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仁爱版八年级下册新教学设计 U8T2p3.docx

1、仁爱版八年级下册新教学设计 U8T2p3 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 2 We can design our own uniforms. 教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕校服而展开。主要内容包括:由王老师提出学校将要给孩子们定制校服而展开。通过Jane与Kangkang 的问答,引出本单元的语法知识-从句部分是特殊疑问句的宾语从句。孩子们提议由自己来设计校服,因为穿校服可以展示良好的纪律。然后,由校服联系到各行各业的制服及制服的重要性,地域性,合适性。为了拓展学生的视野,还介绍了国外的节日着装风俗。通过学习本话题,学生能够更好的理解为什么学校要求学生穿校服。也可以学

2、到一些着装礼仪,做到在不同的场合能够得体地穿着打扮。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,3,2a,2b第二课时:Section B1a,1b ,1c,2,3第三课时:Section C1a,1b,1c第四课时:Section C 2,3a,3b,Section D-2第五课时:Section DGrammar and Functions,1a,1b,Project 第三课时(Section C1a,1b,1c)教学设计思路:本课主要是通过了解制服的社会功能来继续学习宾语从句和it作形式主语。首先通过玩“看一看,说一说”游戏,复习以前学过的有关职业的名称,引

3、出本课的部分单词。然后让学生看1a的插图并讨论读前的2个问题,激活相关背景知识。接着让学生直接读1a,完成1b的表格,并核实预测结果。本课有许多新词汇,但是基本上都可以利用上下文来猜测出意思。教师要培养学生的猜测能力。核对完1b的答案后,就进行猜词义活动。然后鼓励学生利用单词表去自己拼读新词汇,完成词汇教学。没有了词汇障碍,教师就可以让学生进行难点句子的理解。最后让学生借助1b,复述1a的内容完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇 text,reason,heat,airport,officer,patient,spread,dai

4、ly,firefighter,solider,official(2)继续学习宾语从句和it作形式主语的句型。2. Skill aims: (1) 能够根据课文插图猜测文章大意。 (2) 能够根据上下文语境来猜测单词。(3) 能够根据图表来复述短文。3. Emotional aims: 4. Culture awareness: 了解制服的社会功能。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1)继续学习宾语从句和it作形式主语的句型。 (2) 了解制服所扮演的社会功能。2. Difficult points: (1)本课新词汇较多,

5、句子较长,理解有点困难。 (2)短文内容较长,涉及的任务较多,要完成1c的复述,学生会有一定的难度。. Learning strategies1. 充分利用教材提供的插图来预测文章大意。2. 积极参加读前的讨论活动,激活相关背景知识。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片/小黑板V. Teaching proceduresStage 1( 5 mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Group work)Greet the Ss and Let them play the game “Loo

6、k and say” to revise jobs and learn some new words.T:Hi, good morning, class!T: In our daily life, we can see many people in uniforms. I have prepared many pictures of uniforms. Lets play “Look and say”.I will divide you into groups. As soon as you see the picture, you should raise your hand and spe

7、ak out who wears them. One picture is one point. The group with the highest point is the winner. Do you know the rules now?T: Great. Lets begin.(Shows pictures)T: Now, lets see which group is the winner .T: Yes. Group . is winner. (Shows pictures) How about this one?T:Yes. Firefighters wear these un

8、iforms. What about this one?T:Yes. They are for soldiers. Play the game“Look and say”to revise jobs and learn some new words.Ss: Good morning. Mr. .Ss: Yes .S1:DoctorsS2:NursesS3:StudentsS4:WorkersS5:PilotsS6:PoliceS7:CleanersS8:CooksS9:PostmenS10:.Ss: Group . Ss: 消防员Ss: 解放军战士。玩“看一看,说一说”游戏,既能复习职业名称又

9、能引出部分本课的新词汇,还能激发学生的兴趣。Remark:“看一看,说一说”旨在复习有关职业的名词并引出部分新词。教师只展示制服,要学生说出是谁穿这种制服。学生要见图就举手并说出答案。每答对一幅图,教师给相应的组记一分。Stage 2(5mins): Pre-readingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Group work)Let the Ss look at the pictures and discuss the questions in 1a.T: Now, look at the pictures in 1a

10、 and discuss the questions. You have one minute to discuss.T : Now, stop discussing. Group One, can we share your opinion? T: Good idea! Can you guess how many kinds of uniforms there are in the text /passage?T: Group Three, whats your opinion? Look at the pictures and discuss the questions in 1a.Gr

11、oup One: We think uniforms can tell us what the people do. Sometimes the uniforms can protect the wearers. Group One: Maybe seven.Group Three: .读前讨论,激活相关背景知识并预测短文内容。Remark:这个环节是预测短文内容的,教师不用给出准确的答案,但要学生说出他们的答案,以便读后来检测预测是否正确。Stage 3(10 mins) While- reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning

12、 purpose(Individual work)Let the Ss read 1a and complete 1b. T:I wont tell you the correct answer now. I would like you to find them by yourself. Next, please read 1a and complete 1b. If you dont know the meaning of some words, just leave them alone, you just underline them, we will learn them later

