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Locomotor System.docx

1、Locomotor SystemChapter 2LocomotorSystemObjectivesI. TheLocomotorSystem: The Axial SkeletonAfter completing this chapter, you should be able to distinguish between the axial andappendiculardivisions of the skeleton, classify bones on the basis of shape and location, describe the major surface markin

2、gs on bones, and identify the names, locations and major surface markings of the bones of the skull, identify the principal sutures of the skull, identify the names, locations and major surface markings of the bones of the vertebral column, identify the names, locations and major surface markings of

3、 the bones of the thorax.II. TheLocomotorSystem: TheAppendicularSkeletonAfter completing this chapter, you should be able to identify the names, locations and major surface markings of the bones of the pectoral (shoulder) girdles, identify the names, locations and major surface markings of the bones

4、 of the upper limbs, identify the names, locations and major surface markings of the bones of the pelvic (hip) girdle, identify the names, locations and major surface markings of the bones of the lower limbs, compare the principal structural differences between female and male skeletons, especially

5、those that pertain to the pelvis.III. TheLocomotorSystem: The JointsAfter completing this chapter, you should be able to define the term “articulation” (joint), classify joints on the basis of structure and function, describe the structure and functions of the three types of fibrous joints, describe

6、 the structure and functions of the two types of cartilaginous joints, describe the structure ofsynovialjoints, describe the structure and functions ofbursaeand tendon sheaths, describe the types of movements that can occur atsynovialjoints, describe the six types ofsynovialjoints.IV. TheLocomotorSy

7、stem: The Muscular SystemAfter completing this chapter, you should be able to describe the relationship between bones and skeletal muscles in the production of body movements, describe how the prime mover, antagonist, synergist andfixatorin a muscle group work together to produce movements, describe

8、 the characteristics used in the naming of skeletal muscles, list the names, locations and actions of principal skeletal muscles, list the origins and insertions of several specific skeletal muscles.Key Words and TopicsI. TheLocomotorSystem: The Axial SkeletonMake certain that you can define, and us

9、e in context, each of the terms listed below, and that you understand the significance of each of the concepts.Axial skeletonAppendicularskeletonTypes of bones:long bone, short bone, flat bone, irregular bone,sesamoidbone.Bone surface markings:Note: You are responsible only for the specific surface

10、markings that appear within the list below. Use the volume titled Brief Atlas of the Skeleton, Surface Anatomy, and Selected Medical Images, which accompanies the textbook, to help you as you study the individual bones.A.Skulla.cranial bones:1.frontal bone:supraorbitalmargin2.parietal bones (2)3.tem

11、poral bones (2):zygomaticarch, external auditorymeatus, mastoid process, internal auditorymeatus.4.occipital bone:foramen magnum, occipitalcondyles.5.sphenoid bone:optic foramen6.ethmoidbone:superior and middle nasalconchae(turbinates; singular isconcha)b.facial bones1.nasal bones (2)2.maxillae (2;

12、singular is maxilla):alveolar process.3.zygomaticbones (2)4.lacrimalbones (2):lacrimalfossa.5.palatine bones (2)6.inferior nasalconchaeorturbinates(2)7.vomer8.mandible:body,rami(2; singular isramus), angles (2),coronoidprocesses (2),condylarprocesses (2),temporomandibularjoints (2), alveolar process

13、c.orbits (2)d.suture:coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suturee.paranasalsinusf.fontanelsg.nasal septumh.hyoid boneB.vertebral column or spine or backbonea.vertebra (plural is vertebrae)b.intervertebraldiscc.normal curves of the of a typical vertebra:body, vertebral arch, vertebr

14、al (spinal) cavity,intervertebralforamen,spinousprocess, transverse processes, superiorarticularprocesses, inferiorarticularprocesses.e.regions of the vertebral columnI.cervical vertebrae (7; C1-C7)i. atlas (C1)ii. axis (C2):dens orodontoidprocess.II.thoracic vertebrae (12; T1-T12)III. lumbar verteb

15、rae (5; L1-L5)IV. sacrum:anterior sacral foramina, median sacral crest, posterior sacral foramina, sacral canal, sacroiliac joint.V. coccyxC.thoraxa.sternum or breastboneI.manubrium:suprasternalnotch,clavicularnotchesII.body:sternalangleIII.xiphoidprocessD.ribs (12 pairs)a.costal cartilageb.true rib

16、s (1-7)c.false ribs (8-12):floating ribs (11-12)II. TheLocomotorSystem: TheAppendicularSkeletonMake certain that you can define, and use in context, each of the terms listed below, and that you understand the significance of each of the concepts.Pectoral girdles or shoulder girdles (2)A. clavicle or

