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1、九unit12Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. 第一课时 Section A(1a 2d)导学案 设计:王娟 审核:强科 日期:2.28 编号2 班级 姓名 姓名:学习目标:1.掌握89-90页重点单词和重点词组。2.初步认识过去完成时句型。学习重点:重点词汇及句型。学习难点:过去完成时态的运用.学习过程:自学指导一:1.要求学生翻开课本P89,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务: Look at the pictures what happened to the girl.(1分钟)自学检测一:抽查朗读并翻译句子自学指导二:播放并

2、完成听力1b要求学生听第一遍录音,并完成课本上1b的听力任务:自学检测二:检查答案,朗读句子。自学指导三:完成教材2a-2c的听力任务。(2分钟)自学检测三:核对答案。 自学指导四:播放2d的对话录音,让学生跟读,模仿并理解大意。然后让学生分角色朗读并表演2d的对话。(5分钟)自学检测四: 自背完成下列短语。1._ 洗浴 2. leave my backpack at home_ 3._返回学校 4. start teaching_ 5._响铃 6._冲出房门 7. give sb a lift_ 8.醒来_9.至少_ the time_知识点归纳 the time作连词

3、引导时间状语从句,当从句用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时;当从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时或将来完成时。2.表示“把某物忘在某处”要用词组leave full of=be filled with 装满,充满。当堂训练:根据汉语提示完成单词。1. I got to school late because I_(睡过头)this morning.2. When I got home, I realized I had_(遗忘)my English book at school.3. Its cold _(在外面), youd better wear more clothes.4.

4、 When I got to school, I_(意识到)I forgot to bring my homework.5. Youd better put your homework in your _(背包). 课堂小结:Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. 第一课时 Section A(1a 2d)作业纸 设计:王娟 审核:强科 日期:2.28 编号1 班级 姓名 成绩 一用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. When I got there, the bus _ (go)2. By the time I got up, my mother had al

5、ready _(cook) breakfast yesterday morning.3. When Jack got home, his sister had _(wash) the clothes.4. We had _(learn) over 2,000 English words by the end of last term. 5. What _(happen) to you last week? I had my bike stolen.6. The boy never _(realize) his mistakes until his teacher points them out

6、.7. By the time I received the letter, I _ (tell) the content of it.8. When I was born, I _ (cry) heavily the first time in my life.二单选。1.By the time I was five, I _English. Really?A. had started learning B. have started learning C. started to learn D. started learning 2.Why didnt you go to the movi

7、e yesterday?Because I _it before. A. had watched B. have seen C. have watched D. had seen 3.By the end of last year, we _ about 2000 English words. A. were learning B. have learnt C. learnt D. had learnt 4.Since 2000, Nanchang has become a new city. Everything _. A. is changed B. was changed C. has

8、changed D. had changed 5.Boys and girls! Please _ your compositions after class. Oh, my God! I _ it at home. A. hand in, forgot B. hand in, left C. hand out, forgot D. hand out, left 三翻译。1._ I got up, my brother _already _in the shower.当我起床时,我哥哥已经进了浴室了。2. By the time I _ _, the bus had already gone.

9、当我出来时,公汽已经走了。3. When I _to school, I _I had _my backpack at home.当我到达学校时,我才意识到我把背包忘在家里了。4. By the time I walked into class, the teacher had _ _already.当我走进教室时,老师已经开始讲课了。5. I didnt even _ _ _or wash my face. 我甚至没有刷牙也没。Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. 第二课时 Section A(3a 3c)导学案 设计:王娟 审核:强科 日期:2.29

10、 编号3 班级 姓名学习目标:1.熟记91页重点单词和重点词组。2.通过短文了解过去完成时态句型。学习重点:重点词汇及句型。学习难点:过去完成时态的运用.学习过程:自学指导一:快速默读短文,熟知大意,并完成课本3a的任务。(5分钟)自学检测一:检查3a的答案:1. one is The 9.11 terrorist attacks in New York and the other is New Zealand big earthquake.2. His bad luck had unexpectedly turned into good thing.自学指导二:大声朗读短文,完成教材3b的任

