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Book2 Module3 Music精品教育doc.docx

1、Book2 Module3 Music精品教育docBook 2 Module 3 MusicReading and VocabularyTeaching aims:1. Language knowledge aim: On the basis of understanding the passage, students are expected to master useful expressions and sentence patterns to describe a person.2. Language skill aim: Through various activities, st

2、udents can improve basic listening,speaking, reading and writing abilities. 3.Emotion and attitude aim: Help students to appreciate good qualities of famous people and make full use of their own talents.4. Learning strategy aim: Through pair work and group work, help students to realize theimportanc

3、e of improving abilities by working together.5. Cultural notion aim: Students will learn more about music, especially Chinese music, and learn to introduce Chinese musicians.Important points:1. Understand the passage well by doing some exercises related to details. 2. Improve students testing skills

4、.3. Help students learn how to write a composition, using what have been learned.4. The students should be aware that music is universal and its their duty to let foreigners know about Chinese culture Difficult points:How to let the students express their views freely and write a short passage, usin

5、g what they have learned correctly.Teaching methods: 1. Basic reading methods, such as skimming, scanning, intensive reading and so on. 2. Pair work and group work . 3. Task-oriented method. 4. Arouse the students enthusiasm by giving them some encouragement and guidance.Teaching proceduresBefore-cl

6、ass activities:Task1. Learn the new words before class. Refer to a dictionary if necessary.court director genius harpsichord impressed musical peasant symphony talent composer musician orchestra classical lyricsTask 2.Read the materials about the composers 背景资料库1.海顿爸爸尽管我们的大师其貌不扬,却十分善良、纯朴、幽默和平易近人,人气旺

7、盛,因而,他的好友与崇拜者们都亲切而风趣地称他为“海顿爸爸”。 有意思的是,连英国人赠送他的鹦鹉,但凡见了主人,也一口一个Papa。海顿被尊称为“交响乐之父”,其实,无论交响曲还是弦乐四重奏都不是由他首创,但是正是在他的培植下,这两种重要的器乐曲体裁才从草创进入了成熟阶段2.饱受病痛折磨的贝多芬1796年,听觉日渐衰弱。 1816年,重伤风,卧床数月。1820年至1821年,关节炎,行走困难。1821年,黄热病。1823年,结膜炎。1824年,耳病发作,不久后全聋贝多芬一生创作题材广泛,被后世尊称为“乐圣”。 他数量众多的音乐作品通过强烈的艺术感染力和宏伟气魄,将古典主义音乐推向高峰。他对生活

8、的期望和对艺术的执着追求战胜了他个人的苦痛和绝望。3.天才莫扎特坐立不“安”给莫扎特修过头发的理发师回忆:帮他弄头发是件很困难的事,他从来坐不安稳,每时每刻都有灵感出现,然后他就会立刻冲向钢琴,理发师只能手里拿着头绳跟在莫扎特后面。用鼻尖弹奏的钢琴曲莫扎特创作过一段特别难弹奏的钢琴曲,按照乐谱,两手分别弹两端的琴键时,演奏者还需要敲击中间的一个琴键。据说他和海顿打赌看谁能把这段曲子弹出来,海顿试弹后放弃了;轮到莫扎特演奏时,当那个音符该出现,莫扎特弯腰用鼻子压下了琴键。Purpose of this part 1.To learn some new words and make reading

9、 easier 2.To learn about some background knowledge and arouse students interest信息技术运用:网络While-class activitiesStep1.Pre-reading activitiesTask 3.Listen to a song and finish the lyrics. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. _ _the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle,

10、 twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. When the blazing(炽热的) sun is _, when he nothing _ upon. Then you show your little light, twinkle twinkle all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I _ what you are.Purpose of this partTo make preparations for lead- in and to improve listening

11、 skills, at the same time to make class lively信息技术运用:PPTStep2.Lead-in Sing the song together, then ask a question: You are familiar with the song, but do you know who is the composer?Purpose of this part:To arouse the students interest in the composers and prepare them for reading.信息技术运用:PPTStep3.Wh

12、ile-reading activities Task4. Skim the passage and try to solve the following problems. 1. Which can be the best title of the passage?_A. Three Great Austrian Composers.B. Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth Century.C. Three Great child Composers. 2. Analyze the structure of the passage.Which pa

13、ragraphs are about Haydn? _Which paragraphs are about Mozart? _Which paragraphs are about Beethoven? _Purpose of this part:To learn how to choose the best title and analyse the structure of a passage Task5. Scan the passage to find the answers to the detailed questions. 信息技术运用:PPTPart 1 Joseph Haydn

14、 (1732-1809)Fill in the table below according to your reading. NameJoseph HaydnTitle(头衔)He is known as_Family backgroundHe was _in a village, the son of a _.Achievement(成就)He _ the symphony _ a long piece for a large orchestra.ExperienceAfter studying music in Vienna, he worked as _ of music at the

15、court of a prince. Having worked there for _ years, he moved to London and he was very _ there.Part 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)Put the following events in order of time. A. He met Haydn. B. He composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin. C. He toured Europe giving concerts.