17、 collarbone:sternalend,acromialendB. scapula or shoulder blade:spine,acromion,glenoidcavity, superior, lateral (axillary) and medial (vertebral) borders, superior and inferior angles,coracoidprocess,supraspinousfossa,infraspinousfossa,subscapularfossa,Upper limbs or upper extremities (2)A.humerus:he

18、ad,glenohumeraljoint, anatomical neck, greater tubercle, lesser tubercle,intertubercularsulcus, surgical neck, body or shaft, deltoidtuberosity,capitulum, radialfossa,trochlea,coronoidfossa,olecranonfossa, medialepicondyle, lateralepicondyleB. ulna:olecranon,coronoidprocess,trochlearnotch, head,styl

19、oidprocessC. radius:head, radialtuberosity,styloidprocess,radiocarpaljoint or wrist jointD. carpal bonesNote: You are expected to learn the names of the carpals, but not their precise positions.:scaphoid,lunate,triquetrum,pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid,capitate,hamate.E. metacarpal bones (in the ana

20、tomical position, the first metacarpal is the lateral bone):headF. phalanges:proximal, middle (except in thumb) and distal phalanges, pollexPelvic girdle or hip girdleA.coxalbone or hip bone (oroscoxa):pubicsymphysis, bony pelvisB. ilium:acetabulum, iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, anteri

21、or inferior iliac spine, posterior superior iliac spine, posterior inferior iliac spine, greater sciatic notch, iliac fossaB.ischium:ischialspine, lesser sciatic notch,ischialtuberosity,obturatorforamen.C. pubis:body, pubic crest, hip orcoxaljointD. false (greater) pelvisE. true (lesser) pelvis:pelv

22、ic inlet, pelvic outletF. comparison of female and male pelvisLower limbs or lower extremities (2)A. femur or thighbone:head, neck, greatertrochanter, lessertrochanter, body or shaft,lineaaspera, medialcondyle, lateralcondyle, patellar surface, medialepicondyle, lateralepicondyle.B. patellaC. tibia

23、or shin bone:lateralcondyle, medialcondyle,tibiofemoraljoints,tibialtuberosity, medialmalleolusD. fibula:head, lateralmalleolusE. tarsal bones:talus,calcaneus,cuboid,navicular, 1st (medial), 2nd (intermediate) and 3rd (lateral) cuneiforms.F. metatarsal bones Note: The 1st metatarsal is the medial bo

24、ne.G. phalanges:halluxH. medial and lateral longitudinal arches, transverse archIII. TheLocomotorSystem: The JointsMake certain that you can define, and use in context, each of the terms listed below, and that you understand the significance of each of the concepts.Articulation orarthrosisA. structu

25、ral classification:fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints,synovialjoints.B. functional classification:synarthrosis,amphiarthrosis,diarthrosis.C. fibrous joints:suture,syndesmosis,gomphosisD. cartilaginous joints:synchondrosis, symphysisE. synovial joints:synovial (joint) cavity, articular cartilage, a

26、rticular capsule, fibrous capsule, ligament, synovial membrane, synovial fluidF. bursa (plural isbursae)G. tendon sheathsH. types of movements atsynovialjoints:gliding, flexion, extension, lateral flexion, hyperextension, abduction, adduction,circumduction, rotation, medial (or internal) rotation, l

27、ateral (or external) rotation, inversion,eversion,dorsiflexion, plantar flexion,supination,pronation, opposition.I.types ofsynovialjoints:planar joint, hinge joint, pivot joint,condyloidor ellipsoidal joint, saddle joint, ball-and-socket jointKnee joint:medial and lateraltibiofemoraljoints,patellofe

28、moraljoint,tibialcollateral ligament, fibular collateral ligament, anteriorcruciateligament (ACL), posteriorcruciateligament (PCL), medial meniscus, lateral meniscus.IV. TheLocomotorSystem: The Muscular SystemMake certain that you can define, and use in context, each of the terms listed below, and t

29、hat you understand the significance of each of the concepts.Origin, Insertion, Belly, Lever system and leverage, Prime mover or agonist, Antagonist, Synergist,Fixator.Characteristics used to name musclesNote: For each of the following muscles, learn the name, location (e.g., anterior thigh) and acti

30、on; for muscles marked with an asterisk, learn the origin and insertion as well.Occipitofrontalis:frontal belly and occipital belly,orbicularisoris,zygomaticusmajor,buccinator,orbicularisoculi, *masseter, *temporalis, *sternocleidomastoid, *rectusabdominis, external oblique, internal oblique,transversusabdominis, diaphragm, externalintercostal, internal intercostals, *trapezius, *levatorscapulae, rhomboid major, *pectoralismajor,latissimusdorsi, *deltoid,subscapularis, *supraspinatus,infraspinatus,teresmajor,teresminor, *bicepsbrachii,brachialis,brachioradialus, *tricepsbrachii,pronatorteres,

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