11、务(3分钟)自学检测二:检查答案。自学指导三:找出与3b的方框中所给单词意思相反的单词并造一个句子。自学检测三:让学生以小组为单位,用3c所给词的提示复述其中的一个故事。自学指导四:自学下列知识点。知识拓展:1.above/over/on【相同点】方位介词,“在之上” 【不同点】 1)above 着重指:在上方,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为:below. The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升到了地平线上。 2)over 表盖在上面,或铺在上面。此时不能用above.代替。含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为under. Spread the tablecloth

12、 over the table.把桌布铺在桌子上。 3) on 含有与表面相接触的意思。 The book is on the desk. 辨析:alive, living, live与lively alive 活着,“活的,有生命的,还出气的 可指人也可指物 表语,后置定语, 宾补, living 活着, 尚在人间, 健在的 指人或物 定语或表语 live 活着的,活生生的 指物,不指人, 定语 lively 活泼的,活跃,充满生气的 可指人,也可指物 定语、表语或宾补。4)keep doing sth一直干某事5)dress给.穿衣,dress oneself=get dressed pu

13、t on 穿(戴)上,强调动作。Wear穿(戴)上,强调状态当堂训练:1.there is a bridge _(在.上面)the river.2.the cat caught a _(活) his father still_(活着)?4.the children decide_(clean) their school yard.5.have you ever_(hear) about the amusement park?课堂小结:Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. 第二课时 Section A(3A 3C)作业纸设计:王娟 审

14、核:强科日期:2.29 编号:2 班级 姓名 成绩一默写重点短语。1.世贸中心_2.将要_ 3.即使_ 4.排队等候_5.难以置信的_ 6.活着的_7.跳下床_ 8.起飞_9.心中想_10.变成_ 11.发出响声_ 12.到达_二根据汉语提示完成单词。1.Ididntcall him up because I wanted to give him an_ (出乎意料的)surprise.2.The woman stared in_ (不信)at the large pileof money on the table.3.Every morning,when Iwake up,Iwill tha

15、nks God thatI am still_ (活着)。4.Two hoursl ater,the fire man got to the_(燃烧)house.5.After Bert got up,he drove to the_(飞机场)to meet Mr.Black.三单选。( ) 1. Jin Yong is one of the greatest and oldest writer. He is still_ A. living; alive B. living; living C. alive; living D. alive; lively ( )2. Teachers ar

16、e often compared to _ candles. A. burnt B. is burning C. burns D. burning( )3.-Mark, you look so tired. -Oh, I worked _ it was 12 oclock last night. A. unless B. after C. till D. as ( ) 4.Im sorry I _ my homework. Thats all right. Dont forget _ it to school tomorrow. A. forget; to take B. left; to t

17、ake C. forget; to bring D. left to bring ( ) 5. I _ to tell him the news that Tom was ill. A. left B. leave C. forget D. forgotUnit12 Life is full of the unexpected. 第三课时 Section A(Grammar)导学案 设计:王娟审核:强科日期:3.1 编号4 班级 姓名: 成绩:学习目标:通过Grammar进一步学习过去完成时学习重点:Grammar重点句型的识记。学习难点:过去完成时应用。 学习过程:自学指导一:本单元语法:过

18、去完成时。 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间点以前即“过去的过去”已经发生的动作。 Mr. Black told me that he had seen the movie three times. 布莱克先生告诉我他已经把这部电影看了三遍了(“看”在“告诉”之前。) 过去完成时要注意以下几个方面: 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作。 它表示动作发生的时间是“过去的过去”。 过去完成时的结构是: 肯定由“had(用于各种人称和数) + 过去分词”构成 否定式:had not + 过去分词 缩写形式:hadnt 过去完成时的时间状语: 1 表示过去某一时间可用by, bef

19、ore等构成的短语。 We had finished our homework before 10 oclock. 我们十点钟之前就完成了作业。 可能通过when, before等引导的从句表示。 When I got there, the train had left. 当我到那儿时,火车已经开走了。过去某一时间通过上下文来表示。 Kate hadnt studied hard, so she didnt pass the exam yesterday. Kate没有努力学习,因此没有通过昨天的考试。 自学检测一:用过去完成时完成4A,4B 当堂训练: 过去完成时讲解。1)当我到达学校的时候

