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1、中国内陆运输仓储物流提供商招标书Request For Proposal招标书: 11 October 2010,2010年10月11日China Overland Transport & Warehouse Logistics Provider 中国内陆运输仓储物流提供商标书号:*-00-00-00-00selection for 用于* China(中国) SUMMARY概要Company profile公司简介Section I. SUBJECT AND DEFINITIONS OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL招标主题及相关定义1.1 General descrip

2、tion of the purpose of this Request For Proposal 招标目的说明 This Request For Proposal (RFP) includes on one hand the rules related to the drafting of a Proposal and the awarding process, and on the other hand the terms and conditions of the Agreement.本招标文件(RFP)包括了起草投标书的相关规则和授标程序,同时也包括了合同的相关条款和条件 This Re

3、quest For Proposal (RFP) covers the selection of a China wide Overland Transportation Logistics provider or providers for the purpose of meeting domestic distribution and warehousing needs. 本次招标主要是要选择一家或多家中国物流服务商以满足$国内配送及仓储需要. Transportation Logistics Services Provider (TLSP): Organize and manage th

4、e * - China transportation services through a single or integrated network. 运输物流服务商:通过一个单一的或整合的运输网络来组织并管理$(中国)的物流运输。 Warehouse Services Provider (WSP): Organize and manage the complete warehouse storage and operations through a single or integrated network for one or more of the * Business Groups.运输

5、物流服务商:通过一个单一的或整合的运输网络来组织仓储及操作服务于管理$(中国)的一个或多个事业部。 The scheduled length of the initial Agreement is 3 years. The aim is to build a long-term relationship with the supplier. 首次合同期限为3年,目的在于与供应商建立长期合作关系。 The scheduled start date of the new Agreement is: Quarter One 2011. 新合同起始时间预定为:2011年第1季度 The purpose

6、 of this RFP is to gather prices and information in order to define which Supplier is the most suitable for supplying the services. The aim is to identify opportunities which may have a significant impact on the total cost of ownership over the life of the contract period, and which increases the ad

7、ded value for *. 本次招标的目的在于收集报价和其他相关信息从而确定哪一家供应商最适合提供相关服务。我们的目标是找到一些合同阶段对$总成本有实质影响而同时可以带来增加价值的机会。All data provided in this RFP document contain the full land transport picture of * China and warehousing inventory and through-put flows for DMS Resins Business Group.标书中所提供的数据对于$(中国)公司的内陆运输和$事业部的仓储库存和进出

8、库情况做了全面地描述。 The aim of * is to select a manageable set of TLSP providers. * reserves the right to choose multiple providers depending on business conditions. During implementation, a detailed Integration Plan will be part of the final go / no-go decisions for a business group. $公司的目标是找到一个可控的运输物流服务服务

9、商的组合。$公司有权根据业务情况选择多个服务商。一旦进入服务的执行阶段,针不同的事业部的需要制定一个更加详细的整合计划来确定具体要求哪一家服务商来执行。 1.2 Modifications修改The reference number for this RFP is *-00-00-00-00. This reference number should be used systematically by the Applicant Supplier in all correspondence.本招标书的参考号为*-00-00-00-00。投标人应该在所有的往来函件中使用这个参考号1.3 Admi

10、nistrative documentation文件管理At the request of *, the following documents may be asked:$可能会要求投标方提供下述文件: A statement signed by a recognized company auditor, to the effect that the Applicant Supplier is solvent; 经由认证的审计公司签署的证明文件,证明投标人的财务能力 A Parent Company Guarantee.母公司出具的保函1.4 Award criteria授标条件* rese

11、rves the right to maintain the confidentiality of their selection criteria and to be the sole judge of the relative merits of the submission material and/or services mentioned in the respective proposals received. * reserves the right to reject any response not accompanied with all data or informati

