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1、智能建筑外文翻译中英文外文文献翻译原文及译文(节选重点翻译)智能建筑外文文献翻译中英文文献出处:期刊:Alexandria Engineering Journal,第57卷,第4期。2018,页码:2903-2910.译文字数:4800多字原文Intelligent building, definitions, factors and evaluation criteria of selectionOsama OmarAbstractIntelligentbuilding designis the future ofbuilding industries. Most modern public

2、 andresidential buildingsare planned with the objective of decreasing expenses byreducing energy consumption. Enhancing energy preservation strategies and usingsustainable designapproaches are necessary factors in developing this field. However, many definitions of intelligent buildings are vague an

3、d dont mirror all the parameters. Because of the lack of practical context inclusive of the factors that regard the design of such systems, a comprehensive framework containing the convoluted criteria is demanded as adecision-makingtool. In this research, a multi-criteria framework composed of sixty

4、-eight sub factors on thecore levelis proposed as a comprehensive tool for the selective categorization of intelligent buildings. On thesecondary level, eight quality condition components are considered asprimary factorsalongside the factors of energy and environment, space flexibility, cost-effecti

5、veness, client comfort, working efficiency, safety, culture, and technology. By the end of this research, the final findings will endorse the usage of intelligent buildings from two points of view: The first includes a multi-criteria model used to define all factors involved in thedesign process, an

6、d the second proposes a conceptual model which aids in reducing thecarbon dioxide emissions.Keywords:Smart cities,Sustainability,Energy consumption,Intelligent buildings1.IntroductionUpon research, it is recognised that buildings documented an astonishingly high of 41% ofenergy consumptionin the Uni

7、ted States2. However, in 2004, in EU, it is recognized that building consumption was documented as 37% of final energy, which on its own is larger than that documented forindustrial sectors(28%) and that of transport reaching (32%). Also, the amount ofenergy usagein buildings of theUnited Kingdomris

8、es faintly higher than that of the European figure (39%)5. Still, there remains effective and eye-catching chances to lessen theenergy useof buildings while being cost effective and having noticeable returns than those of other sectors. Consequently, thesereductionsaided in achieving the Internation

9、al Energy Agencys (IEA), which is summarized in reaching 77% reduction of thecarbon footprinton earth in comparison to the baseline provided in 2050 and are considered to be essential factors in reaching this goal. This meets the target of theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) which is

10、to reach stabilized CO2 levels. Furthermore, in an investigation conducted byWorld Business Council for Sustainable Development(WBCSD) in 2009, it was demonstrated that the energy consumed by buildings can be minimized radically, which will lead tosaving energyequivalent to the entire transport sect

11、or today7.In order to help addressclimate change,grid electricitycan be depended on more since it originates from non-fossil sources (such as solar and wind) in order to make a difference. Also, there are numerous significant benefits to lessening energy consumption as it helps to preservelimited re

12、sourceswhile also lessening the costs for both benefitting businesses and consumers in a short amount of time. Furthermore, the demand for non-carbon sources is probable to be minimized for years to come. Therefore, in order to transfer into the direction of a lowcarbon economy, it is fundamental to

13、 make “more intelligent” use of energy in buildings which will significantly affect the numbers on energy usage and cost savings. This is why Energy intelligent buildings are becoming the next hype in modern daycommercial buildingdesigns which target enabling intelligent control of the building7. Th

14、e one factor that has clear and large effect onspace heating, cooling and ventilation demand, is the occupant presence and his behaviour within buildings which are directly related to energy consumption by daily usage of lighting and spaceappliancesas well as building controls3. As shown in many cas

15、es, carelessness and ignorance may add one-third cost over the costs of designing appropriateenergy performancein buildings, whereas an aware and wise behaviour can save the amount.8, seeFig. 1.Countries, such as Lebanon, which have profusenatural energyresources, like as oil and gas for instance, s

16、till haveenergy issues. Yet in similar matters, according to the International Energy Agency statistics, Lebanon is not accountable for the energy produced or its use.However, some consequences may include the decrease of proper wellbeing and comfort of users which will therefore affect theirproduct

