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1、高中英语第二课知识点总结高中英语第二课7The Seventh Period文章 New Zealand study Finds New Origin of English Language 新西兰研究发现英语语言的新起源This is the latest period of this unit.In this part,I advise taking summing up,learning tip and project as the targets.This is a period of summary and consolidation of words and phrases,a s

2、ummary of English around the world,and a summary of grammar will all be dealt with.Students are the key role of a class.So I think it is better to let students summarize by themselves.After that,if there is something missing,they will be helped by teachers.Besides the summary part,project will also

3、be considered.This part offers students a chance to do many things by themselves,which can of course improve students ability.Now that it is not a course of teaching knowledge but an ability-training one,it is better to let students think more to solve the questions.Maybe group work will be good in

4、effect.Then students report the result of their group work.T:We have got much information about the language.Then what words and expressions have we learnt?Discuss with your partner and make a list.S:Noun:role,native,culture,vocabulary,usage,identity,government,phrase,command,request,standard,accent

5、Verb:include,rule,command,request,retell,recognizeOther expressions:play a role (in);because of;come up;be present at;such as;be polite toThen please use the right forms of the words or phrases to fill in the blanks:1.The famous actor said he looked forward to _ in the movies directed by talented Zh

6、ang Yimou.2.The sports meet was put off _ the bad weather.3.After reading the text,we were told to _ the passage using our own words.4.He changed so much that I didnt _ him at first.5.More than half of the people who were invited _ the meeting.6.In this vacation,I plan to do many things _ traveling

7、to Hong Kong.7.Nobody dared to go against his _ that everyone (should)leave until 8 oclock.8.The problem _ at the meeting has been solved.Suggested answers:1.playing a role 2.because of 3.retell 4.recognize 5.were present at 6.including mand ing upT:A good summary.Then would you please fill in the b

8、lanks with correct forms of words.Step 4 Summing up grammarIn this unit,we met across a new grammar item:request and command.Now recall the sentence patterns with your partner.Command:Do/Do not do.Request:Do/Do not do.please.Can you do.?Could you do.?Will you do.?Would you do.?Step 5 Learning tipsT:

9、We know interest in the mother of success.If you find that the thing that you are doing is not so interesting,its not so likely that you will succeed.It is the same case with the study of English.So when you learn English,youd better try to find fun in the study.For example,try to make jokes using w

10、ords which have different meanings.For example:Dont rock that baby on the rock while playing that rock music.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,I wont wish the wish you wish to wish.If white chalk chalks white on a black blackboard,will black chalk cha

11、lks black on a white whiteboard then?Will you find out more funny things in studying English?Some slang in America:Beats Me 林先生刚到美国时,经常不经意间听到“Beats me”这句话,心想总不会叫人揍自己吧!例如,有人问:“When is this rain supposed to stop?” 对方可能回答“Beats me !” 若再问: “Where are your parents?”,对方回答也可能是 “Beats me!” 这句话如此管用,几乎适用于任何场合

12、,那么到底是什么意思呢?林先生求教于人,得知其意是“I dont know”我不知道,我无法回答。Now You Are Cooking 老吴与同事John聊天,他的女秘书敲门进来报告说,他此次开会所要的简报资料已制作完成,请John过目。John 接过资料审视后说:“Now you are cooking.”老吴听了一怔,不解地问他是怎么知道她此时正在煮东西。John笑说,他只是夸她这次干得不错而已,并不知道她在煮东西。原来,Now you are cooking此处系指“Well done”,与东西无关。Food Free Zone 章先生又饥又渴地赶到了图书馆借书。一走进图书馆,看到展示

13、区上挂了“Food Free Zone”的告示牌,心想美国公立图书馆真不错,还提供免费食物(free food),于是直奔该区寻找免费食物填肚,可怎么也找不着。此时一位好心的女馆员走过来问道:“May I help you?”章先生答说:“I am looking for the free food.”女馆员笑说:“Youll never find it.Absolutely no food is allowed in this section.”经这一指点,章先生恍然大悟:原来 Food Free Zone是“禁食区”,不是“免费食物区”。Powder Room 小段与先生一起去同事家做客。

14、小段想上洗手间,先生指着一扇虚掩的门说:“就在那儿。”走近一看,门上挂着一块小木牌“Powder Room”,小段不知这是什么房间,又退了回去,先生肯定地说:“没错。”后来才知道Powder Room 是指带化妆室的洗手间。Wildcat 给华人学生上英文课的美国老师对学生说,他家里有个wildcat。 学生听了很感兴趣,以为老师家庭生活一定很有意思,请求他什么时候带来给大家看看。老师连连摇头,知道学生没有明白他的意思,解释说,wildcat 是美国口语,指凶悍、脾气暴躁的女人,不是“野猫”。Have the Ball at Ones Foot 一次聚会上,大家谈到李先生新从事的工作,吴先生说

