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1、奥巴马演说每周电台演说双语版【2011.05.07】奥巴马每周电视讲话:创新发展清洁能源,超越世界其他国家WeeklyAddress: Clean Energy Will Help Us Out-Compete and Out-Innovate the Rest ofthe WorldO span o 每周电视讲话:清洁能源将帮助我们在创新竞争中超越其他国家O span o WASHINGTON Speaking to the Americanpeople from Indianapolis, Indiana, President Obama said that clean energycom

2、panies likeAllison Transmissionswillkeep the economy growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains themost prosperous nation on Earth. Cleanenergy is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas prices. Until we reduce our dependence on oil, wewill be held hostage to the ups and downs of

3、 the oil markets. That means we need to continue to invest inclean, alternative sources of energy like advanced biofuels and natural gas and more efficient cars, buses and trucks. See an infographic explaining the Presidents short and long term approachto high gas prices HEREO span o 华盛顿:在印第安纳波利斯市向全

4、国人民的讲话中,奥巴马总统称,埃里森变速箱公司这样的清洁能源企业将保持我们经济的增长、促进就业并保持美国依旧是全球最繁荣的国家。清洁能源也是高油价的终极解决方案之一。只有当我们降低对石油的依赖,我们才能摆脱石油市场上下起伏对我们的绑架。这也意味着我们需要继续投资于清洁的、可替代能源例如高效的生物燃料和天然气以及更多高能效小汽车、巴士和卡车。需要了解总统先生解决高油价的中长期计划的详细情况请点击这里。O span o Hi. Im speaking with you today from the Allison Transmissions plant inIndianapolis, Indian

5、a. I came herebecause this is a place where American workers are doing some big andimpressive things.O span o 大家好。我在印第安纳波利斯市的埃里森变速箱公司向大家发表演讲。我来到这里,是因为这里的工人正在做着重大而意义非凡的事情。O span o The hybrid technology they manufacturehere already powers nearly 4,000 buses all over the world buses that havealready sa

6、ved 15 million gallons of fuel. Soon, theyll expand this new technology to trucks as well. That means more vehicles using less oil,and that means jobs more than 200 new workers at this plant alone.O span o 这里,他们生产的混合动力发动机已经装入了世界各地的近4000辆巴士中这些巴士已经节约了1500万加仑(约合5677万升)的燃料。很快,他们将会把这项新技术应用到卡车上。这将意味着更多车辆使

7、用更少燃料,同时也意味着更多的工作机会单单这个工厂就有200多新岗位。O span o Thats important because even as theeconomy is growing after one of the worst recessions in our history; even asweve added more than 2 million new private sector jobs over the past 14months; I still meet and hear from Americans struggling to get out of thei

8、rown personal recessions.O span o 当我们遭受历史上最严重的衰退之后,这些对我们经济的增长十分重要;即使我们在过去14个月里新增了200多万个私营部门的就业岗位;我依然不时看见和听见还有美国人民依然没有从人生低迷期中恢复。O span o A lot of folks are still looking forwork. And many folks who do have jobsare finding that their paychecks arent keeping up with the rising costs foreverything from

9、tuition to groceries to gas. In fact, in a lot of places across the country, like Indiana, gas isreaching all-time highs.O span o 很多人还在找工作。即使有工作的,很多人也发现他们的薪水跟不上各种东西上涨的速度,从学费到日用品到油价。实际上,在我国的大多数地方,像印第安纳,油价已经到达了历史最高位。O span o So although our economy hasnt been thefocus of the news this week, not a day

10、that goes by that Im not focused onyour jobs, your hopes and your dreams. And thats why I came here to Allison Transmissions.O span o 因此,尽管经济并不是这一周我们关注的重点新闻,但这并不表示过去的每一天里我没有关注大家的就业、希望和梦想。这也是我来到埃里森变速箱公司的原因。O span o The clean energy jobs at this plant arethe jobs of the future jobs that pay well right

11、 here in America. And in the years ahead, its clean energycompanies like this one that will keep our economy growing, create new jobs,and make sure America remains the most prosperous nation in the world.O span o 这家公司的清洁能源职位是充满前景的岗位这些岗位的薪水在美国来讲都是很不错的。在未来的几年,像这家公司一样的清洁能源公司将保持我们经济的增长,促进就业,并保证美国依然是全球最繁

12、荣的国家。O span o Allison Transmissions is also part of theultimate solution to high gas prices. We know there are no quick fixes to this problem. In the short term, were doing everything wecan to boost safe and responsible oil production here at home in fact, lastyear, American oil production reached i

13、ts highest level since 2003.O span o 埃里森变速箱公司的成功是应对高油价的终极方案之一。我们知道没有解决这个问题的捷径。从短期来看,我们将尽一切努力来增强国内石油生产的安全性和责任意识事实是,美国去年的石油生产量就已经达到了自2003年以来的最高水平。O span o But over the long term, the only way wecan avoid being held hostage to the ups and downs of oil prices is if wereduce our dependence on oil. Thatme

14、ans investing in clean, alternative sources of energy, like advancedbiofuels and natural gas. And that meansmaking cars and trucks and buses that use less oil.O span o 但从长远来看,我们唯一能够摆脱被石油价格上下起伏所绑架的途径便是降低我们对石油的依赖性。这也意味着要投资清洁的、可替代能源,像高效生物燃料和天然气。也意味着要制造使用更少燃料的小汽车、卡车和巴士。O span o Other countries know this

15、, and theyregoing all in to invest in clean energy technologies and clean energyjobs. But I dont want other countriesto win the competition for these technologies and these jobs. I want America to win thatcompetition. I want America to win thefuture.O span o 其他国家也知道这些,他们正在全力投资清洁能源技术,创造清洁能源岗位。但我并不想让其

16、他国家在这些技术和就业上超过我们。我希望美国能赢得这项竞争。我希望美国能赢得未来。O span o Now, I know that in a difficult fiscalclimate like the one were in, its tempting for some to try and cut back ourinvestments in clean energy. And Iabsolutely agree that the only way well be able to afford the things we needis by cutting the things we

17、 dont and living within our means. But I refuseto cut investments like clean energy that will help us out-innovate andout-compete the rest of the world. Irefuse to cut investments that are making it possible for plants like thisone to grow and add jobs across America.O span o 现在,在这种艰难的财政大环境下,有些人想要削减

18、掉我们在清洁能源上的投资。我们能够承担起我们所需要的东西的唯一途径就是削减掉那些我们所不需要的东西,量入为出,我完全同意这一点。但我不同意削减掉对清洁能源领域的投资,这些将帮助我们在创新和竞争中超越其他国家。我不同意把对像这家工厂一样为美国带来就业的企业的投资削减掉。O span o We can do this. I dont just believe that because I see ithappening in plants like this. Ibelieve that because I believe in the Americans making it happen in

19、placeslike this. Im optimistic about oureconomic future, because for all the challenges we face, America is stillhome to the most entrepreneurial, most industrious, most determined people onEarth. Theres nothing we cantaccomplish when we set our minds to it. And thats what well keep doing as long as

20、 I have the privilege ofbeing your President.O span o 我们可以做到。我不仅仅是因为在此地,在这家工厂看见的而确信这一点。我相信美国各地像此处一样的人民一定会让这一切实现的。我对我们的经济前景很乐观,因为面对众多挑战,美国依然是最优秀的企业家、最优秀的产业和最坚强的人民的家园。只要我们下定决心去做,就没有我们不能完成的事情。只要我有幸担任总统,这将是我们坚持不懈的目标。O span o Thanks, and have a great weekend.O span o 谢谢,周末愉快。O span o【2011.05.14】奥巴马每周电视讲话

21、:负责任地扩大美国国内石油产量WeeklyAddress: President Obama Announces New Plans to Increase Responsible DomesticOil ProductionO span o 每周电视讲话:奥巴马总统宣布负责任地增加美国国内石油产量的新计划O span o WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama laid out his strategy to continueto expand responsible and safe domestic oil production,

22、 leveraging existingauthorities as part of his long-term plan to reduce our reliance on foreignoil. He is directing the Department of the Interior to conduct annual leasesales inAlaskas National Petroleum Reserve while respecting sensitive areas, to speed up the evaluation of oil and gasresources in

23、 the mid and south Atlantic, and to create new incentives for industryto develop their unused leases both on and offshore. Also, to give companiesmore time to meet higher safety standard for exploration and drilling, theadministration is extending drilling leases in areas of the Gulf of Mexicothat w

24、ere impacted by the temporary moratorium, as well as certain leases offthe coast of Alaska. And, he isestablishing a new interagency working group to ensure that Arcticdevelopment projects meet health, safety and environmental standards. Thepast few months, rising gas prices have put an added strain

25、 on Americanfamilies. While there are no quick fixes to the problem, these are steps,along with eliminating taxpayer subsidies for oil companies and rooting outfraud and manipulation in the markets, that are worth taking.O span o 华盛顿:在本周的讲话中,奥巴马总统宣布了继续安全负责任地扩大国内石油产量的总体计划,提升现有机构权力作为他降低对国外石油依赖这一长远计划的一


27、操纵都是值得采取的措施。O span o Recently,there have been signs that the economy is picking up steam. Last month, we saw the strongest job growthin five years, and have added more than three-quarters of a million privatesector jobs in just three months. Butthere are still too many Americans who are either looki

28、ng for work, orstruggling to pay the bills and make the mortgage. Paychecks arent getting any bigger, butthe cost of everything from groceries to college tuition keeps on rising.O span o 最近,有迹象显示我们的经济蒸蒸日上。上个月,我们看到了5年来最强劲的就业增长,在短短3个月时间里,我们的私营部门就增加了75万个工作岗位。但依然有不少美国人还在找工作,或是为了日常开销和还贷而不堪重负。因为工资没有上涨,而各项

29、开销,从日用品到大学学费都在不断上涨。O span o Withouta doubt, one of the biggest burdens over the last few months has been theprice of gasoline. In many places, gasis now more than $4 a gallon, meaning that you could be paying more than $60to fill up your tank.O span o 毫无疑问,过去几个月来人民面临最大的负担就是油价。在很多地方,汽油已经超过4美元每加仑,这意味着大家加满一箱油要多花60美元。O span o Thesespikes in gas prices are often temporary, and while there are no quick fixesto the problem, there are a few steps we should take that make good sense.O span o 油价迟早会下降,虽然没有快速解决这一问题的方法,但依然有一些值得采取的措施。O span o First,we should make sure that

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