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1、CATTI英语三级笔译综合能力试题CATTI2004年5月英语三级笔译综合能力试题CATTI2004年5月英语三级笔译综合能力试题Section 1: Vocabulary and Grammar (25 p oints)This section consists of 3 parts. Read the directions for eachpart before answering t hequestions. The time for this section is 25 minutes.Part 1 Vocabulary SelectionIn this part, there are

2、 20 incomplete sente nces. Below each sentence, there are 4 ch oicesrespectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only O NE right answer. Then blacken the corresp ondingletter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1. G

3、rover Cleveland was the first presiden t _ in the White House.A. got marriedB. to get marriedC. has got marriedD. was married2. If cauliflowers are not _ fro m extreme temperatures, the heads get di scolored.A. protectedB. shelterC. shadeD. saved3. The gas _ from the tank is d angerous.A. given offB

4、. giving outC. giving awayD. given up4. When it started to snow, we turned rou nd and _ the hotel. A. got byB. searched forC. made forD. cleared up5. Since writing home to their parents for money, they had lived _ hope.A. inB. forC. onD. through6. Rice is the _ food of most S outheast Asians.A. comm

5、onB. generalC. stapleD. popular7. William Byrd was the owner of the larg est library in colonial _.A. periodB. timeC. timesD. periods8. Exobiology is the study of life _ _ other planets.A. inB. atC. onD. to9. The Declaration of Independence,_ the Constitution of the Unite d States, wasdrawnup with t

6、he help of Benjamin Franklin.A. andB. alsoC. as well asD. so too10. It was from the Lowell Laboratory that the ninth _ , Pluto, was sighte d in 1930.A. planetB. constellationC. stardomD. satellite11. The rodent,_ the mouse, rat, guinea pig, a nd porcupine, are mammals with incisor-like teeth in both

7、 jaws.A. made upB. includingC. consistingD. constitute12._ into oceans and rivers is a s erious form of pollution.A. Pouring sewageB. Emptying litterC. Throwing garbageD. Dumping sewage13. Products which are made from dirts a nd are _ high temperatures are known asceramics.A. tempered inB. subjected

8、 toC. exposed toD. baked in14. A pigment called melanin protects the _ layers of skin from sun rays.A. underB. belowC. underlyingD. underneath15. Oranges are a _source of v itamin C.A. wellB. betterC. goodD. very16. Even after having their grandchildren l ive with them for ten years, the couple fel

9、t that_ children these days was the most difficult of all family matters.A. risingB. raisingC. caringD. taking care17. The most important _ of th e farmers in Iraq is dates, of which Iraq is the worldsleading exporter.A. economic cropB. cash cropC. money cropD. staple18. More has been learned about

10、the Moo n than any other of the Earths neighbors i n spacebecause of the Apollo program, which ena bled men to walk on the Moon and bring back hundredsof pounds of _.A. rocksB. rockC. stoneD. stones19._ the variety that the average f amily has in beaf, fish, poultry, and veget arianrecipes, they fin

11、d most meals unexciting.A. In spiteB. InspiteC. Despite ofD. Despite20. The speaker _ have criticiz ed the paraprofessionals, knowing full well that theywere seated in the audience.A. should not toB. must notC. ought not toD. may notPart 2 Vocabulary ReplacementThis part consists of 15 sentences in

12、whic h one word or phraseis underlined. Below eachsentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B, C and D. Choose t he wordor phrase that can replace the underlined part without causingany grammatical error orchanging the basic meaning of the senten ce. There is only ONEright answe

13、r. Blacke n thecorresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.21. Iceland has the oldest parliament, whi ch goes as far back to 930 . when Alth ing, thelegislative organization , was establis hed.A. officeB. adobeC. assemblyD. building22. The only problem with the debate last

14、week was that the beginning sounded m ore like apersonal attack than a dispassionate, intel lectual arguing .A. discussionB. argumentC. talkD. speech23. Susan Jones was at the bus stop well on time to take the 7:01 bus, but she had to miss herbreakfast to do it.A. catch up withB. catchC. run up toD.