20、, 我才意识到我把书包忘在家里了。When I got to school, I realized I _ _ my backpack at home. 2)到我返回学校的时候, 铃声已经响过了。_ _ _ I got back to school, the bell _ _.3)我到达公共汽车站之前, 汽车已经离开了。Before I _ _ the bus stop, the bus _ _ _.4)我决定先买一杯咖啡,然后再准备去办公室,I _ _ _ go up to my office when I decided to get a coffee first.5)就在我和别的工作人员

21、一起排队等候的时候,听到了一个巨大的声响。As I _ _ _ _ with the other office workers, I _ _ _ _.课堂小结:Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. 第三课时 Section A(Grammar)作业纸 设计:王娟审核:强科日期:3.1 编号3 班级 姓名: 成绩:一.单项选择。 1. We _ four thousand new words by the end of last year. A. learned B. had learned C. have learned D. will learn2.

22、What _ _ Jane _ by the time he was seven? A. did, do B. has, done C did, did. D. had, done 3. I _ _ 900 English words by the time I was ten。 A. learned B. was learning C. had learned D. learnt 4. She _ _lived here for _ years. A. had, a few B. has, several C. had, a lot of D. has, a great deal of 5.

23、 By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _ the dinner already. A had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. was cooked6. He told us that he _ the letters in the morning. A. will post B. have posted C. was posting D. had posted7. Did you see Mr Smith when you were in France? No. When I _ France,

24、 he _ to China. A. had arrived in; had gone B. arrived in; has been C. got to; had gone D. had got to; had been. 二.根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. By the end of last year, I _ (be) to the West Hill Farm three times.2.By the time I got up, Mom _ (go) out for some exercise.3. I _(learn) 1,000 English words b

25、y last term.4. By 9 oclock last night, we _ (get) 200 pictures from the spaceship.5. When I went into the classroom, the final bell _ (ring). I was happy that I wasnt late.Keys: had been had gone had learned had gotten had rung 三根据句意和汉语提示,填写恰当的短语完成下列句子。1) He _ (醒来) very early and went out for a walk

26、 in the park.2) I _ (让她搭便车), so she invited me to have dinner. 3) I hope that all of you will come to the meeting _ (准时).4) His car _ (出故障), so he had to get it repaired. 5) This Monday my alarm clock didnt _ (发出响声) and I got up late.Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. 第四课时 Section B(1a-1e)导学案 设计

27、:王娟 审核:强科日期:3.2 编号5 班级 姓名: 成绩:学习目标:通过听力进一步学习过去完成时学习重点:重点词汇及听力练习。学习难点:过去完成时的应用。 学习过程:自学指导一:识记重点单词并完成1a自学检测一:重点单词: 1._ n, 蠢人,傻瓜;v.愚弄;2._ n. 服装,装束; 3. _adj. 窘迫的;害羞的;重点词组 1._紧张 2._出现 3._化装舞会 4._露面5._穿衣 6._熬夜自学指导二:1. 要求学生翻开课本P93,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务:给所给单词按词性分类,放入表格中正确的栏目中,注意:有些单词可能放入不止一个栏目中。自学检测二:要

28、求4名同学给出自己的答案,并进行个读,齐读自学指导三:4分钟播放并完成听力1b.1c自学检测三:抽查听力对话并表演.当堂训练:1. -What happened to Dave_ _ _ _? 在愚人节,大卫出了什么事?2. -Well, a friend_ him to a costume party. 一个朋友邀请他参加化装舞会。3. When I_ _, I found that he_ _me.当我到那时,我发现他愚弄了我。4. When I got to the math class. I was so tired because I had_ all night studying.当我到数学课时,我是此的累因为我熬了一整夜学习课堂小结:Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. 第四课时 Section B(1a-1e)作业纸设计:王娟 审核:强科日期:3.2 编号4 班级 姓名: 成绩:一。单选。1.He didnt show _ until the meeting was over. A. on B. out C. in D. up 2. it is everyones duty to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign. Sure. We should

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