16、D. He played in a concert for the Empress of Austria. E. Wolfgang had musical talent from a very early age.F. He started composing music.The right order: EPart3 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)Work in pairs. One student asks the questions and the other answers quickly. You need to finish as many que

17、stions as possible within one minute!【一分钟快问快答】1. Who taught Beethoven how to play the violin and piano?2. What did Beethovens father do?3. Did he stop composing when he became deaf?4. Who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna?5. How did Beethoven think of Haydn? Why?6. When and where was Beethoven

18、born?7. Was Mozart impressed by Beethoven?8. Where did Beethoven spend the last years of his life?9. Can you name one of Beethovens famous work?10. Which piece of his music do you like best? Why?Purpose of this part:1.To develop the students ability in dealing with detailed questions in reading thro

19、ugh different kinds of exercises 2.To improve students ability to express themselves信息技术运用:PPTTask 6. Deeper studyFinish the text without referring to your textbook. After filling all the blanks, discuss your answers with your group members. Pay attention to the grammar.(讨论完成后,微课讲解)Joseph Haydn, 1._

20、 Austrian composer, is known as “the father of symphony”. After studying music in Vienna, Haydn went to work at the court of a prince, 2. _ he became director of music. 3. _ (work) there for 30 years, he went to London, and he was very successful there.Mozart, possibly the 4. _ (great) musical geniu

21、s of all time, only lived 35 years. By the time he was 14, Mozart 5._ (compose) many pieces. While he was still a teenager, he toured Europe 6._ (give) concerts. Beethoven was born in Germany, who showed musical talent at an early age. It was Haydn 7._ encouraged Beethoven 8._ (move) to Vienna. 9._

22、he grew older, he began to go deaf. He became 10._ (complete) deaf during the last years of his life.Notes:_Purpose of this part:To have a further study of the passage and grasp some useful expressions and grammatical knowledge.信息技术运用:PPT,微课Step4.Enjoy and think: Task7.1.Listen to some music and tel

23、l their features2.Answer a question: Do you think Beethoven was right when he said “He has taught me nothing”?Purpose of this part:1. To improve students ability to enjoy and appreciate music2. To make students understand “everyone has advantages and we should learn from each other.”信息技术运用:PPTStep5.

24、Additional readingTask 8.五选三(题目要求同七选五) Taylor Swift is a singer-songwriter, who has shaped and inspired the American music industry with her success. When Taylor Swift first came to public notice, she was a 17-year-old newcomer who loved singing to her own guitar. 1._.Four years later, Swift became

25、a multi-awards winner, with the biggest selling albums. 2._. She is the youngest artist to receive honors and several Billboard Music Awards. “Taylor has shown the power of good songwriting with music of styles.” said Bill Werde, Billboards editorial director, “And at such a young age, Taylor has al

26、ready made a major impact (影响) on music and has been an unbelievable role model for promising artists and young woman everywhere.”Swift is used to breaking chart records and winning honors since her career started. She followed that up in 2019 with Fearless, which established her as a skilled songwr

27、iter with several hits, including Love Story, You Belong With Me and White Horse. 3_.After a three year hiatus(间断), Taylor Swift has finally released a new album, titled Reputation on November, 10th, 2019.A. She said the new album is about feelings of growing up and becoming an adult.B. For her exce

28、llent performance, Taylor Swift was named Billboard Magazines Woman in 2019.C. Not surprisingly, Fearless is the most awarded album in country music history in the US.D. According to a recent interview, Swift has so far written about 10 songs for her new album. E. She was far more enthusiastic than

29、skilled, but apparently showed a lot of talent.1). Choose the correct sentences for the blanks. 1._ 2._ 3._2). Try to translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._ Notes:_Purpose of this part:To help students read more similar articles and accumulate related knowledge. This is one of the ways to

30、improve students reading abilities.信息技术运用:PPTStep6.Post-reading activitiesTask9.Put what we have learnt into practice学以致用 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Smith喜欢中国音乐,最近在纽约看了著名歌手李健的巡回演唱会,对他非常感兴趣,想请你为他简要介绍李健。请根据下文提示,给Smith回复电子邮件。要求: 字数80词左右。 1) 1974年出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市;自小就表现出音乐天赋; 2) 1994年考入清华大学。大学期间积极参加学校的演出,并多次在歌唱比赛中获一等奖。 3) 获得很多大奖,如最佳歌手,最佳制作人 。在很

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