13、. You have five minutes to finish the table. If you complete the table, raise your hand. Are you clear? T: Hi, class, five minutes is over. We should check the answers now. What kind of uniforms do students wear? Are there any volunteers?T: What s the reason? / Why?T: Well done , S1 ! More volunteer

14、s !Read 1a and complete 1b. Ss: Yes .S1: School uniforms.S1: To show good discipline.S2: Firefighters, special coats S3:.S7: .培养学生的快速阅读能力,完成1b的表格。Remark:教师最好通过问答的形式,引导学生完成表格。Stage 4(15 mins):Post -reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Individual work)Let the Ss read 1a, che

15、ck the answers to their prediction, find out the object clauses and underline the words they dont know.T: You have completed 1b, but its not enough. Now, go on reading 1a, try to find out the object clauses and underline the words you dont know.T: Have you found out how many kinds of uniforms in the

16、 text?T: Right! Xxx, please read the object clauses you found. T: Good job! More sentences?Read 1a, check the answers to their prediction, find out the object clauses and underline the words they dont know.Ss: Yes. Seven.S1: We believe that they . plane. We know we can get . or her.Ss: No .让学生再读1a,核

17、实读前所预测的答案,找出宾语从句,继续学习宾语从句。2( Class activity )Let the Ss guess the meaning of the new words according to the context.T:I know there are many new words in the text. Look at the words on the screen, dont look them up in the vocabulary, try to guess the meaning of them by the context. T: What does “heat

18、” mean?T: Then how about “ceiling”?T: .T:Now, you can turn to the vocabulary and check if you guess correctly.T: Actually, you are good at guessing. Now, try to read the words with the help of the vocabulary. Guess the meaning of the new words according to the context.S1:烫伤、烧伤S2: .S3: .S4: .S5: .培养学

19、生根据上下文猜测词义的能力,利用词汇表来培养学生的拼读能力。3( Group work )Let the Ss work in groups to discuss the sentences on the screen and translate them into Chinese.T:Now, we have solved all the new words, so you can understand the text better. Look at these sentences, work in groups to discuss what they mean. T: Lets try

20、 the first sentence, Group One, can you try ?T: Perfect! The second sentence, which group ?Discuss the sentences on the screen and translate them into Chinese.Group One:消防员穿上特殊的外套,带上头盔,来保护他们免受高温烫伤或下落的天花板砸伤。Group Two : .合作学习,解决难点句子。完成1a。 Remark:这篇短文新词汇较多,教师要培养学生利用上下文来推测词义的能力。教师要把学生猜测的意思写在这些单词后,猜测完所有单

21、词后,让学生对着词汇表去比较,检查猜测的效果。然后让学生利用词汇表去拼读这些单词,教师要提供帮助。为了节约时间,教师可以把比较难的句子预先准备,用大屏幕或小黑板展示出来,让学生通过小组活动来解决。Stage 5(5mins):Finishing 1cStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Group work )Encourage the Ss to work in groups to retell the passage with the help of 1b. T:Do you have any more question

22、s?T: Great. Now, I would like you to work in groups to retell the passage. You can do it with the help of 1b. Each member of your group retell only one job. Maybe its easier for you. Do you know how to do the activity?T:Go ahead. If your group finishes, raise your hand.T:Now, which group would like

23、to show?Work in groups to retell the passage with the help of 1b. Ss: No.Ss: Yes .Group Three :S1: People wear uniforms for different reasons. Students .S2: Firefighter wear special coats and .S3: Soldiers wear green clothes .S4: .复述课文,既可以培养学生的语言组织能力,又能加深对课文的理解。完成1c.Remark: 由于本课篇幅较长,由一个学生来复述难度很大,可以让

24、学生以小组活动,一个人负责一个类别就容易多了。Stage 6(5mins): Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose:1(Class activity)Let the Ss summarize what they have learned in this period .T: Good performance ! Now ,we have to summarize . What do you know from this passage ?T: Yes . Do you

25、 know why soldiers wear green clothes ?T:Could you tell me how you can quickly tell the police officers from other people ?T: .Summarize what they have learned in this period .S1: People wear uniforms for different reasons .S2:Because the trees and grass is green , too . S3: Their uniforms.S4: .回顾总结

26、本课的知识,加强学生的记忆。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.T: For todays HMK, Id like you to find out at least five reasons for wearing and not wearing school uniforms. You should write down your reasons for tomorrows task.Finish the HMK.让学生找出支持或反对穿校服的5个理由,可以使学生更好地完成任务2。Remark:让学生在进行任务2前,预先找出理由,以免在做任务时语塞。VI. Blackboard design 第三课时(Section C1a,1b,1c) Words and expressions Grammar daily 宾语从句firefighter V +(that)+ 从句 soldier 形式主语text Its + 形容词+ that + 从句reason Its +形容词+ for sb. + to do sth.Heat. protect. from . how to +v get help fromin uniforms .

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