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1、学年高二英语下册课时过关检测题38Period ThreeUsing Language.语境填词1He looked _ (局促不安的) in this strange place.2When I began to sing,they laughed and made me _ (尴尬的)3His _ (幸存) made us surprised and happy.4He has a _ (偏见) against modern music.5He showed excellent _ (判断力) in choosing a friend.6It is _ (违法的) to steal thi

2、ngs.7The bad weather resulted in the plans _ (中途失败)8He has to take _ (药片) to control his blood pressure.句型转换1He has the habit of staying up late and getting up late.He is _ _ staying up late and getting up late.2Her son is so interested in playing computer games that he spends all his free time on i

3、t.Her son is _ _ computer games.3I wondered what you said to him made him change his mind.I wondered how you _ _ persuade him.4He is so strong that he can lift a heavy stone.He is _ _ to lift a heavy stone.5The heavy rain couldnt stop them from going out._ _ _ the heavy rain,they still went out.6He

4、was reading a book when I met him for the first time.He was reading a book _ _ _ I met him.完成句子1如果他们想多赚钱,他们就必须冒险。If they want to make more money,they have to _.2他染上了吸毒的习惯,这将会使他的父母很担心。He _ taking drugs,which would worry his parents.3这种新疾病正在蔓延,所有的人都处境危险。The new disease is spreading,and all the people

5、_.4我们确保把学生在校园里照顾好。We _ that we take good care of students on campus.5覆水难收,悔恨无益。_ crying over spilt milk.单项填空1I felt_ when I dropped the Tang Dynasty vase.Aembarrassed and awkwardBhappy and worriedCglad and angryDpleased and sad2_ the high price,demand for these cars is very high.ABecause of BIn spit

6、e ofCIn case of DDue to3After climbing up to the top of the mountain,I was_.Aout of breath Bout of controlCout of danger Dout of date4It is necessary for you to call 110 when you_ the trouble of being attacked by others.Ashake with Bget intoCthrow out Dtake it easy5He is at_ now and_ is our duty to

7、help him at once.Arisk;it Bdanger;thisCdanger;it Drisk;that6Though many of the heavy smokers have realized the serious effect that smoking has_ their health,they continue to smoke instead of_.Afor;giving it up Bon;leavingCto;abandoning Don;quitting7-What did she want to know,Tom?-She wondered_ we co

8、uld complete the experiment.Awhen was it Bit was when thatCit was when Dwhen it was that8The fire made_ difficult to rescue the people trapped under the ruins in the earthquake.A/ Bthis Cthat Dit9Tell him I need to see him_ he arrives.Aimmediate Bthe minuteCat the moment Dfor the instant10-I thought

9、 it would be a good idea to go shopping this afternoon.-_ I have always wanted to do that.AThats a great idea! BI dont think so.CSorry. DWhy?.阅读理解It is now commonly known that AIDS is a deadly disease.It does damage to human beings immune system,weakening resistance to diseases and leading to death

10、due to utter weakness.To this day,there are no existing drugs that can kill the AIDS virus.It is a deadly battle between science and AIDS.This is only one side of the story.Although it can not be cured,AIDS is preventable.For those who have not caught the disease,the knowledge of preventive measures

11、 seems to be the most powerful weapon at hand.Since the discovery of the first AIDS patient in 1985,the number of HIV carriers is on an alarming rise in China and statistics show that young people are the more likely victims of AIDS.Nationwide there are 214 million people between the ages of 13 and

12、22,most of whom are students.If no measures are taken to protect these young people,it is almost certain that the threat of AIDS will be very real to them.There has been a great deal of misinformation concerning the transmission of AIDS.One of the most misleading myths is that AIDS can be transmitte

13、d by casual physical contact such as kissing,shaking hands or sharing food container.Surveys and investigations conducted in some universities and colleges show that half of those people questioned are not clear about how AIDS is transmitted,not to mention how it is prevented.This is the driving for

14、ce behind the state Education Commissions decision to spread AIDS awareness information among college students and later to high school students and primary school students.1By writing This is only one side of the story.,the author suggests that_.Aalthough we cant cure AIDS,we can manage to prevent

15、itBAIDS is very dangerous,but we should not be scared by itCAIDS is not curable,but doctors should not give up fighting against itDalthough the doctor cannot cure the disease,he can help improve the patients health2What does the passage say has happened in China since the first AIDS patient was disc

16、overed in 1985?AHIV carriers have learned to fight against AIDS.BMore and more people have become HIV carriers.CMore and more HIV carriers have died of AIDS.DDoctors have been alarmed by the large number of HIV carriers.3What can be concluded from the surveys and investigations mentioned in the pass