15、:“He has a ball at his feet.”小许脱口而出:“我没看见他脚边有球。”顿时大家都笑了 ,小许有点尴尬。 原来,这句话的意思是指对某人看好,机会就在面前,深信他会成功。Out Cold 小张在纽约州立大学读书时,有次想选一门课,听说这门课不易对付,于是向一位修过这门课的美国学生打听情况,他说:“I remember that was an early class for me,and I always fell asleep during the class.I was out cold.”小张以为“out cold”就是“catch cold”的意思,对他深表同情,说

16、“你生病还坚持上课,真不容易!”可这位美国同学却一脸的迷惑。 后来小张才知道,out cold是“昏昏沉沉什么都不知道”的意思,cold是副词,作“完全地,彻底地”解。Step 6 ProjectT:Making jokes with different meanings of the same word sometimes can bring about humorous effect.If we use codes instead of words,maybe it is also funny.Now lets see the passage on P53.Read it aloud,an

17、d exchange answers with partners.T:In the war,codes were used to send secrets.Of course it has many other uses.For example,it can save time.Now work with your partner to create your own codes.And then share with your classmates.See if they can guess what each part of the code means.Step 7 SummaryT:T

18、oday we have recalled what have been learnt in this unit including words,expressions and grammar.Review them after class and keep words and phrased in mind.Thats all for today.Good-bye.Step 8 HomeworkRecite words and phrases.Finish a paper to check yourself.单项填空(15分)1.Can I ask if you agree to my pl

19、an?_.A.Im afraid not B.No,please dontC.Yes,you can D.Yes,please2.She told Tom _ make the same mistake again.A.he cant B.dont not D.not to3.You _ him if he had seen you there that morning.A.told B.said to C.asked D.asks4.The number of the visitors,as we had expected,_ well over two hundred.A.i

20、s B.were C.are D.was5.Would you please _ talk during the class?A.not to B.dont not D.not6.The officer commanded this man cut the shoes open B.dont cut the shoes not cut the shoes open cut the shoes opened7.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see _.A.who is he B.who he is

21、 C.who is it D.who it is8.The request made by her that _ was really ridiculous.A.everyone left in 5 minutes B.everyone leave in 5minutesC.everyone to leave in 5 minutes D.everyone leaving in 5 minutes9.The bill adds up to 25 cents,_.A.postage including B.postage include postage D.and in

22、cluding postage10.The professor can speak _ five foreign much as much as many as many as11.Do you have any difficulty _ the passage?A.on reading reading C.for reading read12.Housework is very tiring._ cleaning the house _.It takes you a lot of time to clean th

23、e house a week.A.Take;for an example B.Use;for exampleC.Take;for example D.Use;for an example13.That would mean _ a lot of time.Really?I dont mean _ any time.A.wasting;wasting B.wasting;to waste;wasting waste;to waste14.Who can you imagine _ to his wedding party?A.inviting B.being inv

24、itedC.was invited be invited15.Mary asked me _ the mirror.A.if had I broken B.had I brokenC.if I had broken D.did I break.完形填空(30分)Do you know how many languages there are in the world?There are about 1500,but many of them are not considered very 16 .English is considered one of the most import

25、ant languages because many people 17 it,not only in England and America, 18 in other countries of the world.About 200000000 speak it 19 their own language,and another 230000000 use it as 20 language.It is 21 to say how many people are learning it. 22 boys and girls in schools are trying to do so.Man

26、y 23 children study French.French is also a very important language. 24 children study German,Russian,Japanese and Chinese.Which is the best 25 to learn a language?We know that we all learnt 26 language well when we were 27 .If we learn a second language in the 28 way,it may not seem so difficult.Wh

27、at does a small child do?It 29 what people say,and it tries to guess what it hears.When it wants something,it has to 30 it.It is using the language, 31 and talking in it all of the time.If people use a second language 32 ,they will learn it 33 .In school,you learn to read,to write,to hear and to 34

28、.It is best to learn all new words through the 35 .You can read them,spell them and speak them later.16.A.spoken B.happy C.important B.use C.operate D.play18.A.but B.and C.too B.with C.for D.as20.A.distant B.a second C.the second D.a special21.A.easy B.again C.difficul

29、t D.best22.A.Millions of B.Hundreds of C.Tens of D.Thousands of23.A.Chinese B.Japanese C.English D.Asian24.A.Some B.Thousands C.All D.Much25.A.time B.way C.thing D.place26.A.a foreign B.our mothers C.others D.our own27.A.born B.children C.grown D.boys28.A.same B.different C.useful D.good29.A.talks B

30、.wants C.cries D.follows30.A.ask B.want C.get D.ask for31.A.speaking B.writing C.thinking D.doing32.A.some time B.sometimes C.all the time D.for the time33.A.fluent B.confident C.freely D.easily34.A.fight B.sing C.speak D.play35.A.mouth B.hands C.ears D.eyes.阅读理解(20分)AOne day Archie,the clown(小丑) went into a shop to buy a new pair of shoes.“Good morning,sir,” said the salesman.“What c

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