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Unit 11 Could you please clean your room.docx

1、Unit 11 Could you please clean your roomUnit 11 Could you please clean your room ? Section A 3a-4 Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?Section A 3a-4 Teaching and Learning Goals: Talk about “chores” you like or you hate to do using “hate , do chores ,do the laundry , I like doing sth because .

2、I hate doing sth because .” Find out the differences between do and make .Live a donkey life because of not much work .Love working and love parents .Teaching and learning steps : Step One :Preview Look at 3a,3b on Page 67 . Put them into English orally , then write them down without looking at the

3、text . 1. 你喜欢洗衣服吗 ? ? 2. 我讨厌做家务。 . 3. 有些家务我讨厌 ,但有些家务我喜欢。 . 4. 我喜欢洗自行车,因为我可以呆在外面。 . 5. 我不喜欢洗餐具,因为它无聊。 . 【设计意图】培养自学能力,课前不会的做到心中有数,以便在课堂上有针对性地听讲。 Step Two: Warming up and leading in1 . Show the students some pictures about Yingyings weekend.T: Look at the pictures . What chores does she do on weekends

4、? Cook breakfast make the bed Sweep the floor Fold the clothes take out the trash do the laundry2.Revise the pattern : Could you please ? T: Could you please cook breakfast? S: Yes,sure .T: Now lets play a game .Do chain drills .Lets see which group can ask and answer the most questions with differe

5、nt verb phrases? Chain drillsA: Li Qingliang , could you please do the dishes?B: Yes , sure . Cui Shuming, Could you?C: Sorry, I cant. Li Yun , D:【设计意图】利用图片、游戏营造氛围,激发学生的兴趣并有意识地复习前面学过的家务劳动短语和 Could you please ?句型 ,为下面的阅读训练做准备 。3. We use the two common words “do” and “make”often . For example , we oft

6、en say “do my homework”,“make ones dinner”and so on . Now lets look at Activity3a . Step Three :Reading and filling Task 1: Ask the students to read the unfinished conversation and then fill in the blanks with “make“or “do”.A: I hate to_ chores.B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chore

7、s.A: Really? Do you like to_ the laundry?B: No, I dont. its boring.A: I agree. Do you like to _ your bed?B: No, not really. But I like to_ the dishes,because its relaxing. And I like to_ breakfast, because I like to cook.Task 2: Listen to the tape and repeat .Task 3: The students read them out in pa

8、irs, try to say them aloud without books .Task 4: Make a conversation in pairs according to 3a A: Do you like ? B:Yes , I do ./ No ,I dont .【设计意图】首先让学生跳过空去了解对话的大意,做到心中有数,然后通过听和说及合作练习来达到熟练运用I like .I hate .句型的目的。对比make和do的用法,让学生了解英语中有很多同义但不同用法的词,只有学得清楚,才能用的准确。Step Four: Post-reading activities Task 1

9、: Make a list of the chores you doAsk two students to write the chores on the blackboard such as :do the dishes clean the table water the flowers carry the water take out the trash sweep the floor do the laundry make the bed. Ask the students to read the phrases together .Task 2: Write “like” or “do

10、nt like” next to the chores .Tell a partner about your list and say why.A: I like watering the flowers because I love seeing the plants grow .B : I dont like doing the dishes because its boring .Task 4: Make a survey :Who is the best helper ?Let them work in fours ,ask the questions :Do you do chore

11、s at home ?How often do you do chores ?At last , the captian gives a reports : Hello! ImIn my groupdoes the dishes and cleans We think is the most able one at home.【设计意图】通过此项活动,学生学会运用所学的语言内容表达自己对家务劳动的看法。从所列的事例中,我们可以了解到学生的种种思想。并进行情感渗透。 Step Five: Inquiry into knowledge by translation一. I hate to do c