17、age?A50 percent of college students have no idea how people become AIDS victims.B50 percent of college students do not know how to prevent AIDS.CMany college students are not aware how people become AIDS victims.DMany college students did not mention AIDS prevention in the surveys and investigations

18、.4Which of the following do you choose as the proper title of this passage?AChina Fight AIDSBYoung People-Most Likely AIDS VictimsCAIDS Information Is NecessaryDAIDS-a Deadly Disease.阅读填空The first and best of victories is for a man to conquer himself;to be conquered by himself is,of all things,the m

19、ost shameful, says Plato._1_Let a man give in to his impulses(冲动) and feelings,and from that moment he gives up his moral freedom._2_When Socrates found in himself any temper or anger,he would check it by speaking low in order to control himself.If you are conscious of being angry,keep your mouth sh

20、ut so that you can hold back rising anger._3_Many a person has dropped dead in great anger.Whom the gods would destroy they first make them mad.Keep cool, says George Herbert,for anger makes error a fault._4_Anger, says Pythagoras,brings with folly(愚蠢) and ends with regret. You must measure the stre

21、ngth of a man by the power of the feelings he conquers,not by the power of those which conquer him._5_If a man lacks self?control he seems to lack everything.Without it he can have no patience,no power to govern himself;he can have no self?confidence,for he will always be controlled by his strongest

22、 feeling.If he lacks self?control,the very backbone and nerve of character are lacking also.ASelf?control is at the root of all the advantages.BA single angry word has lost many a friend.CIf a person is too stubborn,he will feel most shameful.DOnes moral freedom is based on the control of himself.EI

23、f you cannot control yourself,you will become crazy.FGreat anger will bring some diseases.GTo be angry with a weak man is to prove that you are not strong yourself.1_2._3._4._5_强调句型:It is/was.that/who.此句型在强调人时可用that/who,其他情况用that。It was because her mother was ill that she didnt go to school.正是因为她母亲病

24、了,她才没去上学。Was it Mary who/that gave away the secret?是玛丽泄漏的秘密吗?When was it that you called me yesterday?你昨天是什么时候打电话给我的?【答案解析】Period ThreeUsing Language.1.awkward2.embarrassed3.survival4.prejudice5.judgement6.illegal7.abortion8.pills.1.accustomedto2.addictedto3.managedto4.strongenough5.Inspiteof6.thefi

25、rsttime.1.take risks/a into the habit of3.are at risk4.make sure5.It is no use.1.A当我把唐代的花瓶掉在地上的时候,我的感觉应是窘迫和不安。2B句意为:尽管价格很高,但对这些汽车的需求仍旧很高。in spite of尽管;because of因为;in case of以防,万一;due to由于。3Aout of breath上气不接下气,气喘吁吁的,符合题意。out of control失去控制;out of danger脱离危险;out of date过时的。4Bget into the t

26、rouble of.陷入的麻烦之中。5A句意为:他现在身处险境,立即帮助他是我们的责任。at risk处境危险;in danger处于危险中;第二空用it作形式主语。6Dhave an effect on.对产生影响,第一个空是该短语的灵活使用;quit停止,放弃,这里指戒烟。7Dwondered后面的宾语从句是一个强调句型,同时要用陈述语序。8Dit作形式宾语,指代后面的不定式。9B名词短语the minute在此处用作连词引导时间状语从句。immediately,the moment,the instant也可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。10A由应答语中的I have always wan

27、ted to do that可知A项符合语境。.1.A细节理解题。文章第二段第二句话说虽然艾滋病不能治愈但是可以预防的,这与A项的意思相吻合。2B文章的第三段的主题句Since the discovery of the first AIDS patient in 1985,the number of HIV carriers is on an alarming rise in China.与B项的意思是一致的,都说明了1985年在中国境内首次发现了艾滋病人后,越来越多的人成为艾滋病病毒携带者。3C推理判断题。认真阅读文章的第四段可知作者的心情是很焦虑的:目前在一些大学所做的调查表明,被询问的对象中有一半人就连艾滋病是怎样传播的都不清楚,更谈不上预防了。选项C的大意是现在许多大学生根本不知道人们是如何成为艾滋病的受害者的,此项与作者的焦虑相吻合,A项不对因为文章是指接受调查的50%的学生不清楚上述问题。4C主旨大意题。文章的所有内容说明目前的当务之急是spread AIDS awareness information among college students and later to high school students.。所以艾滋病信息是必要的应为本文的标题最恰当。.1.D2.B3.F4.G5.A

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