12、on required. * reserves the right to make an award to one or more Suppliers to meet its needs.$公司有权对选择标准保密,同时有权对于收到的不同方案中的提交材料和(或)服务的相关优缺点做独立判定。对于供应商的任何数据和信息不全的回复,$有权拒绝。$公司有权授标给一家或者多家满足要求的供应商。1.5 Obligations of the Applicant Supplier投标人义务The Applicant Supplier must analyze the RFP carefully and resp

13、ond to all aspects mentioned in the RFP. * fully understands that a supplier may not have the necessary transportation infrastructure to meet all the coverage requirements. However, it is encouraged that the Applicant Supplier responds fully and completely for their area of coverage and capabilities

14、. Additionally, it is encouraged to build partnerships or alliances for any Applicant Supplier who wishes to propose a larger portion of the business than their existing capability allows.投标人必须认真分析标书并对标书中提及的各个方面作出回应。$公司完全理解:某一个供应商可能不一定拥有满足$全部要求所需要的运输设施。因此,我们鼓励投标人根据他们自身的服务范围及能力对标书的要求作出全面而完整的回应。另外,如果服

15、务商希望其投标的业务范围超出其现有的能力或服务区域,我们鼓励他们通过建立合伙关系或联盟关系来实现。The Applicant Supplier will provide * with all the information required (bids + non-price elements) in writing.投标人必须以书面形式向$公司提供所有要求的信息包括投标价格和非价格信息。* will use this information to evaluate the Proposal. Additional information may be required to make a f

16、ull evaluation of the Applicant Suppliers Proposal. A request will be sent directly to the Applicant Supplier.$公司将使用上述信息来评标。如果对投标人标书的全面评定需要更多的其他信息,我们将会直接向投标人发出相关的要求。1.6 Contact person at YY Logisticsxxx公司的联系人YY has been retained by * to administer this RFP process resulting in the selection of a suc

17、cessor carrier to manage this vital segment of *s distribution program throughout China. YY will be the primary contact and facilitator for the bidders during the RFP process but, ultimately any concluded contract of service will be executed directly between * and the successful bidder.$公司指定xxx公司负责管

18、理执行整个招标工作,通过招标为其选定一家或几家运输商,对$公司在中国范围内的配送服务这一重要的环节进行有效管理。在招标过程中,xxx公司将作为投标者的主要联系人和管理者,但是最终的服务合同将在$公司和投标胜出方之间签订执行。The contact persons at YY Logistics for questions regarding this RFP are:如果有与招标相关的任何问题,请联系xxx公司的以下人员:1.7 Important dates重要时间点Questions regarding the RFP must be submitted by e-mail at the

19、latest October 15th, 2010 (also see 1.10 Asking and Answering Questions). All questions will be consolidated and responses will go back to all bidders at the latest October 20th, 2010. 投标方须将招标相关的任何问题于2010年10月15日之前通过电子邮件提交给上述xxx联系人(同时参看1.10条款-咨询和问题回复)。我们将会收集所有的问题并会最晚在2010年10月20日之前向所有的投标人一并回答收集到的所有问题。

20、The closing date for submitting the Proposal is November 5th of 2010, at close of business or 5.00 PM 投标最后截止日期为:2010年11月5日下午5点整。The Applicant Supplier may not deviate from the dates mentioned above unless YY issues an exceptional written/email approval to do so. 投标人须遵守上述规定时间,除非xxx公司发出书面文件或电子邮件同意特殊处理

21、。Please send your Proposal via the two (2) e-mail addresses below, as soon as possible, but at the latest November 5th of 2010, 05.00PM to:请最迟于2010年11月5日下午5点之前尽快将投标文件发送到以下2个电子邮箱: Also send your Proposal by express courier and fully signed, as soon as possible, but at the latest November 5th of 2010

