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1、商务英语口语情景对话100篇前30篇商务情景对话(共30篇)1 Faxes传真Dialogue oneM: Can you have the briefs from the firms lawyer on my desk by tomorrow morning. There are quite a few very time sen sitive matters with this case. Im afraid I cant wait any Ion ger.F: Getting those briefs has been harder than you can imagine. I hav

2、e to try to con tact their lawyer many times, but every time I call his secretary says he meeti ng or out of the office or away on bus in ess. I am beg inning to th ink he is tryi ng to avoid me.F: What if I cant speak to him directly?M: Ask his secretary to fax them. Its the same thing. Have them f

3、axed over witha copy also faxed to Mart ins office.F: How do I find Marti ns fax number? Is heiiirdeisik?M: No, but you can also call their office and ask the secretary to give you their fax number. I ll email you their office number later today.F: Ok, Ill get o n it first thi ng.M: Be sure you do,

4、I n eed those briefs ASAPDialogue twoM:Did you put this morni ngs faxes on my desk ?Im wait ing for some urge nt faxes from headquaters,Im pretty sure they came in last ni ght.F:Eveth ing came in the office fax mach ine last ni ght is all on your desk,but I no ticed that some of faxes came through p

5、retty blurred,maybe you take a look at them,if the copy is un readble,Ill call the n and ask them to refax.M:Y eah,youre going to have to call them and get them to being refax,these copies are so darkcant make out meaning of the words.F:What about that one?M:This on e?This one is so light and I can

6、n either read it,how can I being?F:You know I thi nk the fax machi ne is out of ton er,I can cha nge the toner con diti on ,that should solve the problem.M:Y es,but this would have to refax it well,a nd look theres about 3 pages missi ng,it looks like the fax mach ine eight-half my importa nt faxes,

7、a nd ones are made throwed are so blurred or too light and un readable.F:I guess the fax machi ne is out of paper too,d ont worry,Ill have some one look at it this after noon,and the mean time,Ill have your docume nts refaxed to our other fax mach ine.2 Telepho ne Calls 电话Dialogue 1A:Hello,tha nk yo

8、u for calli ng Bradford and Sons. This is speak in g,How may I help you?B:Hellowould like to speak to your director of huma n resources,Ms.Je nkin s,Please.A:Just a mome nt.l ll check to see if she is at her desk.May I tell her who is calli ng?B:This is Bill Burt on from Milford In sura nce,lm calli

9、 ng to regards to our meeti ng next Tuesday.A:Tha nk you,Mr.Burt on .Ca n you please hold for a mome nt?lll check to see if she is available.B:No problem.A:lm sorry,Ms.Je nkins is away from her desk.She has already left for lun ch.Would you like to leave a message for her?B:Y es,please have her retu

10、rn my call whe n she returns to the office.Its best if she can get in touch with me before 3 pm today;she can reach me at my office number,635-8799.A:Im sorry,I did nt quite catch that,could you please repeat the nu mber?B:No problem,my office nu mber is 635-8799,Tell her to ask for exte nsion 31.A:

11、Im sorry,Mr.Burt on,j ust to con firm,your n ame is spelled B-U-R-T-O-N,is that correct?B:Y es,a nd I represe nt Milford In sura nee.A:I wil make sure Ms.Je nkins receives your message and returns your call before 3pm this afernoon.B:Tha nk you very much.Dialogue2A:Hello,Pasade na Inn ,this is ,how

12、may i direct your call?B:Id like to speak to some one about reservati ons.A:I can help you with that.what date would you like to make a reservati on for?B:Well be arrivi ng May 12th ,but I would like to make reservati ons for pen thouse.A:Oh,Im sorry sir,I only han dle book ings for our sta ndard ro

13、oms.The pers on you n eed to speak with is Tony Parker,he makes all the arra ngeme nts for our executive acco un ts.U nfortun ately,hes not here right no w.Ca n I take your n ame and nu mber and have him get back to you?B:Whe n do you expect him back in?A:Hell be out all after noon ,he might not be

14、able to retur n your call un til tomorrow,Will that be alright?B:Yessuppose.My n ame is Sam Darcy.He can con tact me at 660-843-3235.A:Could you please spell your last n ame for me?B:Surets D-A-R-C-Y.A:Okay.Mr Darcy,a nd your phone number is 660-843-3233?B:Thats 3235.A:Sorry!3235.Great .I ll have To

15、ny call you first thi ng tomorrow morni ng.3. Maki ng Telephone Appoi ntments 电话预约Dialogue oneM:Hello,Here Bert on speak in g,what can I do for you?F:Hello,Mr Bert on ,this is Jenny Jenkins of bradford and sons returni ng your call,I m sorry you missed me when you called my office this morning,my sa