15、 be catching24. Since her father could not drive her to the airport, she requested her uncle to dr ive herinstead.A. takeB. bringC. dispatchD. deliver25. A famous collection of Persian, Indian, and Arabian folktales, the Arabian Nights wassupposedly told by the legendary queen S cheherazade to her h

16、usband every night f or 1,001days.A. imaginaryB imageryC. fabledD. legend26. What may be the oldest fossil footprin t yet found was discovered in June 1968 b y William J.Meister, a non-professional fossil collector.A. a part-timeB. a spare-timeC. an untrainedD. an amateur27. Most of us think of shar

17、ks as dangero us, owing to lack of information rather tha n fear.A. due toB. becauseC. asD. for28. Double Eagle II, the first trans-Atlantic balloon, was greeted by avid crowds in France.A. eagerB. surgingC. appreciativeD. vigorous29. The discovery of the connection betw een aspirin and Reyessyndrom

18、e, a rare an d deadlyailment , is a recent example of the cau tion with which drugs must be used, even for medicalpurposes.A. diseaseB. sickC. illD. illness30. My parents moved out of their old ho me sometime last year after they had cele brated their50th year there.A. anniversaryB. years oldC. ageD

19、. wedding31. The library she worked in lent books, magazines, audio-cassettes and maps to it s customers ,who could keep them for four weeks.A. borrowersB. lendersC. patronsD. clients32. A common question that people ask a story writer is whether or not he has expe rienced whathe has written about.A

20、. fictionB. scienceC. imaginaryD. literary33. At the World Literacy Center, an organ ization that works to help people read, the helpers workhard, enabling them to successfully reach their goals.A. assistantsB. volunteersC. part-timersD. amateurs34. The officers made it clear that they w ere letting

21、 her go only because that she w as old and notbecause she was above suspicion.A. for reasonB. due toC. because ofD. on the grounds35. The book, which is a useful guide for t odays young people, deals with many que stions andproblems that face them at school and at home as well as in society.A. are f

22、acedB. confrontC. in oppositionD. meet Part 3 Error CorrectionThis part consists of 15 sentences in whic h there is an underlinedpart that indicates agrammatical error. Below each sentence, t here are 4 choicesrespectively marked by letters A,B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase th at can replace t

23、heunderlined part so that t he erroris corrected. There is only ONE right answ er. Blacken thecorresponding letter as req uiredon your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.36. All dont have a free ticket must pay t he admission fee.A. Everyone who doesnt have a free ticke tB. No one who doesnt have a free t

24、icketC. No one who has free ticketsD. Anyone who has free tickets37. When I last saw them, the police had chased the robbers down Columbus Street.A. were chasingB. was chasingC. chasedD. were on a chase38. Erosion that is a slow process, but it c onstantly changes the features on the surf ace of the

25、earth.A. which isB. althoughC. beingD. is39. When an organism is completely enca psulated and preserved, it becomes a foss il, thereforeturning into evidence of things that once li ved.A. therebyB. as a result ofC. soD. in the end40. The pictures of the Loch Ness Monster show a remarkable resemblanc

26、e to a ples iosaur, a largewater reptile of the Mesozoic era presumi ng extinct for more than 70 million years.A. supposedB. presumablyC. presumptuousD. is presumed41. In our own galaxy, the Milky Way, there are perhaps 200 billion stars, a small pa rt of themprobably have planets on which life is f

27、eas ible.A. a small fraction in whichB. a small fraction of whichC. a small fraction whichD. which a fraction of42.“But youll be able to come, wont you” “Yes, I think such.”A. thatB. itC. soD. this43. The professor is quite difficult pleased .A. to pleaseB. to be pleasedC. for pleasingD. pleasing44.

28、 Because everyone knows, facts speak louder than words.A. SinceB. ThatC. ItD. As45. The trapeze artist who ran away with the clown broke up the lion tamers heart.A. broke awayB. broke downC. brokeD. broken down46. His heavy drinking and fond of gambli ng makes him a poor role model.A. and fact that he gamblesB. and that he gamblesC. and he gambles whichD. and gambling47. Depression that inflicts people who bel ieve their lives lack content when the rush of the busyweek stops referred to by a prominent psy chiatrist as Sunday Neurosis.A. has been referred to by a prom

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