22、, to:请最迟于2010年11月5日之前尽快将页签的投标文件快递到以下邮政地址:* reserves the right to reject any responses that fail to adhere to these instructions.$公司有权拒绝没有遵守上述规定的任何投标书。An indication of subsequent key dates is provided below: 以下为投标进度时间表: October 15th / 10月15日前 Receive questions from suppliers / 投标人提交问题 October 20th /

23、10月20日 Response to Supplier questions / 回答投标人问题 November 5th / 11月5日 RFP Closing / Submissions are due / 截标 November 8th / 11月8日 Submission analysis / 开始评标November 15th / 11月15日Supplier site visits / 实地考察供应商 November 23rd / 11月23日 Supplier Presentations and Interviews / 投标人方案陈述和面谈 November 29th / 11

24、月29日 Final Commercial and Operational Assessment /商务和运营评估 December 6th / 12月6日 Final Supplier/suppliers selection /选择供应商 December 13th / 12月13日Commercial agreement with selected supplier/suppliers / 签订合同 January 3rd / 1月3日 Start Implementation / 开始执行合同1.8 Asking and answering questions 回答问题The Appli

25、cant Supplier will ask any questions in agreed time frame that are considered necessary to understand the RFP correctly and to be able to draft a full Proposal. Questions need to be asked by means of an e-mail by the Applicant Supplier before the date mentioned in 1.7 Important Dates to the contact

26、person mentioned under 1.6 Contact Persons at YY. YY will attempt to answer all questions before the date mentioned in 1.7 Important Dates. 投标人应当在设定的时间内提出任何必要的问题,从而准确地理解招标书并制作投标书。提出的问题应当在1.7项所述时间内,通过电子邮件的方式提交给1.6项中所述联系人。xxx公司将会在1.7项所述时间内尽力回答所有问题。Answers will be forwarded to all Applicant Suppliers.

27、However, YY takes the liberty not to answer any questions that are not relevant with regard to the RFP. YY will make a summary document of all of the questions and the answers. This document will then be made available to all Applicant Suppliers.我们会将问题的答复发给所有的投标人。但是,xxx公司有权不回答任何跟本招标内容不相关的问题。xxx公司将会制

28、作一份包括所有问题和回答的总结文件,此文件对所有的投标人开放。1.9 Confidentiality / Non Disclosure 机密和保密All information contained in this RFP is subject to the terms of the previously signed Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). As such, it is proprietary to * and may not be divulged or disclosed to any other party without the prior wr

29、itten consent of *.本次招标中所有的信息都适用于之前已经签署的保密协议(NDA)。同样,这些信息由$公司拥有,如果没有$公司的事先书面同意,不可以泄露或透露给任何其他方。1.10 Obligations of * $公司的义务The Applicant Supplier will be informed whether or not (part of) the contract has been awarded to him and/or whether additional discussions/ negotiations are to follow. * is not

30、obliged at that stage to give any details regarding the evaluation of the Proposals. Following this procedure for awarding contracts does not imply any obligation of * to award the contract. 投标人将会被通知是否被授予了整体或部分合同,以及是否需要进行其他的讨论和谈判。在此阶段,$公司没有义务提供有关评标的任何细节。执行授予合同的程序本身并不表明$公司一定要授予合同。1.11 Rules of commun

31、ication 交流规则To ensure the objective evaluation of the Proposals, all questions and other communication regarding the RFP, must be sent by e-mail only to the contact person mentioned under 1.6 Contact Persons at YY. Applicant Suppliers are not allowed to contact any other personnel, such as *s or YYs

32、 directors or employees, regarding this RFP. Any such communication may lead to the Proposal received being rejected.为了保证评标的客观性,所有问题和其他与投标相关的交流必须通过电子邮件形式发给1.6项(xxx联系人)中所述的联系人。投标人不允许就投标事项联系任何其他人员,比如$公司或者xxx公司的领导或员工。否则的话,将可能导致废标。1.12 Contact point at the Supplier 投标方联系人 The Applicant Supplier will provide YY with a s

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