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高考英语全真模拟卷解析版 7.docx

1、高考英语全真模拟卷解析版 7【赢在高考黄金20卷】备战2021高考英语全真模拟卷(新课标版)第七模拟(本卷共四大题,满分120分,考试用时90分钟)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AFor those looking to explore these natural wonders, all around the world there are volcanoes you can get up close to.Vesuvius, ItalyObviously the mos

2、t famous volcano in the world, Vesuvius is considered currently dormant(休眠的), but that doesnt mean that it wont erupt at some point.Visiting Vesuvius is more about Mount Vesuviuss past, particularly the destruction of Pompeii in AD79. Though the volcano.seems harmless, the destruction of Pompeii was

3、 during a dormant phase of Vesuvius as well.Elevation(海拔): 4,203ftWhite Island, New ZealandMaking headlines recently for an eruption that killed at least five people, White Island, which is uninhabited, is usually a popular tourist attraction. It is also central to New Zealander culture,playing an i

4、mportant role in Maori legends. To access the island, one must take a boat tour, and then one can hike.Elevation: 1,053 ftKilauea, HawaiiThe most active volcano in the world is in Hawaii where volcanoes hold local cultural legends.Nearby is also the Thurston Lava Tube which can be visited, as well a

5、s the surrounding lush jungles. The volcano is located on the Big Island, so visiting other attractions, such as Honolulu is a good choice.Elevation: 4,009 ftSakurajima, JapanLess than 5 miles away from the city of Kagoshima, Sakurajima erupts almost every day.Visiting the area is very easy, with sh

6、ips leaving the city every 15 mins. Once there, Visitors can take a hike or visit the observatory, which is the closest spot to safely view the eruption. The lava has created interesting produce, including the worlds largest carrot and the smallest orange.Elevation: 3,665 ft1Which volcano is the hig

7、hest?ASakurajima, Japan BKilauea. Hawaii.CVesuvius, Italy. DWhite Island. New Zealand.2What is the similarity between White Island and Kilauea?AThey belong to New Zealand. BThey have jungles around them.CThey become headlines recently. DThey are very important in local culture.3What can visitors do

8、when visiting Sakurajima?ATaste the smallest orange.BEnj oy destruction of Pompeii.CListen to local cultural legends.DGo to attractions of the city of Kagoshima.【答案】1C2D3A【分析】这是一篇应用文。主要介绍了四座人们可以接近的火山。1细节理解题。根据文章介绍的四座火山海拔高度的内容Vesuvius, Italy “Elevation(海拔): 4,203ft”;White Island, New Zealand “Elevati

9、on: 1,053 ft”;Kilauea, Hawaii “Elevation: 4,009 ft”;Sakurajima, Japan “Elevation: 3,665 ft”可知,位于意大利的Vesuvius火山海拔最高。故选C项。2细节理解题。由介绍White Island火山中的句子“It is also central to New Zealander culture,playing an important role in Maori legends. ”(它也是新西兰文化的中心,在毛利人的传说中扮演着重要的角色)和介绍Kilauea火山中的句子“The most active

10、 volcano in the world is in Hawaii where volcanoes hold local cultural legends.”(世界上最活跃的火山在夏威夷,那里的火山承载着当地的文化传说。)可知,两座火山的相似之处就是都在当地文化中扮演非常重要的角色。故选D项。3细节理解题。由介绍Sakurajima火山中的句子“The lava has created interesting produce, including the worlds largest carrot and the smallest orange.”(熔岩创造了有趣的产品,包括世界上最大的胡萝

11、卜和最小的橘子)可知,游客在参观Sakurajima火山时,可以品尝到世界上最小的橘子。故选A项。【点睛】细节理解题是指原文提到了某事物、现象或理论,题干针对原文具体叙述本身发问。一般包括直接理解题可以在原文中可直接找到答案,常用who, what, when, where, why和how等提问。以上三个小题都是细节理解题。做这类题一般采用寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。BAfter my girlfriend, Liz, and I had dated for about a year, and a few yea

12、rs before we got married, she joined me, my parents and my sisters family on a ski trip in Stowe, Vermont. I was in my late 30s, it was the first family vacation Id been on in years, and it was the first such holiday Liz had ever taken with my relatives.But a ski vacation is only as good as the ski

13、conditions, and that January was spring-like. To make matters worse, our rented cabin was close to the ski hills but far from anything else. There was no Internet, and the only entertainment was a few board games and a single television.For a couple of days, while we waited for the snow to fall, we

14、watched endless hours of CNN (moms choice) and SpongeBob SquarePants (my six-year-old nieces), played Scrabble and drank. Cabin fever set in quickly. At one point, my mom literally fought my niece for the remote control, even sitting on her to wrest it from her hands. My brother-in-law was downing a

15、 bottle of port and a bottle of white wine nightly. Amazed, but also alarmed, Liz confronted me in our bedroom: “What is wrong with your family?” I remember well her crazed laughter as she said it.Then it snowed, but only at the top of the mountaina very tall and fearsome peak. We scrambled, drove t

16、o the lift, and took it up. But as we climbed higher into quiet, dense cloud, Liz began to look unusual. When I asked her what was wrong, she revealed that she had only ever been on a bunny hill, which is for beginners to ski down. When she said that, she took hold of my arm tightly. “A bunny hill!”

