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1、人教版八年级英语下册期末试题及答案2套人教版八年级英语下册期末试题及答案2套期 末 测 试(限时:60分钟满分:120分)听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片(每小题1分,共5分)1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 二、听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分)6. How long has the man worked in the school?A. For about 8 years. B. For about 9 years. C. Since 2015. 7. H

2、ow many times has the man been to Beijing?A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. 8. When did Nick read the story A Tale of Two Cities?A. One year ago. B. Two years ago. C. Three years ago. 9. What kind of music does Sally like?A. Rock music. B. Country music. C. Pop music. 10. How many pages are there i

3、n the book?A. 80 pages. B. 120 pages. C. 200 pages. 三、听两段对话,选出能回答所给问题的最佳选项(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,回答第1112小题11. What are they going to do together?A. Have piano lessons. B. Play ping pong. C. Go to the movies. 12. What time will they meet?A. At 5:30. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:30. 听第二段对话,回答第1315小题13. What was Jac

4、k doing just now?A. He was studying for exams in the library. B. He was eating snacks in the library. C. He was talking with a girl in the library. 14. Why didnt Jack talk about the problem with the girl?A. Because he didnt have enough time. B. Because he didnt want to argue with others. C. Because

5、he knew the girl very well. 15. Where are they going now?A. To the classroom. B. To the supermarket. C. To the old library. 四、听短文,完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)16. Bill is _and Roy is seven. 17. Nancy likes the toy _best among the toys. 18. Nancy,Roy and Bill go to school by _. 19. Nancys school is _than Roy and B

6、ills. 20. The Smith family often have a picnic in the_. 笔试部分(共100分)五、单项选择(每小题1. 5分,共15分)21. Peter is _ honest boy and _ good friend of mine. A. a; the B. the; an C. a; an D. an; a22. Did you hear any strange _when the earthquake happened?No, I was in my garden with my flowers and was enjoying the be

7、autiful _of my birds at that time. A. voice; noise B. sound; noise C. whisper; noise D. sound; voice 23. Weve got no coffee. Lets have tea _. A. either B. however C. yet D. instead24. Tianjin is one of _cities in China. A. big B. biggest C. the biggest D. the bigger25. The population of China _ larg

8、e. About four fifths of the population _ farmers. A. is; are B. are; is C. are; are D. is; be26. It rained _yesterday. I had to stay at home. A. heavily B. quietly C. hardly D. quickly27. Can you give me some information about vacation trips?Why not _ going to Hainan Island?A. consider B. mind C. ke

9、ep D. think28. How long does it take to get to the airport?For forty minutes. But its foggy(有雾的) today. Im not sure _ the highway will be closed soon. Lets set off earlier. A. whether B. when C. how D. why29. When going upstairs or downstairs,we need to walk on the right,leaving the left space for t

10、he people who_. A. hurry up B. look around C. run away D. pick up30. Is Mr. Smith still in Shanghai?Yes, he _ there for two months. A. has been B. has gone C. have been to D. have gone to六、完形填空(每小题1. 5分,共15分)When I was a student,what others thought of me was important to me. I was_31 taller than my

11、classmates. Being so tall made me_32. So I joined the group that played jokes on others at school to keep the attention off my unusual_33. I played many jokes on others. I thought they were_34,but many people didnt think so,including my parents,because most of the jokes were harmful. My parents remi

12、nded me of the “Golden Rule”:_35 others as Id like to be treated. They wanted me to be a_36 who was a good example to others. Whatever I started to do,they taught me to set my own goals and try my best. They always encouraged me to be a big man _37 my heart as well as in my body. I asked _38 whether

13、 it was important to be the kind of person as my parents said. I knew they were right and I followed their advice. I sometimes have to stop and think _39 I act,and I make mistakes once in a whileeveryone is human. But I continue to_40 chances that can make me a good example because of my parents adv

14、ice. I now pass it on to you: “Be a leader,not a follower. Since people have to look up to you,give them a good reason to do so. ”31. A. very B. quite C. so D. much 32. A. uncomfortable B. unhealthyC. unimportant D. unknown 33. A. hair B. eyes C. height D. weight 34. A. boring B. funny C. sad D. ser

15、ious 35. A. treat B. teach C. tell D. advise 36. A. runner B. leader C. worker D. reporter 37. A. under B. at C. in D. with38. A. myself B. himself C. herself D. yourself 39. A. since B. because C. unless D. before 40. A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look up七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)ALangshan Mounta

