or its agent shall be entitled to enter upon any relevant land or buildings with s

25、uch transport as may be necessary.就根据第7条进行的任何重新占有而言,甲方或其代理有权藉所需要交通工具进入相关土地或建筑物。2)For the purpose of this Clause 5 “the VAT legislation” means the Value Added Tax Act 1994 and all regulations made or imposed under it and any other statutes or other provisions relating to VAT.用在本第5条中,“增值税法”指1994年增值税法以

26、及据其规定或订明的所有法规和关于增值税的任何其他规章或其他规定。3)For the purpose of these presents any act of default or omission of the agents, servants, workmen or licensees of the Tenant shall be deemed to be the act of default of omission of the Tenant.基于这些文件,租户的代理人、佣人、工人或所许可者的任何违约或疏忽行为,应被认为是租户的违约或疏忽行为。3. 含有notwithstanding的句式

27、介词notwithstanding在普通英语中已不多见,属于古旧废词之列,但在英语法律文本中该词常常被使用,其作用和although/though/even if 等引导的状语从句基本相同,意思是“尽管”、“即使”,表示一种让步。但该词引导的并非是一个让步状语从句,因为该词后面不跟从句,而是跟一个名词性短语。例如:1)Notwithstanding any other agreements, the Parties shall enter into a new contract with respect to the subject matter. 尽管有任何其他协议,双方仍应就标的物签订新合

28、同。2)Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party hereby waives its preemptive right in the case of any assignment of all or part of the other Partys registered capital to an affiliate of the other Party.尽管有上述规定,如果一方将其全部或部分注册资本转让给一家关联公司,另一方则在此放弃其优先购买权。4. 含有without prejudice to的句式含有without prejudice to的句式常出

29、现在英语法律文本中,其意思是“在不损害的原则下”、“在不影响的情况下”、“不妨碍”以及“不规限”等等。例如:1)If the Seller fails to deliver all of the Goods in accordance with the contract on the Delivery Date then without prejudice to the Buyers rights for breach of contract the Buyer may terminate the contract.如果卖方未能按照本合同的规定在交付日期交付全部有关货物,则买方可以在不损害买方

30、就违约所拥有的权利原则下终止本合同。2)Without prejudice to your powers and discretions, we hereby authorize you or your agents to take any action including but not limited to the following:不使贵行权力和任意决定权受到损害,本公司兹授权贵行或贵行代理采取包括但不限于下列的任何行动:3)In this event without prejudice to the Buyers other remedies the Seller shall pro

31、mptly collect any gods which have been delivered. 在此情况下及在不影响买方其他补救的原则下,卖方应迅速收集已交付的任何有关货物。5. 含有to the extent that的句式含有to the extent that的句式表达的含义是“在范围内”、“只要”、“如果”等。例如:1)Party A shall agree that to the extent that Party B fails to perform any obligations hereunder, Party A is not released from the perf

32、ormance of this contract. 甲方应同意,只要乙方未履行在本合同项下的任何义务,甲方不被免除履行本合同的义务。2)To the extent that any provision of this agreement conflicts with any provision in any schedule to this agreement, this agreement shall prevail in all circumstances. 如果本协议的任何规定与本协议附件的任何规定有抵触,应在所有情况下以本协议为准。6. 含有save/except (for)的句式在普通英语中,save通

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