17、 The lift let us off at the summit of a professional ski run at the top of the mountain.My family, without a look back, disappeared down the hill. Liz got off the lift and fell at the first attempt. She took off her skis and promptly got back on the lift, taking it back down to the lodge and the rel

18、ative safety of a large glass of wine.Did I say it was her first vacation with my family? It was also her last.4What can we know from the first two paragraphs?AIt was the first time for Liz to attend a family vacation.BThe ski conditions were very good when they reached Stowe.CMaybe it was a bit war

19、m in that January.DThe authors mother abused his niece for a remote control.5Whats the meaning of the sentence underlined in the third paragraph?ASomeone got a high fever in the cabin in no time.BThey felt bored and restless for staying in the cabin.CThey made the cabin warm enough.DThe life in the

20、cabin was alive and interesting.6Why did Liz look unusual when they climbed higher to go skiing?ABecause she was too excited to ski.BBecause everything looked unusual.CBecause she scrambled and climbed for a long time.DBecause she was frightened at the thought of skiing there.7What can we infer from

21、 the article?AWithout a look, the authors family didnt care for Liz.BLizs skiing experience was limited.CLiz went down to the hill without trying skiing.DThe author and Liz broke up after that family vacation.【答案】4C5B6D7B【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者女友第一次和作者家人去滑雪的经历。那年一月较暖和,他们一直在小屋内等着下雪,但在小屋待着让他们感到无聊和不安。终于等

22、到下了些小雪,作者女友因为滑雪经验不足,不敢在山顶滑。作者认为这可能女友是第一次,也是最后一次和他的家人一起度假。4细节理解题。根据第二段的“But a ski vacation is only as good as the ski conditions, and that January was spring-like.”(但是滑雪假期只有滑雪条件好才行,而那年一月像春天一样)可知,那年的一月比较暖和。故选C。5词句猜测题。根据划线部分上文“For a couple of days, while we waited for the snow to fall, we watched endle

23、ss hours of CNN (moms choice) and SpongeBob SquarePants (my six-year-old nieces), played Scrabble and drank. ”(几天以来,我们在等着下雪的同时看了没完没了的CNN的节目(这是妈妈的选择)和海绵宝宝(我六岁侄女的选择),玩拼字游戏以及喝酒)和下文“At one point, my mom literally fought my niece for the remote control, even sitting on her to wrest it from her hands. My

24、brother-in-law was downing a bottle of port and a bottle of white wine nightly. ”(有一次,我妈妈为了遥控器和我的侄女打了起来,甚至坐在她身上从她手里夺过遥控器。我姐夫每天晚上都会喝下一瓶波特酒和一瓶白葡萄酒)可知,几天以来作者一家待在小房子里,无聊地看着电视节目和玩游戏,作者妈妈和他的侄女之间还发生了肢体冲突,而姐夫每天喝得伶仃大醉。由此推知,划线句子的意思是 “待在小屋让他们无聊、不安”。故选B。6推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“When I asked her what was wrong, she revea

25、led that she had only ever been on a bunny hill, which is for beginners to ski down. When she said that, she took hold of my arm tightly. ”(当我问她怎么了时,她才说她只去过一个小山丘,那是给初学者滑雪的。她说着,紧紧地抓着我的胳膊)可知,作者的女朋友从来没有到这样的高度滑过雪,并且还紧紧拉着作者的胳膊。由此推知,她看起来和平时不一样,是因为在山顶滑雪让她感到害怕。故选D。7推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“When I asked her what was w

26、rong,she revealed that she had only ever been on a bunny hill, which is for beginners to ski down. ”(当我问她怎么了时,她才说她只去过一个小山丘,那是给初学者滑雪的。)和最后一段“Liz got off the lift and fell at the first attempt. ”(Liz下了电梯,第一次尝试就摔倒了。)可知,Liz刚学会滑雪不久,并且这次滑雪第一次尝试就摔倒了。由此推知,Liz的滑雪经验不足。故选B。CJapan is known to have higher than a

27、verage rates of stomach cancer. Recently, the town of Kaneyama in Yamagata Prefecture decided to get its 6, 000 residents (居民) tested.However, the frozen urine samples (尿样) are not tested in conventional ways. Instead, Professor Masao Miyashita and his team are using them in a trial to determine if

28、specially trained cancer-sniffing dogs can accurately detect the disease. Though the study is still in its early stages, Miyashita is thrilled with the results. He said, “In our research so far, cancer detection dogs have been able to find signs of cancer with an accuracy of nearly 100 percent.”Rese

29、archers have known about the animals superior sensory skills for decades. However, their ability to detect cancer in humans came to light in 1989, after a dog sniffed out early-stage malignant melanoma (恶性黑色素瘤) on a patients leg in London. Since then, scientists from many countries have conducted st

30、udies to test dogs great skill at identifying cancer chemicals. While most dogs can be trained for the task, researchers say the best candidates are dogs that are precise, quiet, and perhaps even a little shy. The training process is similar to how dogs are taught to learn any trick by rewarding the

31、m with treats! However, it takes much longer because the dogs have to learn to separate the “cancer scent (气味)” from the thousands of organic compounds (有机化合物) in the human body. Researchers begin by exposing the dogs to urine samples from people with cancer, people with other diseases, and patients

32、 with no health issues, Once the dogs are able to accurately identify cancer, they are further trained to detect particular kinds of cancer.Successful as they may be, experts think dogs are unlikely to replace conventional tests. For one, it takes about seven years and costs as much as $45,000 to train a single dog. Klaus Hackner, a researcher and physician who studies dogs detecting cancer in breath samples at Krems University Hospital in Au

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