16、cretary said you called concerning our meeti ng n ext Tuesday?M:Yes Ms Jenkin s,tha nk you for returni ng my call,I m glad to fin ally get Iyou.F:I want to let you know I would not be able to make a meeti ng n ext Tuesday,I would be ano ther tow n that day,is there any possibility we can move the me

17、eti ng to Monday?F:Oh,dear,I was carry ing on taki ng care of our meeti ng before I leave,but I suppose I can shut off somethi ngs,yes,we can arra nge someth in g,I will back Thursday morni ng,what about Thursday after noon, would that work for you?M:That should be fine,shall we say abouttwo o clock

18、?F:Perfect,I look forward to seeing you at two o clock next Thursday afteyou n eed to cha nge the time,pls feel free to call me on myself phone.M:Thanks Burdon,l II see you on Thursday.Dialogue twoF:HelloM:Hello,is Doras available?F:This is Doras,who is calli ng please?M:Hi,Doras,this is Mike callin

19、g from parker s dentistry,I m callingappo in tme nt for tomorrow morni ng at area with doctor parker.F:Oh,I almost forgot,tha nk you for calli ng to remi nd me,actually,I do n eed to cha nge the time of my appo in tme ntl have a schedule con flict,a nd I can early.M:If I put you in that later sport,

20、would that work out?F:It would have to be after lun ch,do you have anything available about 2 o clock?M:Sorry,the only ope ning we have after lunch is 1:15,but I might be able to work un til at 4:00,would that be a better time?F:That s all rigHtthink we should make it at 1:15,can you put me down for

21、 that time a lot?M:No problem,I have your appo in tme nt cha nged to tomorrow morni ng to tomorrow after noon at 1:15F:Wo nderful,tha nks very much。4Memos备忘录Dialogue 1A:I have bee n wait ing here in the con fere nee room for ten mi nutes already, what time is the meeti ng start? where is anyone any

22、way?B:Did nt you hear about that, our meet ing was postp oned un til Friday.A: What? the meeti ng was postp on ed? No one told me any thi ng about it.B: Did you get the memo?A: What memo? They havnt any memo this whole week, I check my in box every day.A nd I havnt see n anything.B: The memo went ou

23、t 3 days ago. It should have made to your in box, but maybe lost in all collectors on your desk.A: You know how thi ngs get pilot about my desk whe n rm busy. I know sometimes I do many please thin gs,but I always read all the memos go arround, they go directly to my in box. Are you sure were send t

24、o whole office?B: It should have got arro und to every body, they also post a copy of the memo in the break room. Dont you ever look at meassages post on the bullet in board?A: rm usually too busy to take a bunch of cofee break by the watercooler, Any way, Im sure the memo n ever get to my in box, I

25、 ll have to talk our secretary about it.B. Thats right, You will n ever know what your miss ing out of it if you dont read the memos.Dialogue 2A: Ms. Dorse n, I n eed to take a dictatio n for me.B: Y es, sir;A: They should go out in tra office memora ndum to all employee by this after noon, are you

26、ready?B: Yes, sir, Go ahead.A: Y es, any employee who persist using in sta nee messagi ng, will first recieve a warning, and placed on prohibiti on, and the sec ond sen se, the employme nt will be termin atio n. Any questi on regard ing this new policy maybe dirctly to the departme nt of his.B: Is t

27、hat all?A: Y es, please give this memo type out and distribute to all employees before 4:00 PM.5Busin ess Corresp ondencei商业信函Dialogue one.A:Did you see the letter I got from Bradform films? They sent the resp onds to your phone call last week.B:If you want to see someth ing about my call last week,

28、 why did nt they sent it to me?6Plac ing an Order下订单Dialogue 1A: Our toner cartridges are already out of in k.Could you make an order for a new set?B: We will n eed new cartridges for all of the office prin ters? That will be a large order, probably about two or three cases. The office supply store

29、we usually go through might not have that many in stock.A: You can double check with the housekeep ing departme nt, but I am pretty sure all of the machi nes will n eed new cartridges. Last time whe n we made our order to the supplier, the qua ntity was also especially high. They are used to receivi

30、 ng such bulk orders from us . As long as we give them a heads up a couple days in adva nee, they can usually fill the order.B: OK, I will make a few calls and run our order by housekeep ing first to make sure. Is there anything else we n eed to order while I am at it?A: I thi nk the only thi ng is

31、toner. Try to see if they can deliver it before the end of bus in ess day tomorrow. We should really try to do better about wait ing un til the last min ute to fill orders that are usually made on a mon thly basis. An yhow, see what you can do to expedite the order this time.B: OK, will do.Dialogue

32、2A: May I help you?B: It should be un der Leslie Smith. The nu mber is .A: Yes, Mr. Smith. I have an order for three cases of cartridges, it that what you would like to refill?B: Y es.A: Is there the correct billi ng address?B: No, pls post the bill to Cou nty, 98830.A: I will send you an inv oice in the n ext few days. Your order should be delivered before the end of the day on Mon day.

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