17、ivityand satisfaction. This is why theefficient managementofenergy suppliesthrough organizing the use of available resources, as well as using methods that optimize energy consumption while retaininghigh levelofliving standardsis the core focus of numerous researches5.Theincreasing demandforsustaina

18、ble designsand green architecture has directed the industry towards the development of a fresh concept; Intelligent Buildings (IBs). This concept basically entails a continuous process of corresponding any environmental,social, and economic sustainabilityfeatures tobuilding designs. By depending on

19、this design, building inhabitants and occupants will have more flexibility and comfort as well as maintaining the cost effectiveness of thebuilding energyfeatures. Moreover, the users safety will be taken into regard as well as achieving better and advanced environmentalperformance standards4.A prof

20、ound survey that integrates all the factors of people, product, and performances is critical becausesustainable developmentcombinesthem. The factor of People would include owners, users, occupants, and inhabitants, while the factor of Products would include equipment, materials, and facilities. Last

21、 but not least, the factor of Processes would contain maintenance,facilities management, as well as performance evaluation without any disconcert to the relationships between them4.However, an examination into the origins of IBs in literature reveals that there is not a commonly acknowledged definit

22、ion for it. This is a result of the overall lack of agreement on the selection factors as well as the criteria specific for the assortment and evaluation of proper building control systems. Seemingly, an inclusive definition that covers all parameters is vital for thedecision-makingprocedure because

23、 without an accurate and common understanding, developing smart buildings that encompass the most efficient blend of social, environmental, andeconomicprinciples seems far from reach4.1.1.Definition of intelligent buildingsConferring to the research conducted by Wigginton and Harris, there exists mo

24、re than 30 separate definitions of the term intelligence when it is relative to buildings12. Another research done on Intelligent BuildingAutomationinConstruction13states the most common theoretical and practical definitions of the term intelligent building such as “Intelligent building is any build

25、ing that provides a responsive, effective and supportive environment within which the organization can achieve its business objectives”11. Still, the IBI, which is also known as the Intelligent Building Institute (IBI) of the United States, as well as the UK-based European Intelligent Building Group

26、 (EIBG), proposed that the most accepted definitions of the term can be summarized as: “one which provides a productive and cost-effective environment through optimization of its four basic elements includingstructures, systems, services and management and theinterrelationshipsbetween them”12. Anoth

27、er mentioned definition would be: “one that creates an environment which take full advantage of the efficiency of the buildings occupants, while at the same time enabling competent management of resources with the least possible life-time costs of hardware and facilities”12. The former definition, b

28、elonging to the IBI, stresses the advantages that the owners get and sheds light on their commonly preferred indoor environment. On the other hand, the latter definition stated by the EIBG focusses specifically on the benefit of the users and the production of necessary and adequate indoor environme

29、nt for occupants. Nonetheless, both definitions are devoted to put the benefit of the managers in the spotlight as well as bringing the environmental andeconomic effectof fashioning favoured indoor environment to center stage7.The UTBS Corporation, which is also known as the United TechnologyBuildin

30、g SystemsCorporation of the USA, initially used the term intelligent building back in 1981. In the couple of years to come, their efforts paid off as the City Place Building in Hartford Connecticut, USA, became known to the world as the first intelligent building to be completed. Since then, several

31、 definitions have been proposed for defining IBs by several reliable sources. Unfortunately, the initial definitions did not consideruser requirementsnor technological aspects in the definition process. This changed as recent definitions began to take into account occupants interactions with theinte

32、rnalspace as their surrounding environment. In 1983, Cardin defined IB as “a building which is equipped with fully automatedbuilding servicecontrol systems” (ASHRAE, 1989). However, this definition did not stand and was developed in 1988 by the Intelligent Building Institution in Washington as “one which integrates various systems to effectively manage resources in a coordinated mode to maximize:technical performance,investmentandoperating costsavings, flexibility” (ASHRAE, 1

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