16、in,lying in Xinning County,is about 500 kilometers away from Changsha. It is one of Chinas National Geological Parks and is famous for its special Danxia landform(丹霞地貌). Covering an area of 108 square kilometers,Langshan Mountain has rich natural scenery and lots of tourism resources. There are more

17、 than 60 scenic spots (景点) in Langshan Mountain,among which the most famous are Tianyi Lane (天一巷),Chili Peak (辣椒峰),Bajiao Stronghold (八角寨) and so on. On August 2nd,2010,Langshan Mountain was recorded in the World Heritage List (世界遗产名录) and became Chinas eighth world natural heritage. If you would li

18、ke to visit Langshan Mountain,you can take a bus from Shaoyang South Station to Xinning County. It will take you about 2 hours and the price of the bus ticket is 54 yuan each adult. Then you can take a taxi to Langshan Mountain. The best time to visit Langshan Mountain is from March to October. 41.

19、Langshan Mountain lies in_. A. Xinshao County B. Xinning CountyC. Longhui County D. Suining County42. How many scenic spots are there in Langshan Mountain?A. More than 60. B. Less than 60. C. About 16. D. No more than 60. 43. Langshan Mountain became Chinas _world natural heritage in 2010. A. fifth

20、B. sixth C. seventh D. eighth44. You can take _to Langshan Mountain from Xinning County. A. a train B. a plane C. a taxi D. a bus45. The best time for you to visit Langshan Mountain is_. A. in December B. in MayC. in February D. in NovemberBChina covers large areas and has a big population. Differen

21、t living habits have always been an interesting topic in the country. Recently,another difference between southern Chinese and northern Chinese became a hot one: the way people shop at markets. People from southern China say that they always buy what they need for just one or two meals. It is normal

22、 for them to buy half of a Chinese cabbage,two potatoes and 0. 25 kilograms of beef at a time. However,one may be laughed at if he does this in the north. Instead,buying vegetables and meat enough for a week is usual. Also,you can buy a small amount(数量) of fruit,such as a single apple or pear,each t

23、ime in the south. Shop owners even help you peel and cut them. But shop owners in the north hardly offer such service. And many fruits are sold in baskets and boxes. The difference could be due to the different weather. Food can be kept for a long time in the north,as it is usually cold and dry ther

24、e. Many northern Chinese have the habit of storing food,especially for the long winter. But the hot and wet weather in the south makes southern Chinese buy just enough food for one meal or one day,or else the food may go bad. 46. In southern China,people usually buy _at a time. A. a small amount of

25、foodB. a large amount of foodC. enough food for a weekD. a lot of meat and vegetables47. If you buy fruits in the south,the shop owners may_. A. peel and cut them for youB. laugh at youC. only sell them in boxes and basketsD. only sell a single apple or pear48. Many northern Chinese have the habit o

26、f keeping food because_. A. the weather is hot and wetB. food goes bad quicklyC. the weather is cold and dryD. they live far away from markets49. The underlined words “due to” mean “_” in Chinese. A. 所以 B. 但是 C. 然而 D. 因为50. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Different Weather in ChinaB. Diff

27、erent Living Habits in ChinaC. Southern Chinese and Northern ChineseD. Southern China and Northern China CNearly all students want to have a good memory so that they can study well. Yan Jiashuo is quite a lucky girl. She has received the honor of “International Master of Memory”. She comes from Jina

28、n, Shandong Province. Less than 300 people have been honored as “International Master of Memory”. Yan Jiashuo is the youngest among them. Yan Jiashuo always has a good memory. And the good memory comes from good training. When she was 4 years old, her parents asked her to recite ancient poems and bo

29、oks. She has practiced a lot. So when she is at school, it is easy and quick for her to recite texts in class. Whats more, she loves reading. When she was in the third grade, she could read one book a day. Yan Jiashuo is good at not only Chinese, but also Maths. For her, numbers are not boring at al

30、l. She can make up stories with these numbers. She compares remembering a lot of numbers to watching a movie. Every group of two numbers is imagined to be a picture of the story. And these pictures are made up into a movie in her mind. She said everyone could have a good memory by training and there

31、 were plenty of ways to train your memory. 51. Yan Jiashuo comes from _ Province. A. Shandong B. Jiangxi C. Sichuan D. Liaoning52. The number of the people honored as “International Master of Memory” may be _. A. less than 300 B. 300C. more than 300 D. 350 53. Why does Yan Jiashuo have a good memory?A. Because s

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