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1、北京市高职升本科英语试题2004年北京市高职升本科英语试题2004年北京市高职升本科英语试题Part1Directions: in this part, there are15 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked with A ,B ,C. And D. Then you should write the letter in the corresponding

2、space on the Answer Sheet.Its expected that new highway _completed by next July.A. would be B. will have been C. has been D. had betterNowadays the new medicines can _man of the deadly disease.A. save B. threat C. remove D. cureI called Mr. Smith at his office this morning, but the voice_ answered t

3、he phone was not his.A .which B .who C .as D .whom4. Im thinking about changing careers, but I dont quite know how to _it.A. go about B. go around C. go by D .go for5. _well enough before the final exam, he failed to finish answering all the questions in time.A. Preparing not B .To preparing not C.

4、Not to prepare D .Not having prepared6. He has never to London before, _he knows everything about the people and the customs there.A. and B. but C. for D .so7. Bill Clintonone of the _American presidents gave a speech last week in Oxford University.A .lively B. living C .alive D .live8. Little _abou

5、t his situation though he was in great danger himself.A. does he care B. he caredC. did he cared. D. he cares9. The new presidents is reported _China after he takes office in the capital.A. to visit B. to have visitedC .to be visiting D. visiting10. They _be singing my favorite English song in the c

6、lassroom .I can hear it.A. could B. should C. might D. must11. _when he started the research, he never gave up trying new ways to increase the production.A .How old he was B. As he was oldC. However old he was D. Old as he was12. Dont worry about your earringsIm sure theyll _sooner or later.A. make

7、out B .hold C .turn up D .find out13. Mary_ _clean out the guest room last Saturday ,but she was too busy that day.A. Has intended to B. was intended to C. intended to D. had intended to 14. If it_ in the early April, the crops wouldnt be growing so well now.A. didnt rain B.wasnt rained C.hadnt rain

8、ed. D.was not raining15. By then ,the countrys” green agriculture” centering on water and land will reach its full_.A. capacity B. power C. ability D. energyPart 11 Read ComprehensionDirections: There are four reading passages in this part. After reading each passage, you will find 5 questions or un

9、finished statements. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked with ABCD. You should choose the most appropriate answer and write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.If you do not use your arms or legs for so

10、me time ,they become weak; when you start using them again ,they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows this, and nobody would think of questioning this face.Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way.When someone says that he has a good memory,he really means that hr

11、 keeps his memory in practice by exercising it regularly,either consciously or unconsciously.When someone else says that his memory is poor,he really means that he does not give it enough practice.The position is exactly the same as that of two people,one of whom exercises his arms and legs by playi

12、ng tennis,while the other sits in a chair or a car all day.If a friend complains that his arms are weak,we know that it is his own fault.But if he tells us that he has a memory,many of us think that his parents are to blame,or that he is just unlucky,and few of us realize that it is just as much his

13、 own fault as it was his arms or legs that were weak.Not all of us can become extremely strongor extremely clever;but all of the same meanspractice.Have you ever noticed that people who cannot read or write usually have better memories than those who can ?Why is this?Of course,because those who cann

14、ot read or write have to remember things:They cannot write them down in a notebook,They have to remember dates,times,prices,names,songs and stories,so their memory is always being exereised.So if you want a good memory,learn from the poor and humble:practise remembering.16.The first paragragh is int

15、ended to tell us that_A.everybody knows that memory works in the same way as arms or is a fact that some people do not use their arms or have a good memory,one has to exercise it keep fit,one should not sit in a chair or a car all day17.In the authors opinion,a poor m

16、emory may result from_ A.unluckly fortune B.weak arms and legs C.insufficient education D.lack of remembering practice18.The author seems to suggest that we should A.complain about nothing but our health tennis to exercise our arms and legs C.blame ourselves rather than our parents for a poor

17、 memoryD.learn from those who cannot read or write for a better memory 19.The author comes to the conclusion that_A.memory can be improved by pracitisng it B.the poorer one is ,the better memory be hasC.if you want a good memory,do not read or write anythingD.the poor and humble people may help you