12、hores . . 1. hate 意为“ ” 反义词 hate to do sth / doing sth 如: 我讨厌狗 I hate .我喜欢做饭,但是我讨厌洗餐具。 .2. do chores 在该句中的意思是 “ ” do the dishes sweep the floor do the shopping make the bed do the reading fold ones clothes do the laundry 3.在上面的“做”家务活中,do和make两者均有“做”的意思,但do表示做一个动作或一项工作,即干什么活;make 则指制造或整理出一种新东西。如:(1)他

13、周末通常做作业。 . ( 2 ) 我已经学会了如何做月饼。 . 二. I like cleaning the bike because I can be outside . . because 意为 用来引导原因状语从句。be outside 意为 .【设计意图】变老师讲解语言知识为学生自学语言知识。先让学生自己独立思考,然后小组讨论,最后让学生展示成果,鼓励学生学。通过对重点知识的归纳练习使课堂教学得到更好的巩固。课堂小结:Ask the students to sum up the knowledge. 通过本节课,我学会了 。我的问题 。我还要在 方面努力。【设计意图】在前几个环节充分感

14、知目标语言的基础上,学生再理性地认知语言并进行适时总结。StepSix: The end of the class test 一.用make或do填空1. What will you when you grow up ?2. We should our best to our country more beautiful .3. How do you a banana milk shake ?4. He has to a lot of work every day .5. Jane hopes to lots of money .6. Dont the horse run so fast al

15、l the time .二.完成句子1.我讨厌做家务活。 I .2.你喜欢整理床铺吗? Do you like to _ _ _?3.我喜欢做早餐,因为我喜欢烹调。 I like to_ _,because I _ _ _.4.我喜欢洗自行车, 因为我喜欢呆在外面。 I like _ _ _, because I _ _ _.5. 我不喜欢洗碟,因为它无聊。 I dont like _ _ _because it_ .6.凯特喜欢叠衣服吗? Does Kate like to _ _ _?【设计意图】测试题对所学的重点语言知识和技能进行及时的巩固和落实。Homework: Remember a

16、ll the phrases learnt today . Write either of the compositions: “ The chores I like or dislike ” or “The chores my father likes or dislikes.” 【设计意图】承接课堂学习的话题,学生在课后自主地运用所学内容进一步巩固和提升综合语言技能。并让语言学习与生活实际相联系,使学生乐于接受。本节课亮点:1 本课导入阶段比较成功,游戏永远是孩子们最爱的,chain drills 极大地调动了学生们的积极性,使学生全身心地投入到学习中。2 Post-reading act

17、ivities 中的家务调查活动开展的比较好,学生的兴趣高昂,通过互相交流,较好地掌握运用了I like . I hate .并能给出理由,使学生在轻松自信的学习过程中获得成功的体验。3 根据课程内容设计不同的作业供不同的小组选择,既体现了对学生个体的尊重,又提高了学习的兴趣。本节课不足:本课内容虽不多,但环节设计偏多,致使时间有些紧张,应调整。使用建议: 本课是SectionA的最后一页,在习题的设计上再全面些会更好。同时必须准备完善的的多媒体课件,才能有效地增加课堂效率。Answers: Preview: 1. Do you like to do the laundry ? 2.I hat

18、e todo chores . 3. I hate some chores , but I like other chores . 4. I like cleaning the bike because I can be outside . 5. I dont like doing dishes because its boring . Step Three: Task 1 :do , do , make , do , make . Step Five: 一. 我讨厌做家务。1 .讨厌,憎恶 ;love;讨厌做某事;dogs;I enjoy cooking but hate doing the

19、 dishes . 2. 做家务;洗餐具;扫地;购物;整理床铺;阅读;叠衣服;洗衣服。3. He usually does his homework on weekends . I have learned how to make mooncakes.二. 我喜欢洗车因为我能呆在外面。因为;呆在外面。Step Six: 一. 用 make 或 do填空 2. do , make 3. make 4. do 5. make 6. make 二. 完成句子。 1. hate to do chores .2. make the bed 3. make breakfast , like to cook the bike , like staying out 5. doing the dishes ,is boring 6. fold his clothes.

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