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1、跨文化交际课程论文模版 007Thesis Title专业: 班级:姓 名:学 号:中国珠海二一 七 年 五 月Obamas Speech Making StrategiesAbstractOne of the reasons Barack Hussein Obama won his presidential election of the United States of America is that he knows how to deliver a powerful speech. In 2004, when a little-known senator from Illinois g

2、ave the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention he started it all. That senator was Obama. It was a remarkable speech - poetic, and inspiring. The people who heard it would remember it for a long time.This paper attempts to analyze the significant roles that ethical appeal, language app

3、eal and gestural appeal play in English speeches. Keywords: Obama, appeal, speech, public speaking, body language 中文题目摘 要巴拉克奥巴马能成为当今美国总统,其中一个重要因素是他卓越的演讲策略。在2004年美国民主党全国代表大会上,一位鲜为人知的伊利诺斯州的参议员发表了一篇富有激情、振奋人心的演讲,为他铺垫了成功的道路,他就是巴拉克奥巴马。当场所有的人无不为之鼓舞、喝彩。这篇论文主要借助美国现任总统巴拉克奥巴马的演讲案例来分析人格魅力,语言魅力和手势这三种魅力在英语演讲中所扮演的

4、重要角色。关键词:奥巴马;魅力;演讲稿;公共演讲;肢体语言CONTENTSAbstract 摘 要 Introduction 11 The Power of English Public Speaking 22 Biography of President Barack Obama x 2.1 The Educational Experience That Led to Obamas Success x 2.2 The Life Experience That Established Obamas Personal Appeal x3 Keynote Address at the 2004 D

5、emocratic National Convention x4 Obamas Speech Making Strategies x 4.1 Verbal Strategies x 4.1.1 The Words That Matter x 4.1.2 The Power of Rhetorical Linguistics in Speaking x 4.2 Non-Verbal Strategies x 4.2.1 Obamas Ways of Delivering x 4.2.2 Gestures That Go with the Meaning of the Words x 4.2.3

6、Voice and Intonation xConclusion xBibliography xIntroductionIt is never inappropriate to say that one of the reasons Obama beat his rivals and won his presidential election, was giving wonderful speeches to his audience. It has long been a well-known concept that public speaking is one of the most i

7、mportant skills that leads to success in a persons career. That is why the western countries adopt speech making as the electoral system of leaders of the government; consider the chance of an African American becoming the president of the United States. 1 The Power of English Public SpeakingNo matt

8、er what career people choose having a powerful command of the public speaking will greatly increase their odds of success. Here lets take a look at a current survey released on October 2, 2006, by The Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and t

9、he Society for Human Resource Management groups.“What applied skills and basic knowledge are most essential skill for those you will hire with a four-year college diploma?”Oral Communication95.4%Collaboration94.4%Professional/Work Ethic93.8%Written Communication93.1%Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

10、93.1%Ninety five point four percent of the group listed oral communication as the most vital ability for them to hire a four-year college graduate. What can be learned here is that communication ability plays a more significant role than any of the other important abilities for people to gain a job.

11、 2 Biography of President Barack Obama2.1 The Educational Experience That led to Obamas Success Obamas educational experience during his schooling years contributed to his speaking skill forming. A lawyer is one of the most eloquent people in the world. Obama went to law school and he was the profes

12、sor who taught law in University. Obama showed great leadership even when he was a student in college, from the editor to the president of a group. The author believes that no one just turns into a great man because of one single event he does. Shelley (1987: 29) held a bold view: “Poets are the una

13、cknowledged legislators of the world.”, as is his speech. Following high school, in 1979, Obama moved to Los Angeles to attend Occidental College. In February 1981, he made his first public speech, calling for Occidentals divestment from South Africa. 2.2 The Life Experience That Established Obamas

14、Personal Appeal We hear a lot specific stories in Obamas speeches: the young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline, Illinois; the workers in Galesburg, Illinois, who are losing their union jobs at the Maytag plant thats moving to Mexico; the father who was losing his job and choking back t

15、ears, wondering how he would pay $4,500 a month for the drugs his son needs; the young woman in East St. Louis, and thousands more like her, who has the grades, has the drive, has the will, but doesnt have the money to go to college; the people he met in small towns and big cities, in diners and off

16、ice parks. 3 Keynote Address at the 2004 Democratic National ConventionIn 2004, President Barack Obama a little known senator from Illinois delivered his keynote address that rocked the world. What is President Barack Obama doing? What communication practices have enabled him to move rapidly from ob

17、scurity, overcoming challenges that could have thwarted another candidatehis race, his youth, his “exotic” name to become one of the most important figures in the Democratic Party? What oratory skills account for his ability to bring such disparate segments of society together, “transcending” race,

18、energizing millennial and inspiring newcomers young and old to participate in the electoral process? How does Obama manage to break down so many barriers? How does he connect so well with listeners, moving them on both an emotional and intellectual level as he translates his vision into the impulse

19、to act? What can leaders in all arenas business, politics, law, nonprofit and academia learn from him? 4 Obamas Speech Making Strategies4.1 Verbal Strategies4.1.1 The Words That MatterThere have been other leaders with impressive personal stories. There have also been other leaders who have spoken w

20、ords of unity, goodwill, and hope. What makes Obama so compelling? Why does his message resonate so powerfully? What is it that has helped Barack Obama elicit reactions such as, “His words moved me,” and “He understands?” His speeches are far from mere recitationshe has demonstrated a remarkable abi

21、lity to connect with listeners. The key has been his talent for knowing his audience and identifying the issues they most care about. 4.1.2 The Power of Rhetorical Linguistics in SpeakingParallel construction, or repetition, is the most commonly used rhetorical device in speeches and in important ar

22、ticles. Though we cant be more familiar with parallelism here,it is still necessary for us to take another look at the definition of parallel structure.4.2 Non-Verbal StrategiesListening to the speech on the radio, we would get a much greater sense of Obama himself, his rhythm and pacing as he deliv

23、eredhis words and a feeling for what he felt wasimportant through his tone of voice.As I cant state as well as any experts that can state, here I would like to apply the statements that Shelly Leanne wrote in her book Say It like Obama: 4.2.3 Voice and IntonationThe deep timbre of his voice, his nat

24、ural asset, heightened the positive impression. The way he controlled his voice amplifying it when appropriate, gliding up a half-octave when needed, or allowing it to fall flat to denote disapproval gave power to his words and helped highlight his key themes. Varying the emotional texture of his to

25、ne making it wistful at times, affectionate at others, and indignant when appropriate also gave great depth to his words.ConclusionObamas political successes underscore a well-established fact, leaders benefit when they develop outstanding communication skills, because the ability to convey vision,

26、to inspire confidence, to persuade and motivate others is key to effective leadership. The words used to describe Obamas stylecharismatic, magnetic energizingspeak to his strength as a communicator. The adjectives invoke to characterize his speeches: eloquent, inspiring, compelling. Many observers c

27、onsider Obama such an accomplished speaker that they compare him with the great communicators of Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan.References1 American Psychiatric Association. (1987). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (3rd e

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