18、remember things20.The most appropriate title for the passage would be _A.Poor and Good MemoryB.Your Arms,Legs and BrainC.How to Improve Your MemoryD.Learn from the poor and Humble Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. How Toxic(中毒的)Are you ?Take this test and find out.Yes No1.Have y

19、ou felt fatigued now and then for no apparent reason?2.Have you ever felt “wooden”or lifeless?3.Have you ever experienced drug “flashbacks”?4.Do you have trouble thinking clearly?5.Do you sometimes get a feeling of reacting slowly?6.Do you feel annoyed without reason or cause?7.Do you have unexplain

20、ed aches and pains?8.Do you find it difficult to get excited about people and things?9.Do you find you feel anxious but dont know why?10.Have you ever experienced shortness of breath for no reason?Drugs,chemicals and environmental poisons dont just go away,They stay in your body and even affect you

21、years later.If you answered yes to 3 or less you could have a low level of accumulated toxins in your body.affecting your ability to think clealy .If you answered yes to 4-7 of the above questions,you could have considerable accumulated toxins,making you feel dull,lifeless and “wooden”If you answere

22、d yes to most of these questions,you could be experiencing heavy body pollution.Clear Body ,Clear Mind is a new bestseller by L.Ron Hubbard.It describes the amazingly effective PURIFICATION program that helps your get rid of the life-stopping effects of accumulated drugs and toxins in your body.Buy

23、your copy at bookstores everywhere or contact us at 800-810-12345621.From the passage we know that one of the reasons why people feel tired,anxious, that_A.they are exposed to poisonsB.they fail to follow the doctors adviceC.there are harmful things in their bodiesD.there is air pollution in t

24、heir living places22.The posions from drugs,chemical and environment may stay in one s body and _A.affect him years laterB.have an influence immediatelyC.go away in a few yearsD.make him depend on drugs23.If one answered yes to two questions he may experience a _level of body pollution.A.considerabl

25、e B.high C. medium D.low 24.If one experiences heavy body pollution he may answer yes to _of the questions.A.a half B.a few C.most D.some25.Clear Body ,Clear Mind is probably the name of a C program D.manualQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Higher productivity

26、is a essential to the rising of living standards and to the deelining prices of goods and services.But higher productivity may lead to fewer jobs.Early in the postwar era,analysts were worried that automation would take over manufacturing,throwing every out of work,That fear went unrealized for a ge

27、neration,in part because robots and computers werent good at much.Today,near-automated manufacturing is becoming a reality.Newly built factories often require only a small part of the work force in the plants.Office technology,meanwhile,now allows a few to do what once required a large group of peop

28、le. There may come a point when the gains from higher productivity pale before the job losses.But even if that point does not come,rapid technological change is causing anxiety about future employment:anxiety that makes is hard to appreciate and enjoy what productivity creates.Prosperity brings many

29、 other mixed blessings .Living standards keep rising,but so do cases of depression.Agricultural yields continue rising,yet that means fewer family farms are needed.Biotechnology may allow us to live longer,but may leave us dependent on costly synthetic drugs.There are many similar examples.Increasin

30、gly,western life suffers from the paradoxes(自相矛盾)of progress.Material circumstances keep improving,yet our quality of life may be no better as a resultespecially in those cases,like food ,where enough becomes too much.26.The fear that automation would make people out of work out to be _A.impossible

31、B.reasonableC.practical D.unnecessary27.In the third paragraph the word “pale”most probably meansA.result from technological changesB.decrease in relative importanceC.result in poor healthD.increase in anxiety28.We can find in the passage that it is hard to enjoy higher production because_A.people a

32、re afraid of may change even are not good at some workD.unemployment may emerge on a large scale 29.The last paragraph mainly tells us that_A.material benefits are what we need B.prosperity is just one side of the same coinC.he quality of life may be worse than beforeD.western people are free from the paradoxes